Pillars of the Wu family

Chapter 552 Reveal the truth

In March of the 11th year of Yonglu, another year of spring came. When it entered the season of warm spring and flowers blooming and all things recovering, Kyoto became a beautiful giant garden. Every scenic spot could see the brilliant cherry blossoms blooming like clouds. Walking on the two main roads in Kyoto, you can feel that spring in Kyoto always has a sweet and youthful atmosphere.

Children cheer and dance around like happy birds, old people enjoy the rare spring scenery with smiles on their faces, young couples may go down the river in a boat, enjoy the beautiful scenery of Lake Biwa and the flower city by the lake, or go for an outing together in the quiet Looking for traces of spring in the mountains and forests.

In the quiet pagoda forest in Juguang Temple in Kyoto, two plainly dressed warriors, one middle and one young, are standing. They should be a pair of father and son. They are offering sacrifices for several offering pagodas in the pagoda forest. Jiuxiu and Matsunaga communicate, the father and son came to visit the graves of Miyoshi Changqing and Miyoshi Yoshiko ahead of time.

Song Yongxiu knelt in front of the offering tower and bowed respectfully, just like what he did when he saw Miyoshi Changqing and Miyoshi Yoshiko, and said with a complicated expression: "My lord, young temple, I'm sorry, my Jiuxiu I can only express my shame and remorse in the form of sweeping the grave in advance, now that the descendants of the Miyoshi family have been cut off, my lord will not blame himself too much for killing Dongkang Palace!"

Even if there are means to entangle and collide with the righteousness of the monarch and ministers for many years, after all, the friendship between the monarch and the ministers will always be there. Song Yongxiu said with a little weeping on his face: "I have sinned a lot. When offering tonics, the ministers thought that the Shaodian was only suffering from a few chronic illnesses and it was not serious, so he encouraged the Shaodian to take more tonics so that he could leave an heir as soon as possible to support his descendants. I didn’t want this tonic to kill the Shaodian.”

Song Yongtong comforted: "Father, don't be too sad. My lord can understand my father's good intentions. As long as you have good intentions, you will probably be forgiven if you do something wrong!"

Song Yongxiu said heartbrokenly: "Everyone says that I, Jiuxiu, was the number one treacherous official of the Miyoshi family. I slandered and killed Dongkangdian in vain, murdered the Shaodian and the lord, and even Mixiudian was an old man who fought far away in the Yamato Kingdom. Killing the dead, I Jiuxiu refuses to accept it! It is true that I slandered and killed Dongkang Palace in vain, but this is not something I can do alone. If there are no friends, it will definitely not be possible. It is even more nonsense to poison the Shaodian and kill the lord Let’s talk. Killing the Young Hall is good for me, Jiuxiu, only bad!"

The father and son ran over to sweep the grave just before the first anniversary ceremony, purely to vent the pressure in their hearts. Whoever asked him to work full-time in Miyoshi's family all these years were all shady activities, such as assassination and frame-up, etc. Using all the methods, he belongs to the role of a scavenger who is hated and hated in Miyoshi's family.

The self-proclaimed loyal genealogy hates him, and the self-proclaimed brave samurai fears him. People always subconsciously hate the minions and eagle dogs, and prefer the samurai with noble morals and courage. The kind Anzhai Dongyasu.His Song Yongxiu is like the smelly and hard stone in the latrine.

There are only a few people who like him, and his interpersonal relationship is bad. There are almost no true friends in the system.Every colleague who interacts with him has various thoughts and cautious contacts. In Miyoshi's family, he is also an isolated direct minister line. Only when he is isolated can Miyoshi Changqing use him with confidence, and he is Miyoshi Changqing's practice and balance A chess piece of the way.

Matsunaga Hideo is only a small part of this system, and is still a relatively isolated minority in the Miyoshi family. Even if he has excellent execution ability, the Yamato Kingdom, which has repeatedly made military exploits in recent years, is willing to integrate into the Miyoshi family system. Lowering his seniority to be the son-in-law of Miyoshi Changqing still cannot conceal his origin as a businessman rather than a samurai.

Just like many ordinary samurai families in the Warring States Period, this is a leading family established with the Miyoshi family as the Miao character. The Awa Ogasawara family, the Settsu Akutagawa family and other relatives have many human resources. There are many royal family members who are related to each other, which makes it difficult for family members who are not from the Miyoshi family to get along better.

Matsunaga Hideo is no match for Iwanari Tomotsu, who is also Miyoshi Changqing's son-in-law, and the difference is not small. Anyway, Iwanari Tomotsu comes from Kyoto Zhuangguan and is a well-known cultural person. He knows a lot of people in Kyoto and Sakaimachi. The wealthy businessmen and cultured people, both of them initially followed the official route, but their personal circumstances were very different.

As the son-in-law of Miyoshi Changqing, Iwasei Yumichi has limited self-knowledge and chooses to follow in the footsteps of Miyoshi Changqing. His behavior is relatively stable and he is not afraid of it. Hideo Matsunaga is more ambitious and unwilling to be lonely. As an insignificant person, he changed his career to strive for military exploits and go out of the town to become a general.

His strategy was very successful. In the past ten years, his status in the Miyoshi family has risen rapidly, which has further aroused the fear and hostility of the Miyoshi family. The cake in Kinai is only this big. Miyoshi’s family has one family, and the stronger Matsunaga Hideo is, the more he is hated by others, so disgusted that Matsunaga Hideo has been squeezed out all these years and it is difficult to intervene in government affairs, forcing him to take the upper-level route, hugging Miyoshi Yoshiko’s thigh to stabilize status.

The survival of Miyoshi Yoshiko is the best thing for him, because he is very familiar with Miyoshi Yoshiko, the successor of the family governor. For more than ten years, he has been serving as the assistant governor and has a deep relationship with Miyoshi Yoshiko. Miyoshi Changqing also Don't worry about letting your son-in-law establish a deep friendship with this lonely minister. It's more reassuring to be close to a lonely minister than to be close to such a famous and powerful genealogist as Miyoshi Yoshiken and Azaka Toyasu.

The sudden death of Miyoshi Yoshiken in the Battle of Kumeta was one of the greatest gratifications of that year, but in fact, this was nothing more than a blow to Miyoshi Changqing. Time is in a semi-retired state, and I can smoothly help my son-in-law get through the adaptation period of being in power. As long as the son-in-law is healthy and happy, Miyoshi Changqing can abdicate and become a monk with peace of mind. Aren't leisure activities such as tea parties and even song parties very chic and comfortable.

Matsunaga Hideo can also follow suit. Miyoshi Yoshihide must be inseparable from his loyal eagle dog to escort him as the house governor. Now Matsunaga Hideo is an old man who is nearly sixty years old. Permanent pass.Relying on the good personal relationship between Matsunagato and Miyoshi Yoshiko.and achievements over the years.In the future, it will not be difficult to become an important minister and family elder.

As the lone minister of the generation of Miyoshi family tree, Song Yongxiu has long been tied to the chariot of Miyoshi family. The bright future in hand, in exchange for Miyoshi Yoshitsugu's pursuit of an unknowable and uncertain future, this deal seems to be a loss.

Miyoshi Yoshiko's death was an accident. Since the turmoil in Kyoto in the sixth year of Yonglu, Miyoshi Yoshiko lost the opportunity to marry the general's daughter.Miyoshi Changqing chose a young, beautiful and healthy samurai woman at home to serve as the housewife. This is actually a relatively normal situation in this era. Many samurai were not born in the main family but were still descendants.

For example, the biological mothers of many emperors in the Heavenly Royal Family were female emperors rather than empresses or middle palaces. It was because the queens or middle palaces were unable to give birth to children, so the female emperors who were concubines gave birth to children. There are many examples of this from ancient times to the present. At the time, the Ashikaga family was a descendant who was not a direct descendant, and the mother of Ashikaga Yoshimitsu and Ashikaga Yoshimitsu was also the daughter-in-law of Ashikaga Yoshimitsu.

Flattering Miyoshi Yoshiko turned out to be self-defeating and killed people. It is like flattering a horse's ass. Miyoshi Yoshiko had a great hope of inheriting the family business and becoming a promising king.It's a pity that all of this was completely interrupted by the sudden death of Yoshiko Miyoshi, and all the beautiful illusions came to naught.

The sudden death of Miyoshi Yoshiko put an end to all good visions.Miyoshi Changqing suffered from the pain of losing his only child in middle age and once lost his normal thinking ability, forcing Matsunaga Hideo, who was preparing to enjoy his old age, to go straight to the fire. The real crisis urgently made a new political decision, and supported Miyoshi Yoshitoshi, who was relatively weak in the background, to succeed him. position, barely in line with Matsunaga Hideo's basic interests, but he has no way out if he goes out this step.

Song Yongxiu bowed again and said: "Master, please forgive my Jiuxiu's recklessness. It is inevitable that Miyoshi's family will fall into chaos and decline. The short-term balance and stability of the family will eventually be broken. My Jiuxiu All I can do is to protect the interests of my Matsunaga family, as for the success of the Miyoshi family, it depends on the achievements of the new lord."

Staring at the lines of writing on the offering tower for a long time, I didn't say a word until Song Yongtong suddenly said: "Father, it seems that someone is coming, let's leave first!"

After a while, several young warriors holding boxes and cages walked up and looked down at the sacrifices placed in front of the offering tower. Captain Miyoshi Shinzaemon, the younger brother of Miyoshi's long house, asked strangely: "Who were those two people just now? Why would you come here to sacrifice at this time?"

"Perhaps it's just as we thought, hiding from the hustle and bustle of a taboo, and came early to sweep the Juguangyuan hall." Miyoshi Masamori looked thoughtfully at the two figures who were leaving in a hurry, always feeling that this old man Yi Shao's figure was somewhat familiar.

Miyoshi Yasutoshi and Miyoshi Masakatsu are cousins, they are about the same age and get along very well, since Miyoshi Yoshiko and Ataka Toyasu passed away one after another, the relationship between the two has become closer and closer. A figure gradually disappearing from a corner whispered, "Have you noticed that Uemon Weiden? Those two seem to be Matsunaga Tansama and his son."

Miyoshi Zhengsheng said oh, no wonder it looks familiar. Looking carefully, this figure really looks like Matsunaga Hideo's walking posture. Thinking about it, he asked casually, "How did you see that?"

"A few days ago, Matsunaga was wearing that outfit when meeting friends in Kyoto. I must have come to Kyoto this time to take advantage of meeting friends to visit this festival."

Miyoshi Yasutoshi's reminder reminded everyone of Matsunaga Hideo's actions. Miyoshi's master Mizusawa said: "The father and son have been very active in Kyoto recently. I don't know what plans Matsunaga Tanseiden is thinking about."

"Could it be to kill the lord?" Several warriors looked at each other with expressions of disbelief, and said with some uncertainty: "Probably not so vicious? After all, there are powerful warriors at home, how many pairs of eyes are staring at Matsunaga?" The correct movement..."

Miyoshi Zhengsheng coughed and said, "Don't listen to the rumors in the market, gentlemen, it's impossible to do."

"Hehe, I also heard rumors in the market that it was because of the curse of Manshoinden (Ashikaga Yoshiharu) that my Miyoshi family suffered bad luck one after another. You say this is ridiculous!"

Miyoshi Kangjun grinned stupidly for a while, and noticed the thoughtful expressions of several warriors, and said, "You won't really believe such rumors anymore!"

"It's hard to say... After all, the power of ghosts and gods is beyond our comprehension. When Wansongyuan Palace passed away, there seemed to be such rumors."

"The main reason is that the deaths of Sun Taroden, Settsu Shouden, and Juguangindian are too bizarre, and they died one after another without making a sound. By the time I got the news, the beginning and the end have been dealt with. Let me wait." The members of the sect are also at a loss as to the truth about the deaths of the three His Highnesses."

Miyoshi Zhengsheng knelt in front of the offering tower, and said seriously: "Recently, the actions of the Miyoshi trio are very strange. It seems that there is a military mobilization. I don't know what kind of conspiracy Matsunagaden is brewing..." (To be continued.. )

ps: Bow and thank book friend Xiao Zimu for the reward.

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