Pillars of the Wu family

Chapter 556 Funny Woman

On the fifth day after the influential secret meeting ended, on a sunny morning, Ashikaga Yoshinori got up as usual to exercise his muscles and bones, and shared a rich breakfast with his wife and children. Regarding the handling of government affairs, I learned that a huge fleet from England came to dock at Edo Port yesterday evening. When the city gate of Edo was opened at dawn, an envoy was sent to deliver the news, saying that it was the York Chamber of Commerce in England. Come here for overseas trade.

After a hasty confession, I rushed to the port to receive the guests. I saw the long-lost woman Claudia in the Nanban House in Edo Port. The man and woman who had been reunited after a long absence embraced each other enthusiastically and immediately had a long French deep kiss. It took a long time for Ashikaga Yoshitoshi to regain his sanity after his lips parted before noticing that Christine was also in the room.

"I wondered how the fleet that came over a few years ago was still the Argot Chamber of Commerce, but how it became the York Chamber of Commerce in the blink of an eye..." Ashikaga Yoshitoki said pretending to be relaxed: "What a good name, I knew it was the name when I saw it. You are here, how have you been in the past few years?"

Claudia snuggled into his arms and whispered softly: "The son has grown up and asked where my father is? I told him that his father is in the far east, and he can only be seen when he becomes the greatest sea lord. Believe it."

Ashikaga Yoshitoki was caught off guard: "What's the child's name? Is he doing well?"

"His name is Edward Joseph York. He is seven years old and is healthy and lively. He has brown-black curly hair. His nose and mouth are very similar to yours. His smile is so beautiful that I can't help but remember you. He has a cat." Hounds, a cat, and a talking parrot. He likes to swim, hunt, and fish. He's just like you when he's quiet and meditating." Claudia pulled out a scroll.It unfolded to be portraits of Claudia and Edward.

The background is the Caribbean Sea under the blue sky and white clouds, golden beaches and exotic coconut groves. Claudia is sitting in the courtyard of a certain villa, combing the same hair as today with a happy smile on her face. Next to her was a cute little boy with snow-white complexion, long brown curly hair and blue eyes, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, just like Ashikaga Yoshitoki's smile.

Ashikaga Yoshitoki sighed for a long time: "What a lovely child."

Only then did I notice that the woman in front of me had her long hair pulled up high into a woman's shape, her waist was still slender as before, and the fullness of her chest seemed more spectacular than before.The slightly cold expression added a bit of aloofness and pride, Ashikaga Yoshitoki praised: "You are more beautiful than before, and your temperament seems to have changed a lot, and you look more like a duchess. Tie up your hair, did you marry a nobleman as your wife?"

Claudia rolled his eyes at him and said: "Christine thinks of you so badly, how can she marry while pregnant with your child? A few years ago, she was pregnant for several months and begged Francis to give up looking for her." For your revenge, you completely gave up the chance to return to London, and stayed with me in the American continent to take care of the children and cultivate the plantations."

Ashikaga Yoshitoki sighed and said, "Sure enough, it's still my fault. I shouldn't have treated Christine like this a long time ago. Is it a boy or a girl?"

Claudia covered her mouth and smiled lightly: "It's a boy. His name is Alfred Joseph Drake. Little Alfred's life was much miserable. He had no father since he was a child, only with Christine Ni depends on each other for life, but fortunately, I am magnanimous and gave her a generous salary, otherwise it would be unimaginable."

Yoshitoki Ashikaga dissatisfied: "This is too much! Doesn't Francis just ask his sister?"

"Of course I won't ask about it. My sister's out-of-wedlock child is a very disgraceful stain, and it will have a great adverse effect on the Drake family. In order to make Francis give up revenge on you, Christine voluntarily gave up everything in London, including Inheritance, in exchange for your peace of life." Claudia glanced at Christine again, who walked over at a loss.

Ashikaga Yoshitoki snorted coldly: "Threat me? A ship or a sword? I'm not afraid of a trainee sailor."

"He is no longer an apprentice sailor. He is now the captain of the Golden Deer, in charge of privateering in the North Atlantic. Francis Drake's name is already well-known at sea." Claudia smiled and pulled Chris up. Ting Ni's small hand gently pushed into Ashikaga Yoshitoki's arms.

Yoshitoki Ashikaga smiled disdainfully: "The sea privateer of the Golden Deer, it seems very powerful to grow from a small trainee sailor to this point, in my eyes, it is nothing more than that, he has not been a few years old The little sailor I was before, I am no longer the little lord I was a few years ago."

Spread out an approximately accurate map of Japan, draw a large circle on the area belonging to Dongguo territory, point to the map and say: "These all belong to me, a huge territory covering 10,000+ square kilometers, almost equivalent to England has a large land area, abundant resources and millions of people, I am the ruler here, and I will be a stronger ruler in the future."

"It's really amazing! I occupy so many islands and don't have such a big place. It seems that I will work harder in the future. I can't let Edward be looked down upon by his half-brother when he grows up." Claudine Ya rubbed his breasts against his chest a few times, and said with a smile: "If you want to talk about this again, I will take Christine back to the boat."

"You are such a little fairy." Ashikaga Yoshitoki walked slowly into the depths of the room, holding his willow waist, and after a while, a fierce attack horn sounded in the sultry spring curtains, just like the bright spring morning outside the window.

The former Argot Chamber of Commerce, now known as the York Chamber of Commerce, is one of Claudia's several fleets. It mainly travels the East Asian trade route and sails once every two years for trade. Making money is the man who supports her on the one hand. On the other hand, of course, it is not ruled out that there is the possibility of exploring and collecting information on sea routes and islands in Asia, so as to leave enough room for future colonial expansion.

Everyone has their own secrets, and Claudia's secrets belong to the more numerous ones. Her secrets should not be related to physical cheating. It can be seen from her words and deeds that she has been hungry and thirsty for many years. As soon as he arrived, he planned to squeeze this man dry, but because of his loyalty to England, he could not grasp the context of this woman.

Claudia's devotion to Elizabeth I runs deep.Just like her attachment to Ashikaga Yoshitoki is very deep.The former is absolutely loyal and the latter is not necessarily called love.A woman can endure seven or eight years of wandering abroad to raise her children without coming to see him, which shows that this woman is very forbearing and also shows that she has certain purposes, and for this reason she does not hesitate to break the price of enjoying family life.

Ashikaga Yoshitoki couldn't grasp her. A few years ago, he tried to draw her attention to change each other's senses. Christine, an outsider, was drawn into it, which made him very suspicious that Claudia might have planned to take advantage of this stupid, stupid woman.

Claudia really admitted her thoughts, she was very optimistic about John Hawkins and Francis Drake very early on.He didn't want to condescend to use his body to seduce a little captain, so he set his mind on Christine, as long as he dragged his only sister into the water, he would not worry that Francis Drake would fly out of her The palm of the hand, as long as the Drake brothers and sisters are tied, these two chess pieces can be used to involve the cousin John Hawkins of the two brothers and sisters.

Yoshitoshi Ashikaga pondered for a moment to digest this unbelievable story, and suddenly stretched out his hand to pat Claudia Yuki's buttocks, and said angrily: "You woman is so bold, in front of your husband, you say I don’t want to sell my body to be someone else’s mistress, so should I beat you up to let you know how powerful the Eastern family is?”

Claudia said triumphantly: "Hehehe...you are not my husband! You are just my lover."

"You want a formal wedding? That's no problem, there is a Protestant church in the port. I can give you everything." Ashikaga Yoshitoki said seriously.

Claudia tilted her head and smiled suddenly: "No, I don't want to compete with other women. And please don't forget that we are monogamous and bigamy in any form or by any means is not allowed. You will give up everything for me Ma'am?"

Ashikaga Yoshitoki immediately dismissed the temptation to Claudia, and secretly cursed: "This cunning woman is really difficult to deal with, you must find a way to restrain her."

There is really no better way to deal with Claudia. This woman is always invulnerable to him. This time, she didn’t even say a word about England. It’s all about how stormy the sea is. There are so many sharks in the Caribbean Sea. Topics like how many islands were laid down by gold and silver treasures.

This is defensiveness and a means of protecting secrets. The same Ashikaga Yoshitoki never talked about his love life, not to mention the earth-shattering things he has done in these years, and he brags about the hostile lords who have beaten Wudi, crying for his father and mother. And escape, anyway, the general situation is like this, it is impossible to expect a foreign girl to remember the difference between Yuki Haruto and Yuuki Haruzuna.

Dishonesty between each other does not affect the continuation of the cooperation, not only to continue but also to make the degree of connection closer. While the two sides have completed intersections through physical wars, they are also constantly testing out their respective growth lines. The two are very satisfied with each other's achievements, and then identify future goals that can further strengthen the bond.

During the hands-on conversation, Ashikaga Yoshitoki also kept thinking: "This is the process of political investment. If you feel that you are satisfied with each other, you will invest more capital operations. In comparison, I still take advantage of it. I get two women and two women. A son plus the products needed for maritime trade, and the other party paid so much and only got some trade products, since I always earn money, why bother to care about whether I control it or not?"

Nowadays, Ashikaga Yoshitoki has a lot of high-end products, such as silk and linen, porcelain, silver, iron cannons, plate armor, tea, dyes, and trade items that they cannot obtain from the Ming Dynasty can be satisfied from here, Claudi Ya's trade products are also very rich. England's native woolen trade products, spices, coffee, cocoa, rubber, palm oil, cotton, iron ore and other trade products cannot dominate the entire trading process due to the relatively low output at the beginning.

Claudia can also provide many supplies from privateers, including Clark galleons, Galen galleons, some half-snake cannons, mortars, and a large amount of gunpowder and saltpeter, for which Ashikaga Yoshitoki needs to pay a sufficient amount The exchange of silver can only be completed, and the whole trade process is stalemate and long, which is a headache.

This foreign couple doesn't care about the fact that their children are already able to play soy sauce. They fight for every advantage and argue with each other all night. Sometimes the battle between men and women will not let go of verbal confrontation. When they are in love, they are full of affection How many people are envious, once Li withdraws and stands up, they will be tit for tat without seeing the tenderness just now, and the contrast is so great that Christine is very puzzled.

Both of them are great nobles with titles, and they are both top figures in their respective worlds. The similar way of thinking and similar intelligence make them decide to form an alliance with each other. This is not love or two rational monarchs of equal status. There can be no love between them, and any beautiful things seem so pale and powerless under the cold gaze of the two.

A cruel king may have a beloved woman, and that woman can be anyone but not the same cruel queen. The same level of thinking makes it impossible for them to be lingering. A woman with strong desires and a man with the same power desire Getting together is like a lion meeting a tiger. The powerful opposite sex makes them involuntarily try to maintain strength in front of each other, which will not produce love after all.

Looking at the long and detailed list of transactions, Ashikaga Yoshiki said dissatisfiedly: "Are you trying to dump me as a waste product? Artillery, gunpowder, saltpeter, iron ore and the like are enough, and more than 100 tons of Netherlands curved bow The boat was also given to me. Among the fifteen ships, only one galleon was over [-] tons, which was much worse than the [-]-ton galleon last time, and the asking price was even higher than last time. Would you like a [-]% off friendship price?"

"This is already the most favorable price. Each ship will be given a discount of [-]% to [-]% according to the age of use and damage. This price will be sold out in any port in Europe. Didn't we just fight it?" Have you started a long friendship battle? Do I look like a noble female knight?" Claudia's long hair was quietly let down, and the slightly curly long hair reached her waist, looking charming and sexy.

"Yes! You are a noble female knight, and I am your brave mount. Ride me on the field!" Yoshitoki Ashikaga shrugged helplessly. There was nothing he could do about this crazy woman. Christine snickered in a low voice, and was pulled up by Claudia to play a double-riding scene.

A good life always goes by so fast. Aside from the mingling of love and desire, the most important trade exchanges are also completed during this period. The York Chamber of Commerce brings a fleet of Western trade goods in exchange for exotic goods and returns with a full load. , The equivalent value of the traded silver was about 200 million taels, and the actual silver currency transactions were less than 20 taels, most of which were reached through the exchange of handicraft products.

The unprecedented big deal added a shot in the arm to the rapid development of the Kanto Ashikaga family. It also made Ashikaga Yoshitoki deeply feel the oppression of England's rapid rise. In less than 20 years, it will transform into a great maritime empire. Claudia's road will also go further and further, whether he can catch up is still a huge question.

The short-lived trade ended on a certain day in early April. Claudia kissed him for a moment in front of Edo Port and turned to board the deck. When the galleon slowly left the port, she waved: "If everything goes well, we My second child will also be born, next time I will come with a larger fleet, I hope that when I come to see you, you will already be the master of this country, don't let me down."

Ashikaga Yoshitoki looked at the fleet that was going away in a daze for a long time, and said meaningfully: "What an interesting woman..." (to be continued...)

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