Pillars of the Wu family

Chapter 559 Three Good Breakups

On May 11, [-]th year of Yonglu, [-] troops from the Miyoshi family crossed Katsura River and entered Koizumi City near Kyoto to garrison. The defenders also received orders from Miyoshi Yoshitsugu to fully cooperate with the Shangluo army's military operations.

The so-called cicadas are aware of the autumn wind, and those who react the fastest are these public officials, wealthy businessmen, and cultural people who are walking in the capital. They fled the capital in groups with their families, which indicates that the disaster is inevitable. During the daytime, the peaceful and peaceful Kyoto sky was shrouded in thick battle clouds, and there was a tendency that the mountains and rain were about to come and the wind filled the building.

At this time, Ashikaga's foster relative also came to Katsuryuji Castle, which is only across the river from Kyoto. This young samurai just turned 30 years old this year, just like a father with unfulfilled ambitions. As soon as he came to Shenglong Temple City, he enthusiastically proposed to go around the Katsura River, so Miyoshi Yoshitsugu had to take a hundred or so entourages to go out with the reserve general.

May is just the season of the turn of spring and summer. The warm sun exudes scorching heat and bright sunshine. Standing on the bank of Guichuan River is blown by the cool and cool breeze, and the dryness in my heart is also taken away by the strong summer wind. In the Katsura River, you can just see Kyoto across the river. Looking southeast along the Katsura River is Saiheyuan at the junction of Katsura River and Kamo River. There are countless stone towers piled up with gravel. The small Ksitigarbha Buddhist Pagoda that the residents of Kyoto place for the dead children.

Ashikaga's foster relative rode his horse and stood on the bank of the river, muttering to himself: "This is Kyoto, the Kyoto where my father wants to come back day and night, for this reason I would rather abandon my comfortable life, and abandon my mother to return to Kyoto! In order to return to Kyoto. My father was ill. My mother shed tears. How should I describe you? Kyoto."

Hearing the incumbent Hirashima's authentic Shikoku dialect, Miyoshi Yoshitsugu felt inexplicably close and loved, rode his horse over and said with a smile: "Kyoto is an exciting, yearning, and beautiful city full of countless dreams. I believe His Royal Highness will definitely like Kyoto!"

"Excitement? Yes! I am excited, excited, and haunted by dreams for a long time. Perhaps there is no place more attractive than Kyoto!" Staring at the beautiful city in the distance, I fell into memory.

Since the establishment of the Muromachi Shogunate, the Ashikaga Shogun’s family has written 200 years of prosperity in Kyoto. The heyday of Ashikaga Yoshimitsu in Luyuan Temple can still fascinate every Ashikaga family. Willing to bow down, Minamoto Yoritomo established the Kamakura Shogunate and became the actual ruler of the samurai family. Then the Ashikaga shogunate spent 200 years telling the world what it means to be extremely noble and equal to the emperor.

Ashikaga Yoshimitsu was indeed able to stand shoulder to shoulder with the emperor, and the posthumous title given by the imperial court was posthumously named the Supreme Emperor. This honor is unimaginable throughout the ages, except for the posthumous title of the abdicated emperor and the emperor.Only a few princes who collapsed in the middle way or did not become the emperor for various reasons received the posthumous title of Emperor Taishang after their death.

The rulers of the imperial court in the Heian period, some of the Fujiwara family who were the ministers of Guanbai Taizheng, did not enjoy this kind of respect.Kiyomori Taira, who was at its peak, never enjoyed it. Nor did Yoritomo Genji, the seventh generation pillar of the Hanoi Genji family, and Takashi Ashikaga, who founded the Muromachi Shogunate, did not enjoy it. Only Yoshimitsu Ashikaga did it. Create a precedent for the heyday of martial arts.

The Ashikaga Yoshinori spread his hands as if embracing the world, and said proudly: "Every descendant of the Ashikaga family has the dream of going to Luo for a moment. It is the ambition of every Ashikaga family member to create a flourishing era for the shogunate! It is also the ambition of my foster relative!"

"Your Majesty Gongfang is full of fighting spirit. I think he can do it!" The contempt flashed in Miyoshi Yoshitsumi's eyes, probably trying to laugh at this idiot who likes to daydream. It’s still uncertain who it belongs to, at least let me, Miyoshi Yoshitsugu, sit down for a while before we talk about it!”

Ashikaga's foster relative said enthusiastically: "Yu remembered a very important thing. Since Yu is about to serve as a general in Luo, I have to change my name, so I decided to find a name with auspicious meaning. I asked the eminent monk in Sakai Town to consult for a long time to decide. What does Jingzhaodian think of using the word Rong?"

"Rongzhe, the meaning of luxuriant vegetation, extended to the prosperity of the family business, respect and love, what a good name!" Miyoshi Yoshitsugu thought about his new name Ashikaga Yoshiei, and felt that this idiot really seemed like that.

Ashikaga's foster relative nodded in satisfaction: "So we will announce this news when we get back! Maybe it can boost morale!"

"Follow the order."

Probably because he felt that he was appointed as the general who conquered the barbarians, married a noble lady, and reached the pinnacle of his life. Therefore, Ashikaga's foster relatives were in a very good mood. He rode his horse along the river bank for half a circle and was still very excited. He turned eastward for a while and looked west , Touring the castle town near Shoryuji Castle does not feel boring at all.

This dangerous pass made Miyoshi’s family’s horses exhausted, and wherever Hirashima’s official went, he had to open the front room and surround him behind. , running around under the sun for a long time under the scorching heat, the exhausted and thirsty people who had been tired for a long time looked eagerly at the lord for help.

At this time, there is a small gathering in the castle town of Katsuryuji Temple every ten days. There are countless townspeople, business travelers, and even nearby villagers. I don’t know how many interesting things attract Ashikaga’s foster relatives. Miyoshi Yoshitsugu is also worried about this. The running was going to be endless, so he said: "His Highness Gongfang must be dead after running for a day! Why don't we just go back to the city and rest? Your servant has already prepared fruit and drink, and beautiful maids are waiting for His Highness Gongfang."

"Not busy, not busy! Look at what performance is in front of you?" Ashikaga Yoshinori stared wide-eyed at the priestess who was slowly walking in the distance dancing the magic dance. The priestess was dancing and walking on the street accompanied by Kagura. The priests played solemn kagura with several musicians, and they performed the most common divine dance.

Similar shrine activities are presented in almost every place every year and every month. The nearby shrines made a special trip to thank the villagers for their donations, and performed a divine dance to thank the villagers for their love. Have seen many times.It's not a big deal for top samurai like them to summon the priestess of the shrine to dance and sleep.

But the witches that caught his eyes seemed to be completely different from the past.They seem to have a magical power to attract the attention of Ashikaga's foster relative.The red and white shrine maiden costumes highlighted the graceful figures of the shrine maidens, especially the headed maiden, whose gorgeous appearance is unforgettable, and it will make the young Hirashima Kokamo look stupid.

The moment he saw the beautiful maiden stretching her waist lightly, it seemed that the whole world had changed to only the figure of that woman. Unable to control himself, Ashikaga Yoshihim murmured: "There are still such beautiful women in this world. I have never seen or imagined a beauty."

After saying that, he got off his horse and slowly went up to him.Miyoshi Yoshitsuji Liansheng shouted urgently: "His Royal Highness! Horse Huizhong quickly follow."

Dozens of horse warriors got off their horses and chased after them. After such a short delay, they couldn’t find Ashikaga’s relatives. The only thing that came into view was the endless crowd. Yiji scolded angrily: "Didn't you let you clear the way in front and surround and protect His Highness Gongfang Zhou Quan? Why did you drop the pick at this time! Go find someone immediately! Don't even think about living if you can't find His Highness Gongfang!" !"

"Ha!" Most of the stupefied horses got off their horses again, and rushed into the crowd to search.

Catch up with the gathering held once every ten days, I really have no temper at all. The samurai can't kick the townspeople away arbitrarily. There are many stalls selling their own products.Everywhere is crowded with spectators who are shopping, shopping and watching dances. Finding someone is really like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Miyoshi Yoshitsugu was so anxious that he wished he could draw a knife and chop someone down.The only reason he had was to warn him not to be impulsive and to calm down, he said angrily: "These witches are really evil, why didn't I hear that there is anything special about this Kagura Kamura, have you found any difference?"

"No!" There were only a dozen horseback warriors left shaking their heads repeatedly, thinking that the lord really knows how to joke, and we have to keep our spirits on guard against someone's surprise attack and assassination. How can we bother to hear whether Kagura is appropriate or not? I lost my mind for a while just now, and if I lose my mind for a while, I might lose Miyoshi Yoshitsugu as well.

Miyoshi Yoshitsugu said angrily: "What the hell is going on! The dignified Hirashima government can't walk when they see the wild witches in the village? This is wrong! A few days ago, our family was in Sakaicho for a three-day banquet, don't talk about it The maiden from the humble country shrine, the maiden from the Kasuga Shrine, and the famous ape musician from the Yamato Kingdom have also been invited, and I didn’t find anything unusual about His Royal Highness.”

Just as the warriors of the Miyoshi family were looking around anxiously, suddenly there was an exclamation and noise from the crowd in front of them, and then intermittent screams interrupted the exclamation and noise, and the townspeople who came and went broke into screams and scattered desperately Running away, the whole street suddenly became chaotic, and the group of witches in red and white clothes also fled away in a blink of an eye.

Samurai Mahui caught several townspeople and asked sharply, "What's going on! What happened in front!"

The townspeople were trembling with fear, knelt down and kowtowed non-stop: "Ahead... a dead person in front! A samurai lord snatched the sacred wine from the priest and drank it, and died on the spot. He vomited blood and screamed. It was terrible! Little This is the first time I saw such a terrible thing, my legs were so scared! This is the punishment of the gods and Buddhas!"

Miyoshi Yoshitsugu's eyes were bulging, he gritted his teeth and said, "What kind of clothes does that samurai wear, what kind of attire, does he have a sword, what kind of hair bundle! Tell me!"

The townspeople tremblingly described the clothes and hairstyles, even if they couldn't describe clearly, they still turned the Miyoshi samurai's face blue from fright. This attire seemed to be the Ashikaga foster relative who had just disappeared. Miyoshi Yoshitsugu covered his head He cursed: "This must be a trap! The purpose is to kill His Royal Highness Gongfang! Immediately send someone to contact Pu Daizhong to hold an evaluation meeting in Shenglong Temple City, something big happened!"

Something big happened. A homicide occurred in Tokaichi City, the lower town of Shoryuji Temple. A well-dressed noble warrior vomited blood and died violently in broad daylight. At least hundreds of people witnessed him vomiting blood while screaming in pain. It is said that the man vomited blood Sansheng fell on his back and died. His tragic death makes people easily think of many legends of ghosts in the Heian era, and it is difficult to sensationalize them.

In less than half a day, the murder incident in the castle town of Shoryuji spread to Kyoto.It has also been rendered into several bizarre versions by troublemakers.The most common one is that the warrior who snatched the sacred wine for sacrifice was punished by the gods and died on the spot.It is outrageous to say that this person was possessed by some evil hidden in the bottom of the Guichuan River, tried to challenge the majesty of the gods and Buddhas, and was punished to death on the spot.

The horseback samurai under Miyoshi Yoshitsugu happened to squeeze into the front row to witness the incident at the time of the incident. Unfortunately, when they squeezed to the front, it was too late to rescue them. Staggering out of the crowd, he walked to the line of priestesses performing the divine dance, wanting to caress the face of the chief priestess like a prodigal son.

After being dodged lightly by the chief priestess, she staggered to the altar and the offerings placed on the four-wheeled cart, and Ashikaga's foster relative picked up the sacred wine and drank it down.He wobbled a few more steps and began to vomit blood. While vomiting blood, he held his throat and screamed until he vomited three liters of blood and fell to the ground and died.

From breaking into the maiden's team to vomiting blood, the whole process was only a dozen or so short breaths. During the process of vomiting blood, the priest and maiden discarded things and turned around to run away. The time had already rushed to Ashikaga's foster relative, and it was too late to take any rescue action at this time.

The person he took out to play also disappeared and died under his nose. Miyoshi's genealogy generations all looked at him with something wrong, and Miyoshi Yoshitsugu suddenly felt that the whole person was not well.The Miyoshi trio and Song Yongxiu were even more ashen-faced, and came to Shenglong Temple City excitedly to hear the bad news.It was a bolt from the blue.

Seeing the charcoal-like faces of the Miyoshi trio and Matsunaga Hideo, Miyoshi Kojun couldn't help but want to sneer, but his father, Miyoshi Yasunaga, pulled his arm and suppressed the impulse. If you don't pull him, you will definitely cause big troubles. If you ridicule your political opponents, you will be remembered for small things, but if things make Miyoshi Yoshiki angry, you can't go around.

No one dared to question the family governor's right and wrong, and no matter how brave they were, they would not dare to cause trouble at this point. Maybe Miyoshi Yoshitsugu was waiting for such a daredevil to laugh and say a few inappropriate words, and then use the excuse to catch him. Cut off the hair to let off the anger in the heart, you can't be the first bird who wants to die.

The evaluation room of more than a hundred people was quiet, and all the generations of Miyoshi's family tree pretended to be deaf and dumb and did not answer, forcing Miyoshi Yoshitsugu to vent his anger even more uncomfortable, and cursed: "A few days ago, the Japanese family was still in Sakaimachi. Entertaining Mr. Pingdao and his family, during the banquet for several days, all kinds of beauties are like crucian carp crossing the river. They don’t know themselves, and they don’t see Mr. Pingdao’s soul and god-given appearance, this must be someone’s scheme to frame our family!"

Song Yongxiu rubbed his chin and said in thought: "My lord's words are very true. When the banquet was held for Mr. Pingdao, many important ministers in the family were present, and this minister happened to be lucky enough to be one of them. From this minister's point of view, Mr. Pingdao's ambitions are too great to be drunk. It is definitely not a mediocre person who was confused by that mere witch, and from the explanations of several witnesses, there is no doubt that there is a conspiracy inside, but it is a pity that there is too little information to judge how it was done."

"It's obvious that the wine was poisoned to lure His Royal Highness and the poisoned wine, and then died of the poison. There should be no need to think about how to do it!" Miyoshi Kang Jun satirized him for being confused.

Song Yongxiu sneered and said: "Then there is a question, why does His Royal Highness drink poisoned wine, or break into the dance music team performing dances in broad daylight to snatch the poisoned wine? His Royal Highness is not a drinker You are not a gangster, and you are not a lustful person, so why did you suddenly become greedy for the beauty of the maiden and snatch the divine wine?"

Miyoshi Yasunaga suddenly pressed Miyoshi Kangjun's shoulders to signal his son-in-law to shut up first, stroked his beard and laughed three times and said, "What's so difficult about this matter? Everyone says that making trouble and dying is a punishment from gods and Buddhas! The common people don't know the dead As for the identity of the deceased, how can we not know that the deceased is Pingdao Gongfang when we experience it first-hand, and you must be very clear about the reason for the divine punishment."

Miyoshi Yasutoshi's father-in-law, Miyoshi Changfang, took the opportunity to take over the conversation, and said plausibly: "Why did the previous generation, Mr. Hirashima, be in good health, and suddenly suffered from an incurable disease such as a stroke when he learned of certain things? Why did the current Mr. Hirashima succeed to the throne?" Sudden change of temperament within three months, molesting a maiden in the busy streets, and then drinking the divine wine forcibly to the point of sudden death, what is it if it is not the punishment of the gods and Buddhas?"

The naked attack is short of naming the three good people and Matsunaga Hideo for committing evil. Gods and Buddhas have already issued stern warnings before the evil deeds. Letting them do whatever they want may cause even greater disaster .For example, it brought disaster to Miyoshi's family.A more dangerous genocide crisis than family destruction.

"What a ruthless scheming. What a vicious method. Using ingenious techniques to clean up the lord's guilt, pouring all the dirty water on us, it's extremely hateful!" Mihao trembled with a long sigh of relief, Pointing at Miyoshi Kang, he cursed: "You are framing me. I didn't do anything wrong. This is clearly someone who counted on our actions and made a cold arrow. The punishment of gods and Buddhas is completely nonsense. !"

Sanhao Kangda laughed and said: "Whether it is the punishment of the gods or Buddhas is for the world to judge. What I want to say is that I ask everyone to think about how much Shangluo really means to us, even though Juguangyuandian Passed away, but my Miyoshi family still has a master, many powerful family members, and foreign disciples from the four countries in Kinai, so how many things do we have to worry about in the security of the territory?

Taking ten thousand steps back, my Miyoshi family controls the territories of Kinai and Shikoku, and dominates the thousands of miles of sea waves in Setouchi. Even if we do nothing, we can make money every day.Why bother to make trouble and ruin the reputation that my Miyoshi family has worked so hard to accumulate!Before the death of Juguang Yuandian, the foundation laid for my Sanhao family was already very rich, so why bother to take the risk to do an evil deed whose income is much lower than the payment? "

Song Yongxiu asked with a gloomy face: "Mountain city guards are joking! There is a saying in the Ming Dynasty. It is easy to conquer the country, but it is difficult to defend the country. It seems that the world is really peaceful and peaceful, as long as everyone sweeps the snow in front of their own houses. Just sit back and relax and ask me how to deal with the many opponents in the Miyoshi family. Hanoi Hatakeyama clan, Yamato Tsutsui clan, Tan*tano clan, and Omi Liujiao clan are all strong enemies of my Miyoshi clan. Juguangyuandian should be cautious when dealing with it. Don’t dare to be careless, the battle of Kumeta was a catastrophe caused by a momentary negligence, why did you avoid talking about it?”

Miyoshi Yasunaga evaded questioning with a frowning and contemplative posture. These powerful enemies have been in front of the Miyoshi family for more than 20 years. Each of them has brought many painful memories to the Miyoshi family, especially the stubborn and hot-tempered Takamasa Hatakeyama. People are uncomfortable, and when Miyoshi Changqing was alive, he would have a headache when he heard the name of this person. If Matsunaga Hideo had the courage to expose his shortcomings, he really couldn't answer.

Miyoshi and the three consciously won a small victory, and Miyoshi Zhengkang triumphantly came to add to the snake: "There is also an evil dragon lurking in the sea in Kanto, and it only needs to move a little in Jinai to destroy the world and ruin the family. A dangerous position is waiting for you. If you are not aggressive, the capital will hold the real power. Isn't it waiting for a strong enemy to attack us and get rid of us..."

"The old man was about to say this!" Miyoshi Yasuna seized the opportunity and immediately counterattacked: "So His Royal Highness the Shogun of the Nijo Imperial Palace must not move, not only cannot move but also protect him! His Highness the Shogun has successfully proved one point That is, the shogunate can curb the expansion of the evil dragon in the Kanto. In the past six years, the people of the Kanto have never made a single move against Kinai, and they did not even participate in the battle of Kumeta and the Battle of Jiaoxing Temple in the Kyoto commotion. This is a huge Good news, as long as His Royal Highness the Shogunate is here, we can secure our foundation."

At this moment, Song Yongxiu just wanted to strangle Miyoshi Masayasu, who was superfluous, and was unlucky enough to encounter a scandal where extreme joy gave birth to sorrow. He wanted to scold the three of them for being a fool, but he was afraid that these three guys would deal with him backhandedly. He endured it and decided to wipe him Buttocks, said forcefully: "Don't you know that the shogunate has lived in the temple for more than [-] years, sitting on a beautiful wife and beautiful family and still has no heirs. It has long been rumored that Guandong Gongfang intends to send an heir to succeed the general's family. If things come to pass, we will surely die without a place to die! If we don’t move now, when will we wait?”

Miyoshi's vassals were covered in cold sweat, but they heard Miyoshi Kangchang laughing: "Didn't you hear that His Majesty the Shogunate rejected it? The power of the Guandong Gongfang was tabooed by His Majesty the Shogunate, how could he let his heir?" Inheriting the emperor to inherit the great rule!"

Song Yongxiu snorted coldly and said: "Don't you hear that you are calling at one time and another? His Royal Highness of the former shogunate may have thought so, but how would he know that he would not change his course in the next moment? Especially today's situation is already imminent. If you don’t take it lightly, you will pay back the heavy responsibility and your family will be ruined. As long as we seize the opportunity, there is no chance of a comeback!”

"Strong words make sense!"

"Pedantic words!"

The verbal battle between the two factions has gradually turned into meaningless personal attacks, questioning common sense, attacking character and exposing each other's shortcomings. No, I still remember that this is because the meeting hall didn't dare to do it directly, and had to make an appointment to find a place to fight with swords to decide the reasonable outcome.

It is not far from the time of Miyoshi Changqing's death. Such an ugly farce happened in the city where he was dying. The leaders of the two factions have completely torn their faces and turned the world upside down. In this quarrel, it suddenly became a huge gap. If it weren't for Miyoshi Yoshitsuji's scruples, the two sides would definitely leave voluntarily as the beginning of the break.

"Okay! Stop arguing! What our family wants to discuss is the death of Mr. Hirashima, not here to listen to your quarrels. If you like to quarrel, leave Katsuryuji City and follow your actions!" More than half of the vassals were dead, but he was also the family governor enshrined by the vassals in front of Miyoshi Changqing, so it was really inappropriate to quarrel in the assessment room in front of the lord.

No matter how noisy it is in a normal assessment meeting, it is impossible to quarrel, and it is even more impossible to part ways if the disturbance is at the brink of a sword. Disrespect is a very serious mistake. In some samurai with strict rules, seppuku is mandatory, and some rigid samurai think that a samurai is decent Higher than the sky and thicker than the earth, the Wu family should follow the etiquette and strictness, otherwise they will die.

They certainly don't know how miserable many famous martial arts families are being puppets. It's better to be like a marionette. Let alone such trivial things as quarreling in court, it's not a big deal to chop each other with knives in front of the family governor, or beheading the family governor Ashikaga Yoshinaka was chopped into [-] or [-] sections by Misuke Akamatsu, and Gen Mitomo, under the protection of a group of Kamakura samurai, was stabbed to death by his teenage nephew, Minamoto Akatsuki, who jumped off a big ginkgo tree.

With the decline of the Muromachi shogunate, the authority of the shogun was once lost, which gradually disintegrated the one-family leader system of the Ashikaga family who dominated the world. The guards of various countries appeared in a bad time when they were guarded by the guards and the family. Chinese lords who don't care much about high and low usually don't respect the dignity of the lord. They only respect strength and authority. This is completely different from the Tokugawa era after Azuchi Momoyama in another time and space.

It wasn’t long before Miyoshi Yoshihiro ascended the throne, and he didn’t fall to such a degree. At least a few words were heard, and he said with an unhappy face: “Among the information that my family has, only these witches have been found out. Not the maidens of the local shrines, let alone the maidens of the major shrines in the Yamashiro Kingdom. There was no shrine in the castle town of Tokaichi that day to hold a thank-you festival. According to the reflections of the townspeople, it is true that the maidens are not locals, but a group of witches from Izumo Taisha. , it is said that the leader is called Izumo Akuni..."

Miyoshi Zhengbao frowned and said: "I seem to have heard this name before, but I can't remember where it came from. I wonder if you have heard of it?"

"I'm really familiar with it... Seven years ago, Izumo Akuni, who caused chaos in Kyoto, His Royal Highness once rewarded this girl Sona, I didn't expect her to appear in Yamashiro Kingdom, she is really daring!" Song Yongxiu said The expression was very complicated, including surprise, anger, bewilderment and puzzlement. He knew that there was no Izumo Akuni in the world, but only a layman Guoxin walking in the dark world. The young girl Guoxin left a deep impression on him.

Miyoshi Yasutoshi said: "It is said that someone has investigated the Izumo Taisha Shrine, and found out that there is no such maiden as Izumo Akuni, but the priest seems to be very interested in the name of Izumo Akuni, and it is said that a chief priestess named Izumo Akuni will be placed in the shrine. ..."

"Izumo Taisha is really brave!"

"For fame and gimmicks!" (To be continued..) <, Duorenrenshan, 1 Devil Rose 1 tip

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