Pillars of the Wu family

Chapter 597 Nobunaga's Death

Mori Terumoto's interception was still a step late. I watched Oda Nobunaga fleeing into Kyoto with more than [-] people. The escape of the bandit leader made the end of the war not perfect, but the interception army still stopped a few big fish. The main generals Shibata Katsuie, Sakuma Nobumori, Hashiba Hideyoshi, Takikawa Kazumashi, Ikeda Hengxing and others did not have time to escape, and they were worthy of surrender under the siege of the army.

The leading general of the Oda Army, Mori Kecheng, died unfortunately in battle. Along with him, Inaba Kazutetsu, Ujiie Buzen, Ando Morijo, and brothers Nakagawa Hidemasa and Tsuda Morizuki died in battle. In addition, the Western Army died in battle The generals also included Hideji Hatano, Nobuyo Yusa, and Katsumasa Ikeda. The homeless Yoshikage Asakura was defeated and killed as expected.

Relying on the advantage of being close to Kizugawa, Miyoshi Yoshitsugu desperately moved closer to Yodogawa with the remnants of the ten thousand remnants. Relying on the support of the Uchikawa Navy with the participation of the Awaji Navy, he really let him escape, but escape always has to pay. At the price, the final candidate was unanimously voted by Miyoshi's family to Matsunaga Hideo and Matsunaga Tong father and son.

The father and son were sent by Oda Nobunaga to act as powers, and they often manipulated their tone in front of Miyoshi Yoshitsugu. If he hadn't been afraid of Oda Nobunaga's wealth and strength, he would have cleaned up the hateful two fathers and sons long ago. , This escape obviously does not need this guy who crawls around to follow, so the father and son took the [-] remnants of the headquarters and stayed in Kizugawa "Duhou". What they both had to face was the menacing Hidetsuna Honjo, The father and son didn't have time to propose their surrender price until the moment they died.

Miyoshi Yoshitsugu's brief escape would not give him the escape he wanted. The mouth of the Yodogawa River had long been in the hands of the Eastern Army, and the Settsu Kingdom had already been controlled by the Eastern Army.Even at this moment, the Eastern Army left Setjin to relax its control.But how could the local Chinese lords obey the command of this group of defeated soldiers.Sure enough, just a few days after he escaped into Setjin, he was captured and sent to the front of the battle by the people of Setjin.

More than [-] troops besieged Kyoto, and the townspeople in Kyoto were so frightened that they took their families and took refuge outside the city. Oda Nobunaga had to take [-] troops to blockade Ouchi and Sakyo in order to prevent the emperor and ministers of Kyoto from They transferred to the account of the Eastern Army outside the city. His approach aroused fierce opposition from the court, but it is a pity that their opposition and reputation have not affected Oda Nobunaga.

In the evening of that day, the Eastern Army entered the city from Qikou, Kyoto.Oda Nobunaga ordered Niwa Nagahide and Akechi Mitsuhide to resist with [-] troops each, while Oda Nobunaga himself left the Honnoji Temple with [-] troops and entered the Nijo Imperial Palace to hold Ashikaga Yoshiaki as a stubborn resistance, watching Niwa Nagahide After leaving with Akechi Mitsuhide in the north and south respectively, Oda Nobunaga was able to temporarily put aside the worries of the believers and return to the Nijo Imperial Palace for dinner.

This is a very ordinary dinner in Nijo Gosho, a bowl of white rice, a stack of pickled radish, a piece of fish, and a bowl of miso soup.The chefs even prepared a few grains of red bayberry as an accompaniment food ingeniously. Nobunaga Oda yelled: "How can there be no wine without wine. I know that sake is prepared in the Imperial Palace! Take it out!"

Oda Nobunaga relished drinking wine and savoring the dishes, but Ashikaga Yoshiaki was silent from beginning to end, until the end of the banquet, he asked: "Oda Prime Minister! Do we still have any hope of turning things around? "

"What does His Royal Highness think? I, Nobunaga, had a full meal today, and I would have no regrets if I died tomorrow!" Oda Nobunaga did not look at Ashikaga Yoshiaki's despairing eyes, and strode out of the room as usual.

At nightfall, the Nijo Imperial Palace was brightly lit, and painful groans and the sound of iron cannons could be faintly heard outside the Imperial Palace. Oda Nobunaga danced the famous "Atsushi" with a tambourine in the Imperial Palace, and Nohime played it for him The shamisen added to the fun, and a group of concubines and servants were crying.

"50 years in the human world compared with heaven and earth..." Oda Nobunaga was tired of crying, and scolded: "What's the use of crying! Since this body is destined to go to hell, then face it calmly and bravely!"

A musical performance lasted until the second watch, and Nobunaga Oda took a bath and changed clothes on purpose, and fell asleep peacefully with his wife, Nohime, who had not been blessed for many years. It's a pity that he slept until the middle of the night, when there was a sudden sound of shouting and killing in the imperial palace, which woke him up.

Oda Nobunaga was startled, and immediately sat up and asked, "Did the Eastern Army come in? This is the Nijo Imperial Palace guarded by two thousand troops. How did the Eastern Army come in, and what is left?"

"My lord, it's bad! It's Kikyo Banner Seal, Akechi Hinata Shou led the Eastern Army into the Imperial Palace!"

Oda Nobunaga turned pale with shock: "So it was Mitsuhide? He would lead the Eastern Army into the Nijo Imperial Palace at this time..."

Knowing that Akechi Mitsuhide led the army to rebel, Oda Nobunaga immediately put on his clothes and held a bow and arrows and rushed out of the room. At this moment, the dark palace was full of burning flames. Intertwined together, there is a steady stream of white flags rushing in the distance, which is the main force of the Eastern Army.

Oda Nobunaga personally led the small surnames to fight to the death, and shouted wherever he passed: "Please fight to the end! For the dignity of the samurai, you must not retreat!"

Maeda Toshiie was shocked when he heard the sound, and hurriedly shouted: "My lord, go!"

With a sound of "bang!", an iron cannon shot from nowhere hit Maeda Toshiie's back, and the brave general of the Oda army was shot and fell to the ground. He hated Mitsuhide Akechi so much, without his betrayal and vicious behavior, the Oda family might still have a chance of survival, and the current situation obviously would not have any chance of survival.

Oda Nobunaga was wearing a white singlet and holding a bow and arrow to meet the enemy. His archery level is quite impressive. Even in the dark night with insufficient light, he can still hit seven or eight out of ten at a distance of thirty steps. The little surname beside him carries two pots of arrows for him to use. In just a short time, he used up a pot of arrows, and more than ten warriors fell under his arrows.

When there were only two or three feathered arrows left in the second pot of arrows, the strong bowstring finally couldn't bear the brute force and broke. At this moment, the samurai of the Eastern Army still broke into the central area of ​​the imperial palace, and the nearby Oda Army was killed and injured. The little surnames rushed over to block them with knives, and were killed by the warriors of the Eastern Army in two or three strokes. The white-armored general at the head was so murderous and majestic that everyone who saw him looked sideways and admired him.

Oda Nobunaga laughed and said: "Good skill! Who is it! I, Nobunaga, will not kill unknown generals!"

"It's the Echigo samurai Kakizaki Yoshiya!"

Oda Nobunaga was taken aback when he heard this, and then laughed out loud.He took out a crossword gun without its sheath at hand.Armed with a gun, he jumped down the corridor to fight with Kakizaki Yoshika.The samurai on the left and right wanted to come to help, but they were stopped by a yell. They turned around and saw white flags pouring into the city, and saw a tall samurai in golden armor walking in slowly.

"Refer to the lord!" Ming Zhiguangxiu hurriedly saluted, and the soldiers of Ming Zhi's army also knelt down on the ground.

"Excuse me, gentlemen!" Genyoshi stared intently at the battle on the field, and saw that Oda Nobunaga and Kakizaki Yoshika fought fiercely and did not lose the wind, but it was a pity that his marksmanship was outnumbered by the young Kakizaki Yoshika Once everyone adapts, it will no longer be magical, and the ten-in-one over-the-peak circuit will turn into Oda Nobunaga's retreat, and every shot will be dangerous.

Fight to fifteen.Kakizaki Yoshika suddenly exerted force, and the Alisma spear in his hand suddenly accelerated three points, stabbing Oda Nobunaga's abdomen in a blink of an eye. The severe pain caused him to drop the cross-word gun in his hand, and slowly walked into the room while clutching his injured abdomen. Backing away, at this moment in the room Nohime came out in a panic to help the injured husband, and looked at Yuanyi with a pleading look, although she had never seen the husbands of Aquan and Ashi, but that Ashikaga Shangsaburo Yoshitoki The flag is still recognized.

Yuan Yishi shook his head and said: "If the order continues, the women's relatives can leave. Brothers and heirs cannot leave, and retainers with small surnames cannot leave!"

"Nonghime, take Tokuhime, Donghime and the others away! I have to go through the last part of my life for my husband." Oda Nobunaga gently pushed his wife away.Staring at Yuanyi, he said, "Saburo Kira, I didn't expect us to meet again after 20 years. You are no longer the little boy next to Shonaigawa..."

"You're not that deviant young samurai anymore." Genyoshi waved a few female ninjas to carry Saito Kicho, led the children in the house and left, and walked slowly to the porch overlooking the pale Ori Tian Nobunaga said: "A person's life is always changing. I, who was displaced in the past, became the pillar of the Gen family, but the young samurai in Owari will die here!"

Oda Nobunaga clutched his lower abdomen and snorted angrily: "This time you won! You won with this group of ignorant and conservative warriors! But you must be wrong! You will not conquer Qihai, you just want to build that decadent The shogunate just wants to perfect your old order, you will have no future if you do this, you are wrong!"

Yuan Yishi shook his head and smiled: "Whether I'm wrong or not is judged by gods and Buddhas, and book reviews by posterity. As a witness of the times, what you say doesn't count, and neither does what I say!"

"You must be wrong!" Oda Nobunaga raised his hand to see the blood on his hand, and then looked at the large dark red blood stain on the abdominal wound, and said angrily: "Why are you so stubborn? For the sake of the general Fame, for the honor of the ancestors, what else? Immersed in the glory of the past day and night, unable to extricate myself, this is a blasphemy against your amazing talent! Why do you not want to create the future with me? The world is so big, enough There are seven oceans, what’s wrong with dividing the world equally between you and me? Even if you have four oceans, it’s fine!”

"Hahaha...you are still so brash!" Yuan Yishi said lightly: "Dominate the Qihai! Do you really think it can be done? Dominating the Qihai requires unique conditions, strong strength and good luck! Such complicated conditions It’s what I don’t have, and of course you don’t even have it!”

Oda Nobunaga sneered: "How will you know if you don't try it once! Only those who have no dreams will deny a great goal from the beginning!"

"You just can't! You can never achieve it, because you can't even beat me, because you are about to die!" Yuan Yi raised his head proudly like a king looking down on all living beings, leaning on the fence of the corridor and said: "The dead have no You are qualified to talk about great goals, and losers are also not qualified to talk about all of this. If you can’t even grasp the hearts of the people in a corner of Japan, how can you talk about capturing the hearts of the world? You will fail in the end! That is the inevitable failure destined by God and Buddha !"

At this moment, the flames were burning all around the palace, and the sound of shouting and crying suddenly disappeared. His face was pale, and more and more blood flowed from his lower abdomen, and he was about to die here.

"Promise me, keep my child Biqiwan, promise me quickly!" Oda Nobunaga howled hysterically: "As long as you agree to this condition, I will die immediately!"

Yuan Yishi was silent for a moment, and then he heard him pleading again: "Saburo Kira! This is the last request of Saburo Oda to you! Please bypass my child Qi Qimaru, he is your son-in-law!"

"Okay! I'll let Mikumaru go..." Genyoshi slowly walked to Oda Nobunaga's side.Looking at the man who collapsed on the corridor and gasped fiercely.He said softly: "Tomorrow I will host the Yuanfu ceremony for him. What do you want his name to be after Yuanfu?"

"Oda... Nobu... Chu!" Oda Nobunaga raised his head with difficulty, took a deep breath and said, "Thank... thank you!"

When Oda Nobunaga died, he ended his life under the corridor of the Nijo Imperial Palace. He didn't leave a death song and didn't do anything earth-shattering. He just did what a father should do before he died, and fought for his child Qiqimaru. A way to survive, his life may be a failure, but he is successful at the moment of death.As a monarch he failed, but as a father he succeeded.

Except for the dead three councilors, Oda Nobunaga, another samurai at the level of a minister in the Nijo Imperial Palace seemed to have no courage to die. From the time when the Nijo Imperial Palace was attacked to the death of Oda Nobunaga, it was not a short period of time. Yoshiaki Ashikaga has been hiding in his palace and cannot come out, like an ostrich buried in the sand dunes, not even having the courage to take up arms to fight for dignity.

When Ashikaga Yoshiaki was carried out of the imperial palace by several samurai, he was greeted by a curtain set up in the open space of the imperial palace, and Minamoto Yoshitoki sat in the curtain in golden armor.Two rows of military warriors stood standing with swords on the left and right, and the flames burning in the imperial palace and the bonfires around the curtain complemented each other to illuminate the dark night sky.The majestic shogun was held here like a prisoner.

Genyoshi glanced lightly at the man with disheveled hair and slumped on the ground, shook his head lightly and said, "The name Ashikaga Yoshiaki is not suitable for you, but I think Ichijoin Juekei is more suitable for your identity. I can't see half the dignity of my Ashikaga samurai in such a distressed appearance! I don't know how to be a martial artist, but I don't know myself. I like to be ambitious and talented, so ambitious, and I love to deceive the world and others with big words..."

Ashikaga Yoshiaki looked at the strange man in front of him in horror. This was the first time he saw the legendary Eastern General. The tall figure, which was very different from ordinary people, sat quietly in the middle, and his quiet posture made him feel like he was in the middle of the world. The illusion before the mountain, the slashed face looking at him expressionlessly, especially the cold and knife-like eyes are deeply engraved in my heart.

Staring at the face that resembled Ashikaga Yoshiki, he said sarcastically, "Tsk tsk, look at what you have done all these years? You have been cultivating in the academy for nearly [-] years, and just after you left the Buddhist gate, you committed crimes, killing brothers and mothers To usurp the throne and stand on your own feet, people like you dare to be called Ashikaga, it is an insult to this Miao character, and even a blasphemy to the pillars of the Ashikaga clan! How dare you go to heaven to see your father Manshoin and your mother Keishuin , and your elder brother Guangyuanyuan? Oh! By the way, you are not qualified to go to heaven, and it is difficult to travel in the depths of Huangquan, are you afraid?"

"You...you can't kill me!" Ashikaga Yoshiaki said in horror: "I am the general of the shogunate, and I am the second minister appointed by the imperial court. According to the law, I am a high-ranking minister. Do you respect order and laws? Then you must respect the appointments of the shogunate and the court! You cannot kill me!"

In front of Yuan Yoshitoki, Ashikaga Yoshiaki did not dare to call himself "Yu", and kept emphasizing his identity and status in order to protect himself. His move was indeed the key point of the Middle Eastern Army. Since ancient times, high-ranking officials have rarely been killed. Said that there are only two possible results for the loser to be caught, either claustrophobic or exiled.

There are many examples of canon punishment in the Ming Dynasty. For example, in the Nara era, the famous power minister Fujiwara Nakamaro of the Fujiwara Nan family was beheaded for the felony of treason. However, the Nara era is too old, and the Fujiwara family who was in power for a while was still Xiao He It has just come to the fore, after the establishment of the Sheguan system in the Heian period, and then after the Kamakura Muromachi shogunate was in power, it has become a customary rule that high-ranking officials should not be killed arbitrarily.

Minamoto Yoshitoki obviously would not break this rule for Ashikaga Yoshiaki, otherwise he would not have easily exiled Ashikaga Fujimasa back then. Not everyone is as mad as Akamatsu Misuke and Ashikaga Yoshiaki, although personal morality and the common people of the world It doesn't matter much, but considering the public opinion, the winner must always maintain some tolerance.

Ashikaga Yoshiaki suddenly became less nervous. Looking at Yuan Yishi's silent appearance, he sneered and broke away from the two samurai who restrained him. When he was about to speak, he heard Yuan Yishi slowly said: "You are right, Yu I won’t kill you. After all, you have been a general for a few days. After all, your Miao character is Ashikaga... I just want to tell you a truth, not everyone will follow your method of killing brothers and mothers to usurp the throne. A noble character. A civilized warrior. No more disdain to learn such indecent methods."

"Then you haven't..."

"However. Capital crimes can be avoided, but living crimes cannot be forgiven! Killing brothers and mothers, betraying the master and killing the king will be scolded forever! Yu decided to abolish your Miao character and continue to use your legal name Jueqing to call yourself! You will be confined here, Yu A shrine will be built on the ruins of the Nijo Imperial Palace. The name is the Nijo Shrine. It is dedicated to the Light Source and Keishuin who died in the Nijo Imperial Palace, as well as those ministers who died generously in the Nijo Imperial Palace. And you will be a shrine Don't take it seriously, pray for death in vain!"

Yoshiaki Minamoto waved away Ashikaga Yoshiaki, who looked like a concubine, thinking that he had abolished Yoshiaki's Miao characters at the time, and now he has come to repay him in the same way, abolishing Yoshiaki Ashikaga's Miao characters. Beat him back to become a monk at the Nijo Shrine. He can only pray for his dead brother and mother in guilt and remorse every day. He also has to face the reviled samurai and townspeople who come and go in the shrine. There will be samurai dedicated protection His safety, monitor his whereabouts.He was forbidden to marry and have children until he died of old age.

With the end of the battle of Nijo Imperial Palace.The collapse and destruction of the Western Army is a foregone conclusion. The two generals Ashikaga Yoshiaki and Oda Nobunaga ended up with one prisoner and one dead. , rushed to the hidden corners of the neighboring countries in Kinai, and wiped out the remnants and defeated generals of the Western Army.

Shortly after the Western Army collapsed, Matsunaga Hideo and Matsunaga Toshi were defeated and killed, and their heads were hanged on Shijo Rivera, the Eastern Army navy captured Awaji Island and captured and killed the brothers Nobuyasu and Kiyoyasu Anzai, and marched westward to Utazu Port Invading the Shikoku, Minayoshi's order was to capture all the men of the Miyoshi clan, regardless of their descendants and concubines, and bring them to Kyoto for questioning.

With the collapse of the Western Army, the people of the four countries suffered heavy losses. Facing the huge lineup of the Eastern Army, Awa Sanuki rushed to tie up the relatives of the Miyoshi family and sent them to the front of the Eastern Army. He Cunbao was sent over by his retainers, and the Miyoshi clan who had been living in Shikoku was quickly escorted to Kyoto.

On August 28th, the autumn wind was blowing and the sun was shining, and it was a good time to ask for a knife. Tens of thousands of people gathered inside and outside the six rivers, and countless eyes were carefully watching the kneeling and trembling crowd on the execution ground. These people It was the Miyoshi clan from Awa. A total of more than [-] members of the Miyoshi clan's relatives and descendants were all taken to the execution ground. The leaders were Miyoshi Yoshitsugu and the Miyoshi trio.

Sanada Yoshiyuki coughed, and read aloud: "The Awa Miyoshi clan originally came from the descendants of the Ogasawara clan, and was attached to the Awa Hosokawa clan for many years. The salary of the food king should be loyal to the emperor. Unexpectedly, the Miyoshi clan often has tigers and wolves. In the heart, the swordsman encircled the imperial court and killed the general and wiped out the shogunate. The crimes are too great to write down. Today, he was attached to the rebels of the Western Army and was defeated as a righteous soldier. He was captured in Liutiaoheyuan, the capital, and wiped out the three tribes.

The people in the capital were in an uproar. They hadn't seen the felony of exterminating the three clans for many years. Someone said in a low voice, "It is said that the imperial court issued a decree to designate the Sanhao clan as the enemy of the court."

"In my opinion! This is the retribution for killing the general. The Chisong family was also exterminated when they killed the evil palace. Besides, Guangyuanyuandian was a good general with a kind heart. He survived the duty-free service of the Light Source Institute, such a good general was killed by a villain, and he brought in a villain who almost destroyed the thousand-year foundation of Kyoto."

"That's right! It's a good thing that the Right Commander-in-Chief is back." Yuan Yoshitoki's reputation in Kyoto is quite good, which he has painstakingly managed for many years, even though it was not for nothing after 20 years. There were words against him.

"However, God has the virtue of loving life. Even if you commit a serious crime of treason, I will not do anything to your female relatives. You can go there with peace of mind." Yuan Yishi waved his hand, and dozens of swordsmen raised their swords The heads were cut off one by one, and everyone from the Miyoshi clan up to the eighty-year-old man down to the three-foot Mongolian boy was slaughtered. The scene was bloody but no one showed mercy.

Regicide is a heinous capital crime. Regardless of whether the Miyoshi family has the motive to kill the general, as long as he takes action and causes the death of the general, he can be judged as a regicide. Yoshiki Ashikaga has been in Kyoto for more than ten years and has won the hearts of the people. However, his reputation is notorious, and Genyoshitoki's reputation in Kyoto is also very good, and one of the banners that Shangluo is playing this time is to avenge Ashikaga Yoshiki.

Therefore, he fulfilled his promise to kill the Miyoshi family, which is understandable both emotionally and rationally. The townspeople in Kyoto only need to make a balance to know who to support. He can allow the female family members of the Miyoshi clan to survive and marry at will, which is the greatest forgiveness. No one can blame him for being too murderous and too understanding.

Kyoto is completely controlled by the Eastern Army, but the soldiers and horses of the Eastern Army did not disturb the people in Kyoto, but were expelled by Yuanyi Toki to continue to attack the Western Kingdom. On August 18, Genyoshi appointed Uesugi Kenshin as the general , and appointed the eldest son Ashikaga Yoshiyasu as the deputy general, Sanada Yukitaka as the army, Takeda Nobushige and Hojo Shizheng as the generals of the two wings, commanding [-] troops, and [-] large and small boats, respectively, to Sanin, Sanyo, Shikoku, and Kyushu. Initiate a strategy.

It's a strategy, rather than a mopping up. The Western Army samurai in Tango, Tanba, Harima, Settsu, Izumi and other Kinki countries died dead and crippled. Kenshin led the main force of [-] troops to walk into Bizen, and Urakami Zongkei, who had nowhere to go, could only hide in the city and fight against trapped beasts.

Urakami Zongjing wanted to surrender, but Yuanyi Shi refused to accept the surrender of the rebels from the Western Army. Several generals of the Western Army were killed and imprisoned. In the Kyoto judgment, the Ukita Nao family, who served as Urakami Zongjing's powerful people, saw this, and captured him and sent him to the front of the Eastern Army in the name of aiding Urakami Zongjing.

Bizen country collapsed, and the largest power in China, Mimura Motokin, was one step ahead. In the battle of Ujigawa, Uesugi Kenshin swept the two countries almost effortlessly, and rushed all the way to the territory of the Maori family of Bingo country. Sanyo all the way In only seven or eight days, tens of thousands of troops were completely penetrated. After all, it is the rich land of the overlords of the Western Kingdom. The bones of the warriors of the Western Kingdom are much softer than those of the Eastern Kingdom.

Nobushige Takeda's attack in San'in also went smoothly, but the horse guard Yamana Yutoyo was captured. The soy sauce of the Western Army saw that the situation was not good, and he smeared the soles of his feet early. This time, he could not escape the fate of being captured and sent to Kyoto, but Ma Yipo's Inaba country is also in danger. Inaba's guardian of Yamanatoyo was rebelled by the powerful people Takeda Takanobu, and the battle of Cage Castle failed and was killed.

This Takeda Takanobu is a member of the Wakasa Takeda clan. Seeing the clan's head family, Takeda Nobushige, was very eager to get in touch with the Eastern Army after seeing his relatives and recounting the old days. As the movement of the Hoqi Kingdom approached, all the people of the Hoqi Kingdom, Nanjo Zongsheng, Xiaoya Yuanqing, and Yamada Shigenao, saw that the situation was not good, discussed it and hurriedly surrendered. In this way, Nizifu, who was a little in the way, was removed, and Sanyin was swept away in one go. And pass.

Hojo Shizheng was not very happy, and he followed up a little slower and didn't even have a mouthful of soup. When he learned that Niko's rebellion was stubbornly resisting in the Izumo Kingdom, Matsunaga Takeda Nobushige worked together to strangle the Niko army, just as Takeda When Xin Fan felt a little moved, he found that the situation was not right, and the three brothers Nizi Shijiu, Nizi Shengjiu, and Nizi Tongjiu surrendered.

It turned out that the general of the Nizi family, Yamanaka Kanosuke Xingmori, went to Kyoto in secret, and surrendered to the right general with the letter of allegiance from the governor of the Nizi family Zaixing. The family releases Yoshihisa, a claustrophobic nun in Anyun Yuanming Temple, to revive the Nizi's family. As long as the family governor of the clan can return, even if their brother commits seppuku, there will be no regrets. (To be continued..)

ps: Niko Yoshihisa has been confined until he died in 1610. It is also a helpless move for Shikanosuke Yamanaka to revive the Niko family again and again. If the banner of Niko Yoshihisa is raised, the whole family of the family may be killed. .

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