My Goddess

Chapter 28 Looks Stupid

Cheng Shuixin is amazingly familiar with these techniques for enjoying life. Su Yifan used the ps3 controller to play the title menu of Blu-ray movies. He just entered the feature film and began to watch the life of a man in a robot wall-e. The aroma of coffee has already wafted out.

"wall-e" is a story about how a small garbage collector robot lives alone on the earth, and how he falls in love with eve, a high-tech robot that looks for plants.The robot wall-e is similar to the nerds of this era, and is widely loved and loved by the people.Su Yifan also likes this animated film very much. Just ten days ago this animated film won the Oscar for Best Animated Feature Film.As a result, many people looked after it again and again.

Su Yifan felt that he was not as smart and persistent as Wall-E, he climbed into the spaceship and rushed to the distant space like desperately chasing Eve.In front of Cheng Shuixin, he seemed to be cautious, always showing no courage.

Cheng Shuixin was so happy in the kitchen that she hummed a song, which was Bon Qiaofei's "A Proud Day". I have to say that Cheng Shuixin's singing skills matched her appearance, so Su Yifan raised his hand and turned the TV volume down. Some.

Before the most miraculous first 10 minutes of "wall-e" was over, Cheng Shuixin had already come out with a plate and a coffee pot.Cheng Shuixin really liked this kitchen, which could be regarded as extremely automated. All kinds of brand-new kitchen utensils allowed her to exert almost 120% of her strength, and made a pot of strong-flavored coffee.

"It's lucky, the coffee beans in your house are not cat poop coffee." Cheng Shuixin joked, "I really dare not drink that."

Su Yifan deeply agreed, took the coffee cup that Cheng Shuixin handed to him, and took a sip... Well, it's not the same as McDonald's, basically the same level as the coffee bar they went to yesterday.

Su Yifan didn't dare to tell Cheng Shuixin what he was thinking about chewing peonies. He drank two sips of coffee, turned up the volume of the TV, and watched "Wall-e" with Cheng Shuixin for a while.This kind of opportunity is really rare for Su Yifan, he enjoys it very much, but also has a little trouble.If it wasn't for these changes in himself, if it wasn't for the secret base Su Xiaoqing provided him, would he have this opportunity?

The movie progresses quickly, and there is a scene where eve goes into sleep mode because of the plants. Wall-e took the dormant Eve to row the boat, took it to watch the night, and secretly held Eve's little hand... Looking at these passages, Su Yifan suddenly felt a burst of sentimentality.

Cheng Shuixin seemed to be touched by this episode, she put down her coffee cup and small tray and stared at the screen for a while, then raised her head and rubbed her eyes.

This was a rare moment for Su Yifan to see Cheng Shuixin's softness.It's a pity that there were no tears, and the tears were wiped away by her fingers and the moment she raised her head.

"Isn't this your home?" Cheng Shuixin turned her head and took the opportunity of pouring coffee to straighten her expression, and began to show her intelligence.

Su Yifan didn't hide anything: "Well, this is my own secret base. Among the people I know, only Miss Qing and you have been here."

"Then I'm really honored." Cheng Shuixin was shocked again. To have such a real estate and to be able to decorate the house as a person with a wardrobe of more than 30 yuan is not easy.

Although I have tried my best to adjust my mentality, it still feels a bit complicated.Cheng Shuixin just laughed and joked: "It's hidden very deeply, no wonder there always seem to be conflicts between you and Chen Xin."

Su Yifan shook his head: "We don't have any conflicts."

"Liar." Cheng Shuixin flipped the teacup gently with her fingertips, unconsciously exuding a charm beyond her own age, "I've noticed that the eyes between you two are not right. But Chen Xin always To put it bluntly, the family environment made his character a bit domineering, always thinking that everything should be under his control, and you just ignore him."

This feeling of saying bad things behind Chen Xin's back made Su Yifan feel very warm, and then he thought vigilantly, if it wasn't for her face, would Cheng Shuixin criticize her own shortcomings?

Cheng Shuixin is undoubtedly a master at shortening the distance between the two of them, and a few words of consolation lightly shortened the distance between her and Su Yifan.

Su Yifan shook his head unmoved: "It's okay, I'm not afraid of him."

Cheng Shuixin lay lazily on the sofa, her long legs stretched slowly, her toes resting on the base of the coffee table.The whole person exudes a seductive aura, which makes people dazzled.

"I'm not worried that you are afraid of him. In fact, Chen Xin is very fragile inside. Don't you see it? I'm worried that the conflict between you and him will eventually become a conflict between you and his drunken friends."

In just a few words, Cheng Shuixin has already mentioned Chen Xin's shortcomings, as well as his troubles.This is Cheng Shuixin in real state, she knows everything she really wants to pay attention to.

Cheng Shuixin had vaguely guessed that Su Yifan's fight at the school gate was related to Chen Xin, she would not ask Su Yifan again after asking for confirmation once, this is also one of her principles, she would respect Su Yifan's dignity as a man.

Su Yifan understood that it was not as simple as buying clothes for Cheng Shuixin to come out alone with him today, she still wanted to persuade herself not to cause too much trouble.This is barely a concern.

Su Yifan kept his eyes on Cheng Shuixin's legs as much as possible, her legs in brushed trousers were too long and charming... After a dry cough, Su Yifan straightened his attitude, and replied seriously: "Thank you for your concern, but You don't have to worry about the matter between me and Chen Xin, and there won't be any major problems."

The demeanor and voice of Su Yifan who said this was very different from before, Cheng Shuixin couldn't help being surprised.Is Su Yifan's change because he wasn't a real herbivorous character before, or did he really undergo a drastic change in a short period of time?

Cheng Shuixin couldn't figure out which one it was, she just knew that she couldn't use her previous attitude to face this kind classmate who seemed to be easy to talk to.

"Okay, you settle your business." Cheng Shuixin's principle of not repeating it is really refreshing, and immediately changed the subject, "I guess we can't let go of eating at night, should we get something to eat first?"

Su Yifan agrees with this suggestion, he has never participated in such a high-end dinner party, anyway, he heard that the buffet style of cold food is to accommodate the French.It must be embarrassing to eat with a plate in such a scene, so why not just fill your stomach at home before going.

The result of the discussion between the two was that Cheng Shuixin got up from the sofa again, put on an apron and went to the kitchen for a while.The fresh ingredients in the refrigerator are good things bought by Beach, including vegetables, seafood and meat.The huge refrigerator seems to be the kind where you can buy a murderer and stuff several. Cheng Shuixin picked it up with great interest, then fried a lily shrimp and a shredded pork mushroom, and stewed a small pot of gecko soup.

For a while, the living room was filled with the smell of food, and Cheng Shuixin was surprised to find that she had never seen the brand of cooking oil used in the kitchen, and only the pointed kitchen knife in the whole kitchen was the familiar Zwilling brand.

So Su Yifan became the only diner in the school where Cheng Shuixin cooked the food herself. Although this honor cannot be publicized loudly, Su Yifan doesn't mind bringing it out to disgust Chen Xin at a critical moment.

It has to be said that Cheng Shuixin's culinary skills are far superior to those of high school students. After eating it, Su Yifan realized that if this talented girl graduated and opened a private kitchen, she would probably be able to become a special feature.

"You usually like to go out to eat more, why don't you like to cook by yourself?" Su Yifan can now ask Cheng Shuixin fluently, and asked casually while admiring Cheng Shuixin's cooking skills.

Cheng Shuixin pursed her lips slightly: "Who spends so much time cooking? After working for more than an hour, I'll run out of food and clean up. Life isn't for wasting like this. If you can save time, save it."

Su Yifan has to admit that Cheng Shuixin has her reasons. Although she is a girl whose purpose is to enjoy life, her unremitting efforts in foreign languages ​​and other fields have always been amazing, and sometimes she has to look through the original books when she goes out for dinner at noon.

After the meal, in order to thank Cheng Shuixin for providing such superb cooking skills, Su Yifan took the initiative to wash the dishes, and then the two went straight to today's dinner venue.

After much deliberation on the location of the dinner party, it was finally decided at Zhongjing International, a place Su Yifan was no stranger to.

Because of the dinner, the banquet hall has been protected by security measures. Someone received invitations at the entrance of the hall, and there were also hotel security guards with stiff faces scanning left and right.Su Yifan and Cheng Shuixin walked side by side to the door and handed over the invitation. At this time, Su Yifan was actually very nervous.The young man who had never participated in such an occasion was unavoidably timid. This had nothing to do with courage, but a worry about his unfamiliar environment.

Cheng Shuixin felt her classmate's nervousness, smiled at Su Yifan, and reached out to take his arm.

Standing in front of the gate of the banquet hall, Su Yifan felt his mind go numb for a moment.To him, this action was like a bolt from the blue, rumbling over his brain that couldn't think.

Usually in and out of school, I occasionally have short-term physical contact with Cheng Shuixin, at most it is finger touching.Su Yifan thought the limit was just like this, he never thought that he could meet Cheng Shuixin's arms with this posture.

Su Yifan knew that he must look stupid now, but he really didn't know how to adjust his expression.

"Relax." Cheng Shuixin's voice rang in Su Yifan's ear, "Let's go in."

Su Yifan took a deep breath, feeling that what he inhaled was the scent of Cheng Shuixin's perfume.Yes, for tonight, Cheng Shuixin put a little bit of perfume on her wrist and the back of her neck.

Cheng Shuixin, who has worn perfume, has her hair tied into a bun that is slightly more complicated than a ponytail. Her bangs hang down on her forehead, and she smiles with crooked eyes. She looks like an adult beauty full of charm.

It took Su Yifan a few seconds to recover, and accompanied by Cheng Shuixin, he walked into the banquet hall, and gave a slight nod to the Frenchman at the door.

The dinner party has not officially started yet, and the people are almost here.Su Yifan looked around and saw many familiar faces that he could see on the local news.

This scene was much higher standard than Professor Fang's lecture. Su Yifan's eyes wandered among the crowd, and of course he also saw many entrepreneurs.

"Are you looking for someone you know?" Cheng Shuixin asked in a low voice.

Su Yifan was about to shake his head when he suddenly found that a man's gaze met his, and the other person was showing a surprised expression.

Su Yifan, who has always had a good memory, recognized it immediately. This is the confident man with glasses who accosted Su Xiaoqing in Professor Fang's lecture hall that day.


Continue to shout weakly: Ask for a red ticket, ask for a collection...

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