My Goddess

Chapter 31

Deputy Mayor Wang was generally satisfied with today's dinner. Although he felt that many young people didn't listen very carefully when he spoke, it didn't matter.

The most important thing is that Master Duweck's charity exhibition was successfully held in Binhai City, a non-first-tier city, which is the credit of Deputy Mayor Wang.

When Duwek came to China for a touring art exhibition, the cities of Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen had to fight hard to be eligible.Master Duwek wanted to come to Binhai alone, and this achievement seemed to have fallen from the sky.

Facing paintings worth hundreds of millions of euros, Deputy Mayor Wang is also under great pressure-what if the security work is not in place?What if something goes wrong?

After finally getting through these three days, Deputy Mayor Wang's mood at the moment is suddenly enlightened.Once Master Duwek left, this achievement would be honestly on his own.

After speaking, the lingering aftertaste of Wang's deputy mayor walked slowly in the banquet hall, and there would always be all kinds of interested people coming to ask him for instructions and greetings respectfully.

This is the taste of power.Deputy Mayor Wang is the highest-ranking public servant in this banquet hall today, and he has enough qualifications to enjoy compliments and applause.

Hearing Chen Xin's call, Deputy Mayor Wang narrowed his eyes and looked over.There are several young men and women around Chen Xin, among whom only the young entrepreneur Chu Hong can be recognized.

As the owner of a private enterprise, Chu Hong saw the deputy mayor walking towards him, even the deputy mayor who was in charge of culture and education, rushed to meet him.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, isn’t selling glasses a part of the cultural and educational industry?

Chu Hong's business is not small, and there is a possibility of further expansion.Deputy Mayor Wang spoke kindly to the young entrepreneur: "Little Chu, this is the world for you young people. I'm getting old, and I should go back after being ashamed."

"Mayor Wang, what are you talking about?" Chu Hong now lost the confidence he had when facing Su Yifan, and said in a very respectful tone, "I don't know if this art exhibition would be possible without you. If you leave like this, There will be no host for this dinner."

Only then did Su Yifan realize that Chu Hong's level of flattery is not low at all.The reason why he has always acted conceited is because Chu Hong is too young.

Mayor Wang hummed noncommittally, neither denying nor admitting.Then he chatted with Chu Hong affectionately, nothing more than to encourage him to make greater achievements.

Even Su Yifan could tell that Chu Hong had filmed in the right place, and Mayor Wang was in a good mood.

After talking to Chu Hong, Deputy Mayor Wang patted Chen Xin on the shoulder affectionately: "Chen Xin came here with his classmates, right? Your classmates are also future talents."

Deputy Mayor Wang knew very well that the young people who could participate in this kind of occasion should not have children from ordinary families.Naturally, if you have enough relationship with Chen Xin, you should pay attention to the people around Chen Xin.

Jin Shenhong's demeanor was outstanding, and Deputy Mayor Wang's first gaze fell on this kid.Without Chen Xin's introduction, Chu Hong had already said, "This is Commissioner Jin Shenhong from Samsung Electronics."

Commissioner is a vague position. Even in the 21st century, many people in China still do not understand the specific position and value of corporate commissioners.Deputy Mayor Wang heard that he was from Samsung, so he couldn't help but nodded reservedly to Jin Shenhong.

Jin Shenhong didn't dare to be too cold and noble to Deputy Mayor Wang, and shook hands with Deputy Mayor Wang with a smile on his face for a while, as if meeting a high-ranking Japanese official of the US military.

Su Yifan couldn't help but be amazed by this young man who was able to bend and stretch. Jin Shenhong's dog-legged appearance was even worse than Chu Hong's. Not only did he bow and salute, but he also became soft-spoken.

It is said that the Koreans have the same dog-leg potential as the Japanese. At this time, seeing is believing, and the rumors are not unreasonable.

Deputy Mayor Wang said a few words to Chen Xin, with the intention of saving face for his friend's children, and was about to turn around and leave.Chen Xin had already approached respectfully, and begged in a low voice: "Uncle Wang, my classmate wants to meet Xu Jiachun..."

Deputy Mayor Wang looked up at the two girls standing beside Su Yifan, and immediately understood what Chen Xin meant.

"These three are my classmates. This is Cheng Shuixin, our school's director of literature, a real talented woman who has published many articles. This is Yang Bingbing, one of the presidents of our school's student union. Oh, and this It's Su Yifan."

Chen Xin took the opportunity to quickly introduce the three classmates. He deliberately left Su Yifan for the last introduction, and his understatement was enough for people to understand that he didn't like Su Yifan.

How could Deputy Mayor Wang participate in this kind of conflict between children? It's just that Chen Xin usually pretends to be too obedient in front of him, so he can't help but give face to this nephew.

"Oh, do you want to meet Xu Jiachun? At your age, you should still focus on your studies. Star chasing is not very good."

From what he said, Deputy Mayor Wang really didn't think it was a big deal.It's true that Xu Jiachun is a big name, and it's nothing to sign autographs for a few acquaintances.

Deputy Mayor Wang was followed by the secretary. Seeing that the leader had comprehended what he said, he turned around and walked quickly towards the aisle on the west side of the banquet hall.

A secretary went to say hello to Xu Jiachun, and it was not so obtrusive for Deputy Mayor Wang to bring someone over.

"Just this time, Xiaoxin, don't make an example."

Chen Xin looked at Cheng Shuixin excitedly: "Thank you, Uncle Wang."

Deputy Mayor Wang smiled slightly, with a bit of majesty in his amiability: "Xu Jiachun's performance will take a while, I'll take you there."

Deputy Mayor Wang didn't ask for anyone's opinion, turned around and walked to the passage leading to the lounge at the back.

From Deputy Mayor Wang's point of view, it is certain that the children from these schools want to see Xu Jiachun.Such a big star is also a native of Binhai. He can sign autographs and take photos when he meets, and he can show off with his classmates, teachers and family members when he goes back. Who would refuse?

It just so happens that some people don't give face.

Su Yifan turned his head and asked Yang Bingbing: "Are you going?"

Yang Bingbing shook her head: "I'm not interested in celebrities."

Cheng Shuixin, who was standing on the other side, hesitated for a moment, but followed.

There are only three people here, and two of them are unwilling to see Xu Jiachun. If Cheng Shuixin doesn't go, not only Chen Xin, but also Deputy Mayor Wang will lose face.

After walking a few steps, Cheng Shuixin turned her head and smiled apologetically at Su Yifan.

Su Yifan waved his hand, saying it's okay.

Cheng Shuixin nodded, smiled again, and caught up with Deputy Mayor Wang.

Watching Cheng Shuixin go away, Yang Bingbing remained silent.

Jin Shenhong originally wanted to come and talk to Yang Bingbing, but after seeing the distance between Su Yifan and Yang Bingbing, he turned around to ask more about Chu Hong's background.

After a while, Yang Bingbing suddenly asked: "Are you lost?"

"Don't get lost." Su Yifan said, "There are more surprises now than before."

This was the first time Su Yifan admitted his feelings to others, Yang Bingbing turned to look at him in surprise.

"I thought you'd never tell anyone about that."

"That was in the past." Su Yifan looked at Cheng Shuixin's back and said in a low voice, "I just realized now that facing your own heart is more important than anything else."

"Chen Xin can't compete with you." Yang Bingbing's voice was as soft as her usual, but without the usual cordiality, "He doesn't have such a strong heart as you."

Su Yifan seriously denied it: "Actually, I'm also very weak, it's because Chen Xin is too weak."

Yang Bingbing laughed out loud, "Don't be so vicious."

"I am telling the truth."

"The truth is the cruelest." Yang Bingbing stared at the ground under her feet, and asked in a low voice, "Why did you come here? I thought you were not interested in these things."

Su Yifan almost blurted out: "I thought you weren't interested in anything boys do."

Yang Bingbing raised her head, without the slightest sign of getting angry: "Purposeful contact makes people unable to face it happily, what do you think?"

Su Yifan had to admit that what Yang Bingbing said made sense.

After Liang Shan laid the groundwork for a while, some people began to perform on stage.

The one who came up first was a girl with long legs and big eyes. She didn't wear much. This outfit and a pair of dancing shoes already told everyone what she wanted to do.

Background music sounded, and everyone began to enjoy the dance.Even if you don't appreciate dancing, you will appreciate the young and beautiful girl's body.

Most of the dance was over, and the affectionate background music began to excite, Su Yifan felt the phone vibrate on his chest, and took it out to see Cheng Shuixin's text message.

Only one word.


The text message was sent to the mobile phone that Su Xiaoqing used to use exclusively, which seemed very strange.

After hesitating for a while, Su Yifan walked towards the backstage passage.

Yang Bingbing caught up with Su Yifan in surprise: "What's wrong?"

Su Yifan didn't turn his head back: "I don't know, it might be troublesome, so don't follow me."

"Let's go together." Yang Bingbing quickly followed Su Yifan without showing any weakness, without any intention of turning back, "It's easy to take care of multiple people."

The entrance to the backstage lounge was blocked by security guards, and Su Yifan was stopped when he reached the door.

"Sorry, you can't enter the backstage casually."

The two security guards had thick faces and were both over 1.8 meters five in stature, blocking the door with a lot of momentum.

Su Yifan stopped, pointed to the door and said, "Just now my classmate went in, we want to go in and find her."

The security guard on the left was not accommodating: "I'm sorry, we can't let you pass unless your classmates come forward to prove it."

Today, more than one celebrity is resting backstage. Su Yifan and Yang Bingbing, two young people, are going backstage. Anyone will feel that they want to chase stars.

Yang Bingbing gave Su Yifan a hand, and took a step forward: "Sorry, we really have something to do with our classmates, why don't you go in and have a look?"

The two security guards looked at each other, but still didn't move.

"Sorry, we can't leave our post without authorization."

The not-so-standard Putonghua attitude was blunt, Su Yifan glanced anxiously at the closed corridor door, and was about to try another method when someone beside him came over to say hello to him.

"Mr. Su, welcome to come."

It was the Frenchman who handed Su Yifan the invitation that day. He was tall and handsome, and there were many women following him wherever he went.

Seeing this Frenchman, Su Yifan said without thinking, "A classmate of mine went backstage and hasn't come back yet."

The French people's attention to Su Yifan is not superficial, he nodded calmly, and said to the two security guards: "Let Mr. Su go backstage."

When the two security guards saw that the organizer spoke, they immediately moved to the sides.

Su Yifan pushed open the corridor door and rushed in quickly.

The Frenchman and Yang Bingbing followed closely behind.


Still not thinking about it, continue to code...

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