My Goddess

Chapter 5 You Are Your Own

This is the first time for Su Yifan to look at Su Xiaoqing carefully today. This mysterious elder sister holds her chin and faces her. Her eyes are so deep that one would worry that she will sink into them. Her forehead is smooth but not wide. The hair hangs down the sides without covering her face at all.

There is no doubt that Su Xiaoqing's face is almost perfect. Sitting here, she even caused the guests on other tables to look at her frequently.

Su Xiaoqing is also mature, her appearance broke the law of Cheng Shuixin's always superior.Su Xiaoqing just said a few ordinary words lightly, and pulled Su Yifan's hand with a smile. The maturity and freedom she showed had completely defeated Cheng Shuixin.

Su Yifan felt that if the distance between Cheng Shuixin and himself was already very far away, the distance between Su Xiaoqing and these high school students could be calculated in light years.

"Not like."

Su Yifan replied honestly, he felt that Su Xiaoqing was more like the kind of beauty that only existed in movies, her whole body was impeccable, and she was so natural and unaffected.

Cheng Shuixin, who walked around the restaurant, sat back after taking the photos, and asked Su Xiaoqing embarrassedly: "Sister, do you want to see the photos I took?"

"Okay." Su Xiao smiled lightly and answered Cheng Shuixin's calls, flipping through them one by one.

The food was served faster than expected, the three of them ate while chatting, Su Xiaoqing ordered red wine again.Cheng Shuixin knew a little about this, but not much. She just knew from the shocked eyes of the boss that this bottle of red wine should not be cheap.

Cheng Shuixin, who took photos of a table of dishes, started chatting with Su Xiaoqing after posting on Weibo. Even though she was not familiar with Su Yifan's sister, Cheng Shuixin tried her best to learn more, she was too curious.From the point of view that all women are enemies, she subconsciously felt that she must know more about the woman in front of her.

Su Xiaoqing didn't hide too many things about herself, and it was the first time Su Yifan heard of some things.Su Xiaoqing and Su Yifan are distant relatives overseas. They grew up in the United States. She knew that she had such a brother very early on. When she came to find him this time, she hoped to stay in Binhai City for a while.

Su Yifan listened quietly from the side, he felt that what Su Xiaoqing said might not be the truth, it was a feeling.This made Su Yifan very guilty, he felt that he shouldn't be so suspicious of Su Xiaoqing.

Over the years, overseas relations are no longer a rare thing. Cheng Shuixin did not express too much surprise, but asked: "Sister, I guess you must be doing business by yourself?"

Su Xiaoqing hummed: "You are so smart. It is just a business of high-tech products, and the company is not in China."

"What is it related to?" Cheng Shuixin continued to be curious about the baby's appearance, she probably understood that she could not compare with Su Xiaoqing in terms of maturity, so she simply acted as the weak little sister.

"I can't say this, it's classified." Su Xiaoqing smiled apologetically, "Anyway, it won't be something you are interested in."

Cheng Shuixin could see that it was useless for her to ask any more questions, so she smiled sweetly and didn't say much.

After dinner, Su Xiaoqing drove Cheng Shuixin home first.Su Yifan was still sitting in the co-pilot, watching the familiar scenery passing by outside the window.

Cheng Shuixin's family lives in an older villa area in Binhai City. According to the housing prices at that time, there were only 20 villas here. It is impossible to buy a single apartment now.After Cheng Shuixin thanked Su Xiaoqing, she did not forget to wave her hand at Su Yifan: "Good night, see you tomorrow."

This kind of farewell was already very familiar to Su Yifan, he also waved his hand: "Goodbye."

Su Yifan watched Cheng Shuixin walk into the community, only to realize that Su Xiaoqing was staring at him intently, and couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed.

"Do you still have to be stubborn?" Su Xiao patted the boy's shoulder lightly.

Su Yifan looked at the place where Cheng Shuixin's back disappeared, and sighed: "She doesn't like me."

Su Xiaoqing came over with a punch: "Why are you sighing? Not only does she not like you, she doesn't like anyone, okay?"

"..." Su Yifan felt that this truth was too hurtful.

"So you still have a lot of opportunities." Su Xiaoqing looked at the night outside the car and said, "What a little girl like Cheng Shuixin needs is a boy who can calm her down and make her admire. As long as you become that kind of person, Of course she will like you."

After a pause, Su Xiaoqing seemed to feel that these words were not enough, and said: "As long as you are willing, not only Cheng Shuixin, but also Yang Bingbing, and those beauties you know, they will probably fall in love with you."

Su Yifan smiled wryly: "I never thought about it that way."

"Think about it now." Su Xiaoqing said, "It's not difficult, you can definitely do it."

Su Yifan fell into a brief silence, he didn't know how to answer.

Su Xiaoqing started the car, and the car drove slowly in the approaching night, the stars began to twinkle in the sky, and there were many pedestrians on the road.Su Yifan looked at these faces of different ages and different expressions, everyone was running in a hurry, everyone seemed to have something on their minds, he suddenly realized that his world was torn apart by a force, and it became more complicated than before. clear.

"Actually, it's not a change." Su Xiaoqing's voice broke the silence, "It's evolution."


"It's actually hard to change a person's personality." Su Xiaowei sighed slightly, "The so-called change is actually just evolving along the path of one's original heart."

Su Yifan, a young man who has read a lot of books, has no trouble understanding this kind of words, he can understand Su Xiaoqing's meaning.

It is inevitable for people to grow up, and many young people in schools now always look forward to growing up as late as possible.

Su Xiaoqing's words made Su Yifan look directly into his heart. At this moment, the young man finally understood why this sister kept urging him to pursue Cheng Shuixin. The result she wanted was not necessarily seeing Su Yifan win the favor of a beauty.

Su Xiaoqing wanted to see his transformation.

This kind of caring from the heart makes Su Yifan feel panic for a moment, he is not afraid of change, nor does he want to change, it's just that he has never had caring and encouraging eyes to make him change.

The beautiful girl looked at Su Yifan, and emphasized in a firm tone: "I believe in you, I believe that you will grow up, and in the end you will shine brilliantly, making those who have never looked down on you regret their shortsightedness."

Such words came out of Su Xiaoqing's mouth, so Su Yifan didn't feel the slightest bit of awkwardness, he felt a bit bitter on his lips.

Rubbing his sore eyes, Su Yifan opened his mouth to make a sound, and found that his throat was also hoarse.

"Miss Qing, why are you being so nice to me?"

"Because we are relatives." Su Xiao smiled lightly and hugged Su Yifan's shoulders, his soft and graceful body made Su Yifan blush even through the coat.

The black BMW drove forward slowly, not in the direction of Su Yifan's way home.Su Yifan was surprised, but also embarrassed to ask Su Xiaoqing where he was going, so he could only sit in the passenger seat and wait for the beautiful woman beside him to give him an answer.

Passing through the bustling downtown business district, Su Xiaoqing drove the car into a newly developed community.The developer built a rockery and a small artificial waterfall at the entrance of the real estate here, so it was named "Binhai Shanshuiju".Based on the current housing prices, this is the most expensive neighborhood in Binhai City.

Su Yifan followed Su Xiaoqing step by step without asking any questions.

"How is it here?"

Taking Su Yifan up to the thirteenth floor and pushing away from room 1301, Su Yifan immediately felt dizzy.

Here...for an otaku like Su Yifan, isn't it too gorgeous?

Not to mention the decoration style and effect, just look at the huge bookshelf in the living room, with a row of genuine games on it, and the latest novels and comics on the bottom, Su Yifan already has the urge to shout out.

The attraction of these things to an otaku is obviously more than that of a radiant beautiful girl.

"Miss Qing, what is this?"

Su Xiaoqing pulled off her half-length leather boots, revealing a pair of slender feet wrapped in white cotton socks, stepped on the carpet and walked to the huge = LCD TV, and turned on the power switch of the xbox360.

Su Yifan's gaze was immediately drawn to it again, and the game logo that appeared after the startup interface made him exclaim.

It's Resident Evil 5!Almost a week left to release the game worldwide!

"Do you like it?" Su Xiaoqing asked with a smile as if asking for credit, "You can't go home with your laptop, can you? If you are questioned, it will be a bit troublesome."

"Miss Qing, don't you want to see my dad?" Su Yifan was very curious why Su Xiaoqing didn't go to see her parents. According to the relationship between them, Su Xiaoqing would want to see her parents more, right?

"Now is not the time." Su Xiaoqing rarely showed a little sadness on his always smiling face, "Waiting for a chance."

Su Yifan's character definitely doesn't like to force others, he said oh and then he didn't say anything, his eyes were still fixed on the big TV, that was "Resident Evil 5", not many people in the world have played this game now Bar?

"Want to play for a while?" Su Xiaoqing picked up the handle from the coffee table and handed it over.

Su Yifan took the handle and put it down after thinking about it: "No, it's too late."

"Well, I'll take you home." Su Xiaoqing didn't say much, and took out a bunch of keys from her bag, "Take this, it's the only key to this house, and I'll keep it in your hands from now on." inside."


If Su Yifan could barely accept the phone and laptop, this gift was a bit too expensive, and Su Yifan was stunned on the spot.It was only at this time that Su Yifan was in the mood to look around. This house seemed to have simple and plain decoration, with some decorative paintings hanging on the off-white walls. If you look closely, you can easily find that the furniture and various electrical appliances are not cheap.Su Yifan has seen the huge refrigerator in the living room in advertisements several times, and his mother's fingernails are almost bald and she is not willing to buy it.

Returning the set of sofas that Su Xiaoqing was sitting on, Su Yifan wasn't sure if it was a luxury brand he had seen before, if so, the price would be astronomical.

In contrast, the row of game consoles and the huge TV that excited Su Yifan the most were not valuable items.

"What are you doing in a daze?" Su Xiao shook his hand lightly, "Take it."

"But..." Su Yifan didn't know how to express his feelings, "Miss Qing, why did you give me this?"

"Think of it as your secret base." Su Xiaoqing said indifferently, "Shouldn't every boy have a secret base when he was young?"

Seeing that Su Yifan was still hesitating, Su Xiaoqing stood up and put the key directly into his hand: "Don't get too excited, I'll arrange a physical training class and a nutritionist test for you starting next week, you have to promise me not to escape."

When Su Xiaoqing said this, it still seemed to be an understatement, and she still couldn't hide her solemnity.

Su Yifan felt something was choked in his throat, he looked at this beautiful goddess sister who seemed to be floating from the sky, and grabbed the bunch of keys tightly, the metal bulge hurt his palm.

"Miss Qing, thank you."

"You're welcome." Su Xiaoqing stood in front of Su Yifan. The tall and tall girl looked down at the boy and said softly, "You deserve all of this, and all of this belongs to you...and you, only belong to him." yourself."

The TV beside him was still rumbling, and Su Yifan had no intention of watching it.Su Xiaoqing's voice slowly echoed in his heart, making him feel that his life had indeed been changed on this day, becoming completely different from before.


Let me talk about the update first, just like in a fairy tale: a happy life is to update every day, sometimes twice, sometimes three times...

And thank you friends who voted and joined us, thank you

Ask for a red ticket, ask for a collection!

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