Warring States Eagle

Chapter 115 The Trend of History

After leaving Muzo Shigetada and Kamiya Kamiya Shaoce to confirm the details of the cooperation, and to agree on the Luo family's participation in the specific sale, Masara visited the streets of Hakata with great interest under the protection of several cloaked people.

Since the head of the Shao'er family was defeated and forced to commit suicide four years ago, the remaining power of the Shao'er family in Hakata has also been completely wiped out by the Ouchi family; The forces at home in Hakata also had to hide in the dark, making Hakata completely under the control of the Ouchi family, and Hakata also ushered in a relatively long period of stability.Walking on the streets of Hakata, you can see many shops similar to shops, and you can also see many people coming in and out of them, a scene of prosperity.

Walking to a wine house, I looked at the sign at the door, and it seemed to be the wine house of the Kamiya family.Zheng Liang lifted the curtain of the tavern casually and walked in.Seeing that many people were already sitting in the lobby, Zheng Liang sat down at a table near the wooden window, then took out a small token and waved it in front of the owner of the restaurant, saying, "Have a bowl of sake!".The boss looked at Zhengliang's token, immediately bowed and saluted, then turned around and went down to get the wine.

The token was sent by Kamiya Shaoce, saying that if you show this token in the shop of Kamiya's family, you will get a courtesy.When he saw this token for the first time, Zheng Liang was a little surprised. Isn't this a bit similar to the practice of the so-called VIP cards in later generations?I didn't expect the ancients to think of such a marketing method so early.

"I heard that Nizi's house in Izumo is recruiting ronin, why don't we go there and try our luck?" Zheng Liang was just about to take a good look at the layout of the tavern when he suddenly heard a voice from a table next to him.Zheng Liang looked sideways, and it turned out that the three wanderers were discussing the destination of their next wandering.

"That's right. In June, the Nizi family sent troops to the Hachiman Castle of the Bigo Domain to attack the Mori family, but they were blocked. It is said that the Nizi family and the Mori family are recruiting ronin recently, and they are preparing to fight again. We are now You can still catch up if you rush over there," another ronin at the same table agreed.

"Who is so powerful? He actually blocked the army of Nizi's family?" asked the last ronin.

"It is said that they are the allies of the Mori family, the Shishido family," said the first Ronin, "The Shishido family defended against danger, and let the Niko family return without success."

"If you want me to tell you, you might as well go to Nizi's house."

"Nizi's house? Not good."

"Why? Could it be that he went to the Maoli family? If it weren't for this war, I wouldn't know there is such a powerful person?"

"You don't know about that," said the ronin who thought it was bad to go to Nizi's house, "The head of the Maori family is a formidable guy."

Then this ronin, like a few Jiazhen, told the news about the current head of the Mori family, Mori Motozuo, one by one.

According to this ronin.The Maori family is a famous family with a long history.The ancestors of the Mori family can be traced back to Hiromoto Oe, who served as the head of the government when the Kamakura Shogunate was first established.After Guangyuan's death, the fourth son Maoli Jiguang was exiled to the Anyun Fan Kingdom due to the war.The Maori family has thrived in Anyun. On April 1497, 4, Mao Liyuan was born in Yamashiro, Yoshida County, Anyun.At that time, the Maoli family was just a small daimyo struggling to survive in the cracks among the surrounding daimyos, and the nominal suzerain was the big family of the Zhou Fang feudal kingdom. In 16, Ashikaga Yoshike, the tenth general who was expelled from Kyoto by the "semi-general" Masato Hosokawa, defected to the Ouchi family.In order to establish their own influence in Kyoto, the Ouchi family decided to send troops to help Ashikaga Yoshitsuke to return the general position.But the timid Mori Hiromoto did not dare to offend Hosokawa Masato, so he hastily passed the position of governor to his eldest son. Mori Xingyuan, who was only 1499 years old, hid in seclusion in order to avoid the crisis. In 7, Mori Hiromoto, who was exhausted physically and mentally, died of illness suddenly.Under the prying eyes of various powerful and ambitious daimyos, the weak Maori family is even more precarious.This year, Mao Liyuan was only 1506 years old.

Although Mao Li Xingyuan is only 14 years old, he still bravely provoked the burden of the family governor. In 1507, Hosokawa Masato was assassinated by his sons, and there was chaos in Kyoto. Ouchi Family Governor Ouchi Yoshinaka saw that the time was right, so he surrounded Ashikaga Yoshinaki and sent troops to Shangluo.Mori Xingyuan also went out with the army as an Ouchi retainer. In June 1508, the Ouchi Army defeated Ashikaga Yoshisumi, and re-established Ashikaga Yoshitsuke as the general who conquered the barbarians. In August 6, Ashikaga Yoshisumi made a comeback.But before the war with Ashikaga Yoshitsuke, Yoshisumi died of illness.The army supporting Yicheng has no fighting spirit, and is defeated by the coalition forces of Yoshitsuke, Ouchi, Nizi and Maori in Funaoka Mountain.Mao Li Xingyuan, who is only 1511 years old, can also be said to have been battle-hardened. In 8, when Mao Li Xingyuan returned to the neighboring country, he joined forces with various powerful people in the Anyun Fan Kingdom to conclude a covenant, agreeing to advance and retreat together.The Maoli family's power in Anyun has temporarily stabilized.But under the heavy pressure, Xingyuan contracted the problem of alcoholism. On September 19, 1512, Xingyuan, who drank excessively, died suddenly at the age of 1516.All the retainers supported Xingyuan's 9-year-old son Xing Matsumaru as the successor of the family governor.Mao Liyuan was 21 years old at this time.

The master is young and the officials are weak, and the big names around him can't help but start thinking about the Maori family.At this time, the An Yun feudal kingdom is surrounded by powerful and powerful.Nizi and Ouchi are competing for supremacy, Anyun’s tyrants Mori, Yoshikawa, and Takeda (this Anyun Takeda is the same family as Kai Takeda, but looking at his relatives in Kai, it’s so different!) and so on. It's like grass on the wall, depending on who is powerful, you will fall to whoever you are, and live a precarious life.Seeing the decline of the Mori family, Motonshige Takeda, who was also in Anyun, took the lead in attacking the orphans and widows. In February 1517, the Takeda Army sent 2 troops to attack the Yoshikawa family, allies of the Mori family, in an attempt to cut off the right and left arm of the Mori family first. On October 5000, the Takeda Army surrounded Arita Castle, and Mori Moto led his troops to reinforce the Yoshikawa family.This is Yuan Jiu's first battle as a fledgling. On October 10, the Takeda Army's vanguard, the fierce general Kumagai Motonao with 13 horsemen, fought against the Mori Yoshikawa Allied Forces outside Arita Castle.The courageous Kumagai Motonao took the lead, but unfortunately fell off the horse with an arrow and was beheaded by Yoshikawa's army. On October 10th, Takeda Motoshige, who wanted to avenge his love, personally went out to fight against Mori Yoshikawa's allied forces Yu Matakawa.In the face of the fierce offensive of the Takeda Army, Mori Moto kept motivating the morale of the coalition forces, and finally succeeded in repelling the Takeda Army.Unwilling to fail, Motoshige Takeda led several cavalry to charge the coalition forces in an attempt to restore the decline.But what Mori Moto had been waiting for was this moment, when the archers in ambush at the rear raised their bows at the same time and shot at Motoshige Takeda.After a rain of arrows, Yuan Fan, known as "Xiang Yu", was shot by dozens of arrows and died on the banks of the Youdachuan River.The Anyu Takeda family fell into a slump from then on, the Mori family revived, and Mori Motonari's wisdom and bravery resounded all over the surrounding areas.

Mao Liyuan became famous in one fell swoop with this battle, and he seemed to be the backbone of the Mao Li family. In August 1523, the poor Xing Matsumaru, who was only 8 years old, died (it is said that he was murdered by Mao Liyuan), and Mao Liyuan became the expected family governor.But Maori's enemy, Nizishi, did not want to see Maori's family grow up.The governor of Nizi's family, Nizi, secretly instigated Yuanjiu's younger brother Xianghe Yuangang for a long time, and several important officials conspired against him.Mao Liyuan made a decisive decision and beheaded Xianghe Yuangang and others to eliminate future troubles.Mao Liyuan established the status of the family governor.Because Nizi's family obstructed the issue of the family governor, Mao Liyuan held a grudge in his heart, so he turned to the Ouchi family and fought against Nizi. In 9, Mao Liyuan attacked the Takahashi family of the local wealthy family, and his power became stronger.This caused even more uneasiness in Nizi's family.At this time, Nizi Jingjiu was 1529 years old and was ill. His grandson, Nizi Qingjiu, succeeded him as the governor of the family. In 83, Nizi Haruhisa sent 1540 troops from Tsukiyama Tomita Castle, his home city, to attack Mori Motonaku's Yoshida County Mountain Castle.The Battle of Yamashiro in Yoshida County begins. In June, the Nizi Army marched to Hachiman Castle of the Bingo Domain, in an attempt to cross the Kai River and attack the Mori Family's Anyun Domain.Unexpectedly, Maori's allies, the Shishido family, defended against danger, and the Nizi army returned without success.

Unwilling to fail, the Nizi family returned to the territory and issued a recruitment order again, continuing to recruit ronin, preparing to attack the Mori family again, and the Mori family who got the news were not to be outdone, and also began to recruit Ashgaru aggressively, and the war between the two was imminent.Now that these ronin got the news of the two recruiting ronin, they are going to try their luck. Maybe if they snatch a few heads in the battle, they will be appreciated by their employers and even become samurai with status.

While pretending to drink sake, Masara listened to the conversation of these ronin.It was found that this ronin seemed to be quite clear about the family background of the Maori family.This situation made Zheng Liang vigilant.Suddenly remembered that Mao Liyuan is famous for his resourcefulness, isn't it?Zheng Liang thought of two words, "fine".In order to increase their popularity, many tycoons will send some "ministers" to lobby everywhere in order to improve their family's reputation.In this way, many ronin can be attracted to go to its territory. Not to mention that this tyrant has obtained a lot of soldiers, the local consumption of these ronin alone has brought a lot of income to the territory.If this is the case, Zheng Liang really admires Mao Liyuan's strategy.

Since he overheard such important information, Zheng Liang began to listen carefully to the conversations of the drinking people around him.Just don't listen to it, but when he heard it, Zheng Liang was also taken aback. There was actually a ronin from Mikawa here, and Zheng Liang also vaguely got news from Mikawa and Owari.Oda Nobuhide sent troops to attack Sanhe Anxiang City.

Between the Owari country and the Suruga country is Mikawa. The Saijo Kira clan and the Tojo Kira clan who once ruled Mikawa, both of them lost in the mutual struggle and fighting. , do not belong to each other, Sanhe seems to be a big pie that has been cut too fragmented and cannot be put together again. The only way to reintegrate seems to be to let the big mouths of the outside swallow it whole. Now Chuan and Oda are undoubtedly both I want to play the role of Big Mouth.However, at this time, Sanhe's own outstanding hero was born.The Sanhe Matsudaira family, with Anxiang City near Owari in Xisanhe as its main city, has gradually expanded its power since the eldest relative.The grandson of the eldest relative, Qingkang, moved the city to Okazaki Castle a little to the east in the sixth year of Taiyong (1526), ​​and immediately started the fierce wind and fire of leading the country to unify.In the second year of Xianglu (1529), Qingkang captured Yoshida Castle, the advance base established by the Imagawa Clan for several generations in Dongsanhe. There are as many as 50 families, and the exclusive status of the Songping family in Sanhe is definitely determined.In the fourth year of Tianwen (1535), Matsudaira Kiyoyasu, who was on the way to unify the three rivers, went abroad and burned the war to the territory of Owari Kingdom. He went out to defend the mountain castle and confront the Oda army.Matsudaira Kiyoyasu was called by the later Sanhe vassal Yumei as a genius who "lives to be 30 years old and can take over the world". The trajectory across the East China Sea is absolutely magnificent.However, although the meteor is beautiful, its light is only for a moment.During this battle of guarding the mountain, Kiyoyasu was unfortunately killed by his retainer Abe Yashichiro at the age of 30.Encountered a big change in a hurry, Matsudaira's army was defeated in the defense of the mountain, and was beaten to death by Qingkang. The Owari Tiger Nobuhide, who had already suffocated his stomach, immediately mobilized his soldiers and chased them to the foot of Okazaki Castle. The siege battle for seven days and seven nights, Although the Songping Clan was saved from extinction, all the tyrants in the surrounding area could clearly see the emptiness of the Songping Clan without Qingkang after only one battle. A group of heroes under the halo of the world?The dominance of the Matsudaira family began to collapse...

The Matsudaira flower has withered, and the old ministers in the family are helping and protecting the young master Hiromada, facing the powerful offensive of Oda Nobuhide, helpless.In June of the ninth year of Tianwen (1540), Oda Nobuhide began to attack the old foundation of the Matsudaira family. Anxiang City, an important town of Xisanhe, was preparing to build a bridgehead in and out of the Xisanhe. superior.Helpless, in order to prolong the family's life, the veterans of the Matsudaira clan asked for help from the other pole, the Suruga Imagawa clan.The Imagawa Clan, who was expelled from Dongsanhe during the Qingkang period, certainly would not let go of this good opportunity to make a comeback, and entered Sanhe again under the banner of helping the young master Guangzhong.Oda, Imagawa, the day when the two heroes face each other in Mikawa has finally arrived.

Hearing these messages, Zhengliang was full of thoughts.It seems that my own arrival has not changed the wheel of history.Both Maori and Oda are advancing according to their original tracks.Then, Ouchi, Otomo, and even Shimadzu who are gradually rising in Kyushu...Thinking of these guys who are still huge for the current Luo family, Zhengliang can't help but feel a sense of urgency.

No, the Luo family is determined to be the best in this historical wave.Zheng Liang secretly made up his mind.

Outside the window, the sun is shining brightly.In Hakata Bay in the distance, waves are hitting the rocks on the shore, and there are waves of waves.


(There are still 3 votes to 10000 votes. The new book has been released for two months, with 40 words, and today it finally reached 10000 recommendation votes. This is my first book, and the first time 10000 votes. Thank you for your support, and now fulfill my promise , reached 10000 votes plus more. In the next chapter, the protagonist finally recruited the first famous general in history. A powerful general whose strength is comparable to that of Murakami Takeshi, but was completely covered by Murakami Takeshi's brilliance, you guessed it Who is it? In the next chapter, the answer will be revealed.)

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