Warring States Eagle

Chapter 12 Education

A century-old plan, education is the foundation.After the military training and agricultural cultivation in the territory gradually got on the right track, Zheng Liang began to think about the education in the territory.To be precise, it should be a matter of children's education.

Why just children's education?At present, the primary task of the territory is to deal with the threat of bandits and ensure food and clothing, which determines that the young and old in the territory basically have no spare time for education.In addition, the young and strong already have formed thoughts, no matter how arrogant Zheng Liang is, it is impossible for him to be so arrogant that he can change these people's thoughts in a short time.Therefore, the objects of education have to be children whose ideas are still in their infancy.

Children are the main force in the future of the territory. Zheng Liang decided to start with these children and instill in them some necessary thoughts of loyalty to the king and love for the clan.According to Zhengliang's original idea, he planned to follow the example of later generations and divide it into Chinese, mathematics, physics, chemistry, etc. to teach. After thinking about it carefully, this idea seems to be inconsistent with the current situation of the territory. First of all, it is impossible for him to look at these things all day long. Children, secondly, can these children learn so many things at once?Therefore, the final teaching only includes basic character education and patriotic education.

The first is character education. Although he has been here for nine days, Zheng Liang is still not used to speaking Japanese, and he intends to form a du li culture in the territory, so he decided to promote the simplified Chinese characters of later generations in the territory.It took nearly two nights for Zheng Liang to sort out a list of Chinese pinyin based on the knowledge of later generations (of course, he used the fountain pen and notebook in his backpack to fill in), and then spent another night repeatedly copying several copies.As for simplified Chinese characters, Zheng Liang had never learned any thousand-character script, so in the end he had to sort out the Three-Character Classic with more than 1000 characters, and also copied several copies.As for the teaching site, I choose an open space in front of my hut. The blackboard for teaching can only be assembled with a few wooden boards and then painted with lime (there are several limestone caves at the foot of Yegao Mountain. It turns out that the village leaders already know how to use limestone) mud to make simple white ash), and then use black charcoal as a pen, after each use, scrape off the white ash, and then reapply and air dry.A total of 3 blackboards have been made and are ready to be used in turn.

The second is to sing love songs.Talking directly to children about loving the territory and the Luo clan would be difficult for them to understand, so Zheng Liang adapted some songs from later generations into love clan songs.The purpose is to instill in the future main force of these territories the idea that the lord is above all else, that he is a member of the Luo family, and that he loves the Luo family.

Finally, morning exercises for boys aged eight to 14.Collect the boys aged 14 to [-] in the territory, and then go for a morning run in accordance with military training requirements.After the morning run, train the formation queue.

After a day of preparation, starting from the 10th day when Zhengliang came to this place, the children's education in the territory officially started.

Every day at seven o'clock in the morning, a total of 14 boys aged eight to 14 in the territory gathered on time, and then ran 4 laps (about 800 meters) around the outer edge of the teaching open space.After running, do standing military posture and formation training (mainly walking left and right and walking in unison).Zheng Liang divided them into two groups (groups of seven), each led by a 14-year-old boy as the captain for training. The purpose of this was to increase competition among them and speed up their learning progress.

At about 35:22 in the morning, the formation training was completed. At this time, other children over six years old in the territory also arrived one after another.There were a total of 12 children ([-] boys and [-] girls). They began to sing love songs in Japanese and Mandarin:

White eagle flag fluttering in the wind

How loud is the victory singing

sing about our dear land

From now on to prosperity

White eagle flag fluttering in the wind

How loud is the victory singing

sing about our dear land

From now on to prosperity

over the mountains

across the plain

across the rushing river

The vast and beautiful land is our dear territory

Territorial people stand up

Our unity and friendship are as strong as steel


Gradually, the singing every morning has become a unique scenery in the territory.

After singing the patriotic song, the day's formal teaching of characters began.Zhengliang first used a small white gray board to speak to the small audience below once or several times, and then distributed the several pages of pinyin tables and Hanzi tables that he had prepared long ago. Practice below.Since the territory is poor and empty, there are currently no stools and tables, and there is no paper for calligraphy.In order to increase the effect of learning, Zheng Liang asked people to make dozens of simple wooden stakes out of trees as stools.As for paper, ordinary people in this era can't afford paper, and many people have never seen paper in their lives, so they can only use the earth as a table, paper, and small branches as pens to write and draw on the ground.

But it was not all smooth sailing in this process. First of all, the leaders did not understand.In an ordinary family, children aged 13 or [-] are already the main labor force in the family. Now the lord wants their children to attend a "school" that they have never heard of before. At first, everyone was very reluctant. of.However, due to the "coercion" of the lord, they had no choice but to send their children who met the requirements to the "school".In response to this problem, Zhengliang announced some policies.

Policy one, considering the actual situation in the territory, Zheng Liang set the teaching time in the morning every day, and free time in the afternoon.In this way, the residents will reduce a lot of complaints. After all, most of them also have to participate in the collective labor of the territory in the morning, and it is not impossible for children to participate in the study.Policy 1, Zhengliang announced that the two children with the best performance every month will be rewarded with a bucket of miscellaneous grains.Such rewards are indeed very attractive to the current citizens.Therefore, the lords gradually weakened their resistance to their children's participation in the school, and some even became very active in supporting the lord's teaching policy, secretly urging their children to study hard.Of course, this policy inevitably led to another complaint from Togo Heiji.Although he finally agreed with the lord's policy, but looking at his appearance when he left, it is estimated that he was still shouting heartbroken, "The prodigal lord..."

After solving the difficulties of the citizens, they immediately encountered another problem.Because it is very difficult to gather these young audiences together and listen carefully, especially the young audiences who are very active.Finally, Zhengliang thought of a way.He took out a lot of small toys made of weeds (a small hobby of Zheng Liang when he was a child, weaving some small animals or objects out of various weeds) as rewards for those who listened carefully and performed the best that day.Children have a natural liking for toys (especially these novelty toys), so the young audience was immediately inspired.When Zheng Liang took out the last piece of chocolate in his backpack as a reward for the best performance of the month, all the little audience salivated, especially the little ones who had eaten the chocolate that Tamiko gave them.This problem was also finally resolved.

In this way, the teaching work gradually proceeded in an orderly manner.Generally speaking, in terms of language talent and seriousness, girls have more advantages. It is obvious that girls get most of the small toys every day.What surprised Zheng Liang the most was that the best performers this month turned out to be two little guys who had a special relationship with him.

One of them is Tamiko.According to age, Tian Meizi is not yet six years old, so she does not need to attend school for the time being.Later, after the little girl learned about the school from her little friend, she entangled Zheng Liang again.Staring wide-eyed, begging in a nasty voice to join in too, Zheng Liang could stand the innocent and cute eyes of the little girl, anyway, the little girl only went for fun, maybe she wouldn't come when she got bored, so I agreed.As a result, this little girl not only persisted for a month, but also surprised Zheng Liang with the final monthly evaluation result, because this little girl was ranked second in academic performance. Could it be that he met the legendary child prodigy?Of course, Zheng Liang believed more that the little girl was tempted and went for that piece of chocolate.

The other is 13-year-old Ju Ji, whose full name is Dongxiang Ju, who is Zheng Liang's regular wife who hasn't been together yet.During the Warring States period, girls could marry at the age of 12. For this reason, Dongxiang Heiji has raised the issue of Juji's marriage several times, hoping that Zheng Liang will marry Dongxiang Ju as soon as possible.To be honest, it is a lie that Zheng Liang is not moved.From the aesthetic point of view of Zheng Liang's later generations, Ju Ji is definitely a beauty.A pair of childish, beautiful eyes decorated with long eyelashes, like two crystal grapes.The red face is shining, the ears are white and red, the helixes are distinct, and the outer and inner rings are well-proportioned, like a carved work of art.The long flaxen hair cascading down like a waterfall, the soft lines, the small nose, and the red lips like cherries... It makes people look like water-like gentleness of later generations of southern women, reserved and unobtrusive, elegant and unobtrusive Gorgeous, especially her unique temperament, people dare not desecrate.Such temperament, such beauty, as long as it is a normal man, his heart will be moved.

But after all, Ju Ji is only 13 years old, so what, she is too young.Therefore, Zheng Liang had difficulty accepting a 13-year-old little loli as his wife for a while.And more importantly, Zhengliang feels that this is just a political marriage.The status of women in the Warring States period was low, and ordinary women depended on men to live. Even the daughters of daimyo, although they were guaranteed food and clothing, would eventually become political tools.Although Zheng Liang did not object to this kind of marriage, he still felt that it was better to let nature take its course under the circumstances that he could control.Therefore, when it was really impossible to evade Togo Heiji's request, Zhengliang had no choice but to agree to marry Kikuhime after the territory was stabilized, delaying it temporarily.

Of course, Zheng Liang also gained some special gains in the process of teaching.It was noon on the third day of the official start of teaching.One morning's teaching time was over, and Zheng Liang was about to leave, when suddenly several calls came from behind, "My lord, my lord..."

Zheng Liang turned around and saw that there were six or seven children participating in morning exercises every day.

"My lord, please allow me to participate in the ashigaru training," the two oldest children in the lead begged in unison.The children behind the two also echoed in unison.

Zheng Liang looked at the two little guys who took the lead. They were the captains of the two morning training teams he had randomly appointed.

"Ashigaru training? Why?" Zhengliang felt very strange.

Hearing Zheng Liang's question, the little guys became nervous, thinking that Zheng Liang was planning to reject their request.The two oldest little guys knelt down and said.

"My lord, I want to avenge my brother!" One of the voices replied with a choked voice.

"My lord, I want to avenge my lord father!", the other one had tears streaming down his face.

Zheng Liang glanced at the six or seven kneeling little guys.It is obvious that they all have blood feuds with the bandits, but there are no older men in the family, so they are determined to take responsibility for avenging their families.

"Well, what's your name?" Zheng Liang asked, frowning.

"Sahachiro", "Kisaburo"... "Okay, Sahachiro, Kisaburo...", Zhengliang repeated their names one by one.

"Do you think you can beat the ashigaru members of the ashigaru team now?" Zhengliang asked back, changing the subject.

The little guys were all taken aback after hearing this.Obviously, they also know that they can't beat Ashgaru-sama.

"But now the ashigaru are not the opponents of the bandits, so you have only one ending in the battlefield, that is, you are killed by the bandits. Once you die in the battlefield, what will your family do? Who will come for you in the future? How about revenge for your relatives?" Zheng Liang continued.

The little ones were all silent.

"So, train hard and study hard. Starting tomorrow, I will add bamboo spear thrusting training to my daily morning exercises. Those who perform well will be promoted to my surname," Zheng Liang continued.

"Small surname?" The little ones were puzzled, and they all looked up at the lord's analysis.

Zhengliang didn't answer right away, but turned around, and continued to say as he walked forward, "As a small surname, you need to follow the lord to the battlefield...".Really drowsy, someone sent a pillow.What is Zhengliang most lacking now?They are loyal samurai. These little guys brought new ideas to Zheng Liang.That's right, it is to train these little guys into their own loyal forces.

Hearing the Lord Lord's last words, the six or seven little fellows all looked at each other, and each saw firmness in each other's eyes.

After that day, in the training team, several players who trained very diligently and even "destroyed their lives" emerged.Under the leadership of these players, the training atmosphere of the entire team has been greatly improved.

In order to encourage the efforts of these little guys, Zheng Liang set up a village patrol team, with these little guys as patrol members, responsible for day-to-day patrols in the village.Since there are only 14 people at present, they can only be divided into two teams and patrol every day.As a result, a team of small village patrols carrying small bamboo guns and walking in neat steps has become another unique scenery of the village, and it has also become the goal of more children who have not yet met the requirements to join the patrol team.

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