Warring States Eagle

Chapter 129 Strike of the Autumn Wind 2

While Zheng Liang and Akasaka Toki were fighting wits and courage.In the soil and rocks of the Dongshan family at the foot of Shi Gaoshan, two young maids were changing the dressing for the injured calf of the Patriarch of the Dongshan family.

The wound on his calf was stabbed by the opponent's samurai during the sneak attack on Akasaka's house last time. If he hadn't reacted in time, his life would have been blamed in that battle.Although they escaped with their lives in the end, the three coalition forces suffered heavy losses in that battle, and three warriors from the Dongshan family alone died.Such a loss was already unbearable for the Higashiyama family with only a hundred residents.In fact, calling the Dongshan family, Hanoi family, and Guan Mou family powerful is a bit too exaggerated. Even if these local tyrants mobilize the whole town regardless of age, they can only gather dozens of men each. If it weren't for the three families Together, and firmly holding favorable defensive terrain, they have long been annexed by the Akasaka family.Maybe the Akasaka family did not go all out to deal with these small local tyrants for a long time, because a forced attack would cause a lot of losses. Even after the attack, it would not increase much income. to date.

At noon on August [-]th, the sun was fierce, and the townspeople who had worked in the fields all morning returned home to prepare meals for noon.The tuyan gate of Dongshan's house was quiet, and a light-weight guard who guarded the tuyan gate was dozing off against the wall, bored.Originally, there were two ashigaru guards here, but the other ashigaru had sneaked back to his field to harvest grain at this moment. According to the agreement, he would come back in the afternoon to replace the current ashigaru.In the past, these two ashigaru really wouldn't dare to do this, but recently the lord's calf was injured and he couldn't come out to patrol, and everyone is busy with the autumn harvest recently, so few townspeople come here at this time, so the gatekeepers are also lax Woke up.

At this time, two townspeople dressed as peasants came out of a forest and quickly approached the door of Tuyan while no one was paying attention.

"Who?" When the two farmers were about to approach the gatekeeper Ashgaru, they still woke up each other.

"Samurai, I have something urgent to report to the lord!" One of the peasants immediately nodded and bowed.

"Huh?" Awakened in a daze, the gatekeeper Ashigaru was very annoyed at first, but when he saw the other party respectfully calling him Mr. Samurai, most of his anger disappeared immediately, "Important news? What important news? By the way, Why haven't I seen you?" At this moment, Gatekeeper Ashgaru was fully awake.

"Master Samurai, the younger one belongs to the Hanoi family. The lord of the family asked the younger one to report important news to the lord here," the farmer immediately said respectfully.

"What important news?" the gatekeeper said proudly, posing like a samurai.

"Master Samurai, this news cannot be said casually," the farmer said with a serious expression.

"Huh?" The gatekeeper ashigaru was a little unhappy.

"Master Samurai, this news cannot be shared with others. What I want to talk about is the Akasaka family..." Seeing the gatekeeper's dissatisfaction, the farmer immediately became frightened, gritted his teeth, and could only whisper.

"What's wrong with the Akasaka family?" Upon hearing the news about the Akasaka family, the gatekeeper Ashgaru immediately became nervous, "Tell me." He has fought against the Akasaka family for many years, and the people here will definitely be nervous when they hear the news about the Akasaka family. up.

The farmer walked up to the gatekeeper Ashgaru in small steps, turned his head to look around, and then whispered, "Master Samurai, it's like this..." Before the farmer could finish speaking, he suddenly covered Ashgaru's mouth with his hand, and another The other hand was tightly hugging Ashigaru's hands.

At the same time, another farmer who had been silent all this time pulled out a broken arrow with an arrowhead from his bosom, walked quickly to Ashgaru's side, and thrust it into Ashgaru's neck.Zuqing let out a muffled scream, struggled a few times, and finally fell down slowly.

The moment Ashgaru fell down, a team of hundreds of people rushed out of the woods where the two farmers had drilled out, led by Chujiro.As early as August [-]th, the team led by Chujiro joined Shingoro and others who were in charge of opening up the trail in the forest. After resting in the forest overnight, in the early morning of August [-]th, before the townspeople woke up, there were few pedestrians on the road. At that time, he lurked to the position just now.Then, according to the unique code of the Luo family, he found the detective of the Luo family lurking nearby, and asked the detective to pass the latest news back to the lord.After the detective left, Chujiro waited for the time to attack according to Masara's original plan.When he saw one of the gatekeepers walking away, and the other dozed off, he knew that the time had come, and immediately asked people to approach the gatekeeper Ashgaru according to the plan, so there was the scene just now.

After the team arrived at the gate of Tuyan, Chujiro divided the team into two teams, and then shouted, "According to the plan, the first team immediately took control of the town. It is now noon, and the townspeople are basically at home, and the townspeople are strictly not allowed to go out. , or kill without mercy; the other team will follow me." After speaking, he led one of the troops into the soil and rock.The other team rushed to Machiko as planned.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack..." When Chujiro rushed into the rock aggressively with his soldiers, the people inside knew that they had been attacked, and some men began to fight hard.This time, Zhengliang specially allocated 20 standing ashigaru and 10 low-level samurai to Chujiro. Hours later, the Luo family had cleared Tuyan. Even if the poor Patriarch of the Dongshan family escaped his life in the last battle, he could not escape the fate of being killed in the end.

"My lord, all the places in the rock have been searched several times, and it is confirmed that there is no problem. All the men have been killed, and the female family members have been concentrated and guarded," a samurai reported.In order to clear up Tuyan quickly, all the men had to be killed across the board. In troubled times, this is commonplace. Those innocent men who died can only blame themselves for being unlucky, but they are in the rock at this moment.

"My lord, Machiko has also been brought under control. Although it caused a brief riot, it was quickly brought under control. Now these townspeople are hiding in their homes," said another samurai.

"Okay, gather the team immediately and prepare to go. Shingoro, I'll leave this to you." Chujiro was very satisfied with the progress of the battle.The two samurai led the way.

"My lord, please don't worry, I will definitely complete the task my lord Patriarch gave me." Shingoro puffed up his chest and said.According to the plan, after capturing the residence of the Higashiyama family, a dozen hunters headed by Shingoro will be in charge of guarding it.

After leaving ten farmers and soldiers pretending to patrol the town while announcing the fact that the Higashiyama family had been destroyed by the Luo family, Chujiro led the remaining 120 troops to attack the Hanoi family.

Hanoi's house is actually only one mile away from Dongshan's house, and it will be there in a blink of an eye.At this moment, outside the soil and rock where Hanoi's home is located, there is smoke from cooking, and the farmers in the town are cooking.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack... Hurry up and close the gate." The guards of Hanoi's family are more dedicated than Dongshan's family. They found the Luo family's army approaching quickly from a distance, although I don't know why such a large-scale unidentified army suddenly appeared. , but looking at the other party's appearance, the visitor is not kind.

"Whoo, whoosh, whoosh" dozens of arrows shot at the two ashigaru guarding the gate.

The 10 warriors who came here this time are all bow warriors who are good at using bows and arrows. There are still more than 200 meters away from the gate.The training volume of shooting at least 200 arrows a day is very effective. The two feet who were turning around and running into the soil and rock fell to the ground in response, screaming again and again, and just blocked the gate.

The bow and arrow warriors and the bow and arrow Ashgaru kept shooting arrows at the gate. Although the people inside found the invading enemy, they didn't dare to take the risk to close the gate after seeing the tragic situation of the two gatekeepers who were knocked down.When several men were holding up wooden boards while resisting the arrows and rushing towards the gate quickly, the forward of the Luo family's forces had already killed the enemy.

Chujiro in the "killing" crowd yelled, not because he didn't want to run in the front, but because his speed couldn't be compared with these regulars who ran every morning, so he had no choice but to take those farmers and soldiers behind Waving the flag and shouting.The men in the rock also came out with weapons, and the sound of killing at Tuyan's gate shook the sky in an instant.

With the arrival of the successor team of the Luo family, the resistance in the soil and rock was suppressed, and the Luo family's troops completely occupied the gate.

"The Patriarch of the Hanoi family was taken by me!" During the scuffle, a warrior of the Luo family raised a head and shouted loudly.

In fact, the samurai didn't know if the person he killed was really the head of the Hanoi family. Since the other party was dressed so well, he must be a big shot, so let's call it out first.

Hearing that the head of the family was killed, the few men immediately collapsed (because of the autumn harvest and some people were sent to guard the border checkpoints of the territory, there were not many people in Tuyan), some of them fled into the buildings of Tuyan, Others simply surrendered.What these people don't know is that what awaits them will be a merciless massacre.

In the end, after paying the price of minor injuries to three farmers and soldiers, the soil and rocks of Hanoi's house were captured.The way to clear it is the same as the way to deal with the Dongshan family.After cleaning up a bit, leaving 10 farmers and soldiers responsible for guarding and maintaining order in the town, Chujiro led the rest of the people to kill the Guan Mou's house half a mile away.

When Luo's family besieged Hanoi's family, Guan Mou's family had already received news that Hanoi's family had been attacked by the enemy.The problem is that after the head of the Guan Mou family received the news that the Akasaka family was being attacked, he happened to take people to the border to find out the situation. He tried to fish in troubled waters to see if he could get some benefits from it.

As a result, the dragons had no leader and missed the opportunity to support Hanoi's family.What is even more unbelievable is that when seeing more than 100 soldiers of Luo's family rushing forward in mighty force, the young master of Guan Mou's family hid in the mountains with his treasures, and everyone in Guan Mou's family was shocked There was an uproar, and then some followed suit and escaped from the earth and rocks one after another, some hid back at home, and some resolutely imitated the demeanor of the young master, and also hid in the surrounding mountains and forests.As a result, Chujiro took control of the Tuyan and Machiko of the Guanmu family without any effort.So far, the home of the three local tyrants has been completely occupied by the Luo family's surprise attack from behind.

After the inventory was completed, Chujiro had no time to search for the remnants of the Guanmu family scattered in the mountains and forests. After leaving 30 farmers and soldiers to guard Toiyan and Machiko, he took the remaining 10 samurai, 20 standing ashigaru and 50 farmers. The soldiers once again rushed to the border where the three joint defenses were deployed.

There are only 20 people at the border of the three joint defenses, and this number is enough to prevent the attack of the Akasaka family.Using the defensive earth wall that has been built and reinforced several times, 20 people are enough to delay the frontal invasion, and then wait for the arrival of the three coalition forces.However, this time, the impregnable earthen wall in the past failed to defend against the sudden attack from behind, and 20 people, including the head of the Guan Mou family, were all killed in the end. For this, the Luo family paid the price of several people being injured.

After simply cleaning up the battlefield and dealing with the wounded, Chujiro set foot on the territory of the Akasaka family.

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