Warring States Eagle

Chapter 134 Hematemesis

Day and night of August [-]th in the ninth year of Tianwen.

Fortunately, the moonlight is relatively hazy tonight, otherwise, in this era of rampant night blindness, Zhengliang's idea of ​​marching through the night would definitely be in vain.After leaving 25 standing ashigaru under the command of Hirasa Masatada to defend the city, Masamura quietly sneaked out of Wanheli Castle in batches with 36 cloaked men, 27 low-level samurai, and 25 standing ashigaru.After meeting at a small forest, immediately proceed along the coast of the Wangali River to the Dono family's Tiano Castle.

A pale half crescent moon was reflected in the river water, and wisps of phosphorescent light occasionally reflected on the dark river surface.The mountains and woods in the distance are hazy.The team walked along the narrow field path, one foot deep and one foot shallow. After a day of fighting, everyone was almost a little tired, but they still gritted their teeth and persisted.Half an hour later, the team had already moved away from Wanheli City. Zheng Liang ordered everyone to light the torches immediately and speed up the march.

After more than an hour, everyone finally arrived at a hill near the Tianwei city of the Dono family.

After asking everyone to extinguish the torches and take a rest, Masara climbed to the top of the hill and looked at Tiano Castle from a distance.As the residence of the Dono family, Tanoo Castle is indeed much larger than Yuno Castle, but even so, it is only a pill.It seems that Zhengliang will have to wait until the Luo family has the opportunity to attack the city of the famous city of one country if they want to see the real modern city with more than two pills.Inside the city gate, you can vaguely see the fire, which seems to be used by the gatekeeper Ashgaru for lighting.Except for the city gate, the rest of the city is completely dark.On the whole, the guards of the city are not strict.Now the Tateishi family on the north side of Tiano Castle has joined forces with the Dono family, the Kamakura family is separated by a river to the west, the Akasaka family is fighting pirates in the south, and Yuno Castle is even more so in the east. It is about to be taken back by the Dono family. It is estimated that because of this, the defenders relaxed their vigilance.

After the rest, the team lurked to the base of Tianyewei City in batches.The entire city is built on top of a hill, and even with a ladder, it cannot be attacked directly.Zheng Liang brought a few good climbers to the back of the city. Although it is still a bit steep, it is already possible to climb with bare hands.Fortunately, the walls of the city are built with stones, and there are many corners of the stones protruding from the wall, which creates conditions for climbing.After nearly an hour of hard work, three warriors finally climbed up the city wall. Zheng Liang heaved a sigh of relief when he saw this.He was worried. Although the city wall was only 5 or 6 meters, if someone fell halfway, it would definitely wake up the guards in the city.

After the three samurai entered the city, they quietly touched the two sleeping gatekeepers, killed them, and quickly opened the wooden city gate.The sound of the wooden door opening alarmed several warriors in the nearby room, and someone ran out from inside to check it out. When they found someone they didn't know, they immediately shouted, "Enemy attack! Enemy attack!..."

"Kill" Zheng Liang, who had brought most of the people into the city gate, immediately pulled out Ji Gang's word and directed everyone to kill into the city.Since most of the people in the city had been mobilized to attack Yunoo Castle, the dozen or so Dono family troops left behind were quickly eliminated by Zhengliang.After simply clearing the city and imprisoning the female relatives who were not killed, the tired people soon fell asleep.

On August [-]th, Tianwen Nine Years, early in the morning.

Zheng Liang asked some fresh firewood to be lit in the city, and thick black smoke rose into the sky, which could be clearly seen even several miles away.After leaving 20 people who were slightly injured or over-tired to guard Tiano Castle, Zheng Liang led the remaining personnel to attack Yuno Castle.

. . . . . . . . . . . . .

In a military tent outside Yuno City, Dono Keimune was pacing back and forth anxiously.After the sneak attack failed yesterday afternoon, he immediately cooperated with the Tateishi family to launch a cage city against Yunoo Castle, but he did not expect that although the opponent had less than 50 people, they were very tenacious and repelled the attacks of the two coalition forces several times.The battle lasted until night, and he had to suspend the attack when the soldiers were generally tired.He is anxious!After learning that the Luo family had fewer troops defending the city, he realized that the opportunity to recapture Yuno City had come.After several discussions with his retainers, he finally made a final decision and decided to abandon the previous feud with the Tateishi family and take the initiative to form an alliance with the other party.For this reason, he not only returned all the territories that had recently seized the Tateishi family, but also married his daughter, who was only under 8 years old, to the head of the Tateishi family, who was only 9 years old, as a hostage for cooperation.No matter what this morning, Yuno City must be taken down, otherwise the opponent's reinforcements will arrive.

"Father, all the troops are ready, and we can attack the city again at any time." At this time, the son of Tangye Jingzong came in to report.

"What's going on with Kansaburo Tateishi's family?" asked Dono Keimune.This time the leading general of the Tateishi family is the third family Kansaburo.Although the head of the family is the orphan of his eldest brother, Kansaburo, who has superior overall strength, has become the person with the most decision-making power in the Tateishi family. This cooperation with the Dono family was facilitated by him, and of course he also received money from the Dono family. Many benefits.

"We are gathering troops, and we will not be able to join the battle until later."

"Hmph, he's just a wild wolf who can't get enough to eat," Tang Ye Jingzong said angrily, "Go and urge him again immediately, the city cannot be broken by relying on the strength of our family with less than one hundred troops."

"Yes, my lord father", the son of Domino Jingzong took the order and left.

At the same time, at the gate of Yunoo Castle, Masahide Luo Shi, whose arm wound was simply bandaged with rags, was directing the peasants and soldiers to gamble the gate to death with various collected materials.After last night's battle, the wooden city gate could no longer hold on for too long. Once the city gate fell, these people in the city alone would not be able to resist the nearly 200 enemy troops outside.

While commanding the crowd, Luo Shi Zhengxiu raised his head and looked in the direction of Shuiyan City.I don't know when the reinforcements from my family will arrive?Relying on the 5-meter-high city wall yesterday, the Luo family resisted several unarmed wall-climbing attacks by the outside coalition forces. For this reason, the Luo family also paid the price of 3 standing ashigaru being shot to death by bows and arrows, and 8 farmers and soldiers were injured.If the reinforcements didn't arrive in time today, then without the opponent's continued onslaught, the Luo family's troops would be the first to collapse.And I have to be ready to be loyal to the Patriarch.

"Look, what is that?" A standing ashigaru who was in charge of monitoring on the city wall suddenly pointed to the sky and said.Luo Shizhengxiu looked in the direction that Ashgaru pointed, and saw a black smoke column rising into the sky in the distance, which looked like a black dragon from a distance.Isn't that the direction where Donoya Ta Noo Castle is located?Um?This is a good opportunity to boost morale, right?Thinking of this, Luo Shizhengxiu immediately shouted, "Everyone, the main city of the Dono family has been attacked. As long as we persist for a while, they will have to retreat. Everyone, it's time to show your bravery and let them see it." Let's see the bravery of the Luo family's warriors."

"Ah! Really? That's great...", the soldiers around shouted excitedly.

Compared with the jubilation inside the city, the soldiers of the Tangye family outside the city seemed a little uneasy. The soldiers pointed to the black smoke and discussed, and the offensive that had been prepared was also suspended.

"Lord Jingzong, is your city in the direction you are looking at?" Kansaburo said to Dono Jingzong, who was already in shock, with great concern, but no matter how you looked at it, this guy seemed a bit lucky.

"Quick, send someone back to see what's going on?" Tang Ye Jingzong shouted at several retainers.Soon an ashigaru with nimble legs and feet was sent to inquire about the news, but within a quarter of an hour, the ashigaru came back, followed by several farmers.

"My lord, this is a farmer from the castle town of Tanao Castle, and they just came to report," Ashari reported.

"Say, what the hell is going on?" Domino Jingzong asked, pointing to the dark night in the sky.

"My lord, Tianyewei City has been captured by the Luo family," several farmers shouted at the same time.

"Ah?!", Tangye Jingzong froze there, as if he had become a stone man, and everyone around him also exclaimed, secretly worried about his family.A few farmers knelt on the ground and didn't see the expressions of the crowd, so they still said to themselves, "You guys heard the sound of killing in the city last night, but it stopped soon. Early this morning, suddenly at home Several ferocious samurai lords broke in, and asked us to gather in front of the gate of Tianowei Castle. After the assembly, an adult picked up a few heads and told us that Tianowei Castle had been captured by the Luo family, let us go quickly Come and report to the adults, otherwise we will be killed, so we came here driven by them."

After the peasants finished speaking, they all lowered their heads, waiting for the lord's lecture, but after waiting for a long time, there was no movement. A more courageous farmer raised his head slightly and took a peek, only to see that the lord still kept his original position. When he asked them about his posture, just as the farmer was muttering to himself what was wrong with the lord, Domino Jingzong spat out a mouthful of blood, screamed and fell to the ground unconscious.The lord's sudden move surprised everyone. While calling for his father, Tangye Jingzong had someone carry Tangno Jingzong back into the military tent.

Originally, after hearing that the city had been occupied, the people around had become anxious. When they saw the situation of the Patriarch, all the people were in agitation. Finally, they had to calm down after the young master of the Dono family stopped.But when the young master of the Tangye family returned to the military tent to check on the condition of Tangye Jingzong, everyone started talking again.As an ally of the Dono family, Kansaburo of the Tateishi family led the Tateishi family's team to withdraw without any greeting.In fact, after more than a dozen people were injured in the siege last night, Kansaburo planned to withdraw his troops. Anyway, according to the agreement, the captured Yunoo castle would still belong to the Dono family, so why should the Tateishi family commit suicide for others? What about the loss of strength?

Not long after the Tateishi family's army left, deserters also appeared in the Dono family's army, including even the retainers of the Dono family.

An hour later, when Zhengliang led the team to kill, there were only a dozen relative samurai of the Dono family left in the camp of the Dono family.Together with Masahide Luo who rushed out from Yuno Castle, the Luo family quickly killed these samurai.

"My lord, the bodies of Dono Jingzong and his son were found in the military tent. They died by Caesarean section," a cloaked man reported to Zheng Liang.

"Give them a good burial," Zheng Liang said.To be able to push Zhengliang to the point where he is in such a desperate situation, Dono Jingzong is already No. 1.So such an opponent deserves respect, since he is dead, let him have a good start and a good end.

"Your Highness", at this time Masara Roshi, whose arms were still bandaged, came over.

"How's the situation in the castle?" Zhengliang looked at the gate of Yuno Castle, and then asked.

"Your Highness, this time, 3 standing ashigaru were killed in battle, 11 standing ashigaru and 8 farmers and soldiers were seriously injured, and the rest were slightly injured to varying degrees," Roshi Masahide reported with a choked voice.Having gone through a life-and-death battle at the age of 16, and now being able to remain calm is already commendable.

"You have done a good job. All the people will be rewarded with 5 stones of miscellaneous grains. The wounded will be placed on the spot, and the master Xuanru of our family will come soon. The ashigaru who died in battle will be buried in the hero's tomb near Ye Gaoshan. The family members In addition to resettling the territorial law for compensation, an additional 20 stones of miscellaneous grains will be rewarded," Zheng Liang comforted.

"Yes, Your Highness," Luo Shi Zhengxiu bowed to accept the order.

"Okay, you are responsible for cleaning the battlefield," Zheng Liang said, waving his hand.He was not in a good mood after suffering such an injury.

An hour later, the reinforcements led by Chujiro and Kosuke arrived at Yuno Castle one after the other.

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