Warring States Eagle

Chapter 136 The Bird of Fright

In the city, I witnessed that the third family was captured, the Tateishi family was defeated and fled, everyone in Sayama City was in danger, and some panicked people even thought about how to escape.

After arriving at the foot of the mountain where Sayama Castle is located, Masaragi did not rush to attack the city. Instead, he erected a fence at the foot of the mountain facing the city gate, blocking the east, south, and north directions of Sayama Castle.After finishing the above work, the soldiers began to eat on the spot one after another. The Luo family seemed to have completely ignored the soldiers of the Lishi family in the city from the beginning to the end.

At the end of the afternoon, after a full rest, the Luo family's forces should start attacking the city?But unexpectedly, Zheng Liang asked people to start building tents, and it seemed that they were planning to live at the foot of the mountain for a long time.

A series of unimaginable actions by the Luo family made the soldiers of the Lishi family in the city suspicious when they saw the coming and going.

In the evening, as the day was coming to an end, everyone in the city was basically sure that the Luo family would not attack today, so everyone who had stood on the city wall for a whole day relaxed.

Suddenly, a group of archers rushed out from the Luo family's camp, and after lining up neatly at the foot of the mountain, they began to draw their bows and prepare to shoot at the people on the city.

Everyone in the city burst into laughter immediately upon seeing this, and some even leaned out on purpose, arrogantly demonstrating against the bow and arrow team below the city.They have already experienced the power of bows and arrows in the past, and those bows and arrows will not be able to shoot into the city later.But they don't know that the distance from the foot of the mountain to the city wall is only tens of meters, but the bows and bows distributed by the archers of the Luo family now have a range of 200 to 400 meters, so the entire Sayama Castle can become The target of the bow tire bow attack.So, in the case of mental arithmetic and unintentional, the people standing in the city were tragic.Under a round of bow and arrow shooting, everyone was caught off guard, and 7 or 8 people were injured and fell to the ground immediately.The rest of the people hid under the city wall after being lucky enough to escape.

After shooting several rounds of bows and arrows towards the city, the sky gradually darkened, and the harassment battle of Luo's family officially started.

More than 140 Luo family soldiers were divided into 5 teams, taking turns to harass the city.In the dark night, it was impossible to see how many people were coming, so the guards in the city had to keep shooting arrows at the place where the sound came from.

This night, for everyone in the Lishi family, it was a night of nightmares. Everyone was like a frightened bird. When the Lishi family fought back, the forces of the Luo family fought on the city wall beyond the range of the bow and arrow. However, when the Lishi family dismissed it and thought it was another harassment, the Luo family immediately approached the city gate and started a real attack, making it impossible for everyone to guard against it. The sao harassment continued until the early morning of the second day.Originally, there were not many people in the city. After several people were injured and unable to continue fighting in the bow and arrow shooting at the beginning last night, all the members of the Lishi family had to participate in the task of defending the city.After a night of harassment and lack of enough rest, everyone was exhausted.What's more critical is that after a night of wandering, the arrows in the city are about to run out.

But before everyone had a chance to rest, the Roche family, who had taken turns to harass and get a full rest, launched an offensive again.Since it was already daytime and the sight of the archers on the city was clearer, a forcible siege would inevitably cause damage, so this time Zheng Liang did not use the attack method of directly approaching the city last night.Of course, if Zheng Liang knew that the arrows in the city were basically exhausted at this moment, maybe he would really storm the city.

Residents of hundreds of nearby towns, old and young, were driven to the foot of the mountain. Under the pressure of the Luo family's soldiers, they began to shout towards the city, calling for their relatives in the city to surrender.This kind of drama lasted from morning to afternoon. At noon, Luo's family provided food for these townspeople, giving them enough strength to continue to persuade them to surrender in the afternoon.

After repeated attacks, the results were soon achieved.A few ashigaru climbed out of the city wall first, and then surrendered.Masara graciously did not punish them, but told them to put down all their weapons and return directly to their relatives among the townspeople.The above actions were all carried out under the eyes of everyone in the Tachishi family in the city.With these few people's risk-taking, people began to follow suit one after another, and in the end, some people simply opened the city gate and left the city to surrender.Zheng Liang was dumbfounded by this. According to his thinking, at least he would have to use this siege method to besiege the opponent for several days before he could gain anything, but now the opponent has surrendered.

Of course, surprises were all surprises, and Zheng Liang accepted the city unceremoniously.But after searching inside, except for some family members, no important figures of the Tateishi family were found.After asking a few ashigaru who had surrendered, Masara learned that Katakichi, the important minister of the Tateishi family, had escaped from the back wall with the young head of the family, under the protection of a dozen relatives and samurai.Zheng Liang made a big mistake, because he did not expect the opponent to surrender so soon, Zheng Liang had not had time to set up an ambush on the west side of Sayama Castle, where he deliberately left a way out, so these people took the opportunity to escape.

The so-called weeds must be eradicated. If these people who escape have a chance to perish, they must be killed.After leaving all the ashigaru and peasant soldiers to guard Sayama Castle, Masara led more than 50 cloaked people and samurai to chase in the direction where the Tateishi family fled.After tracking all the way, half an hour later, the detective in charge of the front came back to report, "My lord, I found two groups of people not far ahead. One group is the Lishi family we are looking for, and the other group is Hiding in a nearby grove, looking suspicious?"

"Hey," Zheng Liang chuckled.You don't need to think about it to know that the guys who are ambushing at the side are going to be orioles.But the oriole is not so easy to do.To put it badly, I turned into a praying mantis.Thinking of this, Zhengliang immediately issued an order, "Divide into three teams, surround the Tateishi family who are resting in front, be careful not to fight immediately, and make the voice louder when launching an attack, so that the Tateishi family has time to go there Run in the direction of the grove."

Everyone took orders.Soon, the people who arrived at the position launched an attack on the people of the Tateishi family who were resting, and the people of the Tateishi family who had been surrounded by people were completely surprised.The important minister Katayoshi said to the young patriarch, "Your Highness, the old minister is getting old and can't run anymore. You should run quickly and let the old minister here buy a moment for His Highness."

The young master of the Tateishi family who was still a child was of course unwilling, and wanted to go with Katakichi, but in desperation, Katakichi had to let a samurai forcefully carry the young master on his back, and fled in a direction where he did not find the enemy.He himself took two samurai who voluntarily stayed in the rear.Zheng Liang saw from a distance that the opponent was divided into two groups, and immediately accelerated the speed of catching up.

"The Tateishi family Katayoshi is here, who wants to fight with him next?" Katayoshi deliberately delayed the time, and shouted from far away. "Shoot the arrows and shoot them to death," Zheng Liang ordered immediately.What an international joke, tell me about the spirit of Bushido at this time, go to hell.The warriors of the Luo family immediately bent their bows and shot arrows.

"You... shameless... ah!" Seeing that the other party had no intention of fighting, Kataji took out his bow and arrow to shoot them, and immediately raised his sword to meet them.Zhengliang would give these lunatics who had already regarded death as home a chance, just raise their hand and shoot an arrow.The feather arrow hit Katakichi's thigh with a "swish", and Katakichi screamed.The people around them also shot arrows one after another, and as a result, the three people who stayed in the back of the hall were covered with arrows before they rushed to Zheng Liang and the others.Seeing that the three of them were dead, Zheng Liang immediately continued to chase.

At this time, more than a dozen samurai relatives of the Tateishi family in front had escorted the young head of the family to the vicinity of the grove. "Quickly, shoot an arrow into the grove for me, and at the same time shout 'the people in front stop them for me'." Seeing this, Zheng Liang immediately ordered.The location where everyone is located is only more than 200 meters away from the grove in front of them, just within the range of the bow and arrow.

The people behind him immediately shot arrows one after another, and at the same time shouted in accordance with Zhengliang's intention.

The members of the Lishi family who were fleeing desperately in front suddenly heard the chasing soldiers yelling and asked them to intercept them. They immediately became alert, but their speed still did not decrease.Meanwhile, the leader of the Meiyi Group who was hiding in the grove yelled that something was wrong, and was about to remind everyone, but suddenly there was a rain of arrows in the sky. cry.The miserable cry confirmed what the pursuers said, but the Lishi family had no choice but to rush into the woods, otherwise they would be surrounded once the pursuers arrived.As a result, everyone in Lishi's family shouted and rushed into the grove like a lunatic.The Meiyi people inside were caught off guard, and were hacked down several times by the opponent.

At this time, any analysis is futile, not to mention that everyone in the Meiyi family is hiding here for the benefit of the fisherman, so one side fled to hide, and the other side hurriedly fought to protect themselves. stand up.Zheng Liang also rushed to the outside of the woods at this time. Since there was a scuffle in the woods, Zheng Liang let people shoot a rain of arrows at the inside first, and then entered the woods cautiously.

I saw a lot of feather arrows stuck in the surrounding tree trunks, and 5 or 6 corpses and dozens of injured and fallen people were found on the ground. Without saying a word, he sent them on the road directly.After cleaning up these people, Zheng Liang followed the trail of the fight again.

After being attacked by Zheng Liang and others, the people in the two groups of big fights apparently separated and escaped. Zheng Liang just found two seriously injured ashigaru on the side of the road, and then found nothing.

"My lord, the two captives confessed that they belonged to the American Iraqi people. Their leader was shot to death by random arrows in the woods just now. After being attacked by us, the members of the Lishi family who were fighting with them threw down their wounded A few people also escaped later," a cloaked man in charge of the interrogation came back to report.

It's a pity that the people of Lishi's family escaped, but they accidentally killed a big fish as compensation. "Very well, give those two captives a good time, and then everyone will turn to the territory of the US and Iraq," Zheng Liang said decisively.Now that the U.S. and Iraq are leaderless, and nearly half of their people were lost in the attack just now, this is a good opportunity to seize the territory of the U.S. and Iraq.


(ps: I have postponed the launch time again, and it is not expected to be launched until the end of February. Please vote, collect and support, thank you.)

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