Warring States Eagle

Chapter 140 Ming people

In Banwu Bay, on the Luo family's naval wharf, Zheng Liang personally greeted the Luo family's fleet returning in triumph.

"My subject pays homage to Your Highness," Sun Wulang saluted Zheng Liang who walked onto the deck.

"Hehe, it's been hard work this time, how's the harvest?" Zheng Liang said.

"Your Highness, there is a ransom of 3000 coins sent by Huzi's family in the cabin," Sun Wulang reported.

"Come on, follow me in and have a look," Zheng Liang said as he walked quickly to the cabin.

When Sun Wulang personally opened a wooden box full of copper coins for Zheng Liang, Zheng Liang couldn't help laughing.These three thousand coins basically let the Huzi family spit out most of the benefits they got from the Sashi family last time. Even Huzi Otomo himself may not have imagined that the wealth that was finally robbed from the Sashi family would flow into it in this way. into the pocket of the Roche family.What's more, with these coins, the purchase of farm cattle can be put on the agenda, and there is no need to look at Dongxiang Heiji like a resentful woman anymore.Zhengliang was very happy about this.

"His Royal Highness" saw that Zhengliang gradually regained his composure, and Sun Wulang continued, "On the way back, the fleet wiped out a group of pirates, captured 4 Xiaozao, rescued several fishermen, and one spoke a strange language. people."

"A person who speaks a strange language?" Zheng Liang asked.

"Yes, Your Highness, the clothes that man wears are also different from ours," Sun Wulang replied.

"Well. Those fishermen asked them to go back and bring their family members to settle in the territory. As for that strange man, bring him to me," Zheng Liang said.

Someone who speaks a strange language?Could it be the Southern barbarians?Zheng Liang couldn't help muttering in his heart.No, the first Southern barbarians to arrive here were also three years later.In Masahiro's memory, from the fifteenth century onwards, Western European countries opened up new sea routes to the East, and world history entered the era of great geographical discovery (the age of great voyages).Then came the rise of colonization and overseas trade.The so-called Nanman is the name that Japan gave to Portugal, Spain, Italy and other countries that first arrived in Japan under the influence of Chinese Huayi thought at that time.Most of these people sailed into Japan from the southern sea near Kyushu around the Cape of Good Hope and the Philippine Islands by boat, so they are collectively called "Southern Barbarians".Later, the power of Britain and the Netherlands spread eastward, and the Japanese themselves also called the British and Dutch people red hair. Japan first came into contact with Nanman culture in the 12th year of Tianwen (1543), when a Chinese sailing ship drifted to Tanegashima, Kyushu due to a typhoon.This ship was originally a merchant ship between China and the Kingdom of Siam (now Thailand). Most of the crew were Europeans, and a few were Chinese.The Portuguese captain of the ship had a pipe in his hand, which could make a fire, and the sound was like thunder, breaking copper and iron.It is the so-called iron cannon (rifle) in the history books.The lord of Tanegashima, Tanegashima Shiyao, bought two from the captain for 2000 taels of silver, and two years later, the craftsman Haban Kinbei Qingding succeeded in duplicating them.This new type of weapon was quickly accepted by the Sengoku daimyo, and Kunitomo of Omi, Sakai of Izumi, and Gen of Kii became the bases for the mass production of rifles.The introduction of rifles changed Japan's traditional tactics, and the main combat force was changed from cavalry to ashigaru.Could it be that what the history books said is wrong, the Southern barbarians have already arrived in Japan?No, if it was the Southern barbarians, I believe that these subordinates would definitely think of them as "ghosts", and they would definitely not be as peaceful as they are now.Let's take a look.Thinking of this, Zheng Liang quietly waited for the arrival of the guests.

Soon, a man in black sackcloth was brought in.

"The villain pays respects to the lord." Seeing a young man on the main seat, the man was obviously taken aback, then quickly recovered, and quickly knelt down and said.Although there was no hope that the other party could understand his own language, the man still saluted in Ming language.

"Huh?" Hearing the accent, Zheng Liang stood up immediately.Although the accent was a bit local, Zheng Liang could tell that it was a language from the Ming Dynasty.I didn't expect to meet someone from the old place here.The man was taken aback by Zheng Liang's sudden action, and mistakenly thought that the other party was trying to harm him, so he quickly knelt down on the ground, his body trembling slightly.

"You...can you understand me?" Zheng Liangshan tried to ask in Mandarin.It's not that he doesn't want to imitate that man's voice, it's really that he can't imitate it when he grew up in that place.

The man was taken aback for a moment, then kowtowed suddenly and said, "My lord, please forgive my life."

Obviously, he understood Zheng Liang's words.The so-called three happy events in life, titles on the gold list, festivities in the bridal chamber, and meeting old acquaintances in a foreign land, these days men can be said to have a deep understanding.Without him, his experience in the past two days is really too legendary.

"Get up." Zheng Liang said.The man looked up at Zheng Liang, and after confirming that Zheng Liang had indeed asked him to stand up, he stood up cautiously, but he was obviously a little cautious.

"Hehehe, don't be nervous. Are you from the Ming Dynasty?" Zheng Liang can be regarded as an old acquaintance in a foreign land today, even though this old acquaintance is from the Ming Dynasty hundreds of years later.

"My lord, Caomin is from Jielin, She County, Huizhou Prefecture, Southern Zhili Province. Your Excellency can just call Caomin Wang Hai directly," the man said in a low voice.

"Huizhou Mansion of Nanzhili?" Zheng Liang thought for a while, and roughly determined its geographical location, "Since it is there, why did you come to Wa Kingdom today?"

"My lord..." The man paused, as if he had something hard to say.

"Hehe, you are now in the Wa country, not in Daming, and I am not a high-ranking county magistrate. Now you and I are old friends, so why not talk about it?" Zheng Liang picked up a cup of tea and handed it over, patting the man's face shoulder said.A young man patted a man in his 30s very maturely, which was a bit abrupt no matter how he looked at it.

"Hey, my lord. To be honest. The villain came here out of desperation." The man sighed, and then told his experience.

It turned out that Wang Hai was originally a small family in Jielin, She County, Huizhou Prefecture, Southern Zhili Province. There was an elderly mother, wife and children in the family, and an older sister who entered the palace as a court lady when she was very young.Originally, although the whole family lived in poverty, they were still able to barely survive.But one day, there came the sad news that the elder sister in the palace was executed because she accidentally angered the emperor. Before the family recovered from the grief, there were rumors that the emperor would implicate the nine clans.Panicked, Wang Hai hurriedly packed his belongings and prepared to flee with his family.A friend who happened to be out at sea to beg for a living came to visit. After learning about Wang Hai's situation, he immediately assisted Wang Hai's family to escape to Chongming Island.

After hearing Wang Hai's experience, Zheng Liang couldn't help expressing deep sympathy.In Zhengliang's memory, Zhu Houcong should be Emperor Jiajing who is now in power in the Ming Dynasty.This Zhu Houcong is a good-looking emperor who firmly believes in immortality.Zhu Houcong is greedy for women and indulges in excesses. His own physical condition is getting worse and worse, and the more he is like this, the more he is obsessed with Taoist fairy arts in order to live forever.Some well-known alchemists and courtiers all made a fortune by offering secret recipes or alchemy medicines in the house.For example, Tao Zhongwen was one of the most trusted alchemists of Emperor Jiajing, and he was favored by the emperor at first by offering secret recipes for intercourse.Emperor Jiajing gave him a reward of 10 taels of silver at a time, from the official to the first rank, and received double salaries, and his descendants also benefited from it.In order to please the emperor, collecting and presenting all kinds of secret recipes for intercourse, refining or concocting various elixirs of life and traditional Chinese medicine were popular in the north and south of the country.The secret recipes and alchemy medicines presented at that time can be described as varied.Among them, "red lead" is the most popular method of alchemy and medicine. It is made by mixing and roasting virgin menstruation and medicinal powder, which is shaped like cinnabar.There is also a kind of "Hanzhen Panzi", which is a blood clot contained in a baby's mouth when it is born.It is said that these drugs can play a role in strengthening the body and enhancing sexual desire.Two years before the "Renyin Palace Change", the spirit of alchemy in the palace reached its peak.Emperor Jiajing trusted the alchemist Duan Chaoyong and others to refine the elixir, even at the expense of the body of the court lady and even the young life.In order to obtain enough raw materials for alchemy, the emperor forced the maids to take medicines that stimulate menstrual bleeding, which caused great physical and mental damage to the maids, and caused excessive blood loss or even collapse, and many people died as a result.In addition, in order to prevent the secret of refining medicine from being leaked, the palace maid who took blood may even be killed to silence her.Now it seems that sister Wang Hai's death is probably related to the emperor's special hobbies.

"Since he has escaped from the tiger's mouth, why did he fall into the hands of Japanese pirates today?" Zheng Liang asked strangely.Before meeting Wang Hai, Zheng Liang had heard Sun Wulang roughly report how he discovered these people.

"My lord, this villain followed the owner of the ship to Japan to sell supplies, but he didn't expect to encounter a typhoon last night. The villain accidentally fell from the boat into the water, grabbed a piece of wood and floated in the water in the middle of the night. Today I was rescued by a few fishermen who went out to sea in the morning. I thought that the villain would be blessed if he survived this catastrophe, but he didn’t expect that a group of pirates would suddenly rush out and arrest those fishermen and the villain again. Later it was The master's subordinates killed the pirates and saved the villain's life. At the beginning, the villain thought he had fallen into the hands of a strong man again, but unexpectedly, he met the master. It is really a blessing for the villain. "Wang Hai said with a choked voice.Whoever encounters a series of major changes within a day will feel like he will survive the catastrophe.

"Hahaha, this can be regarded as a predestined relationship between you and me." Zheng Liang laughed loudly, "By the way, this time you are coming to Japan for trade, where are you planning to anchor?"

"My lord, I don't know either. This is the first time we have come to the Wa Kingdom. Last night, we encountered a strong wind. I don't know how the situation on board is. If your lord intends to trade with our captain, you can do it for me." The "communication" man seems to have gradually become acquainted with Zheng Liang, and the topics are getting more and more.

"Hehe, I'm also looking forward to meeting your captain." Zheng Liang also wanted to open up business routes with Ming.If a certain amount of Ming Dynasty porcelain and silk can be obtained, then the Luo family's expenses for several years will not be worrying.

"Don't worry, my lord. After the villain returns, he will definitely introduce you to the captain. Our captain is a friend from the same village who saved the villain's life last time. His name is Wang Zhi, and he is already well-known along the coast of the Ming Kingdom." "Wang Hai patted his chest and promised.

"Hahaha, okay, so... what? Tell me again what is the name of your captain?" Zheng Liang, who was about to ask the other party for a while, stood up with a "swipe", and then looked at Wang Hai with a look of surprise on his face.

"My... my lord", Wang Hai was taken aback again, could it be that his ship owner had a feud with this lord?

"You...you mean, your ship owner is called Wang Zhi?" Zheng Liang took two steps towards Wang Hai's direction and reconfirmed.

"Ah? Yes, yes, my lord, the captain of the villain is a friend of the villain's hometown, Wang Zhi from Jielin, She County, Huizhou Prefecture, Southern Zhili Province" Wang Hai was so frightened that he took a step back and replied nervously .Now he was increasingly suspicious that his friend had offended the lord.Although this adult is now in the country of Wa, judging by his appearance and being able to speak the Ming language fluently, maybe he really fled to the country of Wa after being persecuted in the country of Ming.Thinking of this, Wang Hai couldn't help but his legs trembled a little, what a disaster, he really just left the dragon pond and entered the tiger's den.Sorry for saying so much.


(ps: I believe that book friends who have been following this book can see that this chapter mainly describes how a grassroots gradually establishes its own power to seek survival. Now that the right to survive is guaranteed, it is time to start developing, so Starting from this chapter, we will gradually enter the familiar historical process, grabbing territory, and accepting famous generals... Those familiar names and familiar historical events will appear one by one. At the same time, the Warring States Period is not just a constant fight Kill, kill, so this book will try to describe the strategy, there will be more different things, as for what it is, you will know it after reading it. Finally, please ask everyone for votes and collections.)

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