Warring States Eagle

Chapter 143 The Profitable Trade

The second update today, please recommend, please collect.


"Oh?" Hearing Wang Hai take the initiative to talk about the purpose of this visit, Zheng Liang immediately perked up.

"My lord, this villain has brought some special products from the Ming Dynasty, and I'm going to trade with you," Wang Hai said.

"Okay, my family also intends to trade with you, let me take a look at your goods first," Zheng Liang said straightforwardly.

"My lord, this way please." Seeing that Zheng Liang was so forthright, Wang Hai didn't hesitate.This time he made a special trip to Luo's house, and Wang Hai still had the purpose of repaying his favor, otherwise, given the popularity of the Ming Dynasty goods, they would have been sold out in Hirado.

Everyone quickly came to the cabin.Wang Hai let someone accidentally open a wooden box first. Zheng Hao looked curiously and saw bundles of filaments neatly arranged in the wooden box.Zheng Liang picked up one of the bundles and rubbed it carefully.It is soft and smooth in the hand, with a plump feel, good strength, elasticity, and soft luster.

"My lord, this is the most popular raw silk in Japan," Wang Hai introduced.

"What? Is this raw silk?" Zheng Liang was stunned.In the previous life, I usually saw finished products made of raw silk. I didn't expect to see the real raw silk here today.People in this era have a fanatical pursuit of silk products from the Ming Dynasty, and they are indeed excellent trade goods.

After introducing raw silk, Wang Hai also introduced various rare goods such as musk, celebrity calligraphy and painting, Xu, Luo, Jinxiu, agarwood, orangutan skin.Except for paying a little attention to Musk, Luo, and Jinxiu, Zheng Liang was not interested in anything else.

"What's that?" Just as Zheng Liang was about to discuss the specific goods to be traded, suddenly there were several barrels of material sealed in a corner of the cabin, and he asked immediately.

"My lord, that's kerosene, it's for lighting the ships at night." Wang Hai was taken aback by Zheng Liang's sudden question, wondering why this lord was interested in this kind of thing.But he didn't know that at this moment, Zheng Liang was overjoyed.This is authentic kerosene.Compared with the black and smelly fire oil used here at night, this authentic fire oil has the characteristics of not having too much smell, and the fire is strong and lasts for a long time. It can not only be used for daily nights It can be used for lighting, and it can even be applied to war.In fact, as early as in ancient wars, this kind of fire oil refined from petroleum was used.During the Northern Anniversary (AD 578), the Turkic rulers sent troops to surround and attack Jiuquan, Gansu. The local soldiers and civilians ignited the "kerosene" and burned the enemy's siege tools, repelling the enemy and defending Jiuquan City.In Houliang (919 A.D.), there was a case of putting "kerosene" in iron cans and firing them out to burn down enemy ships.

"Very good, so let's talk about the transaction now?" Zheng Liang said bluntly.

"I don't know what kind of goods my lord is planning to trade?" Wang Hai asked.This time, because it was a temporary idea, Wang Hai did not bring too many goods, so he was a little worried that Zhengliang requested too many goods.In fact, one, he has no idea that Zheng Liang is just a poor ghost now.Apart from the 3000 coins that were extorted from Huzi's family just now and the total value of more than 600 gold, silver and copper coins that were confiscated in the recent strategy, there are no other coins.In addition to coins, Zhengliang plans to use the method of barter for transactions.Now in the warehouse of Luo's family, together with the production of small copper mines on Yegao Mountain in recent months and the recent capture of the Raiders, there are a total of nearly 3 catties of copper mines.Coupled with the swords and guns that are still relatively popular in the Ming Dynasty, Zheng Liang believes that both parties in this transaction will be happy.

"I'm going to ask for a large amount of raw silk, and a small amount of musk, Luo, and Jinxiu. Of course, it would be the best if you can send some kerosene," Zheng Liang said.

"Well, raw silk is six guanice per catty, and the rest of Musk, Luo, and Jinxiu depends on how much you want?" Wang Hai frowned and said after thinking about it.

"Hehe, in this way, we don't need copper coins to settle the settlement with you, but directly use copper materials and swords to settle the settlement with you, what do you think?" Zheng Liang smiled, and did not reply directly to Wang Hai, but first explained that he would use barter for things method of settlement.

"Okay, there's no problem with this," Wang Hai immediately agreed.Anyway, after they got the copper coins, they just purchased materials on the spot, and they didn't plan to keep the copper coins.However, the method of copper smelting in Japan is backward, and there is residual silver in the copper. After buying the copper, it can be smelted to extract the residual silver, which can also make huge profits. Why not do it?Besides, the quality of Japanese knives is better now, and it is easy to sell them exclusively.

"Now here, a catty of silk costs five guanwen, a load of steel (where copper is produced) is twelve guanwen, and a load of copper can be exchanged for three catties of silk. But as far as I know, a load of copper can be exchanged for silk in the Ming Dynasty. Eight to ten catties can be sold for more than 50 to 24 guan according to the Japanese silk price, and the profit will be four to five times. If you buy it with gold and silver, you will also make a profit; If you only buy six catties of silk, you can exchange silk at least 30 catties to more than 120 catties in the Ming Dynasty. According to the price conversion here, you can sell it for more than 150 to [-] guan, which is also a huge profit of four to five times. Wang Hai, don’t you think you are out Is the price a bit high?" Although after just two days of acquaintance, Zheng Liang and Wang Hai are quite familiar, but in business, when it comes to the development of the family, we have to talk about the price.

"Hiss..." Wang Hai was secretly surprised, it seems that this young lord has extraordinary knowledge, even the situation in Ming Kingdom is so clear.So Wang Hai immediately lowered the price of the goods slightly.In this way, the two parties come and go, and finally determine the result of the transaction.Luo's family paid 3 catties of copper mines, 200 swords, some gold and silver, and got 600 catties of raw silk, 15 barrels of kerosene, some musk, Luo, and Jinxiu from the other party.In addition, Zhengliang also hopes to buy more kerosene, and Wang Hai also promised to send another 10 barrels of kerosene after returning home. This is already the limit of what their fleet can provide. If they provide more, they will have nothing at night when they return to Ming Dynasty The oil lamp is on.In the end, both parties in this transaction can be said to have gained something.

After the transaction was completed, Zheng Liang entertained Wang Hai in Cangshan City.After drinking and eating, Zheng Liang ordered someone to hand over two desserts after the meal.One of them is in the shape of a long stick, inlaid with a lala golden fruit.The other is lumpy, and the whole body is khaki.Although the shapes of the two foods are a bit unique, they exude bursts of sweetness from a distance, and I can't help but move my index finger.

"My lord, what is this?" Wang Hai asked in amazement as he saw such food for the first time.

"Hehe, this is a unique specialty of our family. The golden ones are called corns, and the earthy ones are sweet potatoes. They are all sweet things. Today, your Excellency is honored to taste this delicacy with me for the first time." A piece of corn, to show Wang Hai how to eat it.Speaking of these two foods, they were also brought to Zheng Liang by the girls in Seoul, the lord's mansion, after they harvested them for the first time.Zhengliang has been busy with his business these days, so he almost forgot about these things. It happened that he was meeting with guests today, and Zhengliang had an idea and remembered these foods.

It can be said that the emergence of these two foods has greatly improved the future life of the people, and even changed the world's food structure.Zheng Liang planned to sell these crops to Wang Hai, on the one hand to increase the income of the territory, on the other hand, let Wang Hai bring these crops to the Ming Dynasty in the future, and even let these crops be planted.After all, in the current Ming Dynasty, the life of the people at the bottom is also very difficult. Zheng Liang does not expect to help too many people, but as long as he can help one person out of hunger, it is also very good.Of course, for the Wa country, Zhengliang still adopts a policy of secrecy for the time being, only allowing circulation within the territory, and strictly blocking the outflow of these crops.

Wang Hai imitated Zhengliang's eating method and tasted the delicacies in front of him, and he couldn't help but sigh. He was born in a small family, and he had eaten such delicious food there. In his eyes, only rich families could have the opportunity to eat these foods. .Seeing Wang Hai's performance, Zheng Liang also generously gave him the remaining cooked sweet potatoes and corn, and asked him to give some of them to the people from the Ming Dynasty to taste.As for why it is cooked?The main reason is that Zheng Liang still needs to use these crops to make a fortune first.


(ps: Yesterday’s recommendation was not very good! Everyone, can you give me some strength in today’s recommendation? I appeal to everyone to join the book friend group, 218847013, which rejects advertisements, but everyone is welcome to discuss the plot or even the game. Your suggestions can provide endless support for the author. train of thought.)

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