Warring States Eagle

Chapter 149 Miracles

Harvest Festival, also known as "Harvest Festival", "Harvest Festival" or "Harvest Festival", is held every year during the autumn harvest season.Due to the different living environment and planting crops, the maturity and harvest periods of crops are also different, so the festivals are also different in different places.However, they all have one thing in common, that is, at the beginning or end of each harvesting process, such as harvesting, tasting new products, and warehousing, corresponding sacrificial ceremonies are held to pray to the ancestors and gods, praying for a smooth harvest of crops, and wishing a good harvest in the coming year. Both humans and animals are prosperous.After the ceremony, there are dinner parties, singing and dancing, games and bonfire parties, etc. People toast and drink together, sing and dance together, immersed in the festiveness and joy of the festival.

The Harvest Festival in Japan was introduced from the Tang Dynasty.In the fifth year of Datong (539 A.D.), Emperor Wu of Liang Dynasty in the Southern Dynasty, there was a severe drought year after year. Many ordinary people fled with their children and children, and many victims died of starvation.Emperor Wu of Liang burned incense and prayed for rain, but it was useless.He asked the ministers what was the reason for this. One of the reasons the ministers analyzed was that there were too many men complaining about women in the country, the human nature was dry, and the yin and yang were not in harmony.So the emperor prayed for rain with seven things, and the sixth thing was to "meet men and women, sympathize with grievances", advocating the marriage of men and women.Strange to say, after a while, it began to rain.This is of course a coincidence.However, the subsequent harvest festivals gradually became related to the relationship between men and women.When the harvest festival of the Tang Dynasty was introduced to Japan, it was evolved into a worship of male genitalia by the Japanese themselves.Originally, after hearing Dongxiang Heiji's proposal to hold a harvest sacrifice ceremony, Zheng Liang was in favor of it, but when he learned that the one to be worshiped was a male genital, Zheng Liang suddenly lost interest, and finally waved his hand, The final object of worship was changed to Hachiman Bodhisattva. -< >--< >-Starting Warring States Eagle 149 Chapter 149 Miracle

At noon on August [-]th, Tianwen Ninth Year, in an open space in front of the small agricultural experiment farm.

On a altar that had been built in advance, the monk Xuanru, who was very popular because of his free medical treatment, acted as a magic stick again, chanting words to the wooden statue of Hachiman Bodhisattva.Zhengliang was also wearing a brand new kimono, standing in front of the statue and praying with Monk Xuanru.This is a ceremony to pray to the gods, praying for a smooth harvest of crops, and wishing a good harvest of grains and prosperity for both humans and animals in the coming year.The other three sides of the altar were full of secretive crowds. If the surrounding fields hadn't finished harvesting in autumn, it is estimated that the crops on these fields would not be able to be harvested after the sacrificial ceremony.

While pretending to be respectful, Zhengliang took a peek at the statue on the altar.It's okay if you don't look at it, but when you look at it, you almost froze in place.What kind of Hachiman Bodhisattva is that statue? It is clearly him.To be honest, it feels a little weird to worship your own wooden statue.It seems that this is the result of the discussion of the retainers. They deliberately deified the image of Zhengliang, making the leaders think that Hachiman Bodhisattva is Masara, and Zhengliang is Hachiman Bodhisattva, thereby enhancing Zhengliang's prestige.Although he felt a little weird in his heart, since it was beneficial to the stability of the territory, Zheng Liang had no objection at all. -< >--< >-Starting Warring States Eagle 149 Chapter 149 Miracle

After the simple but solemn memorial ceremony, the monk Xuanru Shenguo first delivered a prayer, and then asked the envoy of the god, the lord of the Luo family, to personally convey the will of the god.

Zheng Liang cleared his throat, and said loudly pretending to be majestic: "Everyone, the gods just sent a message to bless the harvest of the crops, and today we will witness a miracle bestowed by the gods."

Hearing that the gods would grant a miracle, the leaders below knelt down and thanked.Such a thing, in the eyes of future generations, is really something that Phil thinks about, but in this era, when the information is not smooth and the people are still quite superstitious, it does not seem strange.

"Everyone, the miracle will be born in the small farm behind, let's put the miracle on the altar." Seeing that the effect has been achieved, Zheng Liang reminded everyone to pay attention to the small farm behind the altar.In order to facilitate everyone's viewing, the wooden fence of the small farm was temporarily removed.  …Following Zhengliang's order, more than a dozen farmers began to harvest nearly one mu of rice.Looking from a distance, due to the sufficient fertilizer, the rice plants appear thick and dark green, and the grains are even more plump, even bending the thick plants down.After the rice is harvested, in order to show respect to the gods, the rice is picked one by one by hand by a special person, and carefully placed in the place designated by the altar.As the grain piles on the altar continued to increase, the surrounding leaders started to move.Most of the people here have grown grain by themselves. In the past, a few shi of grain could not be grown on a single (149 mu) of land. Now it seems that less than one mu of land can grow nearly one shi of grain. So all All the people were boiling, and some devout citizens even knelt on the ground and thanked the altar. -< >--< >-Starting Warring States Eagle 149 Chapter [-] Miracle

Well, it looks good, Zheng Liang nodded silently.Compared with the yield of at least 750 kilograms per mu of land in later generations, it seems that it is indeed a little less now.But with the technology of this era, it is already satisfactory to be able to achieve such an output.If the planting of this kind of rice is vigorously promoted, at least it can ensure that the territory's grain production will increase by about [-]%.In this way, the food pressure on the territory can be greatly relieved.

After the rice is harvested, it is followed by the harvesting and digging of sweet potatoes.Seeing a large or small khaki-colored sweet potato piled up on the altar, the leaders started discussing and guessing what they were.Seeing the reaction of the people in charge, Zheng Liang smiled inwardly, this is what he wanted.Given the current climate and environment, the best harvest season for sweet potatoes should be September. Now, in order to promote these crops to the local people, Zheng Liang had no choice but to dig up these sweet potatoes in advance.In the end, the yield of sweet potatoes came out. The field of less than one mu produced more than 9 kilograms of sweet potatoes, which is really an astonishing yield.Looking at the pile of sweet potatoes piled up like a hill, everyone was dumbfounded.

"Everyone, these rice and magic melons are the miracles given to us by the gods." Zhengliang stood in front of the two piles of grain and shouted, "Now I decide that everyone present can come forward and receive a handful of them that were given to us by the gods." The blessed rice, and the magic melon will be cooked on the spot and distributed to everyone.” -< >--< >-Starting Warring States Eagle 149 Chapter 149 Miracle

As soon as Zhengliang finished speaking, everyone cheered. What an honor it is to get the food blessed by the gods, not to mention the grains blessed by the gods. Many people decided to take it back and ask for it Put it in front of the statue and make a good offering.

This exhibition meeting was very successful. All the people who attended the meeting realized the magic of the "magic melon" brought by the lord, and applied for seeds from Matsumiko, the person in charge of the small farm.Zheng Liang strikes while the iron is hot and takes the opportunity to vigorously promote the cultivation of sweet potatoes.At the same time, this meeting also caused two dumbfounding effects. One is that the image of Masaragi's god is more vivid, and he is even considered to be the incarnation of Hachiman Bodhisattva. Matsumiko, who often goes in and out of the farm, is also called a goddess. The miraculous small farm became a place of worship for the local people. Under the suggestion of the monk Xuanru, Zheng Liang decided to build a Hachiman Great Bodhisattva Shrine in front of the small farm for the local people to worship.The other is that these magical and delicious "God Melons" have another name, which is "Zhengliang Melons".

The rally lasted all afternoon, and in the evening, leaving the citizens to continue the bonfire party at the foot of the mountain, Zhengliang hurried back to Seoul, the lord's residence on Yegao Mountain.After a little tenderness with the girls, the unique dinner in the lord's mansion began. -< >--< >-Starting Warring States Eagle 149 Chapter 149 Miracle

In the gazebo in the middle of the garden lake, everyone sat around together, with tonight's meal in the middle.Zheng Liang took a closer look. Tonight's dishes include sweet potatoes mixed with rice, steamed sweet potatoes, corn mixed with eggs, steamed grass carp, steamed corn, and two wild vegetables. It can be said to be very rich.Driven by Zheng Liang, everyone tasted it one after another, especially the little girl Tian Meizi, with fish stuffed in her mouth, a sweet potato in her left hand, and a corn in her right hand, enjoying herself.  …After dinner, there is dessert.Today's dessert cantaloupe.These cantaloupe can be picked as early as the beginning of August, and today is the first time Zheng Liang has personally tried this fruit.One bite, the sweetness of the cantaloupe was shocking, and Zheng Liang couldn't help but think of his life in later generations.

"My lord, there are already a lot of sweet potatoes, corn, especially muskmelon piled up in the mansion's warehouse, and some of them seem to be about to rot," Matsumiko, who has always been in charge of housework, said in a low voice.

Matsumiko's words brought Zheng Liang back to reality from his memory, "These things have been picked since July? Haven't you eaten many words?".

"Husband, after discussing with the sisters, I feel that we should eat together after my husband comes back." Seeing Zheng Liang's puzzled expression, Ju Ji who was beside Zheng Liang immediately said. -< >--< >-Starting Warring States Eagle 149 Chapter 149 Miracle

What?These crops have been harvested for so long, and the girls haven't eaten them yet?And all this is just to wait for oneself to come back and share together?Looking at Ju Ji next to him, and then at Oda Mi who was still grabbing a cantaloupe and eating fiercely on the other side, Zheng Liang suddenly felt blocked in his heart.Have I neglected to care for these women?In fact, during the recent period, Zheng Liang passed through Yegao Village several times, but the affairs of the territory were busy, so he never went back to the mansion to visit these women.Zheng Liang suddenly felt very ashamed, did he want to follow Dayu's example and pass through the house three times without entering?No, to be a human being is to be a man of flesh and blood.Thinking of this, Zheng Liang pulled Ju Ji beside him, and then deeply kissed her small mouth. Ju Ji was startled by Zheng Liang's sudden attack, but after a slight shock, she also obeyed Responding to Zhengliang's passionate kiss.She has already been a human being, and she is quite familiar with Zheng Liang's passionate kiss.

The passionate kiss lasted for nearly a quarter of an hour.After letting go of Ju Ji, who was panting, Zheng Liang kissed Crane and Die nearby with a bit of domineering, making the two girls very shy.After the three daughters were tendered again, Zheng Liang looked at Matsumiko who had been kneeling and sitting opposite.After feeling Zheng Liang's gaze, Matsumiko quickly lowered her head, her slightly trembling body betrayed her nervousness.Just as Masara was about to stand up and pull Matsumiko into his arms, there was a voice from the small lakeside asking for a meeting with the surname Yoshinomaru. -< >--< >-Starting Warring States Eagle 149 Chapter 149 Miracle

After getting Masara's permission, Yoshinomaru walked into the gazebo with small steps, bowed to Masara and the girls and said, "My lord, madam." Although he was still young, he followed Masara here and there after this period of time After leaving, etiquette has been learned to be orderly.

"What's the matter?" Zheng Liang asked.Who is so ignorant to disturb him on the first night when he returned to the mansion.Especially when she was about to embrace a beautiful woman just now.

"My lord, Mrs. Ling Ji outside the city is asking to see you."

Too long?After knowing the person who was seeking to see him, Zheng Liang couldn't help being a little surprised. Last time, he had already agreed to let her do business. Could it be that something went wrong.After getting Zheng Liang's promise, Tai Jiu Ling walked in slowly.When she saw the scene on the gazebo, she was obviously taken aback for a moment, then knelt down and said, "My concubine disturbed my lord, please forgive me."

Zheng Liang smiled slightly, waved his hands and said, "It's okay, I don't know why you are here this time?"

"My lord, this concubine also participated in the sacrificial gathering today."

"Yeah!" Zheng Liang nodded noncommittally.It's normal for Tai Jiuling to be attracted by such a big commotion.

"Thanks to my lord, my house has been built in the square outside the city. I came here this time to ask my lord to let my house manage those sweet potatoes. At the same time, I beg all the wives to invest in this house. , the income obtained will be returned to the ladies according to the share," Taijiu Ling continued. -< >--< >-Starting Warring States Eagle 149 Chapter 149 Miracle

"Huh?" Zheng Liang stared at Tai Jiu Ling steadily.This woman is too smart, she immediately found a business opportunity from the gathering in the afternoon, and even used the method of distributing the benefits to the lord's wife to ensure the smooth operation of the house.  …

"You... are you also from time travel?".Zhengliang couldn't bear it any longer, and asked the question he had always wanted to ask.

"Traveling?" Taijiu Ling, who had already been stared at by Zheng Liang shyly, looked at Zheng Liang suspiciously.When he met Zheng Liang's gaze, his face turned red and he quickly lowered his head.

"Ah! Well, okay, you all join Ling Ji's house." Realizing that he had slipped his words, Zheng Liang immediately talked about him.

"Ah? Husband, is this okay?".Ju Ji asked in surprise, Gu Lulu's eyes were full of curiosity and anticipation.

"Well, of course." Zheng Liang said with certainty.These women usually don't have much income, so it's just for them to increase their private money, so that they don't feel embarrassed to ask for it when they want to buy something in the future.

"In addition, in addition to the earth god melon, you can also sell some melons and corn. There are many ways to eat the god melon and corn..." Zheng Liang introduced some eating methods of later generations to the girls. -< >--< >-Starting Warring States Eagle 149 Chapter 149 Miracle

In the end, under Zhengliang's instruction, all the daughters in the mansion joined Tai Jiuling's house, and since they accounted for most of the shares, the name of the house was determined by Zhengliang.Zhengliang lived up to expectations, and named it a rather cool name—Gourmet House. (To be continued.

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