Warring States Eagle

Chapter 174 Gym

On the hill, Zhengliang and his retainers were discussing the situation in Dongsongpu County.

"According to the news reported by the investigators, after the First World War in Imari Bay, Hatomori fled back to Yanyue Mountain City and stayed behind closed doors. This time, it must have dealt a heavy blow to Bodo. And the neighboring Ryuzaoji family also had some troubles. I'm afraid that Bodo may not be able to estimate the changes here on the Higashimatsuura Peninsula," Shigetada Kizuo said with a frown.

"No, loyalty is important. The Bodo family has no time to take care of it, but the Bodo family in Tangjin Bay is still able to take care of it." Zheng Liang shook his head and said, "After the three of us decide the winner, it is time for Bodo to intervene."

"Hiss" Shigetada Muzuo shuddered.He completely ignored the possibility of Bodo's intervention. Now that he was reminded by Zheng Liang, he immediately thought of the melee between the three families, and in the end, only Bodo was able to succeed.Thinking of this, Mu Zuozhong knelt down and bowed to Zheng Liang loyally and tremblingly, "Your Highness's thoughts are really far-reaching, and I bow down."

The few attendants who have been standing by the side are also extremely admiring, especially Masao Kinoshita and Hidemasa Mingfeng who have just joined the Luo family, all showed admiration in their eyes.Yoshida Shigemasa also looked at Masara's back thoughtfully.

The autumn wind blows, and the forest in the distance forms waves in the forest sea at this time.

Now that the idea has been determined, Zhengliang immediately changed his course and rushed back to the lord's mansion on Yegao Mountain that day.

In the evening, the transfer order from the lord was officially issued.

The order is as follows: Onishi Kuniji leads the second standing Ashgaru team, responsible for the defense along the coast of Kamatsu to the mouth of the Kagawa River, the main defense is the Huzi family, the Ishihara family on the opposite bank, and the pirates along the coast. Jun Mufu of the second squad continues to be responsible for the statistics of the military merits of the squad, the rewards and punishments of the squad, and ideological education.

Tsuda Hiromune commanded the third standing Ashgaru team, and took precautions at the border with the Sashi family. The surname Shingoro who followed Masara for a period of time was given the name Roshi Shingoro by Masara, and was officially promoted to the third team. The military head of the team is responsible for the statistics of military merits, rewards and punishments for the team, and ideological education.

The locations of the first and fourth standing ashigaru teams remain unchanged.

Sun Wulang was responsible for leading the family's navy to clean up the pirates in the sea area from Banwuwan to Huziwan, and brought this area into the territory of the Luo family, and his servant Hu Natong was sent to the Luo family's navy.As the military head of the navy, he is responsible for supervising the training of the navy.For this appointment, Hu Natong was very happy.First of all, he was finally reused by Zhengliang, and secondly, he was in charge of a navy when he was at Kono's house, and now he has returned to the sea.Of course it is like a fish in water.

Of course, Zheng Liang had considered this appointment a lot, because Hu Natong's character was actually not suitable for the military appointment.He is more suitable to be a fierce general and become a general of the navy.But Zheng Liang thought about it, why not take advantage of this opportunity and let him experience it. After all, blindly being brave is not necessarily a good thing, and in history, Hu Natong was also killed because of lack of strategy and mistaken strategy of defending the city , Zheng Liang hopes to change his fate a little bit.

Defense arrangements are complete.Zhengliang began to shift his focus to the construction of the territory.He first asked the Shinsuke organization to start building a simple earthen rock at the mouth of the Kagawa River as a garrison for the Ashgaru; secondly, he sent someone to notify the Kamiya Zongzhan in Hakata Bay, asking him to suspend the purchase of farm cattle and The food was shipped to Luo's family.The actions of Zuo Zhi's family in this raid made people suspicious, before they figured out the situation of Zuo Zhi's timing.Zhengliang did not dare to take the risk of transporting the supplies to the main family through the territory of the Sashi family.

After spending two days warmly with the girls in the lord's mansion, Zheng Liang went to inspect various parts of the territory non-stop.Mainly to supervise two things.The first is to inspect the paving of major roads throughout the territory.For the construction of territorial roads, Zheng Liang had a preliminary plan.It is to at least ensure that there is a road that can lead directly to all parts of the territory, so that it can respond quickly in wartime.As for the quality of the roads, Zhengliang promoted the use of cement in large quantities. Although these cements are inferior, they are much better than ordinary dirt roads, especially in rainy days, at least the roads will not be too muddy .

The second thing is to inspect the field cultivation and water conservancy construction in the territory.Now that the autumn harvest is over, according to Zhengliang's request, the women who were in charge of the daily care of Zhengliang's experimental small farm were divided into several groups, and they went to various parts of the territory to guide the methods of field management, take care of and promote fire ash and Stack up the fertilized field method to prepare for spring plowing in the coming year.

Originally, these women were sincerely afraid of the mission arranged by the lord, but under Zhengliang's strict order, they carefully went to the mission location under the escort of a few ashigaru.With the help of Lord Zhengliang's order and the excuse of the blessing of the envoy, the method they promote must be easily accepted.

As for water conservancy construction, it is another highlight of territory construction.Taking advantage of the lack of rain and the low water level of streams during this period, vigorously promote water conservancy construction.Under the personal supervision of Togo Heiji, a large number of small field ditches called Zhengliang Canal by the local people have been built in the territory.

Time soon came to the middle of October, and Zheng Liang finally returned to the lord's mansion after several days of continuous inspections.Here, another more important thing is waiting for him to preside over it himself.

After a period of construction, Yegao Village has become a village with more than 2000 villagers, and it seems to have a tendency to become a town.In a fenced site in Yegao Village, a simple venue with a huge wooden and brick structure was recently built.This is the first dojo in the territory built by the mason Shinsuke and the carpenter Tomohei according to Masara's request.Zhengliang named it Luo's Dojo.

Why build a dojo? There are mainly the following reasons. First of all, Zhengliang is the most well-deserved force in the territory. The high-strength force has become one of the reasons why the people worship Zhengliang, and the establishment of Zhengliang's own dojo is even more important. It is conducive to strengthening the establishment of this kind of prestige; secondly, Zheng Liang hopes to establish his own family power through this dojo. For this reason, he selected 20 children under the age of 12 from the territory as the first batch of students in the dojo , they will all be Zhengliang's small surnames, and when they grow up to become ren, they will join various positions in the territory one after another, becoming the basis for Zhengliang's rule of the territory; then, this is also a place for entertainment for the generals in the territory.

In order to strengthen the loyalty of the retainers, and to have some fun for everyone, Zheng Liang plans to hold some martial arts competitions in the territory regularly, and give generous rewards; moreover, the warriors can also come here for their usual sparring.No matter how chaotic the world is, entertainment is still needed.As far as Masaragi knows, those daimyos are very keen on organizing martial arts tournaments. They will take out some treasure or a large sum of money, or even a position as a reward, and let their samurai fight with wooden swords, and the winner in the end will get the prize. Luck.For the daimyos, it is also a mass entertainment similar to the Nadam Festival in Mongolia.But for the warriors, it was very unusual.This is second only to the chance to get ahead on the battlefield. If you show your selves under the gaze of the lord, you will be promoted easily, not to mention that it is much safer than desperately fighting on the battlefield.

In addition, Zhengliang also plans to invite some retainers to hunt from time to time.Generally, hunting is in the preset hunting ground.The samurai shouted loudly in the hunting grounds, using various rattles to startle the beasts in the grass, and then the daimyo designated a target, and finally the prey was shot down by humans.The prey will generally be wild deer or rabbits, and those with superb archery skills will shoot birds in the sky.There are very few ferocious beasts here, and the most common wild beasts are wild boars. Those who think they are brave can also shoot wild boars to show off their bravery.But you have to think carefully before making this decision, after all, hunting wild boars is a dangerous thing.Wild boars will fight back. Minamoto Yoritomo, the first shogun and founder of the Kamakura shogunate, was not good at shooting wild boars and was killed by wild boars.

In addition to the above three reasons, in the end, Zhengliang has a deeper purpose.Based on this dojo, a new type of military academy unique to the Luo family was established. In the future, in addition to learning warrior fighting skills, military knowledge and thoughts of loyalty to the emperor will also be taught here.However, this is something for another time, and everything will have to wait until this dojo is on the track before it can be implemented.

On the open space of the dojo, there is now an altar.This is the traditional opening ceremony of the dojo.Monk Xuanru once again acted as a god stick, offering sacrifices in front of the altar in a decent manner, and then led the crowd to salute Zhengliang.After the sacrifice, the 20 first batch of trainees formally performed apprenticeship ceremony to Zhengliang.From now on, Zheng Liang will be their teacher, and all orders will be subject to Zheng Liang's requirements.

After the etiquette was over, Zheng Liang said some impolite words, and the formal training began.

The 20 apprentices first learned the basic martial arts cao according to Zhengliang's guidance, and decomposed the basic martial arts' hand shapes, maneuvers, step shapes, footwork, legwork, bodywork, etc., including empty steps, straight forward kicks, and bows. Step punching, palm pressing, side kicking, leg punching, horse clapping, raising knees for balance, kicking legs and clapping feet, resting palms, raising arms and pushing palms, chopping palms with small steps, clapping palms with servant steps, Second, take off and practice one by one.

These movements are compiled by Zheng Liang based on the later generations' martial arts teaching experience and combined with the current actual situation.After all, before he found a real martial arts master, Zheng Liang could only do so.

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