Warring States Eagle

Chapter 185 The Guardian

About to enter Hangzhou Bay, Wang Hai's boat stopped at an island in Daishan. (.) The sea was forbidden at this time in the Ming Dynasty. In order to deceive people, everyone had to change to some small fishing boats here, and then enter Hangzhou Bay pretending to be fishermen.Although the sea ban includes a ban on fishing at sea, many fishermen will actually venture out to sea.Ordinary sailors, as long as they pay a certain fee, won't pay too much attention to it. Their goals are those big merchant ships.

As soon as I set foot on the island, I saw a few fishermen returning from fishing, and when I saw a stranger coming, I just glanced casually, and then left quickly.Wang Hai on the side seemed to be used to this, and continued to lead the way with his head down.Zheng Liang originally wanted to ask where this place was and why these people looked a little weird, but seeing that Wang Hai didn't speak, he had no choice but to continue walking forward.

After walking for about a quarter of an hour, I finally saw a building that appeared to be a barracks in front of me, and it looked a bit dilapidated.There was no one watching the door at the door.When I walked in, it was empty, and I didn't even see a ghost. Is this really a military camp?Zheng Liang couldn't help muttering inwardly.But looking at the surrounding layout, it is obviously a military camp unique to the Ming Dynasty.

All the way without a word, Zheng Liang followed Wang Hai all the way inside. The three servants behind him were completely dressed as fishermen, observing the surrounding situation vigilantly all the way.He walked dozens of steps, turned a corner, and finally saw a guy sorting out fishing gear in the open space ahead.

"Old Zhang, you are indeed here!" Wang Hai obviously knew this person, and shouted from afar.

"Old Wang, are you back so soon?" The other party raised his head when he heard the sound, and when he saw Wang Hai, he quickly stood up and greeted him, "What good things did you bring this time?"

"Haha, Brother Bao, as long as you are satisfied," Wang Hai laughed. () The two finally came together.

"Quick, take a look." The other party obviously cared more about what Wang Hai said, and quickly looked at a wooden box carried by Wang Hai's subordinates.Even Zheng Liang and the others behind Wang Hai didn't take a look.

"Brothers, open the things to Brother Zhang to see." Wang Hai is not hypocritical.Immediately greeted several subordinates.

Several of Wang Hai's men immediately brought the wooden box over and opened it at the same time.Seeing bursts of white light suddenly glowing inside, Zheng Liang took a look.Good guy.Obviously silver brought back from Japan.Below the silver are some specialties unique to Japan.

"Okay, okay, okay" The other party walked to the box in two steps immediately after seeing the items in the box.He picked up a piece of silver pendant and rubbed it carefully, at the same time making a sound of satisfaction from time to time.

"Hahaha, Lao Zhang, I have delivered what I promised last time. I don't know..." Wang Hai said with a big smile at this time.

"Oh, look, brother, I almost forgot about you, there is no way, everyone has to eat, brother, these things just make those guys have food." The other party was obviously awakened by Wang Hai Yes, immediately apologized with a smile. "As for what my brother entrusted, it's still the old rules."

"Okay, since Lao Zhang said so, I'm begging my brother. I still have something urgent to do when I go back this time. I wonder if my brother can arrange it today?" Wang Hai cupped his hands.

"It's easy to say." The other party was also very proud, "Old Qi. You damn guy, come here quickly."

The voice did not fall.A skinny man strung out from a cabin, obviously the person who came was the "Old Seven" that old Zhang called.

"My lord, what are your orders?" Lao Qi came to Lao Zhang and said respectfully.

"Take a few adults down, arrange a few boats for them, and send them back to Hangzhou Bay," Lao Zhang ordered.

"Yes, my lord, the villain will go right away." After saluting Lao Zhang, Lao Qi turned around and said to Wang Hai and the others, "Several, please follow me." After finishing speaking, he took the lead and walked out .

Wang Hai bowed his hands to Lao Zhang who had already started counting the items in the wooden box alone, and then followed Lao Qi out first.Zheng Liang and others followed closely behind.Zheng Liang can tell that Wang Hai and this group of people are old acquaintances.

A group of people soon came to a small pier.I saw a dozen small fishing boats docked there.Lao Zhang said hello to the fisherman at the pier, then bowed his hands to Wang Haizhong as a farewell, and then left alone.

After saying goodbye, Wang Hai was not polite, he called everyone to go to one of the small boats first, and then jumped on the boat.Zhengliang also jumped onto the boat.After everyone boarded the boat, a total of three small boats started to go to the place where Wang Hai's boat was docked, where the cargo on board still needed to be transported to these small boats.

"Brother Wang Hai. Just now?" Seeing that the boat had finally sailed away from the shore, Zheng Liang finally couldn't bear the doubts in his heart and asked Wang Hai.

"They are from the guard," Wang Hai said in a low voice.

"Ah?" Zheng Liang couldn't help but let out a low cry.

"Hehe, this island is so poor that even birds don't lay eggs, how can they eat otherwise?" Wang Hai said.

"But..." Zhengliang originally wanted to say that they were originally officers and soldiers, and they should be the supervisors of the sea ban. Now they seem to be the insiders who assist in smuggling, but after thinking about it, this seems to be a normal thing. Things would have happened in that era, but he still didn't understand one thing, so he asked temporarily, "The imperial court will always pay them?"

"Hahaha" Wang Hai couldn't help laughing when he heard the words, and then said to Zheng Liang, "If they can receive their salary, then we really have no chance. If we stay here on the wild island, no one will care about it." They, not to mention those salaries that are often deducted. Brother Zhang just now is just a small general flag, even if the salary is delayed, no one will take it seriously."

Zheng Liang became silent when he heard the words.That's right, it's not that they are willing to do this, who made the higher-ups stop people from living?They had to find their own way of life.

Without talking all the way, Wang Hai moved the supplies from Wang Hai's original ship to the small boat, leaving some behind, Wang Hai, Zheng Liang and others continued to go to Hangzhou Bay in the small boat.

Soon, a trumpet-shaped bay appeared in front of us.Is this Hangzhou Bay?Looking at the reputation of the later generations who became famous for the Qiantang River Chaos, I can't help but feel a lot of thoughts.According to records, Hangzhou Bay is a trumpet-shaped bay due to the injection of Qiantang River.The mouth of the bay is about 95 kilometers wide, and the Haining area is only 3 kilometers wide, covering an area of ​​about 5200 square kilometers.From Zhapu to Cangqian, from Qibao to Wenjiayan, a huge sand ridge (island) is formed underwater, 130 kilometers long, 27 kilometers wide and 20 meters thick.There is a huge scouring trough on the coastal seabed between Jinshanwei and Zhapu on the north side, with a maximum depth of about 40 meters.The landform at the bottom of the bay and the trumpet-shaped features of the bay make it common for surging or rising tides.

"Attention everyone, there are navy ships coming ahead." Just as Zheng Liang was meditating, a warning came from ahead. (To be continued..)


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