Warring States Eagle

Chapter 194 Haidongqing

The ground in the meeting hall was still in a mess, occasionally pools of blood could be seen.Walking along the meeting hall, you will soon see a courtyard.

The yard has grown overgrown with weeds due to lack of maintenance.At this time, there were bursts of howling from a mud hut in the yard.Judging by the voice, it should belong to that big man.

"Hey" Zheng Liang sighed.Mingfeng Xiuzheng came here to ask for help.According to the division of labor, he was responsible for counting supplies. In order to avoid confusion, he asked everyone not to approach the backyard, but some people were unwilling to listen to him.That's right, that big guy.According to a slave from the original cottage who accompanied Mingfeng Xiuzheng to report, this big man broke into the backyard while calling "Xiaoqing", ignoring everyone's obstruction.Zheng Liang knew what was going on as soon as he heard it.It must be that the family members of the big man were taken captive by the bandits and encountered something unsatisfactory.Now the big man is anxious to go in to confirm the safety of his family members.

After understanding what happened, Zheng Liang quickly followed the crowd to check. After all, the order in the cottage still needs to be maintained.Now standing at the gate of the yard, listening to the howling of the big man, Zheng Liang knew that something had happened.

Walking along the path in the yard, I soon came to the door of the mud house where there was a sound of howling.Looking inside, I saw a big man squatting on the ground crying.But there was no one around, not even a corpse.Then why did he cry so sadly?

Zheng Liang was not in a hurry to come forward to comfort him. The person who was in grief should let him vent his emotions. Moreover, Zheng Liang had already included this big man in the list of "crazy patients". What a move.

Looked around, still did not find.Suddenly, a white figure rolled onto the big man's shoulder.Zheng Liang was taken aback, and quickly took a look, "This...is this... Haidongqing?"

Take a closer look.Its body length is 56-61 cm, and its weight is about 1310-2100 grams. The color of its feathers is snow white.Zhengliang had seen this kind of bird before in Animal World.That's right, this is indeed Costin.

How can there be Costin here, and it is a top-grade Costin.Among Costin, the pure white 'jade claw' is the top grade, and there are other names such as autumn yellow, wave yellow, and three-year dragon. (.) In the Qing Dynasty.If a prisoner catches a sea dongqing and presents it to the imperial court, he will be exempted from all death penalty, which shows how precious it is.The arrogant and extravagant Emperor Tianzuo, the last ruler of the Liao Dynasty, sent silver envoys every year to ask for Haidongqing from the Jurchens, and "every time he came to his country, he would recommend a pillow. The next household in his domestic round was used as a place to stay. To stay Maids waited for them, and envoys came one after another, relying on the fate of the great country, but only choosing beautiful women, regardless of their husbands or lovers."Arousing the resentment of the Jurchens, under the leadership of Aguda, the leader of the Jurchen Wanyan Tribe, they gathered all the Jurchen troops.Capture Liao barrier eagle officer'.Shen Zhaoti, a literati in the Qing Dynasty, once commented: "Liao and Jin provoked Haidongqing. The jade claws are named Eagle Gong Jiuding." It can be seen that although an eagle is insignificant, it is related to the rise and fall of Liao and Jin.

In the Liao, Jin, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties, institutions similar to Yingfang were set up to capture and raise them.The Manchus used eagles for hunting, and the rulers used eagles to catch geese and geese as a means of entertainment.It is not easy to capture and tame Costin.There is a folk saying: "Nine deaths, one rare eagle".After capturing the wild Hai Dongqing with an eagle net.I would like to thank the gift of 'Eagle God' Gege.Take it home and put the eagle on the shelf in the boiled eagle room, and add 'foot trip'.Do not let it sleep for several days and nights to wear off its ferocity and call it 'boil the eagle'.Then through the steps of "crossing the fist" and "running the rope", at this time, the eagle can listen to the yelling and come to the hunter's arm.Finally, through the "stripping" of the eagle, scrape out the intestinal oil, so that the eagle is hungry, but its muscles are strong, which is convenient for capturing prey.The tamed eagle can go to the mountains to 'release the eagle'.The eagle holders stand on the sidelines and watch, and let people beat the bushes with sticks to blast the wild animals out, which is commonly known as "chasing battles".When the prey is found to run or fly out, the hawk will immediately scream and dive down to catch the prey. The hawk hunter should rush to get the prey as soon as possible, and only give the hawk some animal offal, not enough to feed it. ', that is the truth.In addition to "Grand Views of Unofficial History of the Qing Dynasty", "Yanshan Conglu" and "History of Liao Dynasty" also recorded in detail the scene of the Liao state leader assisting hunting with eagles.In the early days and summer of the next year, breed offspring.

How could there be a sea dongqing here now?Just when Zheng Liang was surprised, suddenly a gray figure also jumped onto the big man's shoulder, and two sea dongqings, one gray and one white, started to play on the big man's shoulder.

"This..." Zheng Liang was completely stunned, there was another one?

"Benefactor, you are here." At this time, the big man squatting on the ground noticed the abnormality at the door, looked up and found that it was Zheng Liang, and quickly stood up and saluted.The two sea dongqings jumped to the ground and turned around under the big man's feet. It seemed that they were very familiar with the big man.

"You..." Zheng Liang wanted to say some comforting words, but suddenly he saw several dark feathers in the hands of the big man, which seemed to be Hai Dongqing's feathers.

"Benefactor, Xiaoqing is dead and was eaten by those damn bandits." The big man raised the feather in his hand and said to Zhengliang.Looking at it like that, it is as sad as a loved one who died.

As soon as the big man's words came out, Zheng Liang realized that he had made a mistake. It turned out that the big man was thinking about these sea dongqings.Since this is the case, it would be much easier to handle.So Zheng Liang signaled Ming Fengxiu to continue to lead people to count the supplies in the warehouse, while comforting the big man.

Slowly the big man also settled down.

"From your accent, you're not from here." Zheng Liang began to chat with the big man.At the beginning, Zheng Liang didn't pay much attention to the appearance of this big man. Now, upon closer inspection, he saw that this big man was burly and about 1 meters tall, which was about the same height as Zheng Liang.And the limbs look very thick, exactly the figure of a warrior.In the end, combined with the somewhat unfamiliar Chinese of the big man, Zheng Liang concluded that the big man was not from the local area, not even from the Ming Dynasty.

"Benefactor, I grew up by a big river," the big man replied.Then Dahan began to tell Zhengliang about his origin.

The big man is a Jurchen.To be precise, it is the wild Jurchens.The Ming Dynasty successively set up 25 guards of the Liaodong capital and 384 guards of the Nuergan capital, governing the entire Kanto region.The Jurchens are distributed in the vast area east of the Songhua River, west of the lower reaches of the Heilongjiang River, bordering the Japanese Sea, and south of the Korean Peninsula.In the early Ming Dynasty, according to the distribution area, the Jurchens were divided into three major groups, Jianzhou Jurchen, Haixi Jurchen and Savage Jurchen.

Jianzhou Jurchen was originally Huoer Abe who lived in Heilongjiang with three surnames (now Yilan).The other branch of Jianzhou Jurchen is the Udoli tribe living near the three surnames. The chief is Meng Ge Timur (Meng Temu). Regrouped in the Hun River Basin.

The name Haixi Jurchen first appeared in the Yuan Dynasty, and generally refers to the Jurchens of the Haixi Zhuwei.Haixi Jurchen has four tribes: Hada, Huifa, Wula, and Yehe, and there are Shanyi and Jiangyi.Shanyi made caves against the mountains, that is, the mature Jurchen Wanyan species; Jiangyi lived in Heilongjiang, that is, gave birth to Jurchen.Hada and Yehe belong to Shanyi, while Huifa and Wula belong to Jiangyi.After moving to the Hulan River Basin, Hulan and Hulun (Hulun) are the sound transfer, also known as Hulun Four.

Savage Jurchen, also following the old name of the Yuan Dynasty, is a relatively backward part of the Jurchen, so they are called "savages", distributed on both sides of the middle and lower reaches of Heilongjiang and east of the Wusuli River.Savage Jurchen, also known as Donghai Jurchen and Donghai Woji Division, is divided into four divisions: Sahalian, Hurha, Varka, and Kurka.The Huerha tribe is the home of the Jianzhou Jurchen.Later, those who stayed in the same place were still the Huerha tribe, and those who moved away were the Jianzhou Jurchen.

According to Zheng Liang's judgment, this big man should come from the Jurchen tribe of savages.As for why he came to Zhejiang in the south from Heilongjiang thousands of miles away?It starts with what happened to him.

The big man originally grew up in a small tribe.Live a life of fishing and hunting, raising horses and cattle.Life is very ordinary.But unforeseen circumstances caused his tribe to be invaded by another powerful tribe. Although they stood up to resist, they were eventually wiped out.Only a few young men escaped.

The big man who escaped from birth was bent on avenging his dead parents and his clansmen. Finally, taking advantage of an enemy's tribal banquet, he sneaked into the enemy's camp in the dark, killed the enemy who killed his parents, and fled to the Han people's residential area.For a period of time after that, he has been haunting the remote mountains and the Han market, selling the prey he hunted in the market in exchange for other necessities of life.Accompanying him are only three Haidongqings that he raised since childhood.

This time, he listened to a businessman's promise, accepted the employment, and escorted a merchant ship.But only after getting on the boat did he realize that he had been fooled, and the other party had come here entirely for the sake of his few sea dongqings.In desperation, he grabbed a piece of wood and jumped into the sea to escape. Fortunately, the ship was already close to the coast, and with the guidance of several Costinus, he drifted to Hangzhou Bay without any danger.

The big man who had been deceived once was of course unwilling to trust others casually, so after going ashore, instead of going to densely populated places, he headed towards the deep mountains and fields.He is familiar with hunting in the mountains and forests, so as long as he can enter the deep forest, he can find food in a way.It's a pity that he was very unlucky, and happened to meet this group of bandits. Under the siege, he was captured by mistake, and even the three Haidongqings who followed him were also trapped.Because he was tall and big, he was kept alive as a coolie slave and was not killed.But those few sea dongqings were not so lucky. They happened to meet the bandit leader who didn't know the value of sea dongqing. Unfortunately, when the big man was rescued by Zheng Liang and rushed here, one of them had already become a Dinner for the Bandit Chief.The big man felt sad from his heart, that's why the scene just now happened. (To be continued..)


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