Warring States Eagle

Chapter 305 Matsuura Raiders

In a village outside Tangfune Castle in Hizen Matsuura County.It was noon.

"Nichi, Niji, this boy, hurry up and plant the land for me?" A middle-aged voice suddenly shouted.

"Dad, I'm almost exhausted, now lie down here for a while" a young man said weakly next to a big tree.

"Hehe, Taketaro, you are too strict with Niji, it is already noon, let him have a rest." At this time another middle-aged man came over, and then sat down under the tree and said with a smile .

"Kame Saburo, it's not peaceful in Matsuura County right now. The war just ended, so if you don't hurry up to plant the land, is it going to eat the northwest wind?" Taketaro said.After speaking, he sat at the foot of the big tree.

"Hey, isn't it?" Gui Sanlang said with a sigh, "I have been forced to pay food twice this month, and we have to pay food every time we fight. If this continues, there will not be enough seeds for spring plowing this year. "

"The battle is over long ago," the boy named Niji said suddenly.

"Kid, what nonsense are you talking about?" Taketaro immediately scolded.

"Really, yesterday I heard from the samurai in the city." The boy said seriously, "Our lord has won."

"Win? Tell me what's going on?" Gui Saburo asked immediately.

"Master Samurai said that the territory of the lord in Hirado who has been good to us has been robbed by our lord," the boy said.

"The lord of Hirado?"

"It seems to be someone named Matsuura or something," Taketaro said.

"It's because Taketaro has been to many places before to know the news about those lords and elders," Kamezaburo immediately praised.

"What does this have to do with us? No matter who is the lord, we farmers will have a hard time," Taketaro said with a sad face.There are old and young in the family, only relying on the income from this land, and also endure the exploitation of the lord from time to time, life is really stressful.

"That's right, I heard that the balance is not stable outside recently, it seems that a group of terrifying bandits suddenly came, and they always make things difficult for the lord." Gui Saburo nodded and said.

"I heard that we are going to change the lord." The boy said the shocking news again.

"Ah? Is this true?" Even the boy's father, Taketaro, was surprised this time.

"It was said by the samurai that the current lord gave us to another lord in order to get more fields in the newly occupied place."

"It doesn't matter if he is the lord. Anyway, it's the same," said Kame Saburo.

Taketaro nodded after hearing the words.These farmers have no loyalty to the lords who only exploit them.

In this chapter, Xiongba hand beats) Why did you come to our place yesterday to ask for food? "

"Yes." After Kamezaburo said this, Taketaro also came to his senses.

"I heard that several groups of big merchants have come to the city recently, and they are buying grain at very high prices," the young man muttered.

"Ah?" Taketaro exclaimed, and then said angrily. "This lord who killed a thousand knives must have collected our grain and sold it to those merchants."

"Ah?" Gui Saburo gritted his teeth after hearing this.Then the two cursed the lord lord desperately under the tree.

"Father, the city is recruiting warriors," the young man beside him interrupted suddenly, "I want to be a warrior and make military exploits."

"What, say it again?" Taketaro suspected that he had heard it wrong just now.

"I want to be a warrior," the boy said again.

"Let you be a warrior" after hearing the boy's words clearly.Without further ado, Taketaro slapped the young man on the head first, and then continued, "Being a samurai means fighting..."


Yes, Taketaro is right, there is going to be a war, and there will be a big one.

In 1541 A.D., the tenth day of March in the tenth year of astronomy.The continuous drizzle finally stopped.The land also dries up under the sun's rays.


generals.There are Kinoshita Masunao, Yoshida Shigemasa, Oishi Tomohisa, Roshi Masahide, Aguda, and Mingfeng Hidemasa.At the same time, Masara's close friends Kira Nobukage, Ueda Shinji, Uemura Motozuna, Tetsunosuke, and the injured Ahri will be in charge of Masara's safety.Kakukuma Ishimune and Akabane Shinnosuke served as military advisors.The small surname Yoshinomaru and Murakami Takekichi followed Masara.The remaining Naoshima Naoshima, who has a small surname, will continue to be taken care of by Togo Kikuyo because he is too young.

Togo Heiji and the remaining generals of the Onishi Kuniji rule were responsible for the guarding and construction of the territory.

There are many spears.The army formation was like a mountain. Standing on the temporary altar and looking at the army formation of thousands of people below, Zheng Liang couldn't help expressing such emotion.At the beginning, Bodo also organized a coalition of thousands of people to attack the Matsuura family. At that time, Zhengliang was also a member of it, but it felt more like a small shrimp in the sea, needing to always worry about self-protection , now it is more like a mess in a huge wave.At this moment, what the Luo family has to do is to be the chao who will always be at the forefront, leading the huge waves behind to usher in a new era.

Looking at the neatly arranged army array under his feet, Zheng Liang even thought of Sun Tzu's Art of War, "So it is as swift as the wind, as quiet as the forest, as invading as fire, as immovable as a mountain, as difficult to know as Yin, as moving as thunder."The army moves as fast as the wind.When the army moves slowly, it is like a well-formed forest, solemn and quiet.When attacking the enemy, it is like a prairie fire, unstoppable.When the troops are stationed, they are as unshakable as mountains.When concealed, it is like a dark cloud covering the sky, not seeing the sun, the moon and the stars.In action, it is like a thunderbolt, brave and swift, making it impossible for the enemy to retreat.

Yes, this is the "Wind Volcano Forest".Now it seems that although Luo Shifan has not got its essence, it has already begun to take shape.

After pretending to be the "envoy" of Zhengliang to petition Hachiman, Zhengliang stood on the high platform and shouted to the army below: "Everyone! Hachiman has accepted the petition. Your lives have been entrusted to Hachiman. .Please, under the blessing of the Hachiman God, defeat the enemy in one go. Kill!"

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