
Chapter 310

On a flat ground at the foot of Mt. Yaten and Mt. Muzhi, a force of nearly 1000 members of the Luo family was engaged in a fierce battle with an army of more than 600 members of the Kami Matsuura and Goto Allied Forces.

"Suijinpo" Zheng Liangwan held the bow in his hand, and with a silent murmur in his heart, the feather arrow in his hand shot out in response, with a whistling sound, he shot towards a warrior from the upper Matsuura family not far away.The other party was holding a Taijian and slashing at a low-level warrior of the Luo family. He didn't even notice that someone could shoot an arrow at him from such a long distance.At the same time, the warrior of Luo's family also shouted loudly, chopped down the opponent who was suffering from the pain of the arrow, and then rushed to the next enemy without looking back.

The nearly 2000-player battle was a lot, and it was not a lot.Even though Zheng Liang, the chief general, was in the center of the formation and was closely guarded by everyone, he was actually only twenty meters away from the front line of the battle.

The battle has lasted for half an hour, and a deadly battle started as soon as the Xiangfang made contact.Unlike in the past, although the opponent was unable to mobilize enough farmers and soldiers to participate in the battle in time this time, almost all the main combat forces who did not need to work in the family participated in the battle.Although they are at a disadvantage in number, their combat power is good, and they will not retreat across the board due to the sudden collapse of farmers and soldiers.On Zhengliang's side, most of them are recruits who have only been trained for three months. Although the discipline and battle strength are good, they have not reached the level of overwhelming superiority. Therefore, the two armies confronted each other, and the battlefield situation fell into a sudden turmoil. deadlock.

Although on the whole the Roche Fan had the upper hand in terms of combat power and numbers, the entire front was only advancing slowly.Seeing this situation, Zheng Liang became a little impatient.This battle must end as soon as possible, and the opponent must be defeated so that the main force of the opponent cannot return to Tangchuan City.You know, the Omura family and the Xixiang family should know the situation of the Kami Matsuura clan by now, and these two powerful families may already be mobilizing their troops.Once these two powerful families join the war at this time, the Luo family will face the coalition forces of the four powerful families alone.No matter how bold Zheng Liang is, he would not dare to face these four powerful coalition forces alone, because this is no longer a question of boldness or not, but a complete bravado.

"Send an order to let Aguda and others charge forward with all their strength. After half an hour, I want to see the opponent's formation completely divided." Zheng Liang ordered, "Tell them that if they can't do it, they will farm for me when they go back."

"Yes" a detective said loudly.

The Aguda people who were fighting bloody battles ahead quickly received their orders.

"Damn, these guys are really desperate." Uemura Motozuna chopped off the head of a samurai from the Imari family at this time, and then sighed.At this time, three heads were already hanging around his waist.

"Damn it, they were robbed of their homes by us, of course they are going to fight us desperately," said Tetsunosuke, "They should have been killed at the beginning. I really don't know why His Highness let them go."

"Hey, stop talking nonsense, I have one more number than you, and if you talk nonsense, you will lose." Uemura Motozuna hung the severed head on his waist, and then grinned.

"Hehe. What are you being arrogant about? The guy in front has killed more people than the two of us combined. You can't win anyway," Teknosuke sneered.

Hearing that Aguda was mentioned, Uemura Motsuna couldn't help grinning, but finally couldn't say anything.That guy is too perverted, he is really a humanoid monster. After fighting for so long, at least ten people on the other side were killed by his mace.If it weren't for these guys from the Imari family who were blocking like crazy, Luo Shifan's front line would have penetrated the opponent's center line long ago.

"xxxx" At this time, Aguda in front of him also turned his head and yelled at the two of them, but because they were speaking in Jurchen language, the two of them couldn't understand at all.

"What did that guy say?" Uemura Bengang picked up the Taiken, shook the blood on the blade, and said.

"You don't understand this, he is telling us to kill quickly," Tie Zhisuke said.He didn't have Uemura Motozuna's perverted habit of putting the captured head on his body. After wiping the blade on the body of the dead enemy Ashgaru, he raised his head and said.

"You really understand?" Uemura Motsuna asked with interest.

"Huh? What's wrong with those guys in front?" Tetsunosuke didn't directly answer Uemura Motsuna's words this time, but said very differently.

Uemura Motsuna heard the words and immediately looked to the front of the battlefield.

I saw the soldiers of Imari, who were still desperately resisting just now, suddenly began to fall to the ground clutching their stomachs in twos and threes, with low-level pained expressions.First one or two, then three, four... and finally almost all the soldiers of the Imari family.The strange scene that suddenly appeared on the battlefield shocked everyone around.

"Bastard, why are you still standing there? Kill me immediately!" Zheng Liang, who observed the situation here from a distance, immediately shouted angrily.The voice was so high that it almost penetrated the audience.After seeing the situation of the soldiers of Imari's house, Zhengliang knew that the trump card he arranged finally worked.

It turned out that Zheng Liang bought a batch of poison from You Jianxia when he returned from the Ming Dynasty.According to You Jianxia's description, these are things that can kill without blinking an eye, and they can be said to be necessary for self-defense.And what Zheng Liang used this time was one of the chronic poisons.After taking this kind of poison, if you don't do strenuous exercise and keep the blood in your body running normally, it will take at least three or four days before it will take effect.But once you do strenuous exercise for a long time, it will speed up the operation of the poison, and then the onset will occur earlier.

After accepting the surrender of the Imari family last time, Zhengliang began to think about how to deal with the family.In Zhengliang's view, this family must not stay in Imari Bay and dominate one side. This is not only against the law of the Luo family, but more importantly, the Imari family is a complete wall. Once they stay here, It will only become an untimely bomb in the territory of Luo's family, who does not know when it will injure himself, the master.

After thinking about it, Zhengliang finally came up with such a way to keep Imari Jiali's life temporarily, and then try to get rid of his subordinates.This time, those who followed Imari Jiali to surrender were basically loyalists of the Imari family, and there was almost no possibility of surrendering. In this case, Zhengliang had no choice but to kill him.And the way to get rid of these subordinates is to poison the meals they entertain, and then let them die slowly one by one.

Later, in the conversation with Imari Jiali, Zheng Liang had another idea, and it would be better to let them go and let them go to the hostile forces. Anyway, these people will die sooner or later. Even if they surrender to the hostile forces, they will not pose a threat to the Luo family. .So there was a false appearance that the Luo family deliberately gathered their family members together, causing them to misunderstand that the Luo family wanted to kill them all, and finally escaped.

After escaping, Imari Jiali was really unwilling to be reconciled to the occupation of the territory, and he joined hands with the Kami Matsuura clan in an attempt to regain their homeland.At the most intense moment of the battle, the soldiers of the Imari family were indeed poisoned in advance due to the fierce battle.

Then, a strange scene appeared on the battlefield.


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