"Huh..." Zheng Liang snorted, and then, under the stunned gaze of the besiegers around him, he quickly killed Fujisaki Junhisa. ()

"Quick, block them!" Seeing the enemy on his back, Fujisaki Junhisa was anxious and angry, so many people couldn't surround and kill so few people.

"Don't hurt my lord!" Immediately afterwards, Fujisaki Junhisa's voice sounded even more angrily, and it turned out that the large army of the Luo family had finally arrived.

In fact, Zheng Liang's series of fights just now lasted only about a quarter of an hour.Now the large troops of the Luo family finally arrived.

"Kill!" The morale of Tian Anchang, who was besieged again, suddenly rose.Book

"Take your life, cut off!" Just as Fujisaki Junhisa was stunned, Zheng Liang had already killed him.

"Huh? Huh?" Fujisaki Junjiu was taken aback, but he also showed his general's true nature, and immediately raised his knife calmly in the face of danger and blocked it.

There was a loud "Dang".Fujisaki Junhisa suddenly felt a numbness in his arm.

"Come again" the two passed by, Zheng Liang yelled again, "Slash in a row!" Zheng Liang swung his knives again.

"Dang, Dang, Dang..." Fujisaki Junhisa struggled to resist crying without tears.The opponent's attack is too fast, and the opponent's strength is too fierce!

"Hey..." Suddenly he felt his hand was empty. It turned out that the hilt of the knife was soaked by rain.

"Ah?" Fujisaki Junjiu exclaimed, then turned sideways to avoid a knife, turned and fled. (.) Seeing this, the two samurai next to him also decisively charged towards Masara from the left and right directions, trying to block Masara's pursuit of Fujisaki Junhisa.

"Jihe Slash", such a good opportunity, Zheng Liang would turn around, seeing that the opponent was about to flee, and the path of pursuit would also be blocked, Zheng Liang decisively used the highest skill sword technique he had learned so far.

"Swipe" Yoshioka's words again separated three sword shadows, one went straight to the back of Fujisaki Junhisa, and two swords faced the two samurai rushing forward.

"Ah! Ah!" The two warriors were hit first and fell to the ground injured.

Based on his long-term experience, Fujisaki Junhisa sensed that danger was coming from behind, and immediately turned sideways. Although he avoided the fatal blow, his left arm was chopped off because he could not dodge it in time.

"Ah!" Fujisaki Junhisa let out a high-pitched scream, and then passed out.Several warriors immediately lifted him up, and while watching the Asura-like Patriarch of the Luo family vigilantly, they retreated quickly.

"Kill!" At this time, the Luo family had already killed one after another.

"Fifth brother? Retreat, retreat!" Junchen Omura, who saw Fujisaki Junhisa's fiasco in the distance, gave an order loudly.Not only was the ambush this time unsuccessful, but it caused the Omura family to lose three generals one after another. Now that the opponent's army has also been killed, it is obviously not appropriate to continue entanglement.

"Your Highness! I'm waiting for the rescue to come late." At this moment, several of Zheng Liang's followers rushed to Zheng Liang's side first, and then protected Zheng Liang.

"I'm fine!" Zheng Liang gasped.The continuous use of skills just now caused a sharp drop in physical strength.If it weren't for the decline in physical strength, Zhengliang would really be able to keep Fujisaki Junjiu here.

"But" Zhengliang looked up at Junchen Omura, who was still directing everyone to retreat slowly in the distance, and smiled slightly, "I can still give you another arrow." After finishing speaking, he took the bow tire in Date Masakura's hand bow.

Take the bow, take the arrow, draw the bow and other actions in one go.

"Sui Jin Po" Zheng Liang yelled in his heart, and the arrow in his hand shot out in response.Book

Omura Junchen was already more than 30 meters away from Zheng Liang. In his opinion, bows and arrows at such a distance could not be truly lethal, so he rode on the horse with peace of mind and directed the crowd to retreat slowly.

While commanding, he suddenly felt a murderous look coming towards him. He quickly turned his head to look, only to see the one wearing a beautiful helmet more than [-] meters away, only revealing The head of the Luo family with two eyes was staring at him.Through the helmet that almost completely covered his head, he saw a pair of eagle-like sharp eyes inside.

"Hiss" Omura Junchen shuddered.

"Huh?" At the same time, something was wrong with him.

"That's a posture? It's not good!" When Zhengliang was maintaining the posture of a "she" arrow, he suddenly felt something was wrong.But it's too late.A black dot appeared in his line of sight, then the black dot gradually became larger, and finally turned into a feathered arrow.

"Ah!" Omura Junchen let out a scream, and the feathered arrow flew along the left side of the face. After a bloodstain, it pierced the left ear directly, and even the helmet on the head was thrown out by "she".A burst of severe pain hit, Omura Junchen fell directly off the horse, and then unfortunately hit the ground head first and fell unconscious.

"Kill, cover me from the back!" Seeing that the last general commanded by the opponent was also injured, Zheng Liang yelled loudly, ignoring the adoring eyes of the crowd around him.

"Kill!" The responding crowd immediately yelled and killed the Omura family's troops who were in confusion due to the loss of the general's command.

In this way, after leaving some personnel to take care of the wounded and guard the prisoners on the spot, Zheng Liang led Luo Shifan to follow the defeated Omura family army all the way to hide and kill.

There are two teams of people, one team is running away desperately in front, and the other team is chasing desperately behind.

When they arrived near Songyue City, a group of people suddenly rushed out from the side, and they were Omura Takaaki's people.However, their situation was similar to that of the fleeing Omura army.After assembling in a hurry, the defeated soldiers of the Omura family, led by Takaaki Omura, directly bypassed Songyue City and headed for the nearest Haowu City.

"What's going on?" Zheng Liang originally thought that the opponent would set up a formation on the spot after getting a new force, and then confront him.But before he could line up, the opponent retreated in a desperate manner without even saying hello.What was even more strange was that the other party did not return to Songyue City, but went towards the territory of the Omura family that was closer to the south.So Zhengliang felt strange.

If things are different, there must be ghosts.So Zhengliang simply stationed there, and then sent a large number of people to investigate.He made up his mind, and waited to find out the situation before marching.Marching all the way today, after two consecutive battles, Luo's troops have gradually stretched and dispersed.So the next march must be cautious.

Word spread quickly.Someone took the lead and occupied Songyue City first.

Zheng Liang was furious when he got the news.Is this a thing?After working hard for half a day, I finally waited until the peaches were almost ripe, but they were picked at the last moment of ripeness. Are you angry?

So Zhengliang personally led the army to go to Songyue City aggressively.


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