Warring States Eagle

Chapter 322 One Thousand Stones Powerful

Chapter 322 One Thousand Stones Powerful

In the meeting hall of Songyue City, Zheng Liang is hesitating whether to agree to the request of Tian Anchang.

"Your Highness, there are two reasons for my request to go. One is that everyone like me is very familiar with the terrain of Matsuura County, and I can persuade the guards in the city to surrender. After all, many of those guards are my former subordinates." Dao Zhengliang hesitated, and immediately said, "Secondly, please give your Highness a chance to make amends."

This time, because there was a traitor among them, Luo Shifan was almost brought into the enemy's sneak attack circle, Tian Anchang, the cage hand, was very bitter.In fact, a long time ago, this traitor appeared among their more than 20 people. If it weren't for the fact that Tian Anchang and others often changed places, they would have been rounded up by the Omura family and other tyrants long ago.This time, as soon as they entered the mountain, the traitor among them immediately recognized the hidden marks unique to the Omura family, and then this traitor acted as a guide without hesitation, leading everyone to the raid circle step by step along the marks.

Although the traitor was finally killed by Tian Anchang in the cage, they also paid a great price. There were less than ten people left with more than 20 people, and everyone was injured, and they almost brought Luo Shifan into danger.He even asked the head of the Luo family to come to rescue him alone.

Therefore, Tian Anchang came here with guilt this time.

"Well? Well, then please Master Longshou, as the deputy general of the second team, lead his subordinates to assist our family's strategy." Zheng Liang thought for a while, and finally agreed.According to this old man's temper, even if Zheng Liang disagreed, he would forcefully follow the army, so it's better to just agree to him.

The army rested in Songyue City for a day, and on the second day, under the watchful eyes of Zheng Liang and others, they officially started to set off.

With the Fourth Standing Ashgaru Division as the main force, Kinoshita Masunao as the general, Akabane Shinnosuke as the military adviser, and the Second Army Formation as the lieutenant generals Kagote Tian Yasuke, Uemura Motozuna, and Tetsunosuke took the lead in attacking.

The army set off from Hirota Castle along Omura Bay, and successively conquered Ide Hira Castle and Sasebo Castle. The guards fled along the way, and there were almost no enemies in World War I.When the army arrived at Dazhi'an City, they encountered desperate resistance.

It turned out that almost all the monks in the city were members of the Shangsongpu clan, and these people were desperate and unyielding.Finally, under the desperate assault of Tian Anchang, the cage hand, he finally opened the city gate.Under the insistence of Tian Anchang in the cage, the city of Dazhi'an was massacred, and finally the city of Dazhi'an was burned down with a fire.So far, the Shangsongpu clan has almost been wiped out. Even if there are still some distant relatives, they will probably hide in some deep mountains and live in seclusion after learning about this.A few months later, the Kami-Matsuura Clan followed in the footsteps of the Hirado Matsuura Clan and disappeared into the long river of history.Only the last sub-clan of Matsuura, Hatata, which is still lingering on Iki Island, is left.

Zheng Liang only got the news of the massacre of the city on the second day after the army set out.In this regard, Zheng Liang just nodded, and then signaled the army to continue to follow the established plan.At least Shinnosuke Akabane, the strategist in the army, knew that Tian Anchang was able to massacre the city. Obviously he did not stop it, and even Zhengliang suspected that he would encourage Tian Anchang to do so.Zheng Liang understands the painstaking efforts of the military division, cutting the weeds without eradicating the roots, the spring breeze blows and regenerates.Just as he resolutely stepped into Tangjin City despite the scolding from his retainers that day, he also backed the scolding for Zhengliang this time.For this, Zheng Liang was very grateful, so he would not scold him for it.

After a fire burned the city of Dazhi'an, it also caused another more far-reaching impact, that is, it heralded the official and complete demise of the Shangmatsuura clan, so those resisters who still held hope gave up their insistence and returned to their hometowns one after another. In the family, he became an ordinary citizen. After a few years, some of them may go out to work for the Luo family, or directly become an honest farmer, and they will live their lives like this.

When these people died down, the second army moved forward more smoothly. On the third day of the army's departure, that is, on the fifteenth day of March in the tenth year of Tianwen, the army captured the last fortress of the Yuanshang Matsuura family in Bichu County. Wuying City.So far, on the west bank of Omura Bay, the land of Bichu County, which is connected to the Omura Family, the Upper Matsuura Family and Matsuura County, has been completely under the control of the Luo Family.The Luo family and the Omura family face each other across Omura Bay and Sasebo Bay.

When the second army formation was in the slightest, the third standing Ashgaru team was the main force, Yoshida Shigemasa was the general, Kakukuma Ishimune was the military adviser, Ueda Shinji, Ari, Date Masahiro, Kato Duanzang The first army formation with Fei Duan as the lieutenant general is even faster.After they arrived at Jinnai Castle along the coast of Imari Bay on the day of their departure, they did not rush forward, but rested in Jinnai Castle for a day.On the second day, with the cooperation of the navy in Imari Bay, the army swept all the way, conquering Oya Castle, Hangu Castle, and Sato Castle respectively, and finally joined forces with the second army that had just conquered Uwu Castle, the last fortress in Matsuura County. The arrays converge.As for the two most important castles of the former Hirado Matsuura clan, Hirado Castle and the Four Cities of Longshou, they were burned down when the army invaded, and only a pile of ruins remained.

At this time, they encountered the most difficult problem.It turned out that after the Hirado Matsuura clan perished, the Hirado Matsuura clan's navy disintegrated, some of the navy took refuge in various powerful forces, and some chose to become pirates.And now there is a group of pirates with twelve closed ships entrenched in Hirado Island in Matsuura County.And these pirates were the sailors of the original Hirado clan.

On the issue of how to deal with this naval army, the retainers fell into disagreement, some advocated a strong attack, and some advocated recruiting, and finally decided to report to the family leader Zhengliang for a decision.At this time, Noda Kazuo, the general of the second squadron of the navy who had been silent all this time, said that he was familiar with the generals of this navy and was willing to go alone to recruit them.Tian Anchang also said that he could go together to persuade them to surrender.

For Noda Kazuo's proposal, he received the support of two military divisions.So Kazuhei Noda and Yasuhiro Gageta landed on Hirado Island alone, and finally entered the old nest of this navy, Katsumi Prison Castle.After some bargaining, the navy was finally willing to join the Luo family.Afterwards, Tian Anchang, the cage hand, refused the Luo family's persuasion, entrusted his subordinates to the Luo family, and resolutely became a monk at Dongguang Temple near Wuwu City, and once again lived a life of seclusion.

So far, Matsuura County has completely become the territory of the Luo family.

After confirming that the Omura family had only increased their defensive forces at the border of the territory and did not take any other actions, Masara officially issued an order for the various teams to return to the station, and Masara also returned to the lord's mansion in Ye Gaoshan.

In 1541, the tenth year of astronomy, on March [-]th, the evaluation was carried out in the meeting hall of the lord's mansion with the participation of most of the retainers.

"Your Highness, according to preliminary estimates, the income of Matsuura County is about 11 shi. The territory occupied by the upper Matsuura family and the Omura family in Bichu County is about [-] shi, and the territory in the direction of Takeo Castle in Chushima County is about [-] shi , the current territory of the main family is estimated to have a total of about [-] shi," Togo Heiji said in a trembling voice.

"Wow!" Dongxiang Heiji's words caused an uproar in the council hall.All the retainers were delighted by the strength of the Luo family. The power of 11 shi!If it is in some relatively barren places, it is even the lord of a country.Even though the Luo family has not yet become the lord of a country, such strength can be called a small name.

"Ahem..." Zheng Liang pretended to be serious and motioned for everyone to quiet down.At this moment, he was also very happy in his heart.It's still a month away, and it's been a full year since I came here.In this short year, Zhengliang led the Luo family from a village that was always invaded by bandits to the most powerful tycoon in the Hizen Kingdom. Zhengliang couldn't help being unhappy.

After the retainers gradually calmed down, Togo Heiji, who managed to regain his calm, continued to report: "In terms of population, the preliminary statistics are about 7. With the implementation of the territory's laws and regulations, after verification, the population is expected to increase. On the one hand, this raid consumed a total of [-] shi of military rations, but a large amount of food was seized, with a preliminary estimate of about [-] shi. The remaining coins, weapons, and ores are still being cleared and counted.”

"Yeah." Zhengliang nodded.It is already very good to be able to verify the income and population of the territory in such a short period of time.

"Everyone! Thank you for your heroic killing of the enemy in this raid. I will never forget your contribution," Zheng Liang said solemnly.

"Serve the Patriarch!" All the vassals bowed down one after another.

"Kakukuma Ishimune. The five thousand stone territory of Imari Castle is yours. Take care of it for me," Zhengliang began to divide the land.According to Zhengliang's current enfeoffment policy, in fact, these enfeoffed retainers have no land ownership, no power to issue decrees privately, and no right to military mobilization. Even the number of retainers' entourage is greatly restricted.They can only honestly manage the territory entrusted to him by the patriarch according to the law of the territory, and then extract one-tenth of the final tax revenue of this territory as income.To put it more appropriately, they are the administrative officials who manage the territory for the head of the family.

Immediately after that, Masara made enfeoffments for Akabane Nobunosuke, Kinoshita Masao, Yoshida Shigemasa, Executive Tankanen, Oishi Tomohisa and others one by one.The rest of the retainers who did not receive territorial rewards also received heavy rewards, certificates of appreciation representing honor, and the "Eagle Feather" medal.It can be said that everyone has been rewarded.Everyone is quite satisfied with this.

"Your Highness, I request a name change." After rewarding the navy general Noda Ichibing, he suddenly leaned over and said, "My original family was the Tao family, but due to the war, it was changed to Noda. I hope that the original Tao Masaru can be restored. Tiger's name."

"Sure! You will be called Masatora Tano from now on," Masara agreed.

After "Kichi no Maru" rewarded everyone, Masara called out the name of the small surname Kichi no Maru.

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