Warring States Eagle

Chapter 345 The army is approaching


"Yes, Your Highness." Kato Duanzang replied, "When I brought people to that temple, all the people there had already run away."

"Looks like it's God's will!" Zheng Liang sighed.

As early as the day when he received the news that the Ryuzoji family was attacked by the Shaoer family, Masarai sent Kato Danzang to secretly invade the territory of Ryuzoji Temple, and then prepared to take advantage of the scuffle to take advantage of the scuffle to kill Ryuzoji Takanobu who was still practicing in the temple. remove.Zhengliang can support the Ryuzoji family, but the premise is that the later ZTE master of the Ryuzoji family, Hizen Kuma Ryuzoji Takanobu must die.

It's a pity that not only the Ryuzoji family can't be rescued now, even Hizen's bear is missing.

It seems to be God's will.

Did you go to the Nabeshima family?Or Kamochi Kammori of the Kamaike family in Chikugo?Zheng Liang couldn't help thinking.According to historical records, it was with the assistance of Puchi Jiansheng and the Naoshima family in the future that the Longzaosi family also sent troops to kill Bachang Laizhou, and then prospered the Longzaosi family.Before the family's death, he ordered Yuanyue to inherit the family business.Yuanyue changed her name to Longzao Temple Yinxin when she returned to vulgarity, inherited the Shuijiang Longzao Temple family, and belonged to the Longzao Temple family Longzao Temple Yinrong.Ryuzoji Temple Yinxin is the Hizen bear Ryuzoji Ryushin in the future.Now that the Longzhaosi family has died, what will be the fate of the Longzhaosi family?

In desperation, Zhengliang had no choice but to order to continue to investigate the news of Longxin of Longzou Temple.As the saying goes, you have to see people in life, and you have to see corpses in death.It always feels wrong to be uncertain about the whereabouts of this future strongman.

Five days later, news came that the Shaoer family had completely pacified the territory of the Longzao temple family.In the case that the Longzhaosi clan was almost wiped out.With the exception of some diehards, almost everyone surrendered.

Just when Zhengliang thought that the Shaoer family's army was approaching, the Shaoer family's army unexpectedly stayed in the territory of the Longzaosi family and did not move forward.It seems that the Shaoer family is ready to digest the newly acquired territory.

Zheng Liang breathed a sigh of relief, and then stepped up to prepare for the challenge.

"What's the name of that mountain in front?" This day, Zheng Liang personally took people to check the terrain, and saw that there was also a high mountain with not low terrain opposite Pig Bear Mountain, so he asked.

"My lord, that's Brave Mountain and Chudao Mountain!" The peasants and soldiers who were leading the way immediately reported back.

Mount Valor?Zheng Liang was a little bit dumbfounded when he heard the name.The names given by these people are really unflattering.

"Your Highness, there is a Rokkaku River between Inobear Mountain and Brave Mountain, and the two sides of the Rokkaku River are the only way to enter Takeo Castle." Akabane Shinnosuke, who accompanied Masara to explore the terrain, said.

"Should we rebuild the earthen village near Pig Bear Mountain to block the way for the Younger Allied Forces to enter Takeo Castle?" Kakukuma Ishimune also said.

"Well, Ueda Shinji and Honda Jun are leading people to re-consolidate the earthen village, and the army of our family will be stationed there later." Zhengliang ordered immediately.After the last battle, the village had been burned to pieces long ago, and Zheng Liang didn't expect to be able to resist the advance of the enemy through there.However, in Zhengliang's plan, it still played a certain role.So Zheng Liang issued an order to reinforce.

"Is there a lake near here?" Zhengliang continued to ask.

"Yes, my lord." The peasant soldier hurriedly replied: "On Brave Mountain. There is a swimming pool lake with very sweet water. And in the mountains on the side of Pig Bear Mountain, there are also several small lakes."

"Very good, take me to check it out." Zheng Liang ordered.

"Yes, my lord, please come with me." The peasant soldier said immediately.

While Zheng Liang was personally inspecting the terrain, in the council hall of Lujiao City, Shao Er Dong Shang was frowning at a letter.

After a long time, he gently put down the letter, and then looked at the person kneeling on the ground.He opened his mouth and said, "So, the Luo family has sent envoys to the Ouchi family for help?"

"Exactly, the detectives of our family accidentally discovered outside the mansion of Takeshi Sagara, the important minister of the Ouchi family, that the family of the Luo family practiced Duanmu Qingzheng a few days ago, so the head of the family sent people to inquire carefully, and only then confirmed that the Luo family had officially Asking the family for help." The visitor replied respectfully.

"Okay, I know about this matter, please express my gratitude to Lord Harada." Shaoer Dongshang said.

Send away the Harada family to envoy.Shaoer Dongshang looked at Bachang Laizhou, who had been silent all the time, and asked, "What do you think?"

"Your Highness, our family can't wait any longer. We must destroy the Luo family before the Ouchi family sends troops to support the Luo family." Baba Raizhou said immediately.After the destruction of the Longzaosi family.Baba Laizhou once again became the most important minister of the Shaoer family, and he lived a happy life during this period of time.Now when he suddenly heard the news that the Luo family asked for help from the Ouchi family, it immediately reminded him of the scene where the previous Patriarch was forced to death by the Ouchi family, and immediately woke up.

"Since that's the case, I will order all the families to meet up tomorrow!" Shaoer Dongshang said.Since all the territory of the Longzhaosi family was taken temporarily, it will take some time to counter the rebellion in the newly acquired territory, so Shaoer Dongshang temporarily sent all the troops of the families back home.After all, for an army with so many people, eating and drinking every day is a huge burden.

On the seventh day of the sixth month of the tenth year of Tianwen, the Shao'er family, who had rested for more than half a month, issued a call again, calling on all the tyrants to crusade against the Luo family.Powers from all walks of life responded to the call one after another and gathered under the city of Lujiao with their troops.

The eleventh day of June of the tenth year of astronomy.early summer.

It hasn't rained for days, so the city is very dry.There are bonfires everywhere in the city, and the red flames are reflected on the white walls. The Lujiao City Council Hall on the eve of the expedition seemed to stand like a mirage, which looked extraordinarily beautiful.In his twenties this year, the slightly overweight Hizen Guardian Young Erdong still opened the clothes that were tightly fitted to the armor from time to time to wipe the sweat off his body.Instead of the ornate helmet, he was placed on the floor behind him, but with armor already on his legs and arms.

Beside him are Baba Yorishu, Jindai Victory, Chiren Yinren, Egami Takechu, Oda Masamitsu, Takagi Kanbo, Yokodake Fusei, Honko Raikage, Chikushi Yumono and others.

Looking at the people around him, Shao Erdong still had the illusion of restoring the glory of the Shao Er family in the past.But he quickly regained his composure. Although he was mediocre, he knew very well that the reason why these people came here in response to the call was simply because they also felt the threat from the Luo family.

The Zhuang Xing Banquet is ready.There are Katsuri and kelp to accompany the wine on the three-sided table of white ballast.

"Everyone, the Luo family has refused to listen to the summons several times. It is really disrespectful to the family, and there is a rebellious heart. In this battle, we will completely wipe the Luo family from the front. As for the territory of the Luo family, it is up to each The family seizes it on its own, and the family will not interfere." Shaoer Dongshang picked up the wine glass and said.

"I would like to die to protect you!" Everyone raised their glasses and said.

On the 1541th day of June, [-], the tenth year of Tianwen, an army of more than [-] people officially marched towards the Luo family's Wuxiong City.

The army is pressing down on the border, and the Luo family is also ready to fight.

The war is about to start.

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