There are actually favorable conditions for the implementation of this new system.That is the retainer group of the Luo family.

At present, the retainers of the Luo family are almost all new wealthy families developed under the new system.They all adapted to the new system or supported the new system.Of course, there are exceptions.That is the newly joined Nabeshima Qingfang and Oda Masamitsu.These two people represent the aristocratic families under the old system.

The first is Masamitsu Oda.After he persuaded the Oda clan to surrender Lianchi City, Zheng Liang followed the agreement and did not slaughter his clan.However, capital crimes can be avoided, and life crimes cannot be forgiven. While discussing the alliance with the Ouchi family, Masarai sent a large army to forcibly relocate the entire Oda family to the vicinity of Karafune Castle in Matsuura County. The territory of the family is as large as ever.However, as for management and taxation, etc., it must be implemented in accordance with the territorial laws.

In this regard, Masamitsu Oda has nothing to do. After all, the two fathers and sons and several important ministers are under house arrest.When Masara returned to Hizen after forming an alliance with the Ouchi family, the Oda clan had already begun to settle in the new place.From the geographical point of view, the west of the territory of the Oda clan is Imari Castle in Matsuura County, which is the enfeoffment territory of Kakukuma Ishimune, and the east is Tangfune Castle, which is the territory of Masao Kinoshita.Being caught between the territories of the two important ministers of the Luo family, even if there is any change, it will be discovered soon.What's more, for these newly surrendered wealthy families, they must be the key surveillance targets of the Territorial Detectives and Black Hawk.

Of course, in order to further appease Masamitsu Oda, Masahiro let him join the cabinet and became a minister of internal affairs.

The Internal Affairs Cabinet is a newly established department of Zhengliang. In order to meet the management needs of the lord of a country, Zhengliang combined the current position of the lord of the country and the experience of later generations to set up four departments. The first is the Internal Affairs Cabinet, which is responsible for coordinating the territory. Law enforcement, farming, civil affairs and education management.As well as the inventory and storage of post-war materials, tax collection and distribution of the territory; the second is the military cabinet, which is responsible for the standing recruitment and training, the management of the army, the strategy of the territory, the organization and training of farmers and soldiers, and the management of military supplies; the third is The first is the Intelligence Pavilion, which is responsible for the spying and sorting of information inside and outside the territory, and the surveillance of the nobles and retainers of the territory; the fourth is the Public Square Pavilion, which is responsible for the negotiation and management of temples and shrines, and is also responsible for external public affairs.

Cabinet of Ministers.Togo Heiji is in power.Responsible for the overall planning of all cabinet affairs; the rest are internal affairs.Among them, Liu Le, a staff member of the Ming Dynasty, is responsible for the education affairs of the territory, and at the same time takes care of some agricultural affairs; Aoyama Nobumoto, Jiang Chuanshizong, and Nabeshima Kiyobo are responsible for civil affairs; Physicians are responsible for treating the daily ailments of the people in the territory.As for the implementation of territorial laws, the inventory and storage of post-war materials, and the collection and distribution of territorial taxes, Togo Heiji will arrange and coordinate them in a unified manner.

Below these people.On the other hand, the village heads of each village and the families of the wealthy clans formed a whole set of internal affairs management system.These people issued tasks and monitored the execution of tasks according to the laws of the territory and the requirements of the country's lord. The village heads of each village and the families of the wealthy families who were specifically responsible for the affairs below carried out specific tasks within their own territory.In terms of work supervision, the top is monitored by a few people from the Cabinet, and the bottom is the village heads of the villages who only obey the orders of the lord. They will in turn monitor the situation of the rich family and even these retainers.And can report directly to the intelligence cabinet.

Regarding the arrangement of Oda Masamitsu and Nabeshima Qingfang, Masara had his purpose, mainly to appease them. After all, Oda Masamitsu's entire family was relocated to a new place and lost their homeland, while Nabeshima Qingfang was even worse. His family was divided into three, Nabeshima Kiyohisa's father, Nabeshima Kiyohisa's elder brother Nabeshima Yoshifou, and Nabeshima Kiyobo himself, each of them was forced to lead a part of the clan headed by these three. They were scattered and moved to three different places in the Luo family's territory.With such a tossing method, it is fake that they have no resentment in their hearts, maybe they will rebel at any time.But Masaragi had no choice. Historically, both the Oda family and the Nabeshima family were very loyal to the Ryuzoji family.Especially the Nabeshima family.Therefore, they cannot be allowed to stay in Saka County and Kanzaki County, and their strength must be weakened.But after a hard blow, they have to give some sweetness, and this kind of position is the sweetness given to them.also.Zheng Liang also wanted to get these two people familiar with the Luo family's system by actually participating in the implementation of the territory's laws, and subtly transform them.

Military Pavilion.The ruler is Zhengliang himself.The military cabinet is divided into three systems.They are the Department of Training and Combat, the Department of Ideological Education and Military Merit Management, and the Department of Logistics.For the training of the combat department, the first is the recruit training camp. This battalion consists of some retired veterans as instructors. It mainly trains some formations and basic military laws of the recruits. In the future, some generals will be sent as instructors to the recruit training camp as instructors from time to time; Secondly, the daily training of each team is in charge of the generals of each team.Finally, the generals are responsible for leading their respective teams to participate in various strategy and defense tasks issued by the lord.

The Department of Ideological Education and Military Merit Management is mainly in charge of each military department. According to Zhengliang's habit, his surname Yuanfu is usually sent to each division to take up this position, responsible for the ideological education and military law of the division. The distribution of education and combat merit statistics does not have the right to interfere with the command of the generals, but they have the right to directly report various situations of the squads to the king. The generals of each squad also have no right to interfere with the work of the army.

The logistics department is mainly responsible for the storage and management of various armaments such as military rations and weapons. It is also responsible for verifying the distribution of armaments and organizing logistics troops to participate in battles when necessary.In addition, the monthly military training of farmers and soldiers in each village in the territory, and the management of the boy scout patrol team organized by each village in accordance with the territory's laws, are also in charge of the department.

In terms of staffing, it is like this.It is Masara himself who is in power, and the two military advisors Akabane Shinnosuke and Kakukuma Ishimune are responsible for assisting Masara in overall planning.Masao Kinoshita was promoted to General Attendant, and was the leader of the fourth standing Ashgaru team. The deputy general of the team was also promoted to Ashgaru General Shinji Ueda, and Junmebu was Sasuke Roshi.Ueda Shinji, Uemura Motozuna, Tetsunosuke, Honda Toshimasa and others have worked hard to get promoted in this strategy. At the same time, these people have also followed Masara for a while. Now it is time for them to be responsible for some specific tasks .

Shigemasa Yoshida was promoted to General Attendant, and was the leader of the third standing Ashgaru team. The vice general of the team was also promoted to the position of Ashgaru General Uemura Motozuna, and the army was appointed as Shingoro Roshi.

Tomohisa Oishi is the head general of the second standing Ashgaru team, and the vice-commander of the team is Masahiro Date, who has also been promoted, and Masamune Masamune.

Aguda is the leader of the fifth standing ashigaru team.Due to the fact that the team was newly established, there are no deputy generals and junmufu for the time being.

The executive type is also the chief general of the first standing ashigaru team, the deputy general of the team is the ashigaru general Tetsunosuke whose position has also been promoted, and the army is paid for by Masahide Roshi.

Miyazawa Heihachi changed his name to Isano Yuanmasho, and became the commander of the First Standing Cavalry Division.Due to the accumulation of a lot of merits in this strategy.Zhengliang personally named recognition of his meritorious service.As for why the name Isano Motosho was given to Miyazawa Heihachi, it was mainly because Masara did not want to change history too much.If it hadn't been for Masara's sudden appearance, Miyazawa Heihachi would have become the adopted son of the Isano family and changed his name to Isano Motosho.

Ander is the leader of the No. [-] Standing Iron Cannon Squad.When it's worth mentioning.Under his guidance, the combat effectiveness of the Iron Cannon Team has been significantly improved.

Takashi Murakami is the chief general of the First Standing Navy Division, and Sun Goro, the deputy general of the Division, has no military order for the time being.

Suddenly, Natong is the chief general of the first standing navy squadron, which has no deputy generals and military commanders for the time being.

A new Standing Team of the Third Navy was established.Masatora Tanao will be the main commander, and Kenkage Kira will be the deputy general and military commander.

In addition to the above-mentioned generals, Kato Danzo, Hidan, Ahri, and Enjoji Shinyin were all promoted to ashigaru generals, and stayed with Masara to be responsible for Masara's safety protection in case of temporary call.Takeshi Murakami, Naoshige Nabeshima, and Masanobu Honda also followed Masara.

Logistically.General Attendant Kosuke is in charge of warehouse material management and verification and distribution; Ashgaru General Chujiro is in charge of the management of the territorial weapon workshop; Each village in the territory organizes monthly peasant and soldier military training, and manages the boy scout patrol teams organized by each village in accordance with the territory's laws.wartime.Mingfeng Xiuzheng and Honda Junzheng will be responsible for mobilizing farmers and soldiers, and will lead the logistics troops to go out with the army.

The arrangement of the Intelligence Court is as follows:

Under the Ministry, Onishi Kuniji is in charge of the intelligence cabinet, commanding the Black Hawk Ninja Army, responsible for monitoring the movements of the retainers, wealthy families and the army in the territory, and dispatching Black Hawk to cooperate with the army to perform special tasks in wartime.In general.During the war, Onishi Guozhi did not go out with the army. Instead, he sat in the territory to coordinate the collection of intelligence from various places. The Black Hawk on the battlefield was led by Kato Danzo, Hidan, Ari and others.

Shigetada Muzo is responsible for leading the Luo family detectives through various means such as business.Infiltrates everywhere, responsible for the surveillance of the people in the territory and the collection of information about the surrounding powerful.

Seeing things one after another.Yuan Shanqian, the ninja among the ninjas, is responsible for the daily training and training of Black Hawk.

The arrangement of the public court is as follows:

The public party pursues a flourishing rule and is responsible for the official tasks of the imperial court and the shogunate.The public side adheres to Duanmu Qingzheng, and is currently a guest general of the Ouchi family, responsible for public tasks with various wealthy families and daimyo.

In addition, Zhengliang also added some new content to the territorial law, such as the management of the various powerful families in the territory, clearly requiring that without the consent of the head of the Luo family, no one can build and repair the city on the territory without authorization. .The retainers are mainly responsible for the work of the territory. As for the territory that the head of the Luo family entrusted to the retainers, the retainer's family can take care of it, but the retainers have the right to monitor their own territory. If something happens to the territory, the retainer must take responsibility.For another example, it is clearly stipulated that major events in the territory of the Luo family will be evaluated by the evaluation meeting attended by all the retainers, and finally the head of the Luo family will decide the final solution.

The above-mentioned adjustments to the positions and responsibilities of the retainers, and even those new laws, were actually drawn up before Masara left for Ouchi's house, and several important ministers notified each retainer in advance.All the retainers were meaningless about it since almost all got promotions in their ranks as well as rewards.As for the laws of those newly added families, they have actually been implemented in the past, and now they are just officially written into the "Roche's Laws" to form an official petition.

Of course, Zheng Liang was not foolish enough to directly announce the creation of these four new departments.This is actually just his secret division of responsibilities for his retainers. On the surface, it is better to follow some sayings in this era to clarify the responsibilities of each person, and to give them the title of ruling, minister, executive, etc., so that They naturally accept this division of labor.After all, the rash appearance of these new terms is probably a bit shocking, and Zheng Liang is likely to be called a fool, and his retainers will also resist.Everything is still boiling the frog in warm water, take your time.

In the meeting hall in the village city, Zheng Liang once again announced the adjustment of the positions of the retainers.All the retainers looked rejoiced.

After the responsibilities and positions of the retainers have been adjusted, the next step is the award of the territory.

The first is the disposal of the original tyrants in the newly occupied Xiaocheng County, Saka County, and Kanzaki County.In this regard, Zheng Liang adopted a completely different approach for three weeks.For the powerful families like the Enjoji family who have surrendered to the Luo family from the beginning, not only can they retain their original territory, but even have their territory increased; Noble clans force their families to relocate their territories, or even disperse them, but keep their knowledge and behavior similar to the original territory; for those wealthy clans who resist stubbornly and are not strong, such as Fukuchi, Katadae, Noda, Shimomura, Ishii, Kinji, The wealthy families of Hyakutake, Koga, Yoko, Kinji, Miji, Kume, Muraoka, Ota, Mizumachi, Masuda, Iimori, Soejima, and Ishimaru directly dispersed their families, and then dispersed and moved to Matsuura and Kishima. County to go.

Why is Zhengliang so tough?Because Zhengliang knew that in history, after the death of Ouchi Yoshitaka, Hizen’s Kuma Ryuzuoji Takanobu was forced to exile to Chikugo again. Later, he tried to kill Hizen twice, the first time because the boat he was on was washed He failed at the first attempt, but finally succeeded at the second attempt, and thus created the famous Longzoo Temple family.The two counterattacks against Hizen by Ryuzoji Temple were inseparable from the powerful help of the three counties of Saka, Kanzaki and even Xiaoshiro. Now that the whereabouts of Hizen Kuma is unknown, Zheng Liang does not want to be the target of Hizen Kuma's surprise attack. Therefore, all the powerful families who supported him in the future must move away.Let Hizen Bear lose the basis for counterattack in the future.Moreover, these rich families were only so obedient this time because they were defeated by the Luo family, and the head of the family and other important figures were placed under house arrest by the Luo family.Once recovered, it is likely to become the source of Hizen's turmoil again.After all, in their eyes, Luo's family is an outsider who suddenly invaded, and they are still upstarts.

(Thanks to book friends Le Jun, Dongfang Weiming, yetz, zadea, Blue Wing Dream, and Tianming Mingming for their monthly tickets. These days double monthly tickets, please support the monthly tickets.)

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