Zhengliang's big enfeoffment this time can be said to be a joy for all, almost all the retainers got a fief of a large or small size.According to the general situation, it is very abnormal to seal such a full range of territories.

But Zhengliang has his purpose for doing this. One is to follow the laws of the territory. In fact, these territories are entrusted to various retainers for management, and then the retainers extract a certain amount of territorial tax from them as knowledge and action. They are equivalent to Zhengliang. The management officials of the department are average.After all, such a large territory cannot be managed with Zhengliang's current strength; secondly, with the background of the Warring States Period, relying on salary alone without fiefdoms would not be able to retain retainers, and it seemed out of tune with this era, so Even if there are restrictions, it is still necessary to grant fiefdoms to the retainers in form; thirdly, Zheng Liang intends to implement some new policies and systems, but it has to be implemented slowly, like a frog being boiled in warm water. And the territories of these retainers, It is precisely as a test place.Based on these three reasons, Zhengliang chose to add a full range of fiefdoms.

"Everyone, I know that some of you here have some family members or relatives and friends outside the country before they became the family's retainers. After the assessment is completed, if you plan to move these people to the home territory to settle down, you must send the information to Give Daxi Guozhi, he will arrange personnel to help you find these people and move them to your territory." Zheng Liang said.Compared with other lords, Zhengliang has some skills in dealing with people and affairs of later generations.Therefore, since it is to win over the retainers now, it is necessary to win over thoroughly so that they have no worries.Of course, from another meaning, Zhengliang meant to control the family members of the retainers within the territory of the family.In this way, both the retainers and Zheng Liang himself felt much more at ease.

As soon as Zhengliang said this, the retainers such as Ueda Shinji and Jiangchuan Shizong became excited.Although they were brutally exterminated, there are still some clansmen who endured humiliation and stayed in their original place to become the enemy's leaders and contribute resources to the enemy.Now there is such a word from the owner.Then they can take these tribesmen to the Luo family's territory to live a much better life.

"In addition, each family's territory is only allowed to have one walled city, and the rest of the city will be demolished by the owner of the territory." Zheng Liang said again.There are too many castles in the territory, resulting in the division of troops for defense.Obviously not a good thing.But no division of troops.Once it is occupied by rebels, it will take a lot of energy to cage the city, so it is better to just demolish it.

"As for the construction of your cities, you may consider using the fired bricks and cement from the territory. If there is insufficient money and food, you can pay the debt first, and then return it to the territory when there is enough in the future." Zheng Liang said again.Ordinary citizens are actually very happy to be able to live in wooden houses, and they don't use so-called fired bricks and cement at all.And Zhengliang made these things out.One of the purposes is to sell it to retainers and powerful families as a luxury, so that they can squander the money and food left over from the inability to build cities and expand troops due to territorial laws, so as to prevent them from breeding bad thoughts due to too much money and food.

All the retainers bowed immediately after hearing the words.

"Heiji, tell me about the situation in this territory." Zhengliang said.It has been seven or eight days since the Luo family completely stabilized the new territory, and everyone in the cabinet should have already calculated some general information about the Luo family's territory.

"Your Highness, the main family currently completely occupies the entire territory of the four counties of Matsuura, Kijima, Saka, and Xiaocheng in the Hizen Kingdom. At the same time, part of the territories of the three counties of Kanzaki, Fujitsu, and Hikatsu have also been brought under the control of the main family. According to statistics, the total income of these counties is about 22 shi. The exact income will be obtained after a detailed inspection of the land in the next few months. Reclamation, organization of water conservancy repairs and other paid corvees will be carried out. The income of the territory will also increase. Here, the old minister congratulates His Highness. It is no regret to see His Highness achieve such achievements in the old minister's lifetime, even if he dies. I wish Luo Shi Prosperous martial arts!" Said here.Dongxiang Heiji's eyes were also a little moist.

"The Luo family's military fortune is prosperous!" All the retainers were also rejoicing at this moment.During the Warring States period, the retainers and the main family were prosperous together.All are lost.Now that the main family has achieved such an achievement, they are of course extremely happy.Even Masamitsu Oda and Qingfang Nabeshima, who had just joined the Luo family, were deeply moved.Perhaps following such a young and promising patriarch is not a bad thing.

"Well" Zhengliang nodded, and then said, "Although this time the family was lucky enough to win the victory against the Allied Forces of the Shao Er Family, Hizen still has many enemies. Everyone must guard against arrogance and impetuosity, and work together to strive for the unification of Hizen as soon as possible. ah."

"The ministers must bow down and die." All the retainers immediately bowed and saluted.

After the retainers saluted, Masaragi signaled Togo Heiji to continue reporting.

"In terms of population, including those who have just been plundered from Kanzaki County, the current population in the territory of our family is about 10, but these are based on the statistics of the seized account books. The exact population will only be known after everyone is registered. It is expected that the population will increase,” said Togo Heiji.

"Yeah." Zhengliang nodded. The population of 10 is really not much, but this is the Warring States period. Due to the war and the level of social development, the population of Japan as a whole is actually quite high.Zhengliang once read a piece of data in later generations, which probably means that the total population of Japan at that time was about 1000 million.Of course, this number is not accurate. After all, without statistics, no one can tell the real population.However, as a remote place in Japan, Kyushu, in the eyes of Zhengliang, has a population of 100 million, which is enough.Therefore, from the perspective of the Warring States Period, a population of 10 is not a lot.

From Zhengliang's point of view, such a population is really not much.Zheng Liang quickly calculated that among the 10 population, according to the current productivity, there are about 7 young adults, and the remaining 3 are mostly young children, and there are not too many elderly people.Among the 7 young and strong, excluding women and children and some people who were unable to participate in the war due to various reasons, it is conservatively estimated that only about 4 are suitable to participate in the war.According to the drawing ratio of ten to one, Zheng Liang could barely organize a standing team of about 4000 people.The so-called lord of a country has only so little strength.Therefore, the population is really not much.

"In terms of weapons, including the weapons seized during this period, there are currently more than 160 long spears in our warehouse; more than 55 swords of various types; more than 170 bows and bows, and more than 31 other bows and arrows; In addition to the supplies purchased by His Highness in Sakaicho, it is estimated that there will be more than [-] sets of armors for the main family, and more than [-] sets of armors." Dongxiang Heiji opened the tent and began to read, "Due to the consumption during this period, from tomorrow There are only [-] barrels left of the kerosene purchased by the country; together with the war horses purchased by His Highness in Sakai Town and the seizures during this period, the current family expects to have [-] war horses; a total of [-] cattle; There are more than [-] pairs of rattan plates; after occupying the Kashima Castle of the Arima family, the main family has obtained some ships. At present, the main family has a total of [-] related ships, including two small early [-] ships, fifteen Dutch ships, and twelve merchant ships. All the squadrons participating in the battle in this raid have suffered damage to their weapons, and it is expected that after replenishing weapons for each squadron, the reserves of various weapons will be reduced." In fact, there are thirteen arquebus guns, [-] Zhihuotong, fifteen boxes of gunpowder, is confidential, so even Togo Heiji doesn't know about it.

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