Warring States Eagle

Chapter 372 Surrounding Changes

() With the help of the two masters Xuanji and Kaichuan Shaoxi, Zhengliang soon launched a big cleansing of temples and shrines again.

This time the targets are Matsuura County, Kishima County, Fujitsu County, and Bichu County.

It is also a round of smearing, framing, and even assassination and assassination.Then came the extremely swift suppression.Of course, since some temples and shrines in these counties have already received rumors from colleagues in the neighboring Xiaocheng County, they are also prepared, which leads to Luo Shifan needing more time to suppress.However, this is only the case in some areas, and temples and shrines in most areas have been dealt with without knowing what happened.

The cleansing of temples and shrines launched by Zheng Liang this time has several advantages.One is to use the way of others to return to the body of others.In the past, most of the temples and shrines fought against the lords by bewitching the people, but now Zheng Liang is also using public opinion to smear these temples and shrines, causing the people to be confused; second, the actions are extremely fast.Just when the citizens were puzzled, Luo Shifan quickly took action to deal a thunderous blow to those temples and shrines, and even forcibly suppressed them.The third is that the power of Hizen Temple Shrine is not strong.At least it is far less powerful than those Yizong sects in the Honshu Island area.Fourth, Zheng Liang did not take the tough approach of directly obliterating them.Instead, they adopted methods such as passing fish eyes as genuine ones, and exchanging civet cats for princes, etc. These temples and shrines were kept, but they were all replaced by people who supported the Luo family or were willing to obey the Luo family.Of course, this also created another interesting situation, that is, the temples and shrines in Nishi-Matsuura County have almost appointed people out to cooperate with the Luo family.It became very empty for a while.However, they also took this opportunity to develop, and those who were appointed were equivalent to spreading branches and leaves for the original temples and shrines, increasing the influence of these temples and shrines.

This time the big cleansing operation lasted for several months.During this period, Masaragi issued the Judun Law for temples and shrines.No matter whether temples or shrines, they must obtain a certificate before they can build temples and shrines in the territory of the Luo family to preach; similarly, monks and priests must obtain a certificate before they can preach in the territory of the Luo family, otherwise they will be regarded as violating the law. grab it.Temples and shrines are not allowed to occupy land, and all the land belongs to the Luo family.The temples and shrines that have obtained the degree can receive food subsidies approved by the Luo family.Food subsidies are distributed by the lords of the places where temples and shrines are located.The king will send someone to supervise.

This law.Not only has the management of the temples and shrines been regulated, but the land ownership of these temples and shrines has been deprived, making these temples and shrines dependent on the food allocated by the Luo family every month.As for the general citizens, since the territorial law has long stipulated that their own land cannot be sold or exchanged without the consent of the lord, it is impossible for them to enshrine the land to those temples and shrines.

As soon as this law came out, the most far-reaching impact was to directly eliminate the previous situation where every tyrant had temples and shrines established by his own people in his own territory.Through the issuance of degree certificates, the Luo family can indirectly appoint the abbots of each temple and the priests of the shrines, separating the temples and shrines from the local lords.Let the two supervise each other.

The two respected masters also accepted Zhengliang's invitation and settled in Hizen.While realizing Taoism, he wandered around to preach.In fact, Zheng Liang secretly worried that these two masters who knew many secrets of the Luo family and agricultural technology.Once they leave the Luo family's territory, they will accidentally spill these things out.

With Zhengliang's deliberate support, Zen gradually became the only Buddhist way that prevailed in the territory of the Luo family.Shinto, on the other hand, presents a variety of situations.

Of course, such a large-scale cleansing, coupled with the ongoing relocation of the wealthy family and some of the citizens, would inevitably cause turmoil.Therefore, for nearly half a year, the Luo family was in internal turmoil.But in Zhengliang's view.Such turbulence is also acceptable.Because once the turmoil ends and the territory stabilizes.The Luo family really completely controlled a stable territory.

It's November in Tianwen Ten Years, half a year has passed in a blink of an eye.During this time, a lot of things happened.Especially the powerful people around Luo's family.

While secretly recovering their power, all the tyrants who carefully watched the Luo family's next move finally breathed a sigh of relief after seeing that the Luo family hadn't made any changes for several months.at this time.After months of adjustments, they were finally relieved.So, one after another changed.

The first is the Shindai family.Recently, there is a lot of unrest in the territory of the Jindai family, and the territory of the powerful family under the victory of the Jindai family is constantly being disrupted by unknown people.There may even be incidents of theft at home.What was even more annoying was that on the second day, under the banner of resisting the cruel rule of the lord, some people wantonly distributed the stolen property of the wealthy family to the various subjects.When the Hao family learned about it, they immediately sent people to catch the thieves, but they always found out in advance and escaped.In desperation, these rich families had no choice but to forcibly collect back the money distributed to the people.But in this way, conflicts broke out with the local people.

And at this time, detectives from the Luo family would appear in time, vigorously advocating the benefits of settling in the Luo family's territory, and vigorously encouraging the leaders to move to the Luo family.After Shendai Shengli knew about such a trick, he immediately became furious, but his arms were no match for his thighs, and his strength was not as good as that of a human being. Therefore, he had no choice but to set up checkpoints at the main entrances and exits of the territory to block the flow of the citizens.

Of course, there is no way to deal with the Luo family, but there is a way to deal with the rest of the mighty Victory of the Age of Gods.Since there is no benefit to be gained from the Luo family, let's find some scapegoats to vent their anger.Therefore, the Jindai family attacked the neighbor Xiaohe's family.

Xiaohe Xin'an was originally a retainer of the Longzaosi family.After the Zaolong Zaoji family died, the territory was robbed by the Shaoer family, so they had to flee to the branch in Kanzaki County.After finally settling down, the Jindai family on the side came to make trouble again.Faced with the enemy's attack, Xiaohe Xinan certainly would not give in.So the Jindai family and the Xiaohe family fought.

In addition to these two families, the Arima family, the Omura family, and the Saigo family in Minami Hizen are also unwilling to be lonely.

In the last battle of Liujiaochuan, the soldiers sent by the three families to the Shaoer coalition were also damaged.Especially the Arima family, not only lost three generals, but also lost Songgang Castle, which guarded Dongfeiqian and entered Nanfeiqian by land.In comparison, the Omura family and the Xixiang family have been much smarter since they learned the strength of the Luo family in the Matsuura County Raiders. This time they only sent some shrimp soldiers and crab generals, so the losses were relatively small.

Even so, the Arima family turned out to be the first to attack the Omura and Saigo families.Perhaps seeing the sudden rise of the Luo family and feeling threatened, the Arima family had no choice but to speed up the pace of unifying Nanhiqian.


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