() "Damn, that damned little businessman, why didn't he take the initiative to send food to my family?" In the evening, on a coastal mountain road near Shenjiangyue City, Xin Rokuro complained.

"That's right, let us go to collect grain at night, it's really damn!" said the companion beside him.

Yes, this team of hundreds of people is now rushing to a small port near Shenjiangyue City.The target is the food stored there, which belongs to the Kamiya family.A price that was five times higher than the market price was too expensive for Takashi Harada, so Takashi Harada decided to grab it by force, and then just give back a little bit of capital to the Kamiya family.For the Kamiya family with no background, this is already a good result.As for the self-insecurity of other merchants caused by this, Harada has no time to think about it.After all, the grain stored in the family can no longer be used, otherwise there will not be enough grain for next spring.

After deciding to rob the Kamiya family of grain, Harada Takashige issued an order to Fukaeyake Castle, which is the closest to the Kamiya family's granary, and then he himself rushed to the Sugi family's residence overnight.There, he still has to bargain with that guy Shan Xingyun.

After receiving the order, General Bo Duo, the guard of Shenjiangyue City, set off overnight with his reluctant subordinates, leaving only a small number of guards to defend the city.The Kamiya family has already sent someone to send a message today, and the grain in the port warehouse will be removed within two days.We must control the food before the Kamiya family moves.In order to guard these grains, the Shenwu family invited a lot of old guards.To be on the safe side, he chose to sneak attack at night and brought many people there.

Not long after he left.On the side of the mountain road close to the forest, several people jumped out.

"My lord, those who just walked over were the guards of Shenjiangyue City. Judging by the number of people, there should not be many guards in the city." A short guy said.

"Okay, let someone send a signal immediately." Kato Duanzo said.

"My lord, my little man..." Seeing that Kato Duanzang had finished giving orders, the dwarf asked hastily.

"Don't worry, as long as you help me open the city gate, my lord will reward you with some fields, and you can bring your family and move there to live safely in the future," said Ito Duanzang.

"Okay, the villain will swear to die." The dwarf said happily.

"Then, next, it's up to you." Kato Duanzo said.

Half an hour later, in front of the gate of Shenjiangyue City.

The dwarf approached the gate slowly.In the silent night, the sound of the sandals rubbing against the stone road is particularly loud.

"Who? Stop!" Ashigaru, who was guarding the city, shouted vigilantly.

"Me! Shinrokuro!" the dwarf shouted towards the city.

"Xin Liulang?" The people on the city seemed to recognize Xin Liulang's voice, and quickly raised the torches, and then the flames looked down the city.

"So it's really Shinrokuro. Didn't you just go home yesterday? Why did you come back so soon?" Ashigaru said with a smile.Obviously still familiar with this dwarf.

"Don't talk about it. I was planning to go to see the Sao woman in Shiraheicho tonight, but I met Master Hatae instead. It's unlucky." Shinrokuro said unhappily.

"Haha, you kid is lucky, so you can meet Mr. Hatoe who just went out." The foot in the city smiled lightly.

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and open the door, I'm going to take the color match of Lord Hatae!" Shinrokuro said.

"Okay, you wait." The foot guard in charge of the city said.

After a while, the city gate was opened with a "squeak".

The dwarf quickly pushed open the city gate, then stood there motionless.

"Shinrokuro, what are you doing?" The two ashigaru who opened the door asked suspiciously. "Come in quickly."

"Waiting for someone." Shinrokuro replied.

"Waiting for someone?" One of the Ashgaru looked behind Shinrokuro, only to see that there was nothing there, and there was no one there, "What are you doing, kid? Come in quickly." Ashigaru obviously felt that he was being attacked by Shinrokuro Just kidding him.

But the next moment, he suddenly stopped.Because he saw Shinrokuro hold another of his companions with a wakizashi.At the same time, he also felt a cold blade suddenly resting on his neck.The blade glowed coldly under the moonlight, and there were bursts of coldness.

"The two of you had better keep silent. Otherwise, you won't be able to see your wife and children in the next moment." A deep voice came from behind.

Just when Kato Duanzang and others subdued the guards at the city gate, a large group of people emerged from the bushes not far from the city gate one after another, and rushed towards the city gate quickly, and then they were killed by the two subdued foot soldiers. Passed quietly in front of the light.

"Master Kato is really powerful." A man who looked like a general said to Kato Duanzo.

"My task has been completed. Next, I will rely on Kinoshita-sama." Kato Duanzo said.

The latter nodded, and then led a large group of people assembled at the city gate into the city.

Danzo Kato infiltrated Chikuzen a few days ago, and many things that happened in the Harada family were the masterpieces of him, Ahri, Hidan and the black eagles.Then, based on the information provided by Kizuo Shigetada, he found the dwarf, and finally made the dwarf a traitor under coercion and temptation.

At the same time, before Kato Danzo took action on the territory of the Harada family, the Kamiya family bought grain at a high price, and deliberately stored the grain in the port not far from Shenjiangyake City.After everything was ready, Danzo Kato also ended the destruction of the Harada family's property in Hakata Port, and then burned the flames of war to the Harada family's territory. First, they burned down several Harada family's granaries overnight, and even some of the Harada family's retainers and The granaries that surrendered to the small wealthy families were not spared either.Secondly, spread rumors that the Harada family was short of food; finally, threatened those merchants not to do business with the Harada family through intimidation, theft and other means.All kinds of means finally led the Harada family to make an idea to the Kamiya family and place it on the granary.

"Come, come and rob these grains." Tens of thousands of stones of grain on the harbor were like delicious bait, sending waves of temptation to the Harada family.

"I didn't discuss snatching you." Harada Takashige also made the right choice.With such a large amount of food, it is really not a wealthy family not to grab it.Thus, the guards in Shenjiang City set off.

In the end, the empty Shenjiangyue City became the target of the Luo family's surprise attack.Yes, this is the ultimate goal that Zheng Liang set from the very beginning.

As early as a few days ago, under the leadership of Kinoshita Masunao, the ashigaru of the fourth standing ashigaru team dispersed and sneaked into the mountains near Shenjiangyue Castle, reunited into a team of 200 people, and then waited for the opportunity .After receiving the fireworks signal from Kato Duanzo this evening, he immediately and quietly began to move towards Shenjiangyue Castle.

One problem they encountered while moving was night blindness.Although after Zhengliang's arrival, the army was reformed. First, the soldiers' eating habits were changed to three meals a day, and secondly, the soldiers had meat to eat every once in a while.However, these measures have only been implemented for one year, and many new soldiers have been recruited recently, so the problem of night blindness is still very prominent.Fortunately, in the dark night, the torch on Shenjiangyue City was like a bright light pointing the way for everyone, otherwise it would be difficult for them to arrive at the designated location for the surprise attack within half an hour.


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