() In the meeting hall of Kishiyue City, Kamiya Shaoce is reporting to Zhengliang his work situation during this period.

"Your Highness, I have visited several places according to the information provided by the detective," Kamiya Shaoce said respectfully.

"Thank you for your hard work, tell me about your gains this time," Zheng Liang said.The last time Zhengliang told the Shenwu family about the terms of Leshi Leza, in order to implement these clauses in the territory of the Luo family as soon as possible, Zhengliang gave Shenwu Shaoce some information about the various shops in the territory collected by the detectives. Then let him search around the territory based on the information, and now he has finally completed his mission and returned.

"The situation of the various shops in the territory, I have supplemented the original information, please check it, Your Highness." Shenya Shaoce handed a book that had been prepared a long time ago to the surname Murakami Takeshi.The latter took it and handed it to Zheng Liang respectfully.

"According to the region, due to the good relationship with the former Hirado Matsuura clan, most of the commercial houses of the main family are in Minami Matsuura County; with the implementation of the rule of the main family in Karatsu Bay and the implementation of the law of sealing the border of the territory, some of the Karatsu Bay The commercial houses belonging to Hakata have all lost the support of Hakata, and now most of them have been converted into small commercial houses run by the former employees themselves; as for other places in Matsuura County, due to the reason that they have been relatively backward in the past, there are not many commercial houses. , but mainly tourist businessmen from other regions,” Kamiya Shaoce said first.

>These shops enjoy the rights of 'exclusive selling rights, non-taxable rights, non-entry rights' and so on.Among them, the exclusive right to sell is to implement exclusive sales of certain local commodities. Any businessman who is not a powerful businessman is not allowed to intervene in the local business.The right to non-taxation is to negotiate with the local daimyo to exempt part or all of the tax on the goods.If you don't enter the right, you are the local name.Without the permission of the merchant, forced collection of goods is not allowed for use.

It is precisely because of various exemptions and privileges that dealers can dominate this market.Once the Luo family implements the law of Leshileza in the territory, these organizations will inevitably become the most fierce opponents.

"In the rest of the counties, Zuojia County and Xiaocheng County have the most commercial houses. These commercial houses rely on the power of the wealthy families or the power of temples and shrines in the past, and they monopolize the right to do business in a certain area." Shenwu Shaoce continued to report According to the report, "During a secret visit, some leaders once told their ministers that they had seen a hawker from other places who came to sell a cart of oranges, but not only had to pay a lot of taxes. And when the peddler lowered his After knowing the price of the oranges, the merchants there hired someone to beat up the peddler, and even robbed the peddler of all the oranges.” Shenwu Shaozhan told a story about a typical merchant bullying the market with the backing .

"However, the situation is very different now." Kamiya Shaozhan continued.

"Oh? Big difference?" Zheng Liang asked in confusion.

"Exactly. Your Highness." Shenwu Shaozhan bowed and saluted, "Because of the relocation plan of the nobles implemented by His Highness, the implementation of the laws of temples and shrines, and the implementation of other laws of the territory, these behaviors of those businesses have been greatly weakened. Especially the territory The closure of the border has hit their business even more, so the influence of these commercial houses is gradually weakening."

"Yeah." Zheng Liang nodded upon hearing this.Aristocratic families, temples and shrines, and commercial houses, these three are generally the case.They are all secretly connected in various ways, and most of the time, these three rely on each other to form an interest group.However, what Zhengliang has been implementing for more than half a year is a territorial integration policy that cuts through the mess quickly.The so-called quick cutting of the mess means that they did not choose to start the integration from the relatively weak merchant houses, but instead directly attacked the much stronger wealthy families, temples and shrines, and directly integrated at the root.And it took a swift and tough attitude.Forced integration.

In fact, according to Zhengliang's style of doing things, he prefers to use a slow and gentle method for integration, but this time there are different reasons.First of all, the 11th year of Tianwen (1542) is approaching, and many major events in the Warring States Period are about to happen.Many powerful people from the Warring States Period started to appear on the stage, and the time left for the Luo family is running out, so the Luo family must speed up their pace of becoming stronger; secondly, in the current territory of the Luo family, the powerful and wealthy families have been completely taken care of by the Luo family, so The remaining small wealthy families are no match for Luo Shifan.Zhengliang's forced integration measures are backed by strong strength.It is precisely because of the above two reasons that Zhengliang made up his mind to implement a quick-cutting integration method.Now from the words of Kamiya Shaozhan, Zheng Liang finally saw the effect of this integration.

"In this case, the terms I told you last time can be implemented." Zheng Liang said, "I have written the specific terms here. After you go back, find Togo Heiji immediately, and then start implementing it." Zheng Liang said, While asking Murakami Takekichi to hand a book to Kamiya Shaozhan.

"Leshilezuo?" After Shenwu Shaozhan took the book, he immediately flipped through it.

"That's right." Zheng Liang said, "I named this new law Leshi Lezuo, and it will be promoted within the territory of the Luo family. The law will be implemented in three steps. First, select two to three people in each county. This place is used as a market, and all the nearby commercial houses are gathered here for unified management; secondly, a judgment is posted in each conspicuous place of the territory, telling everyone that it will be within the scope of the Luo family's territory from now on. , cancel all the privileges and tolls of commercial houses, only collect transaction tax, and encourage merchants to conduct transactions in the bazaars established in each county. At the same time, civilians engaged in business do not need to collect any transaction tax for the first two years; Finally, after a period of time, when these newly established bazaars prosper, the model of these bazaars will be gradually popularized in various towns.” The purpose of concentrating commercial houses in a certain place is to To facilitate the management of them, let them implement the law of the territory under the supervision of the Luo family, and secondly, to establish a demonstration effect, so that other sects can see the prosperity of these markets after implementing the law of Leshi Leza.

"In this way, I'm afraid it will cause dissatisfaction among those merchants," Shenya Shaozhan said worriedly.

"It doesn't matter. With the end of the migration of the wealthy family and the implementation of territorial laws, these businesses have lost their support, and even if they are dissatisfied, they can't make trouble." Zheng Liang said.The forced relocation of the wealthy family and the implementation of the new temple and shrine management laws have made these commercial houses lose the support of the forces behind them. In addition, the citizens know their rights through the territorial laws, and gradually lose their fear of these commercial houses. Feeling that these commercial houses will only be forced to die or transformed into commercial houses that meet the requirements of the Luo family's law.


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