() The successive assassinations made Ouchi Yoshitaka very angry, but he was helpless.After all, both the Luo family and the Mori family were guests who came to support the Ouchi family.Now Luo Shizhengliang was injured trying to save him, and Mao Liyuan's beloved son was almost murdered. If they don't give them an explanation under such circumstances, it will not only chill the hearts of the rest of the tyrants, but will also greatly lower the morale of the coalition forces.

Therefore, the coalition forces simply stationed on the spot, and then launched a large-scale search of the surrounding area.During this period of time, Zheng Liang also used the excuse of "rehabilitation" to secretly arrange some things. ..

"Your Highness, this is the information just sent by Mr. Shigechu Muzuo!" Ahri, who was on duty today, respectfully handed over a letter to Zhengliang.In order to quickly obtain information about the territory, Zheng Liang set up several secret post stations along the way from Hizen to Izumo to transmit information in a timely manner. At the same time, he also sent people to take advantage of this time to step up investigation of the terrain of the Western Kingdom and obtained Plenty of favorable intelligence.

Now the letter from Ari is the intelligence information delivered through the post station.But Zhengliang is a little puzzled now, because just last night, he had just read Muzo Shigetada's information on the situation in Kyushu, especially the situation in Otomo's family. How come the next morning, the information was sent again?Is there an emergency?

Zheng Liang immediately opened the sealed letter and read it.At a glance, I realized that this was the information on other powerful powers outside of Kyushu that Shigetada Kizuki had collected during this period.

The first is the news of Shinano Mamushi Saito Dozo.Since the poisoning of Toki Raige's younger brother Toki Raiman last year, the relationship between Lai Yi and Dosan began to be antagonistic.After gradually eliminating the clan power of the Toki clan, this year, that is, the 11th year of Tianwen (1542), Dao San finally attacked Lai Yi and attacked Dasang Castle, Lai Yi's residence. Son Toki Raiji was exiled by Dosan together, and finally took refuge in Oda Nobuhide in Owari.Since then, Saito Dozo has been called "Mino's Viper".The neighbors are all in awe. ..

also.Asai Ryomasa, the ancestor of Kita Omi Asai family, died of illness this year, and his son Asai Hisamasa succeeded him.Since then, the Asai family has lived a miserable life under the leadership of Asai Hisamasa, who was extremely low in military strategy.It wasn't until Omi Eagle Asai Nagamasa seized the throne that he regained his footing.

At the same time, Takakage Asakura, head of the Echizen Asakura family, who is a traditional ally of the Asai family, held a tea party attended by many celebrities in the territory of Ichijo Valley Castle.For a time, the name of "Little Kyoto" of Ichijo Valley City was once again spread all over the place.The tenth generation patriarch of the Asakura family, although he is the son of Zhenjing with his grandfather (the seventh generation patriarch of the Asakura family, son of Zhenjing. He is both civil and military. He stabilized the rule of Echizen established by his father Asakura Zhenjing. Kaga, the kingdom of gangsters, tried their best to suppress the uprising.) With the same name, but this Xiaojing no longer has the vigor and martial spirit of his grandfather with the same name, and he has begun to learn to enjoy himself.Under Xiaojing's call, migrants and Sao people from all over the country gathered in Gucheng to dance and write.Build the place into a "Little Kyoto".

Finally, there is the news of the shogun Ashikaga Yoshiharu.After the rebellion in Kyoto, the poor fellow fled to Sakamoto, Omi country.Now, he finally returned to Kyoto with Kikudomaru (the future swordsman general Ashikaga Yoshiki).It's a pity that because of the discord with the leader Hosokawa Harumoto, he was forced to flee to Omi Kuchiki Valley soon next year.Speaking of it, Ashikaga Yoshiharu is really unlucky, and he has already contacted some daimyos before.Prepare to fight Hosokawa Harumoto.As a result, the sudden uprising in Kyoto disrupted the overall plan.Now even if he intends to rise up again.It is also powerless, and those tyrants who saw the general's family in such a state of desperation may not necessarily sell him.

Let's talk about the leader Hosokawa Harumoto.The past two years should be the last glorious period of the Hosokawa family. Miyoshi Changqing will rise next year, and eventually replace the Hosokawa family as the latest controller of Kyoto.

All the tyrants have emerged according to the development of history, and the Luo family will also speed up their progress.In this era where if you don't take the initiative to fight for it, you will be beaten passively. Initiative is synonymous.Now, the most important issue before Luo's family is how to deal with the aggression from Dayou's family.

It is now the end of July in Tianwen 11.Historically, the Ouchi Allied Forces also conquered Setoyama Castle at the end of July.Although the coalition forces captured Setoyama Castle in advance due to Zheng Liang's intervention, the coalition forces were stranded for a while because of the assassination incident, and the time came to the end of July.

"It's time to meet Yoshitaka Ouchi!" Zheng Liang thought to himself.Just a few days ago, the Ouchi family messenger with information from Kyushu had arrived at the camp of the coalition forces. Presumably Ouchi Yoshitaka is also very distressed now?According to historical records, Ouchi's family did not come out to make trouble during the battle this time.Now it's the exact opposite.Regarding this matter, Zheng Liang thought that Ouchi's family shot him in the foot.

Otomo Yoshikan was originally the guardian of Bungo and Chikugo. Last year, in order to prevent the Luo family from falling to the Otomo family, the Ouchi family used their influence in the court to forcefully hand over the post of guardian of Chikugo to Masamori.This appointment stirred Otomo's nerves.In Zhengliang's view, Otomoyoshi identified this special appointment as a sign that the Ouchi family was trying to get involved in Chikugo.Otomoyoshi, who has always advocated active expansion and settled disputes outside the territory, was dispatched in view of this.Taking advantage of the fact that the Ouchi family transferred their main force to the West Country this time, and the emerging Hizen guardian Luo's family was not stable, they decided to take down Hizen in one fell swoop.

The current changes in Otomo's house show that its target is Hizen.However, although Hizen's current guardian is the Luo family, in fact, it is the territory controlled by the Ouchi family that directly borders the Otomo family on the Chikugo border.Therefore, if the Ouchi family wants to get involved in Hizen, they must first drive out all the forces of the Ouchi family in Hizen, occupy the territory of the Ouchi family in Hizen, and then compete with the Luo family.Therefore, the most troublesome thing now should be Ouchi Yoshitaka.

"Withdrawing troops? That's impossible." As Zheng Liang expected, in the main account of the Ouchi Allied Forces, Ouchi Yoshitaka was thinking about the countermeasures against Ouchi's change in distress.However, he is very clear that this attack on Nizi's family must not be canceled halfway.Because once this happens, the wealthy families who have finally come to seek refuge will leave one after another, and the prestige of the Ouchi family will also be weakened.More importantly, Yoshitaka Ouchi's desire to open up the road to Kyoto will be stranded for a while.This is something that Ouchi Yoshitaka can't bear.

"My lord, outside the tent, Zaemon Hizenshou of the Luo family, please see me!" At this time, the guard outside the tent came in to report.

"Oh? Pass it quickly!" Ouchi Yoshitaka said.At the same time, I thought to myself: Why did Zheng Liang come here suddenly?I personally visited his tent yesterday. Judging from his current physical condition, it is obvious that he cannot walk around at will.Now why do you come here in person regardless of your physical condition?

"Meet Dazai-sama!" Masara, whose upper body was wrapped like a mummy, lay on a stretcher and raised his hands to salute Ouchi Yoshitaka.Now Zheng Liang is still "seriously injured", so Zheng Liang must meet people with such an image.Of course, this "serious injury" was announced by Ming Fengxiu, the doctor of Luo's family.Although Ouchi Yoshitaka once expressed his willingness to send the Ouchi family's military physician to treat Zheng Liang, but was declined by the Luo family's retainers.After the assassination incident happened, all the retainers of the Luo family were on guard against the others.Considering that Zhengliang was injured in order to save himself, Ouchi Yoshitaka did not force him any more, and let the doctors of Luo's family heal Zhengliang by himself.

"Please forgive me for my crime of rudeness!" Masaragi said again.Due to the "serious injury", it is normal for Zhengliang to be unable to stand up and salute Ouchi Yoshitaka, but in order to show etiquette, Zhengliang must also express his apology.

"It's okay! Masara, you can just lie down and talk." Since being rescued by Masara, Ouchi Yoshitaka's attitude towards Masara has become much more cordial.

So, the two people in the big tent, one sitting on his knees and the other lying on the stretcher, started talking in this posture.

"What's the reason for Masaragi's visit this time?" After a little politeness, Ouchi Yoshitaka began to ask.

"It's about the change in Oyou's house!" Zheng Liang said slowly.In the voice line, he tried his best to behave exactly as a "severely injured" person should behave.

"Huh?" Ouchi Yoshitaka's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and then he quickly returned to his original state.

"Just today, I received an urgent report from the territory that Yan Dayou's family has begun to gather troops in Chikugo." Zheng Liang said nervously.

"Well. I already know about this matter. What do you think about it?" Ouchi Yoshitaka asked in a deep voice.

"Otomo's family must be planning to take advantage of Dazai-sama's crusade against Nizi's family to covet Chikuzen or Hizen." Masaragi said directly.

"What are the countermeasures?" Ouchi Yoshitaka suddenly realized that no matter the Ouchi family launched a strategy against Chikuzen or Hizen, once the Otomo family found a foothold in these two places, it would actually be extremely unfavorable to the Luo family.But now that the Patriarch of the Luo family came to visit regardless of the "serious injury", he must have thought of a countermeasure.

"I'm terrified, and I can't think of a better way to deal with it for a while, but no matter where the Otomo family invades, the Luo family will definitely stand firmly on the side of Dazai-sama and resist the intrusion of the Otomo family. Even, I am willing to take the wounded body Go to the front line in person, and punish the injustice of Otomo's family!" Zheng Liang's words were sincere and decisive, and Ouchi Takashi couldn't help being moved.

But after all, he is a famous family governor, and Ouchi Yoshitaka immediately suppressed this expression if he showed it for a while.Then he said with a serious expression: "The love of the Luo family is already known to the family. His Highness Zhengliang is injured. It is better to go back and have a good rest. Regarding the change of the Otomo family, the family will make a decision later. If there is a need for Luo Shi at that time Where the family cooperates, His Royal Highness Zhengliang is also requested to lend a helping hand."

"Don't worry, Dazai-sama, our family will definitely help you with all your strength." Zheng Liang said immediately.With the current situation, it can only be so.After all, Ouchi Yoshitaka is not a fool, he has obviously heard the meaning of Zheng Liang's plan to withdraw his troops back to Hiqian to resist the Otomo's army.However, Ouchi Yoshitaka is not so easy to manipulate, at least he has to discuss with his family members before making a final decision.

Will Zheng Liang's plan to get rid of the golden cicada succeed?

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