Kitakyushu, the Chikugo River at the junction of the Higo Kingdom and the Chikugo Kingdom.

It was already a winter afternoon.Lai Yangyang's sun shines on the beach of the Chikugo River.Under the sunlight, pools of crimson liquid traces still glowed with a red light from time to time.

There were traces of fighting everywhere on the beach, but now apart from a pile of corpses lying quietly on the beach, and a group of cavalrymen staring at the captives, there was no fighting scene anymore.

"Hmm! Very good. Toshichiro. You did a good job this time." After listening to the lieutenant general's report on his performance, Masahiro Isano seemed very happy, and praised Toshichiro in front of him from time to time.

Can't help but Isano Yuan Chang is not happy.More than [-] members of the Puchi family's rescue team died in battle, including the general of the army, Xi Mutian Zhenxing, and the remaining [-] people were all captured.

As for my own side, except for a few newly added unlucky ghosts who fell off their horses due to excessive nervousness and were injured, the rest of the people were not injured at all.Moreover, the cavalry of the Luo family even complained from time to time that they hadn't moved a knife.

In fact, Isano member Chang is also very dissatisfied with the Puchi family's army.The two sides have not yet started contact, and the cavalry team of the Roche family only threw a round of javelins in the back.

The result was good, the opponent actually killed more than 50 people at once, and even their chief general Ximuta Zhenxing was shot through the throat.No way, who made the armor he was wearing the most conspicuous in the team.The first rule of the Luo family's cavalry training is to shoot down the most well-dressed ones first.So Ximutian Zhenxing was in tragedy.

With the death of the main general, the remaining defeated soldiers surrendered one after another.Even ambush in the nearby woods.The Luo family's infantry who were preparing to support them had almost nothing to do.All of them caught a lot of broken soldiers.Such a result made all the Luo family soldiers very dissatisfied.They're here to fight.It's not for tourism, let alone as an escort.

"Okay. You will be a member of my cavalry from now on. If you want to join the lord's cloak, it depends on your own performance in the future." Masahiro Isano finally looked at Fujishichiro and said.

"Yes. Thank you, sir." Fujichichiro saluted happily.As early as a few months ago, after hearing in the village that Higo was living a good life, Toshichiro secretly went to Higo alone and became a member of the Luo family detective team.

Of course, reconnaissance is not his ultimate goal.After seeing the majestic cloaked crowd of the Lord Lord, his goal became to become the strongest fighting force of the Lord Lord, a member of the Cloaked Lord.

And this time returning to Zhuhou, it is a great opportunity for him to make meritorious service by assisting the Luo family's army to attack Zhuhou.And he also seized the opportunity today, using his military merits, to become a member of the Luo family's cavalry with only 200 people.He has come a long way to his goal.

In addition to successfully becoming a cavalryman of the Luo family, he will also get a piece of paddy field and a large amount of grain for his contribution this time.He had already made up his mind to move his family to Feihou after the war.That's a great place to live and work.

Similarly, like Toshichiro, since the Luo family prepared to attack Chikugo.Hundreds of people who used to live in Chikugo have sneaked back to Chikugo with their own goals and missions.They will be at the critical moment of attacking Chikugo at Luo's their respective roles.

"So, Toshichiro, according to your suggestion just now, how do you think we should conquer Shengjin Pavilion and Puchi City?" After a pause, Isano member Chang asked casually.

"My lord." Toshichiro's eyes lit up, knowing that the opportunity to do meritorious deeds again appeared in front of him, so he said immediately, "We just need to rely on him."

"Him?" Isano Chang looked at Huijun Yuanno who was tied up and lying on the ground trembling.This Yuanye Huijun was also considered lucky. Due to the rush of dispatching troops, he did not have time to put on his most beautiful armor before traveling with the brigade.If he really dressed too beautifully today, he would probably be unlucky with the general of the army.So he saved his life because of it.

"My lord, as long as we take him to pretend to be a reinforcement, the Shengjin Pavilion will definitely not suspect it. As long as the city gate is opened, then..." Fujichichiro said.

"That's right!" Masahiro Isano clapped his thigh to wake up.He suddenly remembered that their lord seems to often use this trick.As for whether Haruno Huijun is willing to cooperate, Isano Yuan Chang knew that the other party would cooperate without even thinking about it.

Why is Masahiro Isano so sure?Let alone those punishments that are worse than death, you only need to send a few members of the cavalry, and Yuan Yehuijun will agree.Look at the handsome appearance of Yuanye Huijun, which suits the tastes of the cavalry in the team, let them treat Yuanye Huijun well, are you afraid that Yuanye Huijun will not cooperate?

Yuanye Huijun was still lying on the beach, his heart was jumping with fear, and suddenly he was shocked. For some reason, he suddenly felt a sharp pain from the chrysanthemum under his body.

At this time, Kamochi Kammori was standing on the wall of Yanagawa Castle, looking into the distance.He hoped that the good news of the Luo family's retreat could come from the direction of Kamaike City, and he hoped that the Kamaike branch family, Tajiri family and Kuroki family would be invited to come.Under such circumstances, if the Puchi family were to lose, they would not be able to protect themselves.So they should come.

In addition, he still has a reliance in his heart.In his opinion, even if Puchi City and Shengjin Hall were occupied by Luo's family.As long as he still has Liuchuan City, he is not afraid of being wiped out.

Yanagawa Castle was first built in the Bunka era of Kamachi Kanmori's grandfather Kamachi Jihisa. It was originally built as a branch of Kamachi Castle.However, as the Puchi family gradually shifted their focus of development to the vicinity of Liuchuan City, Liuchuan City, as the largest nearby walled city, has also been greatly expanded.Now it has become the strongest city of the Puchi family.With it, Puchi Jiansheng is confident that he can survive the attack of the Luo family for one or two years.What's more, it is rumored that this Hizen Eagle doesn't seem to be good at siege warfare, which is more conducive to his cage battle.

Yes, Zheng Liang is really unwilling to fight a siege battle, because this is simply a war with crowd tactics. Even if he wins in the end, as the winning side, he will suffer a lot of losses.

It's just that Zheng Liang's reluctance to fight siege warfare does not mean that he is not good at siege warfare.Just as Puchi Jiansheng was thinking about it, the Luo family's army, with the cooperation of Yuan Yehuijun who agreed to surrender, pretended to be reinforcements and quickly took down the Shengjin Pavilion.The black smoke that Puchi Jiansheng and others saw in the distance before was nothing more than a fire piled up by Zhengliang's people near the Shengjin Pavilion.Not only to make the defenders in the Shengjin Pavilion panic, but also to confuse Puchi Jiansheng and others.

After successfully taking down the Shengjin Pavilion, the Luo family's army, with the help of the soldiers, forcibly captured an empty Puchi City. At this point, almost the entire Mizuma County of Chikugo fell into the hands of the Luo family.

When Puchi Jiansheng received the news of the fall of Shengjinguan and Puchi City, the Luo family's army had already arrived at Liuchuan. (To be continued..)

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