Warring States Eagle

Chapter 424 Territory deployment

() The sad Puchi family, although the Longzhaosi family who ungratefully wiped out their family disappeared in the future.However, he met the Luo family who would not have appeared in history.

At the moment when Yanagawa Castle was breached, the Pachi Kammori, the head of the Puchi family who once shouted to the dissenting retainers that "samurai should help each other", committed seppuku in the highest attic of Yanagawa Castle.

It is quite ironic that the new governor of Longzhao Temple, who was taken in by Puchi Jiansheng against all opinions, was standing on a hill outside Liuchuan City at the moment when Liuchuan City was captured, looking into the distance. After glancing at Yanagawa Castle, which was being flooded by a large number of Luo family soldiers, he turned around and walked towards the seaside.There was a small early waiting for him.

During the Battle of Liuchuan City, all the surviving men of the Puchi family, old and young, were all killed.As for women and children, they were directly scattered and moved to settle in various places in Hizen.This is the consistent policy of the Luo family to deal with the resistance of the Hao family.

Compared with Longxin Longzhuosi, who destroyed the Puchi family in history, Zhengliang is extra merciful.At least to a certain extent, a trace of the blood of the Puchi family has been preserved.However, since then, the Zhuhou Puchi clan has been wiped out.However, after being defeated and captured in the battle of Yanagawa, the Puchi branch family who voluntarily surrendered and cooperated was blessed because of this, and since then inherited the orthodoxy of the Puchi family. ..

Akabane Shinnosuke arrived at Tajiri Castle on the third day after the fall of Yanagawa Castle.At this time, Zhengliang had already stayed here for more than ten days, and the matter of Higo Tamana County was basically a foregone conclusion. He was preparing to go to the next destination, Yamashita Castle, the territory of the former Kamochi branch.

After meeting with Masara, Akabane Shinnosuke quickly reported the situation of Yanagawa Castle to Masara, and also gave Masara a detailed material manual for his review.In fact, Akabane Shinnosuke knew that even if he didn't report it, Zheng Liang knew these things clearly through Black Hawk.

only.In his opinion.Reporting and not reporting are two completely different things.

Knowing that the lord of the country has his own way to know in advance, but he still pretends not to know and report it, which is the duty of a courtier.If you don't report it carelessly, it will be a bit of a kindness.This is really unacceptable.

"Well! This is just the situation of materials in Liuchuan City. This time, most of the people from the Cabinet have just been brought here. During this period of time, let them step up the statistics of the materials seized in the newly occupied territory. In addition, they need to step up investigation and statistics. Regarding the situation of the newly occupied territory, in this regard, the Intelligence Department will provide assistance." Zheng Liang said directly after looking at the materials in the manual about the battle of Liuchuan City.

Because the Chikugo strategy was carried out in a hurry.In fact, the logistics work has not kept up with this speed.For example, the relocation of the defeated nobles, the resettlement of the newly occupied areas, the resettlement of a large number of refugees, the statistics of supplies, and the statistics of population and stone heights have not come out.On the contrary, the military logistics department that followed the army was working very smoothly. The overall arrangement of war supplies and the statistics of military merits came out soon, and now it has begun to issue pensions and replenish soldiers.

"In addition, the Military Pavilion should step up its arrangements. The military deployment of each division should also be adjusted. After the end of this battle, the station of the Sixth Standing Ashgaru Division led by Aguda was changed to Karatsu Bay. The four permanent ashigaru teams will be replaced." Zhengliang continued.

The Ouchi family is about to fall into a period of downturn.And Porto, which retreated to Iki Island, is in civil strife recently, and the direction of Karatsu Bay only needs to be well defended.In addition, for several consecutive battles, the sixth standing ashigaru team was the main force.The team has been severely downsized.And the generals and soldiers were a little tired.It's time to take a break, too.Moreover, the Luo family has always followed the policy of regularly changing the location of troops stationed.That's why Zhengliang made such an arrangement.

"Where is the fourth permanent Ashgaru squad stationed?" Akabane Shinnosuke asked as he took the pen and ink from his childhood surname Honda Masanobu and prepared to draft an order.

"The [-]th Standing Ashgaru Squad's base was changed to Chikugo's Changyan Castle, Momo Castle, and Yamashita Castle, mainly to defend the Otomo family in the northeast of Chikugo and the rich families in the north of Higo."

Chikugo will be the key direction of the Luo family's future strategy, and with the powerful surrounding Chikugo looking around, it is necessary to have a resourceful general who is both offensive and defensive.And Masao Kinoshita is the right candidate.What's more, the fourth standing ashigaru team under his command has not participated in other battles since capturing Fukaetake Castle in Chikuzen.Hope to have a great time.Just use their vigor to suppress the surrounding enemies and some dissidents in the newly occupied territory.Let Chikugo settle down quickly.

"The third permanent ashigaru team led by Yoshida Shigemasa, the resident was changed to Katsuo Castle, Asahiyama Castle, and Haijin Castle in Hizen, focusing on guarding against the Chikushi family in Shibata Castle in Chikuzen and paying attention to the movements of the Ouchi family. At the same time, unite with Chikugo's The fourth standing ashigaru squad defends against the Otomo family forces in the northeast of Chikugo." Masara continued.This place is also an area that is extremely prone to triggering wars, and it is stationed by Shigemasa Yoshida, who has followed Masara for a long time.Zheng Liang felt much more at ease.

"Then Hizen Sanse Castle should be garrisoned by that team?" Akabane Shinnosuke asked.The original base of the third standing ashigaru team was Sanse Castle.Now that they have moved away, there must be a need for a new team to settle in.

"It will be garrisoned by Tomotsu Oishi's Second Standing Ashgaru Division. The main defense is the Harada family on the other side of Zhenshan Mountain, and they will pay close attention to the movements of the various powerhouses in Chikuqian. Later, the Intelligence Pavilion will also establish a sub-station in Sanse City. In addition, during this period, half of the troops will be dispatched to assist the Cabinet to stabilize the newly acquired Hizen territory." The second standing ashigaru squadron had just repelled the invasion of the Nanhigo Arima family, the Saigo family and other powerful families, and then After participating in the Chikugo Raiders, it is time to take a rest.

Akabane Shinnosuke quickly recorded Masara's order.

"The Sixth Standing Ashgaru Team under Enjoji Shinyin's resident was changed to Songyue Castle, Kawara Castle, and Hirota Castle in Hizen's Hachi County. Pay attention to the joint Sasebo Bay Wuying Castle, led by Kunatsu. The standing water army is ready to guard against the tyrants in Nanhizen and the pirates in the direction of the five islands in the south."

So far, only the first standing Ashgaru team under the command of the executive species has not changed.The garrison is still Matsuoka Castle in Fujitsu County, and it will cooperate with the third standing water army of Kashima Castle next to it to guard against the powerful Nanhizen and sea invasion from the direction of Shimabara Bay.

The transfer this time basically arranged the main fighting force during this period to a place suitable for recuperation and adjustment, and the several teams that had long held their breath and prepared to fight were pushed to the brink of the battle.

In addition to infantry combat units, the garrison of the rest of the troops also needs to be adjusted appropriately.

"The First Standing Cavalry Squad led by Masahiro Isano damaged more than a dozen war horses in this battle, so they notified the ranch near Notakayama, Matsuura County, Hizen, and asked them to deliver the supplementary horses as soon as possible. In addition, their station is temporarily closed. It will be at Yanagawa Castle in Chikugo." Zheng Liang decided.Yanagawa Castle is located near the center of the territory, and can quickly support the borders of the territory, and staying there can also assist the Cabinet to quickly stabilize the newly acquired Chikugo territories.

"For the samurai squad, 100 people were assigned to secretly station in Tsutsukaku Castle in Higo Tamana County, and the remaining 200 people continued to follow me with the cloaked people."

In the end, the station of the Iron Artillery Team was still in Anyue City.Similarly, the detectives, messengers, and black eagles are still stationed in Anyue City.The garrison of the navy also remains unchanged.

"By the way, I heard that the ladders designed and built by Liu Ye were used in this siege. What do you think?" After arranging the locations of the various teams, Zheng Liang suddenly remembered about the ladders, so he asked hastily.

The current cage city battles generally use the human sea tactics of climbing with bare hands, and the damage caused is too great.With the Luoshui family's finances gradually increasing, Zheng Liang has already issued an order to the weapon workshop to strengthen the research and design of siege weapons.And the ladder is the first weapon launched by Weapon Workshop.

"Hmm!" Akabane Shinnosuke obviously thought about it, and then commented: "Because it is easy to be cut off by the enemy, and it seems that it is not suitable for the terrain, it is easy to slip and fall over, so the effect is not very ideal."

"Is that so? You collect the thoughts of the soldiers and generals about the ladder, and then give it to Liu Ye and others in the weapon shop, let them improve it as soon as possible, and tell them that I need a sturdy and reliable ladder that can be built on site. After listening to Akabane Shinnosuke's evaluation, Zheng Liang thought for a while and finally said.The latter took command immediately.

The terrain of Japan is mainly composed of mountains and hills, which leads to the fact that the surrounding tyrants like to build a large number of large and small walled cities.This has brought great trouble to those who raid these places.The most typical one is Takeda Shingen. It is because of the existence of these fortresses that he has greatly hindered his pace of hegemony and development, and made all his beings trapped in the struggle with the Uesugi family.Therefore, the tools for siege must be vigorously developed.

"By the way, Nosuke, Masatora Tao has said several times that he hopes to send another general to the third standing navy division. What do you mean?" Masaragi asked suddenly.

"Hehe, my lord, you should know it in your heart. I dare not recommend it casually." Akabane Shinnosuke declined with a smile.He can avoid these matters of arranging personnel positions as much as he can.Maybe it will offend many people, and even arouse the suspicion of the king.

"Okay! Tell me your opinion, I really lack people." Masaragi did not intend to let Akabane Shinnosuke go this time.

Seeing that there was no way to evade it, Akabane Nobunosuke had no choice but to bow and salute before saying, "Your Majesty should know the meaning of Masatora Tao's words this time?"

Zhengliang nodded.Tianwei Masatora's speech this time is called asking for help, but it is actually to avoid suspicion.Because Tianwei Masatora himself is the navy general of the third standing navy of the Luo family, and the cavalry general Tianwei Zhongyuan recommended by Hizen before the decisive battle with the Otomo family army is his younger brother.Tianwei Masatora, who has been in the wealthy family for a long time, took the initiative to ask Masara to send someone to monitor him in order to avoid suspicion.After all, he didn't even have a lieutenant in his navy. (to be continued...)

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