The most deadly thing is the list that Zheng Liang handed over to Akabane Shinnosuke.

This list is the list that makes the entire rich family of Feihou, and even the Otomo family across the mountain, all boil up.It is foreseeable that with the development of plans related to this list, Higo will quickly become lively.

And now, Masaragi is also looking forward to the surprise that Akabane Shinnosuke will bring to him after he goes to the Odai family in Higo Tamana County, which is secretly controlled by the Luo family, and implements the plan according to this list.

Of course, before the results of this list come out, Zheng Liang still has a lot of things to do.On the third day after a night of secret discussions with Akabane Shinnosuke, under the escort of a hundred cloaked people and two hundred samurai, Masara began to go to Kamizuma County in Chikugo.

On the day before leaving Tajiri Castle, Masara personally performed the Yuanfu ceremony for Takekichi Murakami in front of many retainers.In this way, the two can be regarded as a black hat kiss.

And after Murakami Takeshi's Yuanfu ceremony was held, the retainers who rushed to Tajiri Castle to meet Masara after the Battle of Yanagi Castle also left one after another.They still have a lot of tasks assigned by Zheng Liang to perform.Although the Luo family strictly controlled the strength of the retainers and powerful families in the territory, they were still allowed to have up to fifteen guards.

And these retainers more or less have a few close guards.Under the protection of these guards, they rushed to their mission destinations one after another.As the territory of the Luo family has been greatly expanded, whether it is the cabinet of the interior, the cabinet of the military or the cabinet of intelligence, they have a lot of things to do after the war.

Akabane Shinnosuke also left after attending the Yuanfu ceremony of Murakami Takekichi on the second day.He will rush to the prison city of Higo, where he will meet with more than a dozen black eagles, detectives, and a hundred Luo family warriors headed by Kato Duanzo.Then secretly implement the plan formulated by Zheng Liang.

Even Takekichi Murakami rushed to Kashima Port across the Ariake Sea that day.all the time.He is working hard to learn and perform.It's just to get Zhengliang's appreciation.Now he finally got his wish.Now he has officially embarked on the first step to become a general of the Luo family.Near future.He will lead the more powerful Luo family's navy back to Zhoufang Beach and the Seto Inland Sea to take back what belongs to him.

After resting at Tajiri Castle for a day, Masara embarked on his way back to Hizen again.On the way home, he will also make a trip to Shangzu County.Because Li Hongfei, who was temporarily dispatched by Zheng Liang to the deep mountains there, once again received good news. He found a silver mine in the deep mountains of Shangwiqun.

Yes, Li Hongfei found the silver mine precisely according to the clues provided by Zheng Liang.This is the second silver mine that the Luo family has found so far.With these two silver mines, the finances of the Luo family will be greatly guaranteed.

Half of the land in Chikugo Kamatsuma County is in the mountains and forests.The place where Li Hongfei discovered the silver mine happened to be on the edge of Shangzu County.The location is close to Ikuba-gun and Takeno-gun.On the opposite side of the mountain where this silver mine is located is the territory of the Hoshino family and the Wenzhusuo family of the Kiyotomo family.

At noon, the weather looked rather gloomy.In the past few days, it has been raining lightly in winter, making the temperature even colder.The frozen mountain road also became a bit muddy and difficult to walk due to the absorption of rainwater.At this time, a group of people appeared in the mountain valley.

A young man in the procession riding a rather dazzling black horse was looking around the valley uncertainly.This person was Zheng Liang himself, and this team was the Luo family's army that had already entered Shangzu County.

"How long has it been since the last return from the Black Hawk?" At this moment, Zheng Liang motioned for the team to stop, then looked sideways at Fei Duan and asked.

"My lord, it's been thirty-quarter hours." Fei Duan also said with a frown at this time.

"Let everyone be on guard." Zheng Liang immediately issued an order to be on guard.Do not know why.He always had a feeling, he felt waves of danger coming from the mountains.He wouldn't doubt that feeling.Ever since he was upgraded to swordsman, he has possessed this special ability to perceive the danger of the surrounding environment.

Since having this ability, he has relied on this perception ability several times to escape the assassination of several hostile forces.

After this period of battle and territory management, the experience value of the strange system in Zhengliang's body has also been greatly improved.Zheng Liang also learned some new skills, and now his overall state is:

Name: Roshi Masahiro

Physical properties:

Command rate: 88 (88), system adjustment completed.The higher the command, the easier it is to command subordinates.

Force: 90 (90), system adjustment completed.Powerful force is the basis for your self-protection.

Government Affairs: 85 (85), system adjustment completed.Government affairs are the help for your survival.

Resourcefulness: 93 (93), system adjustment completed.Superb resourcefulness, let you make a difference.

Charisma: 90 (90), system tuning complete.Charm makes you easier to be accepted and supported by others.



Xianglei Knife (first-order sword-type secret skill, the defense power is greatly improved. Proficiency level: advanced. A small amount of physical strength is required to perform)

Standing in the body (Second-level sword secret skill, can counterattack enemies at close range, relatively passive skill. Proficiency level: advanced. A little physical strength is required to perform)

Vajra Power (third-level sword-type secret skill, concentrate strength on both arms, and greatly improve attack power. Proficiency level: advanced. A small amount of physical strength is required when performing)

Rib One Inch (Third-level sword secret skill, which can counterattack enemies at close range. Proficiency: Advanced. A small amount of physical strength is required when performing)

Continuous slash (the third-order sword system secret skill, continuous slash, the attack power is greatly improved. Proficiency level: advanced. A small amount of physical strength is required to perform)

Cutting off (fourth-level sword-type secret skill, the attack power is higher than continuous cutting. Proficiency level: advanced. A small amount of physical strength is required when performing)

Waveback (fourth-order sword secret skill, can counterattack enemies at close range. Proficiency level: advanced. A small amount of physical strength is required when performing)

Iai Slash (the secret skill of the fourth-level sword system, which can attack enemies in three directions. Proficiency level: advanced. A small amount of physical strength is required to perform)

Yan Fan (a secret skill of the fifth-level sword system, which can counterattack enemies at close range. Proficiency level: advanced. A small amount of physical strength is required when performing it)

Double knives:

Two-knife style (third-order double-knife secret technique, a move to attack a single enemy with two knives. Proficiency level: advanced. A small amount of physical strength is required when performing)

Double Mighty Slash (fourth-order double-knife secret skill. Attack enemies on both sides with two knives. Proficiency: Advanced. A small amount of physical strength is required when performing)


Yinluo (Second-level spear-type secret skill. It can make the opponent's attack completely ineffective. Proficiency level: advanced. It requires a small amount of physical strength when performing it)

Pulling out (third-tier gun secret skill. War gun secret skill, strong attack power. Proficiency level: advanced. A little physical strength is required when performing it)

Running Wolf (a secret skill of the third-tier gun system, after sprinting with full strength, the units behind it will also be affected. Proficiency level: advanced. A small amount of physical strength is required when performing)

Iron Cannon:

Random shooting (sixth-tier iron cannon secret skill, randomly attacking enemies within range. Proficiency: Advanced. A little physical strength is required to perform)

bow and arrow:

Back to Dragon Break (third-order bow system secret skill, suddenly turn back and shoot an arrow, the strength is strong, but it can't hurt nearby enemies. Proficiency level: advanced. A little physical strength is required when performing)

Broken Gold Break (the secret skill of the fourth-order bow system. The high-speed rotating arrow pierces through the armor and causes damage. Proficiency: Advanced. A small amount of physical strength is required when performing)


Kunai (second-level ninjutsu secret technique, ninjutsu secret technique, launching hidden weapons in battle. Proficiency level: advanced. A small amount of physical strength is required to perform)

Dunjia (third-level ninjutsu secret technique, sneaking and hiding according to the surrounding environment. Proficiency level: advanced. A little physical strength is required when performing)

Stamina: 100 (100).Plenty of physical strength is fundamental to ensure that you can cope with all problems.

Physical condition: good.Note: Excessive use of skills forcibly will lead to fainting.

Prestige: 90 (out of 100).Prestige reflects how popular you are.


Tairen: Yoshioka One Character, Small Chest Cut

Armor: Drum Armor

War Horse: Bailihei

Title: Swordsman (can perceive the existence of danger within a certain range, with the continuous improvement of strength, the range of perception will expand.)

"I've been spotted, kill me!" Just as Zhengliang asked the team to put on alert, a group of "refugees" armed with various weapons suddenly came out from behind the small hill on the side of the road in front of the canyon.These "refugees" moved extremely quickly, rushing out of the forest in a few steps.Jumped to the front of the Luo family's team.

Seeing that the opponent had already killed in front of them, the soldiers of the Luo family did not seem to panic at all, they quickly lined up in the enemy's camp.

It’s just that there were quite a few visitors. First dozens of people rushed out of the woods, and then hundreds of people rushed out of several woods not far away. Zheng Liang even saw a dozen ninjas jumping constantly among the woods and rocks. .

It was a premeditated ambush.Fortunately, Zheng Liang discovered it early, otherwise he would have fallen into the ambush trap of these hundreds of people.Looking at the situation, there are not only ninjas in the opponent's camp, but also a lot of farmers and soldiers.But Zheng Liang also found many warriors in the ranks of peasants and soldiers.

Farmers, samurai or even ninjas?Who has the power to organize these people?Zheng Liang quickly thought of one person, that is Yoshikami Otomo, the patriarch of Otomo's family.Only Otomo's family can secretly organize such a group of guys who look a bit like a mob in the lost area.This is the counterattack of Dayou's family.

However, it is normal for such a group of rabble to appear in the territory at this time.After all, the territory has just been occupied, so the border guards must have been negligent.Moreover, Zhengliang estimated that most of the people who came to ambush this time should be the fish that slipped through the net of the small wealthy families in those destroyed places in Chikugo.

This also gave Zhengliang a great reminder.Now the main enemy of the Luo family is no longer those small local wealthy families with only a few soldiers and crab generals, but the rulers of a country or even several countries like the Dayou family.They all have extraordinary strength, and Zheng Liang can no longer take it lightly.

However, this time, if the mob of hundreds of people wanted to ambush Zheng Liang, then the Dayou family would have made a mistake.

(The main text is more than 100 characters, and the following is the author's words: In the middle of the night, here is a chapter for everyone.

Thanks to the book friends Tututu, Lejun, aaa1233, Mingming tomorrow, m, boring, ing~, jakey, santknight, don’t abuse and support the author, stewed peanuts, "", Guan Aisha, Beibei's cat, Shuilianmengyue, Monthly tickets cast by Kaihuang, baobao1125, Youjiの茶孒, Kuoming Xiaoxi, yetz, Crystal CD, etc.;

Thanks to book friends Lumia, '', bag10000, Xingziyun, andy-zfh, etc. for their rewards.

Thanks to book friend yjj19910 for the evaluation ticket and update ticket. (Khan, I only found this record.)

Thanks to all book friends who voted for this book and increased clicks.Thanks to the book friends who have been waiting or came back quickly to support after the book was renewed.thank you all.night!good night everybody! ) (to be continued..)

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