Warring States Eagle

Chapter 430 The Lord of a Country

Being suddenly turned on by friendly forces on the battlefield is very demoralizing.

"Damn it!" In the ambush team, several guys dressed as samurai were shocked when they saw that the hard-hired mountain people turned against each other.But things that surprised them even more soon appeared one after another.

"That fellow Hancang Zongdi surrendered? Well, let's not go to war with them." Although the rest of the Shanfang people and the leader of Shanfu didn't know why Han Cangzongdi, who had always been brave and cunning, turned against him.But out of awe of this guy and the purpose of preserving strength, they resolutely abandoned their original employers and quickly withdrew from the battlefield.

So, with the departure of the Shanfangzhong and Yamabushi, who occupied the largest part of the ambush team.A strange scene appeared on the entire battlefield.

The ambush force, which had a slight advantage in numbers, was suddenly divided into three parts.Among them, more than 100 people continued to fight with the more than 200 members of the Luo family's participating troops, and another hundred people suddenly joined the Luo family's camp, and even turned against the fighting ambush troops.What is even more depressing is that the last remaining more than 200 ambush troops actually withdrew from the battlefield and watched the battle directly near the battlefield.All of a sudden, the combatants became spectators.

This sudden change also surprised Zheng Liang, he did not expect that Han Cang Zongdi's defection would trigger such a chain reaction.Immediately he laughed, and without missing a beat, some of the cloaked people who had been guarding by his side also joined in the battle.

With the addition of the new force, the morale of the Luo family's army was even higher, and with the addition of the three-talent formation.Immediately, the ambush troops on the opposite side were still stubbornly killed and injured.

The trio of the Luo family.It was transformed by Zhengliang from the Xiaosancai array invented later in the Ming Dynasty.The original mistress. "The wolves are in the center, with a long spear on the left and right, and short soldiers and cards on the left and right of the long spear, lined up one by one", this is the formation adopted on the narrow road.One head, two wings, and one tail formation divide the participating troops into four parts, with the former as the head and the main soldiers.The main offensive force; the two wings are surprise soldiers, protecting the side and rear of the head, attacking the enemy's flank at the right time, and the tail is the supporting force (equivalent to the reserve force), ready to reinforce any direction at any time.

Wolf milling is a kind of spear made of bamboo. It is more than five meters long and is very simple to make. The local bamboo is cut directly from the root, and the dense branches on the top of the bamboo are kept, and a spearhead is installed on the top.Formation is used to restrain troops with knives as their main weapons.

certainly.It is impossible for the Luo family's team to use bamboo wolf guns directly, but the three guns of the Luo family are five meters long, which is about the same length as the wolf guns.Zheng Liang also had some dried bamboo branches tied near the head of the three guns.So it is almost the wolf son unique to the Luo family.

When fighting, these long spears focus on the enemy's head.You know, in the Warring States period, only some people had the opportunity to wear metal helmets. Many ordinary soldiers went directly to the battlefield without wearing anything. The better ones, at most, wore them like the ashigaru of the Luo family. A bamboo hat will do the trick.When facing the Luo family's version of "Wolf Ms.", it seems a bit taboo.For fear of accidentally being caught in the eyes by the branches on the spear.

In addition, the Luo family's trio is formed in groups of three, and two adjacent trio will support each other, which is especially suitable for fighting in narrow areas.The combat effectiveness in single combat should not be underestimated.

Under the attack of such a camp, the ambush side from Otomo's house was quickly defeated.With the help of Han Cangzongdi and these local snakes, none of these local fish that had slipped through the net to destroy the wealthy clan escaped in the end, and they all became the ghosts of the Luo family.

After the battle, the Luo family's army, which had fought for half a day, gradually returned to Zhengliang's main camp.In this battle, none of the Luo family died, only dozens of people suffered various degrees of battle injuries.The soldiers handed over the heads harvested in combat, and the temporary army Fumu registered them in a special military merit register.

After the war, the daimyo usually held a head review ceremony.If there are soldiers who have captured a lot of heads, or killed the opponent's famous warriors, the daimyos themselves will summon them in person.When the daimyo see the head, they will praise the person, and give gold on the spot according to the value of the head.

Although Zhengliang does not belong to this world in essence, but the so-called doing as the Romans does, of course, will not stop doing things like this to increase morale.Therefore, Zhengliang will praise the meritorious people like other daimyos.As for the reward, it will be issued after the fact.After all, it is impossible to always carry a lot of coins to the battlefield.Moreover, the Luo family generally used grain instead of coins as rewards.Food is more popular than coins.

After reviewing the heads, there will be a celebration ceremony.After a series of celebration ceremonies, Zheng Liang expressed his gratitude to the hard-working soldiers, and finally announced publicly that the Luo family won the battle.This is a way to increase the morale of the army as well as the centripetal force.

Countless soldiers in the audience raised their spears or daggers high and cheered in unison.

"The Luo family will win!"


"The Luo family is mighty!"


After all the ceremonies were completed, Luo Shifan began to clean the battlefield, picked up the leftover weapons, and buried the corpses.After returning, the Logistics Department of the Military Pavilion will issue rewards according to individual military merits, and Zheng Liang will also issue certificates of safety and certificates of appreciation to some outstanding performers.

An block certificate is a territorial guarantee issued by the daimyo to his retainers.It records the names of the retainers, the stone height of the territory, and the location of the territory.This is also the way Sengoku daimyos have consistently ruled regions.In addition to the security certificate, the daimyo bestowed territory will also issue a Wanxing certificate.The difference is that the Wanxing certificate is generally used to reward military exploits, and the direct territory is bestowed on generals, while the security certificate is only used to guarantee the existing territory.

Under the condition of ensuring that the "Roche's Laws" are not in conflict, Zheng Liang will try his best to deal with these customs in the Warring States Period.Therefore, after the war, there are usually a large number of such security certificates and Wanxing certificates that need to be issued by Zhengliang.

Due to being attacked halfway, under the advice of his retainers, Masara gave up his plan to inspect the newly discovered silver mine in Chikugo, and immediately decided to return to Hizen.Before the full implementation of the law of the Luo family in the new area of ​​the Chikugo War, there will still be many local wealthy families like today who slip through the net in the wilderness of Chikugo. If they continue to stay in the wilderness of Chikugo, there are still many dangers. .

Zhengliang is now the lord of a country, and he is no longer the family governor of a small wealthy family who had to take the lead in everything, so he must consider the feelings of all his retainers.After all, the fate of the retainer family is directly related to the family governor.

After leaving to return to Hizen, Masarai accepted Sodi Hankura as the ashigaru general of the Luo family, and arranged him to report to the No. [-] standing ashigaru team who was in charge and commanded.After being fully trained and tested for loyalty, he will be further promoted and appointed.

Before reporting to the No. [-] Standing Ashgaru Team, Sodi Hankura had to bring his subordinates and several Masaragi sent to assist him in the cape to surrender all the large and small Yamagata and Yamabushi in Chikugo one by one.

Afterwards, these surrendered forces will be the same as Han Cangzongdi's subordinates. They will focus on the new barracks training for a period of time, and weed out those who are not suitable as soldiers into ordinary citizens. After these people are more familiar with the laws of the Luo family, These people will be broken up and assigned to various teams.The joining of these people just solved the problem of the number of soldiers in Luo Shifan's next military expansion plan.

As for those Feihouguanpo ninjas who finally chose to surrender under Han Cangzongdi's persuasion, they were also killed by Fei Duan, Ari and others in this battle, and it was reported that two black eagles died in their hands the hatred.What's more, in the Warring States period, there were no permanent enemies, only permanent interests.

These Hihouguanpo ninjas don't have a fixed owner at present, and they will work for almost anyone who can afford the price.So, after Zheng Liang agreed with them about cooperation, he let them go.As for the matter of completely annexing them into the Luo family's Black Hawk Ninja, it had to be handed over to Kato Duanzo in Higo.

After arranging everything, on March 12th in the 1543th year of Tianwen ([-]), Zheng Liang returned to the village in Hizen with the army.On that day, Masaragi called the retainers nearby to make an assessment.

Togo Heiji, who is in charge of the Cabinet of Ministers and Nakabu, Togo Heiji, who is in charge of education and agriculture, Nobumoto Aoyama, who is in charge of civil law, Nabeshima Qingfang, who is a civil affairs minister, Masamitsu Oda, who is a minister of agriculture, Ishimune Kakukuma, who is a military adviser in the family, and Masamune of the Ra family in the army, the logistics executive of the military cabinet and the general of the middle of the family Onishi Kuniji, the territorial doctor Mingfeng Hidemasa, the commander of the Black Eagle Ninja Army Yusuke, the monomi banto wooden Shigetsu, and the public who returned temporarily from Ouchi's house to practice Duanmu Kiyomasa, and the surname Nabe Shigeru Shimao and Honda, who have a small surname, are Shinshin.

At this time, the territory of the Luo family has expanded to Hizen, Chikuzen, Chikugo, and Higo.The details are:

Hizen.It fully occupies the eight counties of Hizen's Kei, Fu, Sanne, Kanzaki, Saka, Xiaocheng, Matsuura, and Kushima; partly occupies the two counties of Fujitsu and Hichi, and is on par with the Omura family and the Saigo family there.Only the Arima family occupies Gaolai County and has not been touched.

Chikuzen.Occupies half of the land in Yitu County.It confronts the Harada family, the traditional overlord there.

Chikugo.It fully occupies the five counties of Mizuma, Shangzu, Xiazu, Shanmen, and Miike; partially occupies the two counties of Yamamoto and Mijing, and confronts the forces of the Otomo family.Only the three prefectures of Mihara, Ikuba, and Takeno were completely under Otomo's sphere of influence.

Higo: Secretly took full control of Tamana County, and is secretly infiltrating to other places.

In name, Masara is already the second lieutenant of Zaemon, Hizen Guardian, and Chikugo Guardian, and his retainer Togo Heiji has also become Hizen Guardian; in actual control, Masara has also controlled most of Hizen and Chikugo's territory.

Therefore, Zhengliang at this time can be regarded as the master of the two countries.

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