Warring States Eagle

Chapter 435 Technical Improvement

Judging from the current situation, the Luo family will lag slightly behind the Otomo family in terms of relations with the shogunate and the imperial court.

Otomo's family has always maintained a good relationship with the shogunate and the imperial court.The most typical example is the dispute between the Ouchi family and the Otomo family a few years ago. When the Ouchi family was at a disadvantage, it was the shogun Ashikaga Yoshiharu who came forward to mediate. In the end, the Ouchi family married the woman to Otomo, the patriarch of the Ouchi family. Yijian ended the struggle between the two families.Another example is that in history, when the Shimadzu family rose and almost occupied the entire Kyushu, it was the Otomo family who asked the court for help, and finally Toyotomi Hideyoshi sent troops to Kyushu.

Of course, the times are different now, both the court and the shogunate have fallen into decline, so the way to build a good relationship with them is also very simple, just send food and money.

Thinking of this, Zhengliang first replied a letter from Shenglong, and then ordered Hu Natong to quickly organize a fleet. The fleet was mainly composed of merchant ships and Dutch ships. The stone rice was transported to Kyoto.

The 5000 guan copper coins were used to buy officials for Yiyi Shenglong and presented to the imperial court and the shogun.One thousand shi of rice can be extracted directly from the territory warehouse.Because a lot of rice was seized during the war, there are more than [-] shi of rice in the warehouse of Luo's family.Some of these rice will be given as a gift to a retainer and eaten by himself, and the other part will be used as a gift to improve the relationship with the court and shogunate.

The reason for donating money and food to the imperial court was that Yi Shenglong mentioned in a letter that the imperial court was planning to repair the forbidden area in Kyoto.In memory, next year.It seems that Oda Nobuhide also received a reward from the imperial court by providing repair costs for the forbidden area.Zhengliang happened to imitate it too.And still ahead of Oda Nobuhide.Maybe you will get a good regulatory reward.

And donated money and food to the shogun Ashikaga Yoshiharu.This is not just about making good generals.Zhengliang secretly hoped to arouse the general's ambition.Although there is not much money and food, it is already very good for the current shogunate.With coins and food, the general's ambition to repeat the majesty of the shogunate will naturally increase, and the Kyoto area will naturally not be too quiet.This is in the best interest of the government.

For this long voyage, Zhengliang plans not to take the waterway in the direction of the Seto Inland Sea, because there are too many sailors in this direction, and if it is found that the ships are transporting coins and food.It is estimated that it will be robbed soon.

The sailing route this time was changed to start from Hirado, then bypass the Osumi Strait, then enter the Kii Waterway along Tosa Bay, and finally arrive at Kaiko.Although the distance has increased by half, relatively speaking, there will be fewer pirates on the road, and the waterway will be wider, so there will be more room to maneuver if danger is encountered.

The most important thing is that the scouts who set off with the fleet can record the situation along the way, which is beneficial to the future actions of the Luo family's navy in this area.

After arranging this matter properly, Zheng Liang can finally find time to reunite with his family members.At this time, Tang Wangwan, Zhengliang's son-in-law, was over one year old.Crane's second child was also born, also a boy.He was named Song Wangwan by Zhengliang.Tian Meizi has also grown up by two years, and she is becoming more and more beautiful.

After spending several days at home with his family, Zheng Liang had to devote himself to government affairs again.This time, Zhengliang was going to the workshop in the mountains near Kishigake Castle.

The location of the workshop is ten miles outside of Anyue City, in a canyon between Hiyake and Onoyama.When Zhengliang raised his troops to counterattack the coalition forces in Anyue City within a day, he gathered his troops in this canyon.

There are farmers and soldiers guarding the entrance and exit of the canyon where the workshop is located, and the settlement of the black eagle is also near the canyon, and there are usually a large number of black eagles on the periphery of the canyon to guard.It can be said that this canyon is an important defensive area for the Roche family.

As soon as he walked into the entrance of the canyon, Zheng Liang saw a young woman appearing in front of him.When the young woman saw Zheng Liang, she immediately knelt down on the ground and saluted in surprise.

Only then did Zheng Liang recognize who this young woman was.It turns out that she is Zhang Qian, the orphan of a craftsman that Zheng Liang met when he went to Ningbo Mansion in the Ming Dynasty.Later, it was with her help that Liu Le was able to encourage many Ming craftsmen to come to Zhengliang's territory.Not long after arriving in Zhengliang's territory, she married Liu Le, and now she has a daughter.

Seeing Zhang Qian, Zheng Liang couldn't help thinking of the first batch of Ming immigrants who followed Zheng Liang back from Ming.Most of these immigrants migrated to the settlements of Ming immigrants near Yegao Mountain, and the other part migrated to settle near this canyon.Due to the need for confidentiality, the craftsmen and their families in the territory can only conduct activities in fixed areas for the time being.

It has been almost two years, and the people who migrated here have already adapted to the life here. Zheng Liang even got a report from Liu Le recently that the first example of intermarriage between immigrants from the Ming Dynasty and local residents has appeared. , a young man from the Ming Dynasty married a beautiful local woman.The two different peoples finally began to blend together.

Following Zhang Qian's introduction, Zheng Liang also learned more about the situation of some immigrants from the Ming Dynasty, and as the news of Zheng Liang's arrival spread, more and more people flocked to the entrance of the canyon, vying to see Zheng Liang This legendary lord lord.

Among the welcoming crowd, Zheng Liang found the stone, the little boy who tried to pickpocket Zheng Liang in the cold winter in order to save his sick sister.Today, the little boy has grown into a young man.

Not long ago, Zhengliang also approved Shitou's request through Liu Le.Stone is going to return to the Ming Kingdom, the main purpose is to assist Wang Hai to move more Ming refugees to the territory, and at the same time collect more technologies needed by the territory.Of course, Zhengliang also knew that Stone had another purpose, which was to go back and avenge his mother.Although the culprit who killed his mother is dead, many accomplices are still alive and well.He wants to go back for revenge.

Zheng Liang really couldn't find a suitable reason to stop his revenge, so he finally agreed.And his younger sister continued to stay in the territory.In order to reassure Shitou, and to further reassure other Ming immigrants, Zheng Liang adopted Shitou's younger sister as a righteous sister. Like Tian Meizi, she became the princess of the Luo family.

After greeting the citizens in the canyon, Zheng Liang walked into the first workshop in the canyon, the weapon workshop.

The weapon workshop is a place dedicated to making knives, long spears, arrows, and stirrups for Luo Shifan, and is responsible for repairing armor and damaged weapons.

As soon as you entered the workshop, you saw a bustling scene, a large number of craftsmen were constantly beating the embryos of weapons.But after patrolling for a certain distance, Zheng Liang stopped.

"Could it be that in the current workshop of our family, every weapon is made by a single craftsman?" Zheng Liang asked Liu Ye, who was in charge of the workshop beside him.

"Yes, my lord." Liu Ye replied directly.He felt very strange, all craftsmen have always worked like this?Why does the lord seem dissatisfied?

"Have you ever thought about separating the manufacturing process of each weapon and having different people in charge?"

"Huh?" Liu Ye's eyes lit up after hearing this.Although he is obsessed with the research and development of weapons, it does not mean that he is not a management talent.After hearing Zheng Liang's suggestion, he immediately thought of the benefits.

"Okay, let's redistribute the workshop personnel according to the method I just did. I want to see the effect within a month." After seeing Liu Ye's expression, Zheng Liang directly decided.Zheng Liang believed that there was no need for him to say anything more, and Liu Ye already knew what to do.

The reason why Zhengliang made such a request was not only to speed up the speed of weapon manufacturing, but also to strengthen the secrecy in the process of weapon manufacturing.Each craftsman only masters one link, so as to avoid the confidentiality of the overall building technology.

After ordering to adopt the assembly line method of building, Zheng Liang then inspected the weapons workshop for a while, and finally made another request, that is, to build the first bow and arrow of the Luo family as soon as possible.

Among the main weapons used by Luo Shifan at present, the bow tire bow and the full body can only be supplemented by purchasing from outside the territory.Leaving aside the consumables, bows and arrows can actually be made by themselves.

However, Zhengliang hoped that the craftsmen in the weapons workshop could combine the local bows and arrows of Japan with the bows and arrows of the Ming Dynasty to create bows and arrows more suitable for the needs of the battlefield.In Zhengliang's view, Japan's current bows and arrows are too large to be carried on the battlefield.

So under the order of Zhengliang, a small team composed of five or six Ming kingdoms and local craftsmen has already started to study; the combination of the two bows and arrows, but now it seems that it has been delayed for a long time. Zhengliang hopes to come up with the results as soon as possible.

After inspecting the weapons workshop, Zheng Liang came to the firearms workshop.At present, the firearms workshop is mainly responsible for making matchlock guns, matchlocks, gunpowder and bullets.Basically, the Luo family has achieved the self-production capacity of a complete set of musket equipment.Although the quality of gunpowder and bullets needs to be further improved.

"Haven't you considered changing the way of casting?" Zhengliang was quite surprised after seeing that these craftsmen were still using the traditional clay casting method.Is it true that the general blacksmiths in the Warring States Period of Japan used the clay casting method?

But soon Zhengliang felt even more confused?Because he soon realized that even if these local craftsmen didn't know, those Ming craftsmen and even Ander, who was the head of the firearms workshop, would always know the iron casting method, which is more advanced than the clay casting method?

"My lord, we also thought about using the iron mold casting method, but there are not many iron materials here and it seems that it is not very suitable as an iron mold." Andel seemed to see Zhengliang's doubts, and immediately explained.

"Is the quality of the iron material not good? This is no problem. I will find a way to bring some iron material of better quality from the Ming Dynasty to use as iron models later." Zheng Liang immediately made a decision after knowing the reason.In addition to the problem of Tie Fan, Zheng Liang also realized that the smelting technology currently mastered by his family seems to be insufficient, and it seems that Wang Hai and others should be asked to help solve it.

"In addition, some workshops in the Ming Dynasty are already using a more advanced casting method." Zheng Liang finally said.

(Thanks to book friend Leely for the reward!) (To be continued...)

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