Tianwen 12th year, [-] AD, June.

In the name of disrespecting the lord and repeatedly invading the lord's territory, the Luo family launched a counter-insurgency campaign against Nan Feiqian.

As soon as this news came out, the Kyushu tyrants who were still digesting the news of Ouchi's disastrous defeat in Izumo shook again.

Nagato Country Yamaguchi Pavilion.At this time, Ouchi Yoshitaka was drinking sake, looking sadly at the scenery outside the window.And on the desk next to him, there was a large stack of documents ready to be burned like garbage.One of them is the latest information on the Luo family's latest movements.

Tao Longfang and Naito Xingsheng, who had just reported the situation at home to Ouchi Yoshitaka, looked at each other after they walked out of the castle tower, and shook their heads helplessly and sighed.

"My lord, if this continues, I'm afraid it will be bad for our family!" It was Tao Longfang who spoke first.

"I'm afraid I have to share my lord's worries." Naito Xingsheng also responded.

"What does Nagato Shudai mean?" Tao Longfang asked immediately.

"I'm afraid my lord is deeply saddened by the loss of the young master in this battle." Naito Xingsheng said in a low voice as he looked back at the castle tower that was gradually going away.

"Huh?" Tao Longfang's eyes lit up after hearing the words.He is also a person with a delicate mind, and after hearing Naito Xingsheng's words, he understood what the other party meant.It's just that he frowned quickly, and after scanning around the courtyard, he said in a low voice, "I'm afraid this is not a topic that my retainers can talk about?"

"Hehe!" Naito Xingsheng smiled mysteriously, and then lowered his voice, "Hasn't the General Attendant heard the news?"

"News? What news?" Tao Longfang felt very strange about what Naito Xingsheng mentioned.

"Not long after my lord returned to Nagato, rumors spread from the territory of the Chikuzen Sugi family."

"Rumor?" Tao Longfang's expression was quite confused at this time.Just now I was still worried about the situation of the Patriarch.Why did you suddenly mention the rumors about Chikuzen again?

"It is said that Dai Xingyun, the former guardian of Sugizuki, accidentally said it when he was drunk. It is said that the lord will welcome the son of Otomo's family to the family as an adopted son in the near future." Naito Xingsheng revealed the answer.

"Nonsense!" After listening to Naito Xingsheng's words.Tao Longfang immediately said angrily.As a retainer, one should stick to one's duties. How about saying that the lord will welcome a new aunt immediately after the lord loses his son?Isn't this trapping the lord in injustice?It will arouse the criticism of the people.

"Although it's very bad, Sugizuki's guardian Dai Xingyun-sama said what we wanted to say." Naito Xingsheng said.Ouchi Yoshitaka's main wife is Ouchi Yoshitaka's older sister, and it is perfectly fine to adopt one of his older sister's sons as his first son.

"Although this is the case, it is better to wait until the matter of Izumo has faded a bit. Expressing such thoughts so quickly will not only arouse the criticism of the lord from the people, but also cause the former young lord who just died to be close to him." The retainers are dissatisfied." Tao Longfang said seriously.At this time, his perception of Shan Xingyun was greatly reduced.

"That's true." Naito Xingsheng also nodded in agreement.In fact, it was precisely because of the reason Tao Longfang just proposed that Naito Xingsheng and others did not report this suggestion to the Patriarch Ouchi Yoshitaka.

certainly.Based on Naito Xingsheng's understanding of Sugi Xingyun, Sugi Xingyun absolutely did not think of such an idea, let alone spread such rumors in advance.Shan Xingyun was obviously plotted against.Moreover, for some reason, Naito Xingsheng vaguely thought of the Hizen eagle in Hizen, which was separated from Chikuzen by a mountain.

"I wonder what Master Attendant thinks about Hizen's Luo family?" Naito Xingsheng asked suddenly.

Regarding Naito Xingsheng's sudden change of topic, Tao Longfang was taken aback for a moment, and after he realized it, he immediately smiled and said, "Is it the Eagle of Hizen? I really hope to meet him on the battlefield!"

After finishing speaking, Tao Longfang's eyes lit up, obviously showing a heroic expression of pity.

"With the strength of less than a country, you can defeat the Otomo's coalition forces that have already defeated the coalition forces of your own family, and even take the opportunity to occupy more than half of Chikugo. Its strength should not be underestimated. Besides, it has recently begun to attack Nanfei. Let it continue to develop wantonly, I'm afraid it will be another Otomo's family." Naito Xingsheng said a little worried.

"This statement is different!" Tao Longfang shook his head and said, "The reason why the Luo family was able to defeat the Dayou family was because the army of the family had greatly weakened the strength of the Dayou family's army in the early stage of the battle. Finally, there is an opportunity to take advantage of. Hmph, if Shan Xingyun is not too incompetent, this family will definitely be able to defeat Oyou's family this time." After saying this sentence, Tao Longfang's favorability for Shan Xingyun dropped sharply again .

Hearing Tao Longfang's comments, Naito Xingsheng originally planned to argue again, but at this time the two had already walked out of the gate of the courtyard, Tao Longfang saluted and left, and Naito Xingsheng had to give up temporarily.But for the Luo family, he always had vague worries.

Just when the retainers of the Ouchi family were worried about the situation of Ouchi Yoshitaka, the information about the latest movements of the Luo family was also sent to Ouchi Yoshikan of the Bungo House Museum.

After carefully reading the information, Otomo Yoshikan immediately issued an order for all the retainers to come to participate in the evaluation immediately.So in Otomo's house, an internal appraisal meeting for Luo's family was held soon.

At this time, Shinnosuke Akabane, who was located in the prison city of Xiaodai's home in Higo Tamana County, had just thrown the latest order about the Patriarch into the fire.

"My lord's strategy is really fast, but as long as you occupy Nanfeiqian, it will be much more beneficial to the development of your next strategy." Looking at the piece of paper that recorded Zhengliang's latest order, it gradually turned into ashes in the flames , Akabane Shinnosuke muttered to himself.

Satsuma, Shimizu City, Satsuma Peninsula, in the Shimadzu family's meeting hall.

"My lord, if the Luo family wins the entire Hizen, especially before and after taking Nanfei, I think the family should immediately make friends with the Luo family." Yijiin Zhonglang, who was kneeling below, said.

"Why is this?" Shimadzu Takahisa immediately asked.Toranojumaru (later Shimadzu Yoshihisa) beside Ijuin Tadaro also looked at Ijuin Tadaro curiously.

"Although the main family is gradually controlling the Satsuma Peninsula, there are still a large number of wealthy families in the northern part of Satsuma who do not obey the deployment of the main family. Once the Luo family occupies Nanfei, they can obtain it through Shimabara Bay and Yatsushiro Sea. Contact. In order to prevent the Luo family from extending their power to Satsuma, I think that making friends with the Luo family or even forming an alliance will be the best way at present." Ijiin Zhonglang said.

"Extend your power to Satsuma?" Before Takahisa Shimadzu could make a decision, the surrounding retainers began to discuss.Hizen and Satsuma are still separated by the Amakusa Islands in the sea?How do you look at it, it is impossible for the power of the Luo family to get involved in Satsuma?

"My lord, just at the beginning of the year, the Luo family fought against the Otomo family in Hizen and Chikugo, but within half a year, they picked up the butcher's knife and went to Nanfeiqian. Their strength should not be underestimated." Yijiyuan Zhong Lang said bluntly.What he meant was obvious, for such a powerful daimyo, before there was no conflict of interest, it was much better to be friends than enemies.

Ijuin Taduro's words once again triggered a heated discussion among Shimadzu's ministers.

And a few days later, in the residence of the shogun in Kyoto, Yoshiharu Ashikaga, the No. 13 general of the Muromachi shogunate, was hesitatingly looking at a letter in front of him.The letter was delivered to him by Konoe Shangtong, entrusted by Shenglong, the official of the Luo family who stayed in Kyoto.The letter mainly described the recent situation of Luo's family in Kyushu, and at the same time, it focused more on the information that tens of thousands of coins and thousands of shi of rice were being transported to Kyoto by sea.

After seeing such information, Ashikaga Yoshiharu immediately hesitated.Only yesterday, he finally decided that in the dispute between Otomo's family and Luo's family about Chikugo Andu, he decided to side with Otomo's family.But at this moment he really hesitated.

"Let's take a look."

Finally Ashikaga Yoshiharu decided.This guy doesn't know yet, just a few months later, he will have an affair with Harumoto Hosokawa, who actually controls Kyoto, because he is trying to restore the general's power, setting up an inner circle composed of his cronies as the political center, and trying to be in charge of the government. They confronted each other again, and finally fled to Omi Sakamoto and Kuchiki Valley.Last year, he had just returned to Kyoto with the support of Liujia Dinglai and Liujia Yixian and his son, but soon he was going to live a life of fleeing again.

Just when Ashikaga Yoshiharu made a difficult decision, an interesting incident related to the Luo family also happened in the Tokaido, which is a little farther away.

(Thanks to the book friend "''" for the two moon cakes voted; thanks to the book friend "Pili Zhan Bai Cai" for the moon cakes.) (To be continued..)

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