"My lord." The one who came to visit this time was none other than Takekichi Murakami, the commander of the Luo family's third standing water army.

"Woo Kit, are you here to report good news to me this time?" Zheng Liang asked while sitting on the head seat of the military tent.

"Report to the lord, this is the gift that the lord asked to bring." Takeshi Murakami took four wooden boxes one by one from the hands of the two cloaked people behind him, and opened them one by one.It is impressive that there are some heads inside.

"Ah?" Before Takeshi Murakami opened his mouth to continue reporting, Arima Harujun on the side suddenly yelled, and then passed out directly.

"Come on, bring me some water and wash your face for Lord Arima." The next good show cannot be without the audience of Harujun Arima, so Masaragi frowned and ordered the Arima Harujun who was in a coma woke up.

After being awakened by a bucket of clear water, Masaragi said to Arima Harujun who was being lifted up: "Master Arima, although you probably already know what happened, I hope you are still learning some details. It may be of great help to your next decision."

After the latter reconfirmed the head in the wooden box, his feet softened and he knelt directly on the ground.

"Okay, Wuji, you continue to talk."

"Yes, my lord. According to your order, we arrived at Shimabara Bay, received support, and finally raided Hara Castle with the help of Territory Bridge Eiichi, the left guard general of Hara Castle, and then raided the nearby Hinoe Castle... "

"Ah? Damn Eisuke Dohashi, you deserve to die!" Just as Takekichi Murakami continued to report the details, Arima Harujun suddenly broke free from the guards of the two samurai behind him and threw himself directly onto one of the boxes.Bite down on the head in the box.This head is exactly that of Eiichi Dohashi.

Who is Dohashi Rongyi?This person turned out to be an important minister of the Longzhaosi family.According to historical records.After the Tao family's rebellion in the 20th year of Tianwen (1550), the Ouchi family's circle of influence in Kitakyushu was in chaos.The war spread to Hizen. Seeing that Ryuzoji Takanobu lost the backing of the Ouchi family, the ambitious Dohashi Eiichi immediately supported Ryuzoji Kan and rebelled. Ryuzoji Takanobu hurriedly fled to Chikugo Yanagawa City Lord Kamaike Kanmori After taking refuge, after standing firm, the rebellion was put down two years later.

This guy can be said to have a rebellious bone in the back of his head.Although after the appearance of the Luo family, the Longzhaosi family was eventually destroyed by the Shaoer family.And Longxin of Longzuoji did not know where he went.But this guy escaped by luck on the day the Ryuzoji family was exterminated, and finally joined the Arima family.Of course, Arima Qingchun couldn't see other people's rebellion like Zhuge Liang, so she gradually reused this guy with pretty good abilities.

But Eiichi Dohashi's ambition cannot be satisfied in the Arima family, so after receiving a letter from Masaragi who personally printed the monogram to ensure that he can get Nanfei later as a safety barrier, Eiyi Dohashi resolutely abandoned Arima secretly. The counter-revolutionary camp of the Ma family joined the righteous camp of the Luo family.

But in the eyes of Zhengliang, who has always taken documents and other things seriously, giving Dohashi Eisuke a guarantee of safety is like giving a bad check, which can be ignored afterwards.Long before Luo's family sailors set off, Masamori secretly sent a letter to Masatora Tao and Takekichi Murakami.After Tuqiao Rongyi assisted in completing the mission, there was no need for this person to stay.That's why Dohashi Eiichi's head appeared in the end.

After signaling the two samurai to pull Arima Harujun up, Masaragi signaled Murakami Takekichi to continue reporting.

"After the capture of Hara Castle and Hinoe Castle, the ministers and others killed all the generals and guards in charge of guarding the castle, such as Jindai Takamo and Ureshino Naruto, and captured all the family members of the Arima family." After finishing speaking, Murakami Takekichi He glanced sympathetically at Arima Harujun who was completely decadent.The lair was captured, and among those killed, Shendai Guimao was still one of his sons, and he couldn't do without being decadent.

"Afterwards, with the help of the captives, the ministers and others fraudulently opened the nearby Anfu family's Shenjiang City and Ande City. Some female relatives have been laid down." Takekichi Murakami said with lingering fear.This raid was also the first time he picked up a knife to kill people.

"Currently, Fukae Castle, Ande Castle, Hara Castle, and Hinoe Castle on Shimabara Island are all occupied by the main family. Masatora Tao has led the third standing navy squadron to stay in Fukae Castle and Ande in accordance with the order of the lord. Castle, and began to clean up the water forces on Shimabara Bay; and this time, Akabane Shinnosuke, who led a hundred samurai from Kodai Castle in Higo Tamana County to support secretly, also stayed at Hara Castle and Hinoe Castle. The four The heads are the heads of Anfu Zhenzhi, Jindai Takamo, Ureshino Naruto, and Dohashi Eiyi."

"Okay, very good. Sure enough, you did not disappoint the owner of the country." Zheng Liang said happily.With the capture of the old nests of the Arima family and the Fufu family, most of the Shimabara Peninsula was also declared to be included in the sphere of influence of the Luo family.As for the power of the Arima family, only the two castles of Shuyama Castle and Jindai Castle and the small half of Shimabara Island's territory are left.

"How? Master Arima, have you made a choice now? If Your Excellency refuses to surrender again, then I don't mind pushing all the male relatives of the Arima family outside the Shoushan Castle after the capture of the Shoushan Castle. I killed it." Masara finally said to Arima Harujun, who was almost lying on the ground.

"Sir...Sir, please... willing to surrender." After a long silence, Arima Qingjun finally said with difficulty.After Jucheng was seized by the Luo family and the family was brought under control, Arima Haru's faith in Jun's heart was finally completely crushed.

Only now did Ma Qingchun truly realize how powerful the enemy he was facing was.Not only was there a powerful army to attract them on the frontal battlefield, but they even stationed mopping-up troops in the territory of the defeated Omura and Saigo clans, and in the end they gave the Arima clan a slash from behind. Occupy the residence of the Arima family.

In this battle, the Arima family made too many mistakes. They should not have raised such a small number of troops to deal with the invasion of the Luo family. If he was there, he would definitely recruit tens of thousands of soldiers (old, weak and disabled soldiers will not be spared) , and will not let the navy go ashore, losing surveillance of the Ariake Sea and Shimabara Bay.The most inappropriate thing is that he should not be the enemy's prisoner at this time.From the moment he was kidnapped, everything fell into the calculations of the Luo family.

Facing such an enemy, Arima Harujun had no choice but to cry.With the current situation, if you continue to resist stubbornly, there is only the possibility of extermination.Harumi Arima, who had already realized how to survive in the Warring States Period, finally chose to surrender to the Luo family.

"Anituofo, since Arima-sama is willing to surrender, the poor monk is also willing to accompany Arima-sama on this trip." Just after Arima Qingjun expressed his willingness to surrender, and followed Masaragi's previous request, he went to Shushan Castle to persuade him to surrender. Chuan Shaoxi immediately expressed his willingness to go with him.

"Master, you have to think about it. Once Lord Arima decides to defend the castle, or even use you as a threat, the family will not hesitate to launch a massacre against the guarding mountain castle." Masaragi said solemnly.

"If this trip can save thousands of lives, this poor monk's life is enough." Kuaichuan Shaoxi said calmly.

"In that case, I will wait outside the city for good news from the two of you," Zheng Liang said.This monk is very brainy when he recognizes the reasoning. Zheng Liang, who has long seen this, had no choice but to nod in agreement.

In the afternoon of that day, Zheng Liang personally led the main force to join up with the first-hand army outside Shoushan City.However, Masara did not launch the siege immediately, but watched Arima Harujun and Kaikawa Shaoxi enter the guarded mountain castle.

An hour later, the gates of the Shoushan Castle were opened wide, and father and son Arima Qingjun and Arima Yoshisada led the people out of the city to surrender to Zhengliang.So far, after almost a month, the Nanhizen Conquest finally came to an end with the surrender of the Arima family.Nan Feiqian was finally included in the territory of the Luo family.

Due to the voluntary surrender, Masarai hired Arima Qingjun as the head of the Luo family's internal affairs, assisting Togo Heiji in charge of the farming affairs of the territory.His son, Arima Yizhen, was temporarily placed at Roche Academy to receive new knowledge.In history, Ma Yizhen was a person who accepted foreign teachings, so he would naturally not resist some new knowledge advocated by the Luo family.

After making some arrangements for Nan Feiqian's affairs, Zheng Liang led his army back to Anyue City. (To be continued..)

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