"It's not right!" Zheng Liang said, looking down at the information in his hand.

The Luo family has only occupied Nanfei for the first two or three months, and has not made any move to invade the other side of Shimabara Bay. There were successive conflicts with the maritime patrols of the Luo family's third standing navy division, and recently the navy captured a group of Higo detectives who were trying to sneak into Nanhizen off the coast of the Shimabara Peninsula.

"This is likely to be a conspiracy of the Otomo family. Although it was defeated by the main family at the beginning of this year, it does not prevent the Otomo family from instructing some Higo clans along the coast of Shimabara Bay to oppose the main family." Kakukuma Ishimune said on the side.

"Hmph, since that's the case, then we don't need to be polite." Zhengliang said angrily, "Notify Akabane Nobunosuke and let him send the person to me secretly."

Kakukuma Ishimune immediately followed the order after hearing the words.

Two days later, Kakukuma Ishimune came to see Masara with a person.

"My lord, this is Oyano Tanego-sama, the governor of the Oyano family who controls the islands at the entrance of Shimabara Bay from the Yatsushiro Sea." Tsukuma Ishimune introduced.

Oyano Tanago wears simple clothes, revealing his dark and strong limbs, and the wind and rain left him with a strong appearance.It is completely impossible to tell from his appearance that he is a governor of a wealthy family.

But this is also normal. Many wealthy families in the Amakusa Islands are just like the Oyano family in front of them. In fact, they are small village forces on the island composed of a group of fishermen.Rather than calling them the nobles, it would be more appropriate to call them the village chiefs.

"Greetings to Hizen Morito Gozaemon Second Lieutenant Masara-sama." I just learned from Kakukuma Ishimune's words that the young man in front of him is the Hizen Eagle who dominates both Hizen and Chikugo back.Oyano Tanego immediately knelt down on the ground and saluted.

"The Oyano family? It seems that the Nawa family invaded the family's border on Shimabara Bay just now?" Masaragi seemed to know who came here.Immediately said with a frown.

"Second Lieutenant Zaemon. Please forgive me for my rudeness. My family sent troops out of helplessness!" Seeing that Masara seemed to blame the Oyano family, Oyano Tanago begged for mercy immediately.

"Oh? Tell me what's going on."

"Second Lieutenant Zaemon, half a month ago, the envoys of the Nawa family found the family and threatened the family to send troops to harass Nanhiqian. If the family refused, the Nawa family and the Sagara family would attack the family together. That's why the family was forced to send people to follow Nawa Our navy invaded the border of Second Lieutenant Zaemon!" Oyano Tanago cried.The nearly 40-year-old man was forced to this position, which shows how cruel and ruthless the struggle between the rich is.

"The Nawa family and the Sagara family?" Masara immediately had a headache because of the complicated relationship between the Higo family.

In fact, the reason why Oyano Tanego appeared in front of Zheng Liang was mainly due to Kikuchi Yoshitake's persuasion.Oyano has always belonged to the camp that supports Yoshitake Kikuchi.This time, for the small Oyano family, the Nawa family and the Sagara family, and even the Otomo family behind the Nawa family, are huge monsters to the Oyano family, and the Luo family on the other side is also a huge monster.No matter which camp it stands in.All may become cannon fodder.

So, recently for this matter.Oyano Tanekyo and his son Oyano Tanemitsu can be said to be grey-headed.At this moment, Kikuchi Yoshitake appeared.After learning of the plight of the Oyano family, he immediately urged the father and son of Oyano Tanaka to join the Luo family.

Of course, Kikuchi Yoshitake is not thinking of the Luo family, he is thinking of himself.Compared with the Oyano family, the Luo family will give him more support. Let the Oyano family rely on the Ro family. On the one hand, the Luo family will support him more fully, and it will also give him a stronger support in Higo rear.Anyway, it's just a small archipelago, even if the Luo family occupies it, it will not affect his rule over Feihou in the future.So, after several times of talking, and after the border friction incident, he got the help of Zheng Liang's signed monogram of commitment, and he finally persuaded Oyano Tanego and his son to surrender to the Luo family.

"Okay, as long as you two father and son behave well this time, the previous promise of the family will definitely be fulfilled." Seeing Oyano Tanego's frightened look after crying, Zheng Liang had no choice but to comfort him.

According to the original promise, the government will entrust a piece of territory on the coast of Nanhizen Ariake Sea that is enough for the big Yano family and all the people on the island to survive.And their father and son will also be assigned to serve in the second and third standing navy respectively.

"Thank you, my lord, for your gift. From now on, the Oyano family is willing to serve the lord with their lives!" After Zheng Liang said what he said just now, it means that Zheng Liang officially accepted the oyano family's allegiance.

Although this time is tantamount to leaving home, but with the strength of the Oyano family, it occupies such an important position, and sooner or later it will be swallowed up by the surrounding tyrants.Rather than that, why not give up there and go to a more fertile place.Therefore, for this decision, neither Oyano Tanego nor his father regretted it.

After the Luo family accepted the surrender of the Oyano family and settled in Oyano Castle where the Oyano family was located, the relationship between the southern Amakusa Islands and the central and southern Higo families became a bit delicate.

The Nawa family currently belongs to the Otomo family camp, but the Sagara family that has been allied with it is not from the Otomo family camp. On the contrary, it is allied with the Shimadzu family in Satsuma.

To the east and northeast of the Nawa family are the Omiya Shi family and the Kai family belonging to the Omiya Shi family. These two also belong to the Otomo family camp, but the Omiya Shi family has always annexed the Nawa family. If it weren't for the support of the Sagara family, the Nawa family would have been annexed by the Omiya Shi family.

What's more complicated is that the Nawa family is secretly one of the rich families who support Yoshitake Kikuchi.It is also understandable that the Nawa family made open surrender to the Otomo family and secretly supported Kikuchi Yoshitake.After all, there are many ways out, many ways out.Besides, they belong to the same camp of the Otomo family, but the Otomo family did not express anything about the invasion of the Nawa family's territory by the Omiya Shi family. It is no wonder that the Nawa family has no grievances.

Speaking of Kikuchi Yoshitake, since he received the support of the Luo family, his activities in Higo have become more active.Successively and secretly received the support of Nawa, Kodai, Otsuyama, Kazuhito, Honda, Yoshida, Tanaka, and Koma, and other wealthy families in Higo Kikuchi.

Of course, what he doesn't know is that the Xiaodai family has actually secretly joined the Luo family, and the support for Kikuchi Yoshitake this time was also secretly ordered by the Luo family.

However, in any case, with Kikuchi Yoshitake's current strength, it is enough to make a storm in Higo.This is exactly what Zhengliang wants to see.

Now that Dayou's family has made a move, the Luo's family must fight back.

(Everyone, there is a plot map following the development of the plot of this book in "Works Related", and the plot map of previous chapters is in the book friend group space, and the number of the book friend group is in the map chapter of "Works Related", welcome Everyone read this book against the map.) (To be continued..)

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