Warring States Eagle

Chapter 481 Celebrities Come to Vote

"Brother, you said that the Yuanfu means to share the father's worries and serve the family." Tianwen 13 years, April, on the seawall outside the Bungo Mansion, only 12 years old but has just been urgently taken by the Yuanfu, And Hachiro, who was renamed Ouchi Yoshinaga by Otomo Haruki, said to his brother, Otomo Yoshinaga (also known as Ouchi Sorin) who was standing aside.

"Well. Yes, after Yuanfu, he will become an upright man in the family, share the worries of his father, serve the family, strive to make an early debut, make meritorious deeds, and convince the retainers." Dayou Yizhen replied.

At this time, Dayou Yizhen looked like an elder brother who was caring for his younger brother, looking very kind.But who would have thought that a few years later, when Ouchi Yoshinaga inherited the Ouchi family, this kind brother took advantage of Tao Longfang's opportunity to kill Ouchi Yoshitaka and support Ouchi Yoshinaga as a puppet, and directly sent troops Captured Chikuzen.But when Tao Longfang was killed in a surprise attack by Mao Liyuan, and when the soldiers pointed directly at Ouchi Yoshinaga who was isolated and aided, Ouchi Yoshinaga ignored Ouchi Yoshinaga's plea for help, and chose to stand by and watch helplessly. Watching Ouchi Yoshinaga "suicide" and die because his retainers continued to surrender to the "Maori" family.

"Well, what's the matter with you today?" Ouchi Yoshinaga finally noticed the confusion, Ouchi Yoshinaga asked quickly.

"Then Father should send me to the other side of the sea now?" Ouchi Yoshinaga said with his head bowed.For a young man who had just lost his mother and was now facing parting from his father, brother and many other relatives, such an arrangement was indeed a bit cruel. [

Unfortunately, for Dayou Yizhen at this time, these things have gradually become redundant.Gradually, it became more rude to him.Reckless.Indulgence of heart.Under the appearance of not listening to persuasion, in fact, there is an unknown real side hidden.He also has his ambitions.

Regarding Ouchi Yoshinaga's "confusion", Otomo Yoshinaga just said lightly: "That is my mother's former home, and it is also your home. You will definitely become an excellent successor with your uncle. What's more, our family is facing the threat of Hizen's eagle, and you are now a person who is related to whether our family can deal with the Luo family with all our strength."

If Otomo Yoshimitsu was here, he would definitely be surprised by Otomo Yoshijin's words at this time.These words have gone beyond the scope of what Dayou Yizhen should say at the age of 14.His words.Insight into the key to Ouchi Yoshinaga becoming Ouchi's son this time.

After Ouchi Yoshinaga said these words, Ouchi Yoshinaga still seemed a little "confused", so he asked: "But, why does Uncle Kikuchi keep fighting against Father? Shouldn't he support the main family?" ?”

To this question, Dayou Yizhen was speechless.He would probably have thought that Hachiro followed the same path as his uncle, and went to another family as an heir.But why do they repeat the same story?Is Uncle Kikuchi right?But why did he betray his relatives and family?

In this way, the two brothers, with different perplexities, were finally about to separate.Astronomy April 13.Ouchi Yoshinaga watched his younger brother Ouchi Yoshinaga board the boat to Ouchi's home Shubo.Maybe Dayou Yizhen has already decided in his heart at this time.It will be a long time before I see Ouchi Yoshinaga again.However, this reunion time is actually very short, as short as one year.Only one year later, when the two brothers got together again, Dayou Yizhen's situation had gradually fallen into a predicament.

Ouchi Yoshitaka decided to accept Ouchi Qingying as his son, and Zheng Liang had already known about it a few months ago through the guest general Duanmu Qingzheng who lived in Ouchi's house.He also knew that Naito Xingsheng and others had put a lot of effort into this matter.

"It seems that the overall course of history hasn't changed much because of my appearance." Zheng Liang couldn't help thinking.The reason why Zheng Liang expressed such sentiments was that not long ago, he had received a bulletin from An Yi, even though Zheng Liang had made changes to the configuration of their retainers, Mao Liyuan and his father and son returned safely. An Yi.

Regardless of whether the Ouchi family accepted Ouchi Yoshinaga as his son, or Moto "Mori" escaped from Izumo, these historical events have not changed in any way, and history continues to move forward according to the original track.

"'Mao Liyuan' is really tough on this guy!" Zheng Liang couldn't help sighing after receiving the news.

Of course, during this period of time, in addition to the news that the Ouchi family will accept Otomo Qingying as a son and that the two fathers and sons are not dead, these two are not very good news for the Luo family. Something to be happy about.

First, there is the matter of genealogy.Although the shogun Ashikaga Yoshiharu was kicked out of Kyoto, the emperor representing the imperial court is still in Kyoto. The imperial court is naturally very happy about the one thousand kan tax of the "imperial land" provided by the Luo family every year. With the five thousand copper coins sent to the capital, the friendship of the Luo family in the eyes of the court officials immediately rose to five stars.So, after Yi Shenglong sent a few more hard-earned money to the Luo family, the court confirmed the family tree of the Luo family very "enthusiastically".Since then, Masaragi has come from the same origin as the Ashikaga family.

While confirming the family tree, the imperial court also gave Masara the official position of "Hizen Mamoru" again, while Masara's original position of "Second Lieutenant Zaemon" was given to Masara's son Tang Wangmaru who was less than two years old.

Seeing this official position, Zheng Liang suddenly became dumbfounded.The official position "Dazai Shao Er" given to Zhengliang by the imperial court before has been regarded as a local official position, but in terms of the previous rank of the imperial court, it belongs to the official position of the top five.And the official position of "Hizen Shou" is from the fifth rank.The difference between the two official positions is a rank under the fifth rank.

The official position that Zheng Liang obtained at the beginning, "Second Lieutenant Zaemon", was the official position under the seventh rank.There is a difference of eight and six ranks from "Dazai Shao Er" and "Hizen Mamoru" respectively.In other words, Zheng Lai first rose from the position of "Second Lieutenant Zaemon" to "Dazai Shao Er" like a rocket, and then at the same time obtained the slightly lower rank of "Hizen Mamoru".

What's even more impressive is that "Dazai Shao Er", "Hizen Mamoru" and "Second Lieutenant Zaemon" are all official positions belonging to the imperial court.The "Guardian of Hizen" and "Guardian of Chikugo" are the duties set by the shogun.

In the past, the official positions of the imperial court and the shogunate were set up separately, mainly to strengthen the control of the local area, but after the control of the imperial court and the shogunate existed in name only, these official positions became a favorable price for the imperial court and the shogunate to collect donations from various places.

In addition to the good news from Kyoto, the reputation of the Luo family has gradually become known to people in other regions due to the fact that the Luo family sent supplies to Kyoto and Masara obtained the official position of Dazai Shaoer. And the ronin came to join Luo's family.

The first ones who came to join Luo's family were Konaose Michizo and Kuniyoshihei.These two people were exactly the two that Zhengliang met when he went to Kyoto. [

Qu Naose Michisan, formerly known as Horibe Masamori, was one of the three most famous physicians in the Warring States period.According to historical records, he became a monk in Xiangguo Temple in Kyoto in his early years.Later, he went to Kanto to learn from the famous teacher Miki Tashiro (one of the three major physicians in the Warring States Period). After returning to Kyoto, he returned to the secular life and devoted himself to the research of Chinese medicine and the diagnosis and treatment of patients.He later treated the shogun Ashikaga Yoshiki and enjoyed a great reputation in Kyoto.Hosokawa Harumoto, Miyoshi Changqing, Matsunaga Hideo and others have also received his treatment.He established a hospital in Kyoto under the name of Kaidiyuan. In 1574, he completed his book

During this period of time, with the increasing reputation of the Luo family, coupled with the strong persuasion of his friend Township businessman Nobuyasu Amada and the Luo family's father Xunyi Shenglong, he finally took all his family and came to join the Luo family.

Zhengliang was very happy about Qu Naose Michizo's arrival.He immediately arranged for him to go to Zhongxiao Temple at the foot of Nogayama in Hizen Matsuura County.Zhongxiao Temple is a temple built by the Luo family when it first emerged. As the clan temple of the Luo family, it will be expanded almost every year. At this time, this temple has become the largest in the territory of the Luo family and has the most monks. temple.

After the monks here have studied for a period of time, they will be sent to temples and even shrines in various places in the territory to be abbots or priests in succession according to the regulations of the temples and shrines in the territory.In order to better control the religious culture in the territory, the Luo family has begun to gradually cultivate temples and shrines that are close to the Luo family.Zhengliang even thought about establishing a special institution to manage temples and shrines, but the only suitable managers for this institution, Kai Chuan Shaoxi and Master Xuanzhi, rejected Zhengliang's kindness.They prefer the restrained Buddhist life.So Zhengliang had no choice but to give up for the time being.

This temple of the Luo family clan, in addition to cultivating the Buddhist influence of the Luo family relatives, is also the medical research site and doctor training base of the Luo family.Zheng Liang has stored all the "medicine" books obtained from the local area and the Ming Dynasty here.And the current abbot of this temple is Master Xuanzhi, the master of Mingfeng Xiuzheng, the physician of the Luo family.

Master Xuanzhi is here, except for occasionally teaching some monks and citizens who are willing to learn medicine, he is devoted to medicine and rarely asks about other things, so here is a place A paradise for research medicine.It is very appropriate to arrange Michizo Konaose here.

Of course, Zheng Liang also fulfilled his original promise, not only providing the best research environment and good salary for Qu Naose Dosan, but also giving the box of expired "cold medicine" to Qu Naose Dosan Research.As for what he can research, Zheng Liang doesn't care.Anyway, even if he took those expired medicines, he would have diarrhea at most. (to be continued...)

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