Warring States Eagle

Chapter 504 Yunnan Baiyao

Suffering from the front and back attacks of the Luo family on the sea and on land, the Wudao naval forces under Jiangchuan City were quickly defeated. Finally, after leaving behind a large number of captives and their families, some soldiers retreated to Jiangchuan City, ready to defend Jiangchuan to the death. city.

After Zheng Liang ordered the captured ships to gather up and clean the battlefield, he set up his main camp on a hill outside Jiangchuan City.Afterwards, good news came from the other two armies.Although the first army led by Takashi Murakami and others had experienced a fierce battle, they had successfully seized the bay outside the city of Wudao Navy and seized a large number of ships.At this time, they had completely surrounded the city and mountain city of the Wudao navy, and then waited for Zhengliang's next instruction.

As for the second standing navy led by Su Natong, almost all the ships in the waters of Wudao, whether they were ships of the Wudao navy or merchant ships docked in Wudao, were gathered up. A few ships of the Five Islands Navy who are still resisting.

For the two armies that have basically achieved the purpose of this attack, Zheng Liang only gave an instruction to play by ear, and then began to focus on the current Jiangchuan City.

The Jiangchuan City in front of him is the main target of this attack. As long as Yu Jiushengding in the city is captured, all resistance will be easily resolved.

So, after setting up his camp in the afternoon, Zheng Liang began to order people to take turns to harass Jiangchuan City.

After one night, on the morning of the second day, Zhengliang welcomed a logistics force of 500 people led by military adviser Ishimune Kakukuma. In addition to these new logistics troops, at this time, more than 2000 Luo family troops had gathered outside Jiangchuan City. .

Followed by Ishimune Kakukuma, Liu Ye and others were also the weapon minister.This time he brought a siege tool such as a ladder.It also brought a boarding vehicle built according to the characteristics of the local walled city.

Due to the need for water transportation.For the convenience of transportation.Some equipment was disassembled, so after landing, Liu Ye immediately organized people to reassemble these climbing vehicles.

When the boarding car was assembled, and Ujiu Shengding of Jiangchuan City clearly rejected the Luo family's persuasion to surrender, in the Luo's army tent under the city, Zhengliang said indifferently: "Siege the city tomorrow. Yuancheng Temple Shinyin and Luo's Masamune listen to the order. "

"The minister is here."

"After going down today, the two of you will immediately divide the Sixth Standing Division and the logistics force into two parts, and then you will lead them. Take advantage of the rest of today's time to familiarize yourself with the siege equipment. Tomorrow, the two of you will lead the troops, I believe Yin will attack the east, and Zhengzong will attack the west, whoever conquers the city first will be the one who makes the most of the city." Zhengliang ordered.

The two knelt down to take orders. Although they belonged to the same team, when Zheng Liang was present, everyone wanted to win the big merit first so that they could perform well in front of Zheng Liang.Both of them are young and energetic people, and they took the lead in attacking the city the next day.

Enjoji Shinyin and Luo Shi Masamune each led their own teams to lead the battle.With an order, the Ashgaru people pushed a cart of soil forward.Walking to the edge of the ditch, several ashigaru yelled and poured the soil into the ditch vigorously.Then go back and add soil and do it again.During the period, all the five island navy troops in Jiangchuan City shot with bows and arrows, and they were all caught by the wooden boards mounted on the earthen trucks.This is the first time that Luo's army has used new tactics to attack the city, and everything is carried out step by step according to the training, which is really quite effective.

It took two hours for the ditch to be filled.Xinyin of Yuancheng Temple and Masamune of the Luo family issued an order at the same time. The Luo family's army rolled out four climbing vehicles more than three meters high and two meters wide, and slowly approached the city wall. At the same time, dozens of ladders were also carried towards the city. Lean against the city wall.Yuancheng Temple Xinyin and Luo Shi Masamune followed behind the carts of their respective teams, and the whole army pressed forward.

"The Luo family is well prepared, it must have been premeditated. If I had fire oil, the Luo family's army would not be so rampant." Yu Jiusheng decided to see the boarding car and the ladder, and knew that the first city wall would not be able to defend. .

When the four boarding vehicles passed the trench, the filled soil was too soft, and one belonging to Masamune Roshi sank into the mud.

"Hurry up and lift the car," Roshi Masamune immediately ordered loudly.

Ordered a dozen ashigaru to surround the cart, clasping the gap between the planks with both hands, and exerting force upwards.

"One, two, three, hey..." "One, two, three, hey..." The ashigaru group waved their arms and shouted loudly to direct their subordinates to use their strength.Suddenly, a rain of arrows shot at the foot light around the cart, a few unlucky ones were hit by arrows, and everyone quickly hid behind the cart.

"What are you afraid of, those bows and arrows can't kill people." Luo Shi Zhengzong shouted loudly, and his bow and arrow team immediately fought back.He himself lifted the cart himself.

"One, two, three, push hard." The cart got up a little bit, and someone hurriedly put some miscellaneous items under the wheels.

"One, two, three, get up" A few bows and arrows shot Masamune Luo Shi, the arrow got stuck in the muscle, he didn't care and continued to use force.

"One, two, three, get up" the cart finally leaned against the city wall.

Masamune Luo yelled, and drew out his long knife: "Follow me and explode Yu Jiushengding's chrysanthemum." He took the lead in stepping on the boarding car and jumped onto the city wall.

Zheng Liang observed the performance of the Luo family's attacking army in the front line, and said: "The car for filling the soil can be made bigger. The car for climbing the city can be made lighter, and the fenders don't need to be so thick."

Liu Ye behind him hurriedly wrote it down.Zheng Liang thought for a while, and then said: "Liu Ye, after you go back, gather some carpenters and wheelwrights to form a team, and continue to specialize in the research and manufacture of siege weapons."

"I will do it as soon as I get back." Liu Ye immediately accepted the order.

As Zhengzong of the Luo family ascended the city first, the first city wall of Jiangchuan City fell, and Xinyin of Yuancheng Temple also broke through, and soon the city gate opened.

"Let the siege troops temporarily stop attacking." After capturing the first pill of Jiangchuan City, Zheng Liang immediately ordered.

Jiangchuan City is divided into two pills, the wall of the second pill is much higher than the wall of the first pill, and the four climbing cars have lost their function.Besides, in the first battle just now, many soldiers were injured, and it was time for them to deal with the wounds.

After setting up defenses to guard the First Maru of Jiangchuan City, the army finally withdrew from the city for repairs.Taking advantage of this time, the military doctor Mingfeng Xiuzheng also led several subordinates to treat the wounds of the wounded.

After a period of development, the logistics medical treatment team led by Mingfeng Xiuzheng has not only been expanded, but even some daily norms have been gradually established under Zhengliang's suggestion. For example, when bandaging the wounded, those cloth strips must be used first. Boiled water and so on.

"Xiuzheng, after you go back, find the three masters Qu Naose Dao and Master Xuanru, and see if they can create a medicine that can be quickly made and effective in wartime." Seeing that Mingfeng Xiuzheng still needs to be present Zheng Liang couldn't help saying that he was preparing herbal medicine step by step.Although the current treatment method and the effect of herbal medicine are much better than those when Matsumiko used local materials and healed Zhengliang at the foot of the wild mountain, Zhengliang was still not satisfied.

"Drugs that can be made quickly and take effect quickly?" Ming Feng Xiuzheng asked with a frown.

"You take this. This is a prescription I researched. You can get the herbal medicine directly from Dongxiang Heiji. Even if the family doesn't have it, he will find a way to buy it back. Your task is to prepare me according to this prescription. Herbal medicine that works quickly in wartime." Zheng Liang wrote a prescription to Mingfeng Xiuzheng directly on the spot.

This prescription is a prescription that Zheng Liang thought of on the spur of the moment.

Before that, Zheng Liang had been thinking about whether to get some Chinese patent medicines for use on the battlefield to save lives and heal the wounded.These medicines are like the first-aid kits of the army of later generations. They contain bandages, hemostatic drugs, painkillers, and possibly even anesthetics such as morphine.Of course, morphine was way ahead of its time.However, if other medicines can be carried, the injured soldiers can get the most timely treatment at the first time, thus saving precious lives.

The wounded are the precious wealth of the army. As long as the chance of the wounded returning to the army increases by 10%, the army will benefit endlessly.It's not that their own combat effectiveness is so superb that they can have a decisive impact on the battle situation, but their experience and lessons.The most precious thing is the actual combat experience and lessons.If these experiences and lessons can be passed on to other fighters, it can improve the overall combat effectiveness of the troops.

So this time, with an idea, Zheng Liang suddenly remembered the prescription of Yunnan Baiyao.In later generations, because the formula of Yunnan Baiyao was made public in the United States, it was kept secret only in this country, and there was an uproar on the Internet for a while. Zheng Liang went to see it at that time, and he still remembered the formula of Yunnan Baiyao.Tian Qi, Borneol, Herb for Dispelling Stasis, White Bull Gallbladder, Panshanlong, Huai Yam, Bitter Ginger, Geranium, and Alcohol are all raw materials that can be obtained locally. Jianxia and others helped to buy it in the Ming Dynasty.

It's just that what is lacking now is the talents who specialize in this research.

Currently, the person with the most proficient knowledge of medicine in the territory is Qu Naose Dosan, who has recently joined the Luo family. However, he is also studying the medicine of the Ming Dynasty, and his knowledge of the so-called semi-prepared medicines is probably half a barrel, and he only knows some knowledge of Ming Dynasty herbal medicine. , for how to synthesize Chinese herbal medicine, it is not necessarily fully understood.And Zhengliang had never been exposed to this aspect in his previous life, so he could only provide some simple common-sense opinions, and there was no more in-depth advice.

By the way, when was Li Shizhen from?I don't know if I'm still alive or not?If he is no longer alive, do you know if he has disciples or something?As long as I give generous treatment, should someone be willing to contribute to me?Zheng Liang even thought of inviting Li Shizhen from the Ming Dynasty to his territory...

While thinking wildly, the samurai came to report that the emissary of Jiangchuan City had arrived. (to be continued..)

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