Warring States Eagle

Chapter 510 The Wave of the Times

After letting Kakukuma Ishimune and Yamamoto Kansuke go down to prepare to send troops to Hizen, Masara picked up the second letter again.

This letter was jointly signed by Kamiya Shoce and Amada Nobuyasu to Zhengliang, and it mainly reflected the imperial court's money-making order.Just a few months before the shogun Ashikaga Yoshiharu was forced to flee Kyoto, the shogunate suddenly issued a money-making order, which meant that the use of bad money was strictly prohibited.

There are a lot of local copper mines in the country of Wa, so many rich people will forge copper coins by themselves. These copper coins are not only used for the use of the rich man's territory itself, but also spread to places outside the territory with the arrival of merchants.Over time, these evil money became the local currency of the Wa Kingdom together with the Yongle copper coins from the Ming Dynasty.

However, due to technical constraints, the quality of these bad coins is uneven. Generally speaking, the quality of these coins is much worse than that of copper coins from the Ming Dynasty.In addition, the Wa country has always exported a large amount of copper ore to the Ming country, and then exchanged it for a large amount of copper coins, and there was even a situation of oversupply.The existence of a large amount of bad money has exacerbated this oversupply situation.

The fuse that led to the final decision of the shogunate and the imperial court to ban the use of bad money was the return of the Kanhe trading fleet of the Ouchi family and the Ming Dynasty two years ago.This time when they returned, the fleet of the Ouchi family brought back tens of thousands of copper coins. Such a large amount of copper coins from the Ming Dynasty were thrown into the people of the country again, and the impact caused was immeasurable.Although this era is far from the commercial era like later generations, it will still affect the people to varying degrees.

The Ouchi family and even the entire Kansai suffered losses due to the oversupply of money, so they banned the use of bad money in addition to their own territories.The shogunate was also required to issue an order to write money.The use of bad money is prohibited.After receiving a lot of benefits.The shogunate was naturally happy to push the boat along, and naturally agreed to this matter.

Although the influence of the shogunate is not as great as before, it still affects the transactions between merchants to a certain extent, especially those near Kyoto.However, the Luo family is a daimyo who vigorously promotes its own bad money. This matter is naturally contrary to the order of the shogunate. More importantly, the foreign trade of the Luo family has also been affected to a certain extent.Therefore, Nobuyasu Amada and Shaoce Kamiya specifically solicited Zheng Liang's opinion on this matter.

After reading the letter, Zheng Liang immediately wrote a reply.first.The family's territory still requires that only the coins forged by the family can be used. As for other bad money and coins from the Ming Dynasty, they are replaced in a certain proportion according to the quality.

Secondly, as for the coins outside the territory, since the shogunate requested not to use bad money, it is better not to use it anymore. Anyway, the Luo family has obtained a complete set of Ming country coin casting technology from the Ming country, and now they simply imitate the Ming country. The coins are ready, and then the sheep's head is sold as dog meat.Put these pseudo-Ming coins into business again.Anyway, with the current identification technology, there is no way to identify the difference between these Ming coins.

at last.It is to take the opportunity to buy the bad money at a low price, and then take it back to the territory and recast it as Ming coins, and then invest it in business again to earn the difference.

Such a simple method easily eliminated the adverse effects caused by the money writing order issued by the shogunate.

After replying to the letters of Kamiya Shaoce and Amada Nobuyasu, Zheng Liang picked up the last letter on the case desk.

This letter was brought back by the wooden Shigeta from as far away as Kanto.At this time, Kizuo Shigetada had already recruited a group of talents according to the list provided by Masara, including Kasuga Tora, who was later renamed Kosaka Masanobu by Takeda Shingen.In addition to reporting the situation of talent recruitment, Kizuo Shigetada also summarized some daimyo information collected from various places to Masara.

During this period of time, many things have happened in various places.

The first is the Mutsu area.The Date family, one of the Mutsu overlords, was caught in civil strife at this time.The cause of the incident was that the governor of the family, Date Tsukune, wanted to use his third son, Mimoto, as the adopted son of Echigo to protect Uesugi, but he was opposed by the retainers Sangzor Keicaga and Nakano Munetoki.These two then instigated Zhizong's son, Qingzong, to arrest Zhizong when he returned from hunting, and imprisoned him in Sangzhe Xishan City.Afterwards, Date Tsukune's vassal Xiao Liang Chuan Zongchao sneaked into Sangzhe Nishiyama Castle to rescue Tsukune. His son Qingzong launched a confrontation with Zhizong with the grand support of his retainers and foster father Iwagi.The Date's Astronomical Rebellion (also known as the Cave Rebellion), which lasted for more than six years, finally broke out.

Back to the Kanto Yashu area.As the Hojo family continued to infiltrate the Kanto region, Uesugi Kensei, the still powerful Kanto governor at this time, finally decided to crusade Hojo Ujiyasu, and went to Kashimasha to pray for victory.On the other hand, Furukawa Lord Fang Ashikaga Haru, who later became a bitter brother to Uesugi Kensei, swore an alliance with Hojo Ujiyasu, agreeing that there will be no disagreement between the two parties, and the oath was drawn up by Hojo retainer Ryoda Takasuke.

The Shinano area is still at war at this time.After being defeated by Takeda Shingen, the fool Suwa Yoshige went to Kofu to negotiate peace with Shingen, was put under house arrest by Shingen, and finally committed suicide in grief and anger.After completely controlling Suwa County, Takeda Shingen finally bared his fangs and began to invade the Shinano area. defeated.Takeda Shingen, who retreated from defeat, returned to the territory to reorganize his armaments and prepare for a comeback. On the one hand, he also began to pay attention to the internal affairs of the territory.It is worth mentioning that it was during this period that Takeda Shingen began to build an embankment in the Kamamoto River Basin, known as the Shingen Embankment in history.

Owari area.Owari Tiger Oda Nobuhide continued his momentum of expansion. First, he joined forces with Echizen Asakura Takakage to invade Mino in the name of supporting the former guardian of Mino, Toki Yorii.Xiao Jing sent Asakura Kyokei (Sodi) to go south from Echizen, and joined Nobuhide in Inabayama Castle. It is said that there were about 5000 troops in total, but he was finally defeated by Saito Dozo, who was out of the city to fight, and fled back in embarrassment. open.Of course, Oda Nobuhide has not been fruitless during this period of time, at least under his scheme, Mikawa Kariya City Lord Mizuno Nobumoto betrayed Imakawa Yoshimoto and attached Oda Nobuhide.With the surrender of Kariya Castle Lord, Tokugawa Ieyasu's mother was forced to divorce Matsudaira Hirotada under the pressure of the Imagawa family and remarried to a wealthy family in Owari. Since then, Tokugawa Ieyasu and Oda Nobunaga are about to enter the stage of history.

Kyoto area.After Kisawa Nagamasa, who was rebellious, was defeated, Hosokawa Harumoto confronted Hosokawa Utsuna again.Soon after, Hosokawa Harumoto entered Akutagawa Castle and confronted Hosokawa Utsuna who was guarding Shinoji Temple.Afterwards, Gengoro Ueno, general of the Hosokawa Utsunabe, defeated the army formed by Kagome of Harumoto Hosokawa in Sakaimachi.The two sides continued to be caught in a melee.

In the West Country, the Ouchi family and the Nizi family started a battle around several silver mines in Iwami in the Iwami area, while the Maori family next to them secretly suppressed the wealthy families inside them. According to the development of history, this After a period of time, Morimoto will gradually bring the Yoshikawa family and the Kobayakawa family into his sphere of influence, but because of Zhengliang's secret move, his strategy failed, but this is only temporarily restraining the development of the Mori family. With just the means, sooner or later he will make another move.

On the Shikoku side, Kono Tongzhi in the Yiyu area forcibly ordered all the residents of Koyasan to move to Shangzangyuan, but did not make the necessary precautions. As a result, riots in this area were triggered, and fires were being put out everywhere at this time.In the Tosa country not far away, the Ichijo family, which is still in the leading position in Tosa, is not willing to be lonely. The Ichibangji sent troops to fight with Tsunoji, who was higher than Takaoka County Onomi. Since then, the two armies have continued to fight.But neither of the two families realized that the real enemy, Chang Zonggabu's family, was also secretly annexing the wealthy families around it at this time.

In the Kyushu area, some powerful intelligence also attracted Zheng Liang's attention.The first is the information about the Shimadzu family. Now it can be confirmed that Shimadzu is trying to imitate the iron cannon. Recently, the Shimadzu family even hired the famous craftsman Yasaka Kinbei Kiyosada to imitate the iron cannon.In addition, Ouchi Yoshitaka's recent actions also aroused Zheng Liang's vigilance.

Recently, Ouchi Yoshitaka issued several government orders in a row. First, he ordered the prohibition of the Itsukushima pilgrims and police officers (a group that protects the pilgrims to Itsukushima) from setting up checkpoints without permission to collect taxes.Secondly, just recently, he even ordered the prohibition of extravagance in the territory.

Damn, historical records kill people.Who said that since Izumo's defeat, Ouchi Yoshitaka has been in a state of depression for a long time, at least since this year (1545), Ouchi Yoshitaka has obviously begun to pay attention to political affairs.

After reading the information from various places, Zhengliang stood up, and then walked to the terrace of the castle tower, put his hands on the guardrail of the terrace, and looked up into the distance.The sound of the Matsuura River in the distance is hitting the rocks on the shore, and the sound of rumbling waves is heard from time to time.

The historical trend of the Warring States period finally swept through. (To be continued..)

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