Warring States Eagle

Chapter 517 Kikuchi reinforcements

"Hehe, borrow my head?" After hearing Heren Qinji's words, no matter how stupid Dajin Shan Zidong was, he could have guessed that Heren Qinji planned to use his head and territory as a bet for the Luo family. A certificate of honor, even a gift to please the new master.

The so-called Jiang is old and hot after all. Dajinshan Zidong is almost ten years older than Heren Qinji. He has experienced much more things than Heren Qinji. After experiencing the previous panic, he calmed down instead. , I saw him lightly raised the Taidao in his hand, then grinned at Heren Qinji, and finally shouted: "Kill!"

"Kill!" Feeling the family's determination to die, several of Dajin Shan Zidong's subordinates also shouted loudly, intending to fight to the death with the Heren family's army.The so-called trapped beasts are still fighting, and the fighting power of the people in Dajin Mountain is the strongest at this time.

"Hiss!" At this moment, the samurai who was in charge of exploring the way in front of Dajin Shan Zidong suddenly turned around and slashed at Dajin Shan Zidong.

Dajinshan Zidong looked at the cracked chest in disbelief, and after yelling twice, he fell to the ground. At this time, his chest was bleeding, and he died very soon.

"Ah?" The sudden appearance surprised the rest of Otsuyama's family.

"Hey." When He Renqin saw this scene, he also grinned, as if he knew it would end like this, and then shouted: "Kill me!"

"Kill!" This time, it was the turn of the Heren family's army and the morale of the army rose sharply.The remaining soldiers of Otsu's family were instantly surrounded by an army ten times their number, and they fell down quickly under the chaos of knives.

at this time.The former Dajinshan samurai who had just killed Dajinshan Zidong with a backhanded knife walked slowly in front of Dajinshan Zidong's body.Then he cut off the head of Otsuyama Zidong without hesitation.

"Pfft!" Just when the warrior was about to brag about his actions just now.The tip of a long gun protruded from his chest.

"Uh..." A large amount of blood spewed out from the warrior's mouth, making the warrior unable to speak at all.

"Hey, you are really stupid. How can I give you such a big credit, so you should go and accompany your lord. I heard that your wife is quite beautiful, and she also accompanied her Dajin Shan Zidong for several nights, don’t worry. Your wife will be my concubine from now on, and I will take good care of her for you.” Kazuhito walked to the side of the samurai with a smile on his face, while still holding onto the samurai tightly. Said the head of Otsuyama Zifuyu who was writing.

After hearing this, the warrior's eyes widened with anger, and finally he let out a low growl in his throat, and finally died unwillingly.

"Bury them nearby, we have to hurry to Nanguan City, where Mr. Kinoshita Masao should have completely surrounded Nanguan City, now is the time for me to make contributions!" Heren Qinji was quite disdainful He kicked away the samurai's right hand that was still holding on to his leg before he died, and then shouted loudly.

"Hi!" The surrounding Heren family army commanded immediately.

Just as Kazuhito continued to clean up the battlefield where he was fighting fiercely with the Otsuyama family's army.The fierce fighting on the battlefield in Kamio City has finally come to an end.Zhengliang is also ready to enter the city to take over this important stronghold that guards the entry from Yamaga County to Kikuchi County.

"Report, a large number of powerful troops from Juchi County were found on the mountain road three miles away. The other party seems to come to support Kamio City." At this time, a black eagle rushed to report.

"Oh?" Zheng Liang rushed over immediately after hearing the words, a little surprised.He really didn't expect that the nobles in Juchi County could be unified in such a short period of time, and then quickly mobilize their own army to support them.

"In this case, let's give them a generous gift." After being slightly surprised, Zheng Liang quickly began to think about the strategy to deal with these reinforcements.

"My lord, this family can do this..." At this moment, Kansuke Yamamoto, who had been by Masara's side all the time, immediately gave Masara an impromptu strategy in a low voice.

"Okay, let's act according to this plan." After listening to Kansuke Yamamoto's plan in detail, Masarai immediately decided, "Hurry up and let the military adviser Akabane Shinnosuke come to listen to the order."

"Yes." The messenger under his command immediately took the order and left.

Here, the Luo family has already begun to adapt to the situation and deploy the reinforcements to Kamio City against the powerful clans of Juchi County, and the reinforcements of the wealthy clans of Juchi County, headed by the Shiro family and the Obu family, also rushed to Kamio City at an extremely fast speed. .

"My lord, come down and see, we should not approach Shenwei City too quickly." At this time, Cheng Qindong, who was in the main formation of the reinforcements, frowned and said to the other side of the family, who was also riding a horse.

"Oh? Master Qindong, what do you mean by that?" the in-laws of the Nuggets immediately asked.

"Since I entered the mountain path, the scouts of our army have never come back to report the situation ahead. I'm afraid there is an ambush ahead." Cheng Qindong said.

"So, how about letting the army move forward slowly?" The in-laws of Wubu felt terrified when they heard Cheng Qindong's words.After thinking about it carefully, he did realize that it had been a while since he had received any reports from the detectives in charge of scouting ahead.Reminiscent of the ambushes by the Luo family's army in Higo Tamana County last year, he immediately became alert, so he immediately discussed with Chengqin Dong.

"It's so good!" Cheng Qindong also agreed.

As a result, the coalition forces with a total of more than [-] people immediately slowed down their marching speed, and at the same time they continued to send detectives to investigate and guard in front of the army.

The army of more than [-] people this time was temporarily recruited after discussions between Cheng Qindong and the relatives of Wubu. Since the time was too short, there were only more than [-] people when they set off. As the call for enlistment spreads, it is expected that more reinforcements will arrive soon.

In this way, the allied forces advanced cautiously until they turned the last hill and Kamio City was already in sight. They did not suffer any attack, and the scouts of the army did not find any ambushes along the road.

There are two roads leading from Kamio City to Juchi County. One is a small mountain valley in the northeast direction. At the end of the canyon is a small checkpoint leading to Juchi County. From there, you can directly enter the home of Juchi County. territory.The other road is along the southeast direction, along the north bank of Juchi River.This road is located between the Kikuchi River and the mountains along the Kikuchi River.The reinforcements from Juchi County who came to rescue at this time came from this road.

When the reinforcements arrived not far from Shenwei City, they were immediately taken aback by what they saw. (to be continued..)

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