Warring States Eagle

Chapter 547 Tempest

April, the rainy season.

The cold water of the Matsuura River outside Kishidake Castle is crystal clear.Until the morning, the sandbar on the shore was still drizzling.From time to time, the sounds of foxes or wild boars came from the surrounding forests, which shook people's ears.The morning rooster had stopped crowing, and the mansion was cold and quiet.

At this time, Ju Ji was standing under the eaves, holding Tang Wang Wan who was sleeping soundly in her arms, looking at the small pool in the yard formed by the rainwater from last night.

She remembered five years ago, when her loyal father sent her to Zhengliang to be his wife.At that time, she was only fourteen years old, and she didn't know the difference between men and women very well.The father said to her: "I will send you to the owner of the house. You must serve him well." Then he entrusted the matter to the mother, and the mother told her the physical difference between men and women with a straight face.

"The head of the family is 17 years old, so you must serve with your heart." When she knew that serving was not just about eating and dressing, she blushed.If her mother had shown the slightest bit of shame in telling her these things, she would have blushed and fled the room.However, the mother, who is known as the heroine of women, and even her father tolerated three points, explained to her carefully in a rigid tone: "These are all for the purpose of multiplying children and grandchildren, so don't be careless." [

After explaining, she told her solemnly: "The future is up to you." During the cherry blossom season, she followed her mother to Zheng Liang's side.She met Masara for the first time when the cherry blossoms at the foot of Nogo Mountain were in full bloom.And then just like that, she became Zhengliang's wife.

The two had been married for more than half a year, but Zheng Liang didn't do what the mother said to her about the sex between men and women.Finally, under the urging of her parents again, she couldn't help but shyly asked Zheng Liang why he didn't touch her.In the end, Zheng Liang scratched her nose lightly with his hand.Then said: "Wait a little longer. Those things are not good for your health now."

So she waited in a daze for half a year.Finally, on a night when she waited for Zheng Liang to take a bath, Zheng Liang's bestial behavior was aroused.Soon after, she became pregnant with Tang Wangwan.Since then, Zheng Liang's figure has been deeply imprinted in her heart.

She is just a gentle, considerate, quiet and silent woman who supports Zhengliang behind her back.Although her mother would always tell her when she came to visit her occasionally, women from the wealthy clan of the Warring States period should be enlightened.What is this so-called awareness?She never understood, and her mother did not clearly tell her the true meaning of these two words.

After the sudden news that Zheng Liang was "comatose" and unconscious, she finally understood the meaning of these two words.She desperately wanted to see Zheng Liang, and then do her duty as a wife to take care of him.

But her father Togo Heiji stopped her.Then told her the most important thing to do at this time.That is to bring Tang Wangmaru, who is only three years old, to meet the retainers who swear allegiance, and at the same time, she has to pretend to be calm and show her strong side as the mistress, so that the retainers can feel at ease.

But after all, people have feelings. At this time, she was completely unaware, feeling more lonely, sad, and afraid... But all these negative emotions could not be revealed in this special period, and she even Be the exact opposite of what you feel inside.

Now, the only wish in Ju Ji's heart is to see the side of "comatose" Zheng Liang.But this was still rejected by her father Togo Heiji, so she had to hold her only remaining spiritual pillar, Tang Wanwan, in a daze alone.

Actually.In an attic not far from where Ju Ji was, Zheng Liang was also looking at Ju Ji who was in a daze through a crack.

"Hey! In order to make things more realistic, and to avoid leaks, I can only wrong you for a while." Zheng Liang said to himself.

In fact, Zheng Liang was indeed playing with fire at this time.You know, in the era of the Warring States period, such a thing as the sudden and serious injury of the family governor is definitely equivalent to a magnitude [-] earthquake for the family.If you are not careful, it is likely to cause many unpredictable things.

Of course, as long as Zheng Liang stepped forward in time, many things would be resolved.It's just that the timing of this stand-up must be grasped just right, otherwise Zheng Liang's drama deliberately directed this time may very well become a real drama.

The time soon entered May of the 14th year of Tianwen.The Luo family was caught in the busy spring farming. Although the news that the Lord was seriously injured and comatose had been widely circulated in the territory, after all, the land is the lifeline of the people, although many people really care about the Lord. Injury, but this must be taken care of before thinking about the land that determines whether they have food and clothing.

It's just that the important ministers of the Luo family don't seem to want the citizens to have extra time to think about it, so while the spring farming is busy, the Luo family's cabinet once again issued a large-scale corvee, and organized the leaders to vigorously carry out the construction of the marching road. , water conservancy repairs, farmland reclamation and other corvee labor.

As for the standing troops of the Luo family, they also seemed to remain silent collectively.Since receiving the order from Zhengliang's letter, the commanders of each fan team have been carrying out Zhengliang's order step by step.

Compared with the tranquility inside the Luo family's territory, which seemed to be lurking with unrest, the tyrants around the Luo family responded differently to the news that Zheng Liang was seriously injured and unconscious.

After Feihou, all the nobles who just had a big fight with Luo's family in March finally breathed a sigh of relief. While rejoicing that they could finally organize spring plowing with peace of mind, they kept praying in their hearts that Feiqian's male The eagle will not wake up again.

Of course, peace is not everywhere.In Higo Kamiyijo County, the army of the Nawa family, the Sagara family, and the Ichimune family are fighting with the army of the Omiya Shi family.And Juchi Yiwu, who disappeared from Nianfu City, Juchi County, is not willing to be lonely.He suddenly formed an alliance with the Kakoki family, and regained his original home city.After a little bit of gaining a foothold in the city, he immediately led his troops to the Shangdao City of Omiya Shi's family, trying to fish out of the troubled waters of all parties.

After learning of the sudden change in the Luo family, the Ouchi family immediately sent Masaragi's cheap father-in-law Sagara Takeshi as an envoy to the Luo family in order to find out the reality of the Luo family.Similarly, the Shimadzu family of Satsuma also sent Tadao Ijuin as an envoy to the Luo family.Obviously, both of them were rejected in Anyue City by coincidence. Except for the vague reply from the retainers of the Luo family, they didn't even see Zheng Liang's shadow. [

Compared with the careful investigation of the Ouchi family and the Shimadzu family, the Otomo family seemed to be much more intense. Otomo Yoshikan, who finally put down the rebellion, immediately became furious after learning of the results of Higo's battle. When Zhengzheng was plowing in spring, he resolutely sent two armies to the Luo family's borders in Chikugo and Higo.

With the arrival of Dayou's army, the conspirators who had been dormant in the depths of Luo's family finally realized that the opportunity had come, so they dispatched one after another.

A storm is coming. (to be continued...)

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