Warring States Eagle

Chapter 549 Surgery

The matter of Qu Naose Michizo began more than half a month ago.

In order to make the news of Zheng Liang's serious injury and coma appear more real, Zheng Liang deliberately invited the two most famous doctors in the territory, Xuan Zhi and Qu Naose Michizo, to Kishiyue City.

But since they came to Anyue City, the two of them have been entertained with delicious food and drink every day, but they haven't been able to see the "patient" Zheng Liang for a long time, and they just repeat their life of chatting and hiccupping every day.For this kind of life, as a monk, Master Xuanzhi is better, but Qu Naose Dosan quit.

He came to treat patients, and now not only can't see the patients, but he is also living a life of imprisonment. You must know that he still has a lot of medical books waiting to be studied, and there are still many medical experiments waiting for him to go back and preside over them.How could he waste time here?So he protested several times.

Ordinary little doctors, after receiving such treatment, would choose to swallow their anger, after all, what they are facing is the lord of the country.But Koji Naose Michizo will not be like this.After getting in touch with Qu Naose Dosan for a period of time, Zheng Liang knew very well that this guy is a guy who is not afraid of power for his own medical ideals.For his ideals, he can even give up his own life.What's more, they are actually contributing to the medical level of the Luo family, so they can't be punished out of emotion and reason.

So Zhengliang simply appeared in front of Qu Naose Michizo and the two, and explained the reason, and finally begged them to stay in Kishidake Castle for a while.In order to make the two of them stay more willingly, Zheng Liang even told the two of them some medical knowledge of later generations during the break time, including the knowledge of surgery.

This medical knowledge was completely unheard of for Qu Naose Michizo and the others.Originally, Zheng Liang's purpose was to let the two of them be attracted by this knowledge and then stay willingly to study.As a result, Qu Naose Michizo was completely fascinated.He even used his own body as an experiment.This almost didn't frighten Zheng Liang.

To know.In the period of the Warring States period when the level of medical treatment was underdeveloped, let alone people with severed limbs, the survival rate of babies born according to normal procedures was quite low.But Qu Naose Daozan even used his own body as an experiment?Isn't this lighting a lamp in the toilet, looking for death?

Now, after receiving the notification from Naoshima Naoshige, Masara had no choice but to rush to Qu Naose Michizo's residence.

Fortunately, Qu Naose Michizo just cut his own arm, and then tried the effect of trauma medicine that Masara said.

After seeing Qu Naose Michizo, Masarai immediately strictly prohibited his nonsense.certainly.Knowing his character that he would not give up, Zheng Liang provided him with two other methods of experimentation. The first one was naturally to find some small animals to experiment with, and the second one was to serve as an army doctor in the future and be responsible for treating the seriously injured wounded. healing.Anyway, those wounded such as severed limbs are almost waiting to die. If they can get some experimental treatment from Qu Naose Michizo, maybe they can save their lives.

Currently, there are several research directions that Masarai has given Ko Naose Michizo and his colleagues. The first one is to quickly sterilize medical equipment. At present, the main method is to use boiling water to sterilize anticipatory equipment in advance.It would be best if we could find some way of chemical disinfection.

The second is how to synthesize some semi-finished trauma medicines (such as Yunnan Baiyao), which can heal some traumas such as knife wounds and arrow wounds.

In fact.If Qu Naose Michizo and the others can make a breakthrough in these two aspects, they can actually save many people's lives.As for the advanced skills of cutting human flesh for more detailed surgical operations, in this era of lack of disinfectant, it is better not to even think about it, otherwise, even if the wounded will not die of injury, they will probably die of infection.

During this period of time, in addition to occasionally discussing medical knowledge with Michizo Qu Naose, Zheng Liang also specially thought about logistics and transportation issues.

In the past, we only fought in Hizen, Chikugo and other places, and the roads in these areas were relatively complete and the distance between the various places was not too far away, so the problem of logistics and transportation was not prominent, but this time in the battle of Higo, due to During this period, a large number of mountain roads need to be passed, and the distance from Hizen to Higo is also relatively long, so the problem of logistics and transportation is highlighted.Due to the fact that the logistics could not keep up in time, Zhengliang was even forced to increase the method of supporting war with war (that is, to rob the food of the local rich).

With the continuous expansion of the Luo family's power, the current level of logistics and transportation in the territory really cannot meet the needs of the Luo family's long-distance large-scale operations.Therefore, the logistics transportation problem must be improved.

For this question, Zhengliang first thought of the post station and the issue of passing on the horse system.In fact, in order to transmit information from various places more quickly, in Hizen, Masaragi has asked the Intelligence Pavilion to set up several post roads for the transmission of intelligence information.

Now, what Zheng Liang needs to consider is how to combine logistics transportation with these post roads.

According to Zhengliang's memory, the system of Yichuan appeared a long time ago in China.Around the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, due to political and military needs.After Qin unified China, in order to strengthen the connection between the central government and various regions, the capital Xianyang was the center, and the roads were repaired throughout the country, thus creating conditions for the promotion of the post system.By the time of the Han Dynasty, there was a systematic organization of post-post transmission, which was divided into two types: post post and post post.The post office was the agency for transmitting letters. There were postal kiosks set up at certain distances, and the postal servicemen were dedicated to the transmission of letters. Letters were sent between administrative organizations in counties and counties, and there was no need to send another person. Even a memorial to the emperor could be sent by postal service.The post is also an institution for conveying news, and a post station is often set up every 30 miles on the traffic avenue.There are stage horses in the post station, which provide transportation and accommodation for the messengers, and also entertain officials passing by on business.There is also a kind of organization called "Chuan", which is the same thing as the post, the difference is that the post prepares the horse, and the pass prepares the cart.

After the Sui and Tang Dynasties, water and land transportation became more smooth.In the Tang Dynasty, Chang'an was the center, and there were passages between states and counties, and the main routes were "eight roads".Along the various avenues, post stations are scattered.The post station has both postal and post functions.According to the law of the Tang Dynasty, private pedestrians who should not enter the post should be punished for forty.It can be seen that the management is stricter than that of the Han Dynasty, and it also reflects the nature of serving official needs.At that time, the transmission speed was very fast.

The post system in the Yuan Dynasty developed again.Yichuan is divided into Zhanchi and Jidipu.Zhanchi is equivalent to the post station in the Han Dynasty, and the express delivery shop is equivalent to the post kiosk in the Han Dynasty.Marco Polo once described Zhanchi and said: Each Zhanchi has gorgeous houses with everything needed for accommodation, and there are 30 stage horses in each country.The express delivery shop is used to deliver urgent official documents sent by the government.All states and counties have express delivery shops, and each shop has several people.The shopkeeper delivers official documents, hangs bells and holds guns, and holds torches at night.The bell has great authority, and pedestrians, vehicles and horses on the road have to give way when they hear the bell.Wait at the shop in front of the station, and as soon as the fast horse arrives, immediately pick up the book and continue, just like the current relay race.It is required to run 400 miles a day and night.

The post in the Ming Dynasty inherited the Yuan system and was called Shuima Post and Jidipu.There is also a courier office.Ships are placed by water and vehicles by land where the delivery is located, and they are specially used to transport items used by officials.

After careful consideration, Zhengliang planned to improve the post system by referring to the system of the Yuan Dynasty, and at the same time combine it with logistics and transportation.

The specific method is to set up post stations at intervals on the main marching avenue.In addition to the postmen, there will also be several posthorses that cannot be used as war horses in the post station.

These post stations are only responsible for the transmission of information at ordinary times, and once the logistics transportation team arrives, the stage horses in their post stations will carry out a relay, replacing the previous batch of horses pulling the carts, and are responsible for pulling the logistics supplies to the next post station .In this way, the transportation speed of logistics materials will be accelerated.

In addition, in order to cooperate with the implementation of this system, it is necessary to improve the current transportation vehicles of the Luo family.At present, the logistics fleet of Luo's family is mainly unicycles driven by human power.Once these wheelbarrows arrive on the road with poor road conditions, various situations will appear, and because they can only be pulled by manpower, the speed of logistics material delivery is greatly affected.

Zhengliang is going to ask craftsmen to create some transport vehicles that can be easily pulled by livestock.Of course, the livestock here are mainly horses that cannot be trained as war horses.As for farming cattle, don’t even think about it. Bullock carts are definitely a status symbol in this era. If you use a bullock cart as a vehicle for transporting supplies, you will probably be scolded to death by a lot of officials.

It's just that if you want to come up with such a logistics material transportation system, the investment is calculated in units of ten thousand stones.Horses, personnel, and vehicles all require a lot of money and food to be equipped.

Of course, these problems will be left to be solved slowly in the future. Now Zhengliang's fishing plan is about to mature, and he has caught many guys who are trying to plot rebellion. Now is the time to close the net. (To be continued..)

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