In the castle tower of Takatsuka Castle in Higo Shimoishi County, Honganji still sits on the main seat. Except for a monk, the other five or six are all warriors, and one of them is Ryuzoji Takanobu.

Ryuzoji Takanobu was sent here as a guest of Kikuchi Yoshitake to support Honganji Shangyi.Ever since he reappeared in Kakoki's home, Yoshitake Kikuchi has exposed almost all of his power in Higo.In order to expand his influence in the vicinity, he once again cooperated with Yixiangzong to jointly plan to conquer Yicheng County.

At this time, the atmosphere in the evaluation room was very dull. Ever since everyone learned that all the temples in Yatsushiro and Shimoshijo counties had been burned down by Chief Akaike of the Sagara family, military meetings like this were held almost every day, but because of their opinions, There is no unity, so there is no action for a long time.

After learning that Akaike Changren is in Takatsuka Castle, Honganji Shangyi originally planned to send troops to attack Takatsuka Castle and ask for Akaike Changren to avenge the destruction of the temple. The remaining samurai, headed by Ryuzoji Takanobu, opposed it.

They even want to move their troops to the east, join forces with the Kikuchi family in the east, and launch an attack on the Dao Shangcheng of the Gongsi family, so as to overthrow the rule of the Omiya Shi family in Xiayicheng County, and make Xiayicheng County belong to the Kai family and others. The territory of the Omiya Si family is divided up. Only in this way can they maximize their benefits.One side is the samurai group, and the other side is the monk soldier group. They are not affiliated to each other, so it is very difficult to reach an agreement.Of course, after all, Ryuzoji Takanobu is a foreigner, so although his camp seems to be more powerful, the rest of the warriors were originally some small wealthy families and small lands in the local area (such as the local imperial ship and Jiazuo in Yicheng County) , Yabe, Toyong, Nangoya, Sugao, Xiaoguo and other small wealthy families), they were originally bewitched by the Yi Muzong and joined the Mu Mu Zong's camp.So really as long as there is enough interest.They will also turn to support Honganji Shangyi.

Just when everyone discussed again to no avail.I saw a monk soldier hurried in, he came to Honganji Shangyi, and then handed a letter to Honganji Shangyi.

After the latter opened the letter and read it for a while, he stood up abruptly, and laughed loudly: "Haha, God really helped me. Chief Chichi, I will personally ask for your head to relieve me. I hate you!"

The temples at the junction of Yatsushiro County and Xiayi City are forces that he has painstakingly managed for a long time before gradually integrating them.It can be said that that is the foundation of Yixiangzong's foothold in Feihou, but now Chichi Changren took advantage of the emptiness and burned those temples. Now he has not only lost a lot of money, but also lost a lot of loyal believers. It is impossible not to hate Chichi Changren.

"Come here, send me a letter to the temples in Yatsushiro County, denounce the Sagara family for burning the temple, and seek justice from the Buddha's enemy, the Sagara family!" Honganji said loudly.

"Master, this plan is very clever!" The eyes of the people below immediately lit up when they heard the words.They all praised.It's just that Honganji Shangyi's next order surprised them.

"Hmph, order at the same time. Let the army gather and march towards Takatsuka Castle tomorrow!"


"Master, don't be in a hurry, this matter still needs to be discussed carefully." Longxin Longzhuo immediately advised.

"Hmph, look at this first." After speaking, Honganji Shangyi handed the letter he just received to Ryuzoji Takanobu.If it weren't for the use of the strong army under Ryuzoji Takanobu, Honganji Shangyi would never give him a good face.

"Master, although this plan is ingenious, is the other party trustworthy?" After reading the letter, Longzhuosi Longxin asked half-believingly.

"Naturally it is credible!" Honganji Shangyi said.Although he himself was a little worried, he was much relieved when he thought of the contact person in the temple who was acting as a hostage.In addition, he was no longer willing to wait any longer. With the large army in his hands, he did not believe that Gaozuka City could not be captured.

So, on the morning of the second day, Shoichi Honganji gathered [-] troops. After leaving some personnel to guard Kenshida Castle, Shoichi Honganji led the army and began to march towards Takatsuka Castle.In this army, in addition to the monks and soldiers of Honganji Shangyi and some wealthy warriors who have taken refuge in the Ichikozong, there are also Ryuzoji Takanobu as a guest general and a mysterious guest wearing a mask.

This mysterious guest is indeed quite mysterious, except that he only communicates with Honganji Shangyi, and everyone else will ignore him.But even so, Honganji Shangyi seems to have more trust in him, and will discuss many things with him first.

"Mifune-sama, who is that lord in front of you?" Ryuzoji Takanobu secretly asked Mifune Fangxing next to him.

Mifunebo was originally an important minister of the Omiya Shi family, and the family's home city was Mifune Castle.In ten years of astronomy, he was instigated by Mihisa Shimadzu of the Izumizu Shimadzu family who was very prosperous at that time, and he took refuge in the Izumizu Shimadzu family.In order to prevent the Izumizu Shimazu family from relying on Mifune Castle as a bridgehead to attack the Omiya Shi family's territory, Patriarch Aso Weifeng quickly dispatched his 13-year-old son Senjumaru to serve as the general of the Mifune Castle crusade army, assisted by Kai Muneun.In the Battle of Gunmizaka, Kai Muneun, who was actually in command of the Aso family's army, succeeded in defeating Mifuneboko through a clever strategy.Mifune Fangxing fled to Satsuma and took refuge in the Shimadzu family.

As Mihisa Shimadzu was defeated by Takahisa Shimadzu, he took refuge in Mihisa Shimadzu's son Yoshitora Shimadzu.This time Higo was in chaos in Shangyicheng County. After learning that Kai's family had burned down Mifune Castle due to an accident, he saw an opportunity to restore the old collar, so he came back to summon the old department to try to fish in troubled waters.After Yixiangzong entered Xiayicheng County, he was the first wealthy family to join Honganji Shangyi, and he had a good personal relationship with Honganji Shangyi.That's why Ryuzoji Takanobu chose to inquire about Mifune House.

It's just that Yufune Fangxing didn't know the origin of this mysterious person at all, so he had to secretly say to Ryuzoji Takanobu: "I don't know much about this person, I only know that he appeared at the side of Master Shangyi of Honganji Temple half a month ago. .”

Since he couldn't get the origin of this mysterious person, Ryuzoji Takanobu had no choice but to suppress the doubts in his heart and move on.But in the process of marching, he secretly signaled to the subordinates around him.

His subordinates understood immediately, and taking the opportunity, he secretly returned to the brigade of his own army, and conveyed the order to the soldiers to be careful and vigilant along the way.

"Ahead is the Zipo Passage? The terrain is narrow, and you should be careful of the enemy setting up an ambush here. You need to be cautious when marching." When the army came near the Zipo Passage, Ryuzoji Takashin said to himself. (To be continued..)

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