Warring States Eagle

Chapter 575 The Rise of Maori

Kyushu Satsuma country, Shimadzu family.

As a neighbor, it is impossible for the Shimadzu family not to know about the recent civil strife in the Nanhigo Sagara family across the mountain.Recently, many retainers have suggested taking the opportunity to infiltrate Weibei County, which is adjacent to the Sagara family and the Shimadzu family.

For this matter, Shimadzu Takahisa specially summoned Ijuin Taduro who had just returned from Tanegashima.

"How, how is the progress of the Iron Cannon Workshop in Tanegashima?" As soon as the two met, Takahisa Shimadzu first asked about the progress of the Iron Cannon Team training.

"My lord, the workshop on Tanegashima has already produced ten iron cannons, and the dozens of iron cannons that formed the city using the iron cannons purchased from the southern barbarians have also been able to skillfully use the iron cannons." Taduro Ijuin Report immediately. [

"Well, that's great!" Takahisa Shimadzu nodded.He was already thinking about when he should bring this Iron Cannon team to the battlefield.

"My lord, is it because of the internal turmoil in Nahigo Sagara's family that you are so anxious to summon your servants?" Ijuin Tadaro said again.

"Yes, many retainers in the family hope that our family will take the opportunity to attack the neighboring Weibei County, what do you think?" Takahisa Shimadzu asked immediately.

"My lord, when I was in Tanegashima, did you discuss with the young master?"

"Oh? What's Torajumaru's opinion?" Takahisa Shimadzu didn't expect his son Yoshihisa Shimadzu to have his own opinion on this, so he immediately became curious.For this son-in-law, he had great expectations.

"The young master thinks that this is the critical period for our family to attack Satsuma. If we divide our troops to attack Nanfei at this time, I'm afraid we can't take care of both."

"Is that your opinion too?" Shimadzu Takahisa asked thoughtfully.

However, Ijiin Takaro did not immediately give a clear reply to Shimadzu Takahisa, but continued to analyze: "My lord. Even though our family occupies Nanfeihou, the terrain of our family's territory has become distributed along the coast. Once there is a change in Izumi County, which connects Nanhigo and the Satsuma Peninsula, the family will only rely on the navy to connect the two places, but the Yatsushiro Sea along the coast of Nanhigo is already the waters of the Luo family's navy at this time. Once the navy of the family enters Here, I am afraid there will be a conflict with the Luo family."

"Is your opinion that the family should concentrate all its strength to control the Nakasatsuma area that threatens Izumi County first?" Takahisa Shimadzu continued to ask.

"Exactly!" Ijiin Takaro nodded and said, "My lord. This is already the critical moment for the decisive battle between our family and the three families of Togo, Qidayuan, and Shinraiin in Nakasatsuma. As long as we win Nakasatsuma and then march into Kita Satsuma, then our family will The great cause of unifying the country of Satsuma will be accomplished, and by that time, our family will be bordered by Weibei County and Kuma County of Nanfeihou Country. Then it was taken away."

"Hmm!" Shimadzu Takahisa pondered immediately.Shimadzu Takahisa is a little tangled in his heart at the moment.Right now is indeed the best time to attack Nanfeihou!But the Raiders against Central Satsuma also cannot relax.He was thinking that with the current strength of the Shimadzu family, it seemed that they could fight on two fronts at the same time.

Seeing that Takahisa Shimadzu didn't seem to have made up his mind, Ijuin Tadaro immediately continued: "My lord, even if our family crosses the border of Hisa and attacks Weibei County, Minamata Castle, which is guarded by Sagara's general Inudo Ryan, is still a fortified city. Short-term It is impossible for the Nechi clan to conquer this city, instead they will be caught in a long cage battle."

"Hmm!" Shimadzu Takahisa seemed to have finally made up his mind.

Indeed, as Ijuin Tadaro said, Minamata Castle in Weibei County of Sagara's family is indeed a strong castle guarding the entrance from Satsuma along the coastal land to Nanhigo.

However, as the general guarding Minamata Castle, Inudo Ryan was very depressed during this time.The reason for the depression is because of the army of Asu Weiqian who sneaks up from time to time outside the city.

Ever since Aso Weichang and Aso Weichang's first two father and son were driven out of Higo's Omiya Shi family's territory by Aso Weifeng and Kai, it was the Sagara family who took in this troubled father and son.

For several years.Although the father and son were not treated well, they were allowed to live and work in the Feisa border area.Even when the two father and son counterattacked the Omiya Shi family with the support of the Shimadzu family, the Sagara family opened the way for them to march.

However, it was this Aso Yui, who, after receiving the favors of many Sagara families, not only refused to repay the favor, but also became a hungry wolf among many Sagara families who were trying to carve up Sagara's families at the moment when the Sagara family was in turmoil.Some time ago, when Inutong Ryan sent troops to rescue Yingfeng City, he even sent troops to approach Minamata City several times, so Inutong Ryan had to stick to Minamata City and watched the civil strife in the Sagara family intensify.So Inudo Ryan was very depressed at this time.

Similarly, Zheng Liang, who was in Shenjiang City in front of Nanfei at this time, also seemed very depressed. [

Because at this time a guest who came from An Yi was kneeling in front of him full of expectation.

This person is none other than Yoshikawa Xingjing, governor of Anyun's wealthy family, the Yoshikawa family.

Of course, now he can only be called the former governor of the Yoshikawa family.Because not long ago, he had been forced to abdicate by the alliance of retainers.At this time, An Yun's rich family, the Yoshikawa family, has been secretly annexed by the Maori family.

Speaking of this Yoshikawa family, it has an unusual relationship with both the Nizi family and the Mori family.

Yoshikawa Kousuke's great-grandfather, Yoshikawa Keiki, was a famous fierce general "Oni Yoshikawa" during the Onin Rebellion.Yoshikawa Jingji's bravery was admired by Nizi Jingjiu, and Yoshikawa Keiki also betrothed his daughter as the long-term wife because of his appreciation of Jiujiu's talent.

And Miao Jiu, the second daughter of Yoshikawa Kokyo's grandfather, Yoshikawa Kunuki, is the main wife of Mori Motozuru.Yoshikawa Kokeke's mother is Mori Motonaku's younger sister.Under the influence of Miaojiu, Mori Moto and Yoshikawa Kousuke's father Yoshikawa Motosuke became brothers in principle. Such a close relationship makes the Mori family and the Yoshikawa family often cooperate.

But since Yoshikawa Xingjing succeeded the family governor, the relationship between the two families has slowly changed.

Like his great-grandfather Yoshikawa Keiki, Yoshikawa Kokyo was a fierce general, valiant on the battlefield, especially skilled in archery.He is known as "Today's Zhenxi", and his arching skills are rated as comparable to those of Zhenxi Hachiro, a famous archer in the Heian period.However, his bravery only shows that Yoshikawa Xingjing is a warrior.He is suspicious and repetitive by nature, has a strong temper, and is not very good at handling political affairs and the relationship with retainers.

This character defect is mainly reflected in the repeated betrayal of Yoshikawa Kokeke in several battles between the Nizi family and the Ouchi family.During the Battle of Yoshida-gun Yamashiro in Tenmon 9 (1540), Yoshikawa Kyosuke, who originally belonged to the Niko family camp, felt that Niko Haruhisa's aura was worrying, and the Niko family who continued to follow the autumn wind and sunset would only endanger himself.Therefore, he joined forces with many people from Izumo and Ishimi to rebel under the umbrella of Ouchi Yoshitaka.And later asked to follow the levy out of the cloud.During the Battle of Gassan Tomita Castle, the overall situation of the Ouchi Army disappointed Yoshikawa Kokeke.So Yoshikawa Xingjing once again defected to the Nizi camp with Misawa Weiqing, Honjo Changguang and others, and directly contributed to the victory of the Nizi family.Regardless of the course of the incident, Yoshikawa Kokeke did have repeated behaviors such as turning from the Niko family to the Ouchi family before the battle at Gassan Tomita Castle, and then from the Ouchi family to the Niko family during the war.

As a general, Yoshikawa Xingjing is indeed brave on the battlefield.However, in terms of politics and integrity, it seems that Yoshikawa Kokeke is not very good, and it can even be said to be mediocre. After all, the battlefield is different from politics.Being brave on the battlefield does not mean being able to manage the family business well.Yoshikawa Xingjing's repeated behavior of turning to Ouchi's family for a while and Nizi's family for a while caused strong dissatisfaction among his ministers.In the territory, Yoshikawa Kokeke often entrusts state affairs to Oemon, his important minister, when he is away, but Yoshikawa Kokeke seems to be entrusted to someone else.Daiyoumon Wei Changfu had an arrogant attitude when he was in charge of the country, and was harsh to other retainers, which aroused dissatisfaction among the retainers.Both Yoshikawa Kokeke's uncle Yoshikawa Keisei and veteran Mori Waki ​​Yuuyu believed that the appointment of the arrogant and corrupt Captain Oemon was Yoshikawa Kokeke's mistake.Yoshikawa Kosuke's narrow mindedness and repeated behavior made them feel uneasy, worrying that the Yoshikawa family would be destroyed by Yoshikawa Kosuke.They think that Yoshikawa Kokeke, who is so worrying, is no longer suitable to be the head of the Yoshikawa family.Therefore, Jingshi and others who were friendly with Mao Liyuan conspired to force Yoshikawa Xingjing to live in seclusion, and negotiated with his in-law Mao Liyuan to ask the Maoli family to adopt a relative to the Yoshikawa family to be the head of the Yoshikawa family.

Mao Liyuan has long had the ambition to dominate An Yun, and the proposal of Jing Shi and others is a great opportunity to expand the power of the Maori family, so how could Yuan Jiu let it go?With Jingshi and others as internal support, Mao Liyuan had already started planning to seize the power of the Yoshikawa family.In the 15th year of Tianwen (1546), Jingshi waited for the elders of the Yoshikawa family to hand over the oath to Mori Motona, which included "will obey Yuanzuo's order", "give Yoshikawa Xingkei a retirement place" and "eliminate opponents in the Yoshikawa family. "Three items.

Regarding the changes of these retainers, Zhengliang had already learned from the detective stationed in the territory of Yoshikawa Xingjing, so Zhengliang immediately sent a letter of reminder to Yoshikawa Xingjing.But Yoshikawa Xingjing, a stupid pig, didn't think so.

Finally, in April of this year, with the help of Jing Shi and other retainers of Yoshikawa Xingkei, Mo Liyuan instigated a blow at Yoshikawa's home.For a time, there was a wave of opposition to Yoshikawa Xingjing in the Yoshikawa family, and even a rebellion occurred.Mao Liyuan also used Yoshikawa Xingjing to take full responsibility for Daiemon's corruption and misconduct as an excuse to force Yoshikawa Xingjing to abdicate.At this time, Jingshi and others persuaded Yoshikawa Xingkei to focus on the overall situation. On the grounds that Maoli and Yoshikawa are both wealthy families of Anyun and have an in-law relationship, they suggested that Yoshikawa Xingkei should welcome Maoli Motonuki's second son and Yoshikawa Xingjing's cousin Shaofu Jiro (Yoshikawa Motoharu) is the adopted son of Yoshikawa Kousuke, who inherits the Yoshikawa family to stabilize the family business.Although Yoshikawa Xingjing was unwilling in every possible way, under the pressure of opposition voices, he finally abdicated and lived in seclusion according to the suggestions of Jingshi and others.Yoshikawa Motoharu entered the Yoshikawa family and became the No.15 head of the Yoshikawa family.

According to the development of history, the 39-year-old Yoshikawa Kosuke and his son Senboshi would live a secluded life in Nuochuan between the Mori family and the Kumagai family's territory until they were finally killed by Mori Moto.

After Yoshikawa Xingjing abdicated and lived in seclusion, after repeated thinking, he still couldn't let go of his ambition to restore the Yoshikawa family, and finally decided to take advantage of the Mao family's surveillance. He escaped through a secret road built secretly, and finally came to Zhengliang and asked for refuge. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to read.)

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