Warring States Eagle

Chapter 597 Luo Shi's Soul

Heavy dark clouds enveloped the strong wind, pressing down on Gaoliang City, the fortified city that the leaders of the Luo family were proud of having resisted the invasion of the Otomo family several times.Under the high-quality update, several dry cherry blossom trees whose bark had been scraped off were humming in the strong wind.

In the morning, Samuda Nagaken, who was shot in the forehead by a spear, walked out of the tent. When he realized that he was being supported by his subordinates, he felt the ground under his feet tremble violently.

"Board!" Someone called out, but it sounded far away.

"No need!" Zamuda Changjian was stern and stubborn, "Lead the horse..."

The blood blurred his vision. Although he opened his eyes, he couldn't see anything. Only the face of the other general holding a spear still clearly appeared in front of his eyes. [

"Hahaha..." Being supported by someone and walking five or six steps, Samuda Changjian suddenly burst out laughing.Just halfway through the 50 years of his life, Samuda Nagaken stood in front of the gate of hell.Although everyone is mortal, once we really face death, infinite sadness will immediately flood into our hearts.

"Hahaha..." He laughed again.Man, it's really unbelievable.If you don't understand in your heart, you have to chant Nan Amitabha Buddha, confused and struggling between the lord and the Buddha... But that kind of hesitation and confusion is so pale in front of this gun.Even so, he didn't mean to hate the enemy general at all.He also inflicted heavy injuries on the other party, and he didn't regret it, but he didn't expect the other party to die on the spot.And as long as the enemy general is alive, he can't die, otherwise he will lose, how could he fail?

"Board!" The subordinate shouted again, but Samuda Nagaken could no longer hear him.The plank was brought up, and two attendants lifted it.

"The horse is here." The entourage whispered in Samuda Changjian's ear.He opened his eyes and looked at the sky.Holding the rein tightly in his hand: "Dead... are you dead?"

"Yes... yes. High-quality update enemy generals are dead."

"Lead the horse to the lord. Go to him."

This is the person Samuda Nagaken wanted to see at the last moment of his life.He also has an old mother at home.But his old mother is a strong and competitive female husband.Back then, when Kai Kinao's army approached Takao Castle, and he was hesitant when he was persuaded by Kai Kinao to surrender, it was his mother who came forward to prompt him to make the decision to surrender.If she knew that Samuda Nagaken died before the enemy general, she would have swallowed tears and reprimanded: "He is not my son. He has no will."

When the attendant noticed that Samuda Nagaken's breathing was becoming more and more difficult, he couldn't help speeding up his pace.

"Lord Nagaken Samuda, please see me," Naoshima Naoshige reported loudly.Zheng Liang, who was visiting the wounded, turned around.

The dying Samuda Nagaken was carried in front of him.

"Samute Nagaken!" Zheng Liang strode towards Smuta Nagaken. "How did you get injured?" He asked loudly, but Samuta Changjian was already staring straight at the sky, motionless.

Zheng Liang quickly opened Samuda Changjian's eyelids.Tried his pulse again.He is not dead yet.I just don't know what to think.Zheng Liang shook his body violently: "Samuda Nagaken!"

Suddenly, Smuta Nagaken uttered a voice: "Master! Smuta Nagaken killed the enemy general and returned in triumph."

"it is good!"

"Tell my mother... my mother... I am brave..." These were the last words left by Nagatake Samuda.He grunted, spat out a mouthful of blood, and drooped his head vigorously.

Masara raised his hands silently and bowed to Smuta Nagaken, but did not close his eyes.The dead Smuta Nagaken and the living Masamori glared at each other with all the hatred in their eyes.

No.High-quality update. Smuta Nagaken admires Zhengliang, and Zhengliang loves Smuta Nagaken.despite this.However, Zhengliang had to let his retainers fight the enemy bravely and go to death, and the retainers also had to take the initiative to die. At this time, Jie's sorrow seemed to be whispering to the world.After a long time, Zheng Liang looked up at the sky and wiped away the tears from his eyes.Crows were calling all around, and the wind before the storm was blowing so that the surface of the Chikugo River shone like silver.

"Listen. Smuta Nagaken died after his triumphant return. Tell his mother so."


"Okay, take him back and bury him properly. His son will be taken as my surname, and the territory will be temporarily managed by his mother and wife, and will be handed over to his son after his son takes Yuanfu."

People lifted the planks and retreated.

Zheng Liang watched them go far away, before continuing to visit other wounded and dead retainers in a daze.

At this time, two more door panels were lifted from the front. "Who was injured?" Zheng Liang asked.

"Lord Oishi Tomohisa and his lieutenant, Puchi Jianguang."

"How's the injury?"

"Master Dashi Zhijiu was seriously injured and unconscious, and Pu Chijian has died..."

"Stop, I want to pay homage to Puchi Jianguang." Zheng Liang ordered the arrow-proof cloak covering the corpse to be removed.

One person seemed to have been stabbed in the side of the abdomen, and the blood that flowed out had turned black and was about to solidify.His right hand tightly held the soil and armor, his eyes were closed, his beard was long, his lips were twisted, revealing a row of white teeth.If his parents saw it, they would never forget this face in their lifetime.

"This is Tomohisa Oishi." Zheng Liang recognized the wounded.

Then Zheng Liang saw Pu Chi Jianguang's body again.Zheng Liang put his palms together quietly and recited scriptures to the corpse.Then Zhengliang put the cloak on Puchi Jianguang's body.The faces of Kikuhime and Tangwangmaruyo suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, and he couldn't help asking, "Does he have any children?"

"Three sons."

"All of them will be my surnames, and they will be sent to Luo's Academy to study. After Yuanfu, the eldest son will inherit his original position and territory."

After finishing speaking, Zheng Liang motioned for Juqing to carry the two of them away, and then walked to another corpse beside him.The corpse had already attracted flies, and a fly hit Zhengliang's lips and flew away.Gently lift off the cloth covering the face of the deceased.The man's slightly opened eyes were already white.The knife cut from the shoulder cut off the armor tie. It is hard to imagine how it could be cut like this, revealing the crimson flesh like cherry blossoms.This is a fierce general who he personally followed in the cloaks of the fan team. It seems that he has followed Zheng Liang since Ye Takayama made his fortune. He did not expect to experience so many battles, but he died in a mistake of Zheng Liang.

A crow crowed again from the nearby bushes, and Zhengliang looked at the face of the dead man again.The corpse bathed in the morning light was particularly miserable.This is life... A sudden impulse surged in his chest, and he wanted to shout, this is not life!

"Does he have any children?"

"Two." A cloaked crowd behind him replied.

"Bury him generously. The two children, regardless of gender, will be admitted to Luo's Academy until Yuanfu. All expenses will be borne by the family. The territory will be temporarily managed by his wife."

The cloaked crowd behind him obviously knew the dead cloaked crowd, so after hearing Zheng Liang's arrangement, he pressed his forehead to the ground and began to cry, thanking Zheng Liang for his thoughtfulness on behalf of the deceased.

The door panel was raised again.Zheng Liang seemed to have forgotten everything around him, and he watched them go away quietly.Life and death are the roads that everyone must walk.But it was he who led the retainers to embark on this path early.Thinking of this, Zheng Liang's heart trembled.Am I being too vulnerable today?I must be responsible for my own self-righteousness and self-righteousness.

"My lord, please get on your horse!" Seeing Zhengliang's expression was very different from before, Yoshiro Kawada strode over behind him.But Zhengliang didn't answer.

"My lord, several military advisers and family officials have been waiting in the city for a long time, and now the family needs you to take charge of the overall situation." Ben Duo Zhengxin also said. [

"Don't worry, Yahachiro. I seem to have seen the most precious thing in my family for the first time."

"The most precious thing?" Masanobu Honda, Naoshige Nabeshima, Yoshihiro Shimadzu, and Yoshiro Kawada, who had been following behind Masara, looked at Masara suspiciously at the same time.

Zheng Liang seemed to have fallen into contemplation at this time, and after a long time, he spoke again: "Daimyos from all over the world have their own unique and precious family treasures, but our own family has even more important family treasures, that is, there is a group of discussions on what Under the circumstances, they are the retainers who are willing to sacrifice their lives for this subordinate. They are the most precious family treasures for this subordinate."

As soon as Zheng Liang said this, all the nearby retainers, including the four Honda Masanobu, couldn't help but "ah".

"My lord, this is indeed the most precious family treasure!" I don't know who shouted first.So the surrounding retainers immediately sighed loudly.

Zhengliang's words quickly spread to the ears of the retainers in Gaoliang City.The morale of the crowd, which had plummeted because of the attack just encountered today, suddenly rose again.With the spread of these retainers and soldiers, Zheng Liang's words also quickly spread to the territory of the Luo family, which moved everyone in the Luo family.

Since then, the retainers have secretly made up their minds to live and die with their young lord, advance and retreat together.On the battlefield, they will never retreat, no matter what kind of enemy they encounter, they will fight to the end.Later generations hailed the spirit of the Luo family's retainers who never flinched and defended the lord to the death as Luo's soul. (To be continued..)

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