Warring States Eagle

Chapter 620 Surrender or Die

Ask Zhusuo, this is the litigation and trial handling agency of the Kamakura and Muromachi shogunate.The head of the Wenzhu Office is called "deacon". At first, Sanshan Kangxin, who was born in the noble family, served as the deacon. Later, the deacon Sanshan's family inherited hereditary authority, and his authority gradually expanded.The descendants of the Sanshan family even used Wenzhusuo as the Miao character.

The Wenzhusuo family in Changyancheng, Chikugo, Kyushu is the descendant of the Sanzen family.Since Wenzhusuo’s family took root in Chikugo Kingdom, they have experienced several generations of suzerains including Imagawa, Shoji, Kikuchi, Ouchi, and Otomo. For the survival of the family, they have changed their suzerain almost every time the Chikugo Kingdom changed their overlords. , until the tenth generation of the family supervisor of the Wenzhu family, the Wenzhu family began to follow in the footsteps of the Otomo family, and unswervingly regarded the Otomo family as the suzerain.The important reason for this choice is that the Hinaki Castle at the junction of the Chikugo Kingdom and the Bungo Kingdom has completely fallen into the control of the Otomo family.

For a long time, the border between Chikugo and Bungo has been insecure.Even if the new overlord intends to build fortifications there, it will be destroyed by the army of Suncrow City, which is close at hand.And since the Otomo family took control of the Bungo Kingdom and the Chikugo Kingdom, and because there was already a nearby Hinaki Castle, they did not build fortifications again.

In fact, in history, there have also been several times in which Otomo’s family was forced to temporarily evacuate Chikugo Kingdom. However, as long as Hinou Castle is still in the hands of Otomo’s family, Otomo’s family can return to Chikugo at any time, even It can also support Changyan City, which is not far from Suncrow City, at any time.So every time such a situation was encountered, the family of Wenzhuo in Changyan City would firmly stand on the side of Dayou's family.Therefore, the Rixiu City is the spiritual pillar for the Wenzhu family to support the Dayou family, and this is the last obsession in their hearts.

Now, that pillar has suddenly collapsed.This made Wen Zhu's personal photo uncontrollably panicked.Forcibly suppress the thoughts in the bottom of my heart.He pretended to be indifferent and asked again: "Where did this account book come from?"

Obviously.He still held hope in his heart when he asked about the photo. He hoped that the account books were fake, that's why he asked this question.Huci Jianfang knew that there were so many things in his heart when he asked Zhusuo to take care of him. Now he only hopes to complete this task as soon as possible, and then rush to join his brother Huci Jianlian (Tachibana Daoxue).

Masaragi had previously promised him that as long as he completed this task, he would be allowed to join Toji Kanren, who was recovering from his wounds at Zhongxiao Temple, Notakayama Ra Clan Clan Temple, Matsuura County, Hizen Province.Those "Ten Ten" tortures really left a big shadow on him, and he didn't want to stay by Zhengliang's side for a moment.Now I see such a question as asked by the note office.He immediately said:

"It's the way it is."

Then he honestly told Wenzhu all the things he experienced after being attacked by Luo's family that night.After talking about being captured in a coma, he then told the rumors about the fall of Yamanaki Castle and Akashi Castle that he heard from the time he woke up until he came here.Of course, according to Zheng Liang's instructions, he emphasized to the inquiry office that these were all based on what he had heard.

For an old fritter like Wenzhu's personal photo, only news that seems to be true or false can arouse his uneasiness.If it was too real, he would naturally not believe it, but if it was too false, he would be able to distinguish it.Now Huci Jianfang's words happened to make Wen Zhusuo's relatives believe eight points.

"You mean, the gate of Shanxiu City was broken by a weapon of the Luo family that could fire projectiles like monsters?" After listening to Huci Jianfang's narration, Zhusuo was silent for a while, It seemed that he was digesting the news he had just received, and then asked suddenly.All the vassals in the surrounding inquiry offices also immediately cast their eyes on Huci Jianfang.They are obviously also very concerned about this sudden appearance of weapons.

"It's a divine weapon. It's a divine weapon given to Lord Masaragi by the Great Bodhisattva Hachiman. With a thunderous sound, it can break through a solid city gate with one blow." Huci Jianfang said quite piously.In fact, he was also completely conquered by the deliberately deified description of Luo's family detective, so he also firmly believed in the power of this weapon.If this artifact hadn't been kept under strict custody by the Luo's family after it appeared once in Shanxiu City, he would have wished to go to Shanxiu City to take a good look at it.

After listening to Huci Jianfang's description, Wenzhu's photo became silent again, but the surrounding retainers had already started whispering, and most of them had expressions of panic and fear on their faces.Now everyone knows that the Luo family is asking them to express their views. If they continue to support the Dayou family this time, then this powerful weapon will open its terrifying mouth to them, and their city gates will be able to withstand it. Can it withstand its attack?

Seeing Wenzhu's personal photo fell into silence again, Huci Jianfang was stunned for a moment (he thought the other party would continue to ask), and then instantly thought of Zhengliang's explanation to him last night, so he immediately pretended to be loud said:

"My lord, to be honest, Mr. Zhengliang is already in the camp outside the city at this time, and following him are the fearsome Luo family cloaks under his command."

With the rise of the Luo family's reputation, apart from Zhengliang being gradually known, those Luo family cloaks who followed Zhengliang in white cloaks were also familiar to the people of Kyushu because of their bravery.Therefore, the cloaks of the Luo family are the representatives of the elite of the Luo family.

After Wen Zhuo, who was still silent at first, heard the words, a gleam of cold light appeared in his eyes, but deep in the cold light was great worry and even fear.

As soon as Huci Jianfang's words came out, the originally noisy meeting room immediately became cold and quieted down instantly, and then everyone involuntarily looked at Wen Zhusuo who was sitting on the main seat.

"Surrender or die, is this the choice you give to our family? You really deserve to be the Eagle of Hizen!" Sensing the eyes of all the clansmen, Wen Zhusuo said to himself bitterly in his heart.

Zhengliang did it really beautifully.Obviously they came to persuade them to surrender, but the word "surrender" was never mentioned in the middle, but the effect was much better than directly asking Zhusuo's family to surrender.In fact, at this time, the Zhusuo family had no choice.

Huci Jianfang is not a stupid person, he immediately thought of the meaning of this.In this regard, he couldn't help feeling afraid of Luo Shi Zhengliang, a lord younger than him.Ever since he stood in front of the governor last night, things have gone according to the routine that the governor had planned in advance.Even all the reactions during the period seemed to be within the expectations of the other party. Whether it was myself in his 30s or an old guy in his 50s, it seemed that everyone was being played by him. In the palm of your hand.Thinking of this, Huci Jianfang suddenly felt cold sweat running down his back, even more horrifying than when facing the "ten tortures" directly. (If Zhengliang were here, he would definitely sneer at Huci Jianfang's feelings. Given his previous experience in the workplace, these are simply a piece of cake.)

Thinking of this, Huci Jianfang couldn't help but think, is it a wise decision if the family continues to fight against such an enemy?Do you want to beg Zhengliang to give him a chance to write a letter home to persuade him?

Just when Huci Jianfang was in a state of uncertainty, Wen Zhusuo, who was above the main seat in the meeting hall, also fell into a battle between heaven and man.

From the current point of view, it is basically impossible to expect the Otomo family to help.Obviously, the Zhusuo family has to rely on themselves.Is it really good to just join the Luo family?As for the name of the Luo family, which has suddenly risen rapidly in recent years, I have also paid special attention to the personal photos of the Zhusuo before.

As the governor of the family, Hizen Eagle Roshi Masarai is indeed a superior lord, whether it is strategy or bravery, he can be said to be the most dominant lord he has ever seen. Even privately, I asked the note to think that Luo Shizheng Liang is better than his suzerain Otomo Yijian must be excellent.

It's just that the time for the Luo family to rise is too short. Such an overlord kingdom has been established in less than ten years, which always gives people a feeling of unstable foundation. It has been run by generations, and it can be said to be deeply rooted and leafy, which is also the reason why Wenzhu's relatives have been reluctant to leave Dayou's house at this time.However, it seems that the family has no choice at this time. With the strength of the Luo family at this time, they can completely wipe out the family after paying a certain price.

After thinking like this for a long time, he slowly raised his head. Seeing the flustered and expectant eyes of the retainers, he slowly let out a breath, and then said:

"Come here, open the city gate for me, and welcome Duke Zheng Liang into the city!"

(Thanks to "6213430" for the monthly pass; thanks to "Xingziyun" for the reward.) (To be continued...)

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