In the ward, all the retainers who suddenly discovered that the governor Otomo Yoshikam had died suddenly panicked.Everyone first accused each other of killing the house governor, and then quarreled again.In the end, under the persuasion of Usuki Kansu, everyone calmed down.

After calming down, everyone first reached a consensus on covering up the news of the death of the family governor, but it was only about the successor of the family governor.Irita Chimako and Wakabayashi Echigomori insisted on following the last words of the family governor, while Saito Harima, Kosai Yamatomori, Tsukumi Misaku, Taguchi Kurotosa and others disagreed and insisted that the eldest son be the family governor.Instead, Usuki Jiansu became a middleman between the two parties.In the end, everyone broke up after a quarrel.

After returning to the residence, Irita Chincheng and Wakabayashi Echigomori first discussed.After repeated discussions, the two immediately split into two groups, and Irita Kinshin immediately set off for the Fuinaikan (the Otomokan) to assist Otomo Yoshikam, who was left there in order to avoid other people's suspicion of serious injuries, to control the Fuinaiguan. However, Wakabayashi Echigo Mori returned to the navy garrison, and then led the navy to Beppu Bay to strengthen the prestige of Shioichi Maru's mother and son.

Saito Harima Mori, Kosai Yamato Mori, Tsukumi Misaku Mori, Taguchi Kurotosa and others originally considered that the family needs to be stable during the period when the lay governor had just died, so they originally decided to stay put and wait for the final discussion of the retainers. The heir to the house governor will arrange other things.In the end, he suddenly received an urgent report that Irita and Wakabayashi Echigomori had secretly left Kakumure Castle.

This surprised everyone, and they realized that Nie Tian Jincheng and Wakabayashi Echigo Mori could not wait any longer, so they had no choice but to take action.Usuki Jiansu was sent as the envoy of the Otomo family and immediately set off for Zhoufang.He is going to take Otomo Yoshijin, who is still there as a hostage, home.The other retainers split up to contact other retainers.Immediately, the originally quiet Jiaomuli City began to turmoil.

"Is this true?"

Naturally, such obvious fluctuations in Kamorei City could not escape the detection of the Ogami's family who had been running here for three generations, so Osama Calm quickly got the information about the special actions of Nirida Chincheng and others.

So he quickly found Kato Danzo who was hiding in his home again, and told Kato Danzo the news.The latter also immediately relayed the news back to Zhengliang who was in Anyue Mountain City through the black eagle of Luo's family.

Zheng Liang knew that the good opportunity he was waiting for was about to appear, so he immediately and secretly led the cloaked people and the samurai team to Higo country.At the border between Higo country and Bungo country, the various teams of the Luo family had quietly assembled in a scattered manner as early as half a month ago.As soon as Zheng Liang arrives, he can start to act.Relevant military rations and other logistical materials were also transported to the border in a dispersed manner.It can be said.In just half a month, Luo's family was already ready for battle (among them, the built marching avenue played a big role, greatly shortening the time for marching and material delivery).

At this time, all the retainers of Dayou's family were still arguing over who should be appointed as the family governor, completely unaware that an eagle who knew the general historical trend was already preparing to sneak attack at the border.

After returning to the Funaikan, Irita Osama quickly helped the Shioichimaru mother and son to control the army in the Funaikan, and immediately threw himself into the action of canvassing for the Shioichimaru mother and son.

As for Usuki Kamsu, he was still on his way to Shufang at this time.It's just that Ouchi Yoshitaka, who is far away in Zhoufang, has received the news of the internal changes in Ouchi's house in advance.After discussing with his retainers, Ouchi Yoshitaka finally decided to let Ouchi Yoshikam's son, Ouchi Yoshin, return to Otomo's house in order to cope with the unexpected (at this time, Ouchi's family also guessed that Ouchi Yoshikama was seriously injured by Luo Shizhengliang) . There may be accidents).

"Huh, can you finally leave?" Dayou Yizhen, who had been under house arrest for several months, learned that he could return to Dayou's house.He exhaled slightly in his heart, and then followed the several relative warriors who had been in charge of protecting him before walking out of the yard with a cold expression.

"Young master, the boat back to Bungo is ready, shall we board the boat immediately?" After walking out of the yard, the samurai beside him asked.Since there is no need to put Ouchi Town under house arrest, and this place is in the vicinity of Ouchi House Town Yamaguchikan, the Ouchi family army that was originally in charge of monitoring and guarding Ouchi Town has already left ahead of schedule.

"Go back directly by boat." For this place where he was under house arrest, Dayou Yizhen didn't want to stay any longer.

So several Otomo warriors immediately escorted Otomo Yizhen to the boat by the river.They planned to arrive at the beach by boat first, and then transfer to sea boat to return to Bungo country.At this time, Dayou Yizhen didn't know that his father had died, and the retainers were also secretly fighting over who would succeed the family governor.

At this time, a group of Ouchi family troops came over, and the leader of the samurai said to Ouchi Yizhen:

"My lord, I am here to escort you back to Bungo country by the order of my lord." Yoshitaka Ouchi is not an idiot either. In this sensitive period, he still considered the safety of the son of Otomo's family. .

"No, please go back and express my gratitude to Dazai Daieru on my behalf." Ouchi Yoshitaka rejected Ouchi Yoshitaka's arrangement a little rudely.

After being rejected by Otomoyoshi, the samurai of the Ouchi family did not return immediately, but ordered a dozen or so ashigaru under his command to stand by nearby, and then he went back to ask for new instructions.

"Who are you?" Just after the soldiers of Ouchi's family walked away, another group of people who looked like farmers surrounded them, and the warriors around Dayouyi Town immediately stopped these people. People are the boatmen arranged for them by the Ouchi family.

"I...we are..." The leader of the peasants seemed to want to reveal his identity, and while introducing himself, he approached.

"Slow down, stop!" The samurai seemed to realize something was wrong, so he stopped immediately.

At this time, the leading farmer pushed away the Otomo warrior who was about to stop him, then suddenly pulled out a dagger from his arms, and pointed it at Otomo Yizhen who was standing by the river impatiently watching the boat prepare. Just stabbed in the past.A few of the other farmers behind him also rushed out in an instant, and killed the samurai of Otomo's family.

"Assassin!" The samurai of Otomo's family shouted immediately.

Then they immediately fought against these assassins who appeared out of nowhere.The Ouchi soldiers who had just left nearby and were still on standby not far away also noticed something was wrong, and immediately rushed to this side shouting and killing.Suddenly, there was a flash of swords and swords on the river bank.


At the beginning, the assassination of Otomo Yizhen's people was too fast. Although the other Otomo warriors realized that Otomo Yizhen was in danger, they couldn't move in time.On the contrary, Dayou Yizhen was quick-witted, and after a scream, he jumped back and jumped directly into the river.


"Little Lord!"


The forces of all parties suddenly issued different voices.

"Withdraw!" Seeing Dayou Yijian who jumped into the river was washed directly to the middle of the river by the rushing water, and then disappeared, pretending to be a farmer, Ari, who had just been responsible for assassinating Dayouyi Town, had to call his men to leave quickly.

The samurai of the Ouchi family and the soldiers of the Ouchi family who just arrived were eager to find the town of Ouchi who jumped into the river. They did not concentrate their forces to chase Ari and others for a while, so Ari and others were able to escape smoothly. (to be continued..)

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