In the upper reaches of the Ono River, the river is tens of meters wide, rolling rapidly, making it difficult to cross.

Standing on a rock by the bank, Zheng Liang threw the branch he had broken off into the river, only to see the rushing water tumbling, creating a splash of water, rolling and setting up the emerald green branch that had been rolling up and down on the river. With silver light, the branches rushed away until finally disappeared with the water flow.

"Start!" After pondering for a while, Zheng Liang ordered decisively.

Following Zhengliang's order, hundreds of wooden platoons were pushed out by the rear support farmers and soldiers, and then pushed into the river of Ono River.And the left soldiers who had been ready for a long time on the shore boarded the raft one after another. Each of them held a bamboo pole cut down nearby and a long knife pinned to their waist (all other footwear and other equipment were taken off. to avoid sinking to the bottom of the river due to the weight of the body after accidentally entering the water), after boarding the raft, use the bamboo pole to start paddling the raft, and strive to go to the opposite bank.

These rafts were built overnight by 1000 farmers and soldiers in the rear, and the purpose was to use them to row to the opposite bank.The Northern Shiga family's army had just been terrified by the Luo's family's cover-type long-range shooting. Before the commander Shiga personally gave the order to retreat, these soldiers began to flee one after another.Even the most valiant soldiers will run away when they can only be beaten but cannot fight back.Shiga, who almost became a loner almost instantly, had to leave angrily under the protection of several relatives and samurai, leaving only a corpse lying on the river beach on the east bank and still moaning in pain. Wounded soldiers who could not escape.

At this time, the Luo family's army had to quickly ferry part of the army to the opposite bank while the enemy was stunned and hadn't reacted, and then set up a temporary camp on the other side.Then cooperate with the staff of the Luo family on the west bank to rebuild the bridge by using the piers left in the river from the burned bridge.Only in this way can all the large troops of the Luo family reach the other side.

And just as the first army led by Zheng Liang was stepping up to cross the river.The big friends finally reacted.Irita Jincheng immediately invaded by foreign enemies. Everyone should be united.And Dayou Yizhen, who is the eldest son, disappeared at this time as a catchphrase.Call on everyone to immediately accept Yanshimaru as the governor of the family, and then unanimously speak out.

Although the vassals headed by Saito Harimamori who supported the succession of the son-in-law as the family governor did not agree to serve Shioichimaru as the family governor immediately, they also agreed to temporarily resist the invading Luo family under the leadership of Shioichimaru (it is estimated that Masara did not expect it, because he The premature intervention of Otomo's family led to the temporary union of the top and bottom of Otomo's family).

However, the situation facing the Otomo family at this time is not optimistic.Due to the long distance and the lack of fast transportation, so far they have only received an early warning of the Luo family's invasion on the upper reaches of Ono River.As for the current specific battle situation, they don't know anything.In addition, the most serious thing is that the army of the Luo family who attacked Sane Town in Zhirui County happened to be stuck on the only way for the rest of the counties to rescue Jiaomure City in Jiuzhu County. While blocking the rescue route of Kakumure Castle, another army was sent from Hita County to go straight to Kakumure Castle.Therefore, Kamurei City is in danger of being besieged.

What's more important is that at this time, not only the body of the previous governor Otomo Yoshikan is parked in Kakumure Castle, but also three important family officials, Kosai Yamato Mori, Tsukumi Misaku Mori, and Taguchi Zorotosa, stay there. At this time, these people were taken over by Luo's family, and Dayou's family would lose face.Fortunately.At this time, there were still 4000 troops stationed in the city, plus the military forces organized by the local wealthy and great gods.At least an army of [-] people can be formed to meet the Luo family's army.No matter how bad it is, it is still possible to defend Jiaomuli City.

After some discussion, the Otomo family's reinforcements were divided into two groups. The group headed by Saito Harima Mori and Usuki Kamhasu quickly returned to their respective territories to organize their forces, and immediately went to Kumamurei Castle in Oita County to pull out the card with all their strength. The Luo family's third army in the main rescue route, then rescued Jiaomuli City.

And the group led by Irita Chingcheng quickly organized an army and rushed to the Ono River Basin, trying their best to drive the invading Luo family army out of Bungo.As for the navy army led by Wakabayashi Echigo Guards, they cooperated with the remaining defenders to guard the mansion hall.

When the members of the Otomo family finished their discussions and began to recruit troops, the army led by Zheng Liang had also built a temporary bridge on the upper reaches of the Ono River, and most of the Luo family's troops stranded on the east bank were able to arrive smoothly. West Bank, and began to build up.

At four quarters before midnight (1:3 p.m. to [-]:[-] p.m.), leaving the rest of the formations to set up camp on the east bank and reinforce the bridge, Masaragi and the generals of the formations led the troops to Takashiro, which is far away from Kita Shiga's house. hundreds of places away.

After the first battle in the morning, the fleeing army of the Kita Shiga family who had been intercepted by the river beach on the west bank fled directly back to Gaocheng, and then stayed behind closed doors.It seems that Shiga is going to defend Takajo to the death.

Indeed, Shiga Kido, who was in Gaocheng at this time, was indeed preparing to defend to the death, so as to temporarily delay the Luo family's offensive pace, so that the powerful families in the rear would have enough time to raise troops to defend on the spot or even come to rescue .He believed that with the food in the city enough to satisfy more than 1000 defenders in the city for a year, and the self-sufficient mountain spring in the mountain wall behind the city, and the three-foot-high (nearly ten meters) city wall piled up with rocks, he could completely Stay inside until the Roche family withdraws from Bungo territory.

"What do you all think of this city?" Looking at the high castle hundreds of meters away, which looks like a castle embedded in the mountain wall, Zheng Liang said.Since the Luo family occupied the Higo country, it seems that in order to prevent the Luo family from invading the Bungo country through the border of the Higo country, Otomo Yoshikan deliberately continued to support the Kita Shiga family to build this high castle on the border of the Bungo country a long time ago.After such a long period of construction, this fortress has suddenly become the strongest and tallest fortress in the border area of ​​Bungo Kingdom. Even Zheng Liang feels insignificant standing in front of it.

"Sturdy, tall, and fearsome, it's really a fortress." Masanobu Kosaka, the leader of the left formation behind him, replied.In fact, there is still one sentence he didn't say later, that is "difficult to conquer".

"Haha, it seems that you all think that this city is difficult to break through!" After turning his head and scanning the generals behind him, he found that most of them were concerned, so he couldn't help laughing.

"Hmph, my lord, how difficult is it to break through the second city? You only need to break through the only weak point of this city, the wooden city gate." Prussia, a skilled craftsman who participated in the battle of the Luo family for the first time, spoke at this time. road.

"If we attack the city gate by force, I'm afraid our army will suffer a lot of casualties!" Isino member Chang said.His words are not unreasonable, because the passage leading to the gate of the high city is a narrow mountain road, and the entire mountain road is within the bow and arrow range of the high city walls on both sides.It is conceivable that if one wanted to forcibly approach the city gate during the siege, one would have to walk a bloody path on this mountain road.

"Even if we can get close to the city gate, how can our family break through the city gate? At this time, there is no siege engine or large cylinder in our formation. Even with the kerosene in hand, it may not be able to burn down the city gate quickly!" This time it was Masanobu Fumoto, the left-handed army who spoke out.

After several years of careful training by Zheng Liang, coupled with the fact that he is smart enough, the current Honda Zhengshin can be called a general.This is just one month since he was sent to the seventh standing ashigaru team, he quickly gained a foothold in the seventh standing ashigaru team, and got the approval of all the generals and soldiers of the seventh standing ashigaru team You can see it.Of course, due to his lack of experience and the fact that he is not fully aware of the situation of his own family, although he has already considered the situation and supplies in this military situation before raising this question, it is still necessary to consider it. What is lacking.

So, right after Honda Zhengshin finished his words, Prussia on the side immediately reminded him: "No, our family still has a way to break open the city gate in an instant."

"Okay, everyone, the lord of the country did not say that he must conquer this fortress!" Just when Prussia's words aroused the curiosity of all the retainers, Zheng Liang spoke out.Zheng Liang is naturally clear about the method of breaking the city that Prussia said, but Zheng Liang didn't want to waste his cards on this fortress, so he decisively interrupted Prussia's words.

"Everyone, in the military academy, you should have heard the story of Chen Chuang's secret escape from the Ming Dynasty?" Just as all the retainers looked at Zheng Liang in surprise and bewilderment, Zheng Liang said with a smile. (To be continued..)

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