In the middle of March in the 18th year of Tianwen ([-]), the Luo family officially entered the Bungo country. In just five days, the Otomo family, who were unable to react in time, lost a lot of territory.

First, the northwestern part of Naoiri County bordering Aso County in the Higo Kingdom was invaded by the Luo family, and half of Naoiri County was lost in an instant.Immediately afterwards, the main force of the army led by Luo Shi Zhengliang, the governor of the Luo family, rushed into the southwestern part of Zhirui County in one fell swoop, and almost took the remaining half of Zhirui County into his pocket.And Hita County, which was already occupied by the Luo family last year, also began to go to Jiuzhu County of Otomo's family.

It's just that after Dayou's family reacted quickly, the Luo's family's offensive pace finally encountered obstacles.First, Masaragi's army encountered the stubbornly resisting Kitashiga clan, and within a short period of time, they could not immediately take down Takashiro, the main castle of the Kitashiga clan.Then, the third army was caught by Otomo's vassal Usuki Jiansu's empty city plan, which led to the Otomo's opening up the important passage captured by his surprise soldiers. At this time, Otomo's reinforcements were heading for Kamouri Castle in Jiuzhu County.Meanwhile, the Luo family's second army, which was attacking Jiaomuli City, also encountered fierce resistance from the defenders of Jiaomuli City.

With the loss of the passage between Otomo's other territories and Kamurei City, Zheng Liang had to re-examine his next attack plan.

According to the original plan, Masara planned to use Oka Castle as a base to take advantage of the situation and go to the lower reaches of the Ono River to occupy Ono County, and then enter the Funaikan, the ruling center of Oita County, which is close to Otomo's house.This road is the main attack direction of the Luo family.

Zhengliang chose this direction as his main attack, not only because the plain area along the Ono River provided the fastest route for marching, but also because Ono County also had the well-known Odaira gold mine in Kyushu.

This gold mine was discovered by Otomo's family three years ago. Although it is called a gold mine, it is actually a mixed mine of gold and silver, and there is more silver than gold, so later generations generally call it Odaira Silver Mine. .A silver mountain that has only been developed for three years must still have a lot of gold and silver ore.

More importantly, Zheng Liang from later generations knew that there was also a tin mine in Oping Mine.This tin mine was discovered during the gold mining process the year before last.However, due to the technology and the lack of application, it did not attract the attention of the Otomo family (the Otomo family did not know its function until they cooperated with European missionaries).What Zheng Liang knew better was that the tin mine was accompanied by lead mines.

Lead mines are too important to the current Luo family.In the iron cannon and firearm production workshops that Luo’s family has formed, the raw materials that are currently in short supply are saltpeter, lead ore, and iron ore (the main local minerals in Japan are mostly copper mines, and ores such as saltpeter are almost extinct. Lead ore and iron ore are also very scarce).If you can get the Odaira Mine.The source of lead ore will be greatly relieved.And tin mines can also play a huge role in the Luo family's weapon manufacturing.Therefore, taking Ono County and thereby occupying the Odaira ore is also an important purpose of Masaragi's Bungo strategy. [

As for the third army occupying Kokonoe Town and the second army attacking Komure Castle, they played the role of involving the main force of Otomo's family.Among them, the third army occupied the other territory of Dayou's family, and the passage to Jiaomuli City was particularly important.As long as it is stuck here, Kakumure Castle, which is isolated but houses Otomo Yoshikam's body, will become a bait to attract Otomo's family to continuously increase troops to rescue.It's just that with the loss of the checkpoint here, Kakumurei Castle will no longer be an isolated city, and the members of Otomo's family will naturally transport Otomo Yoshikami's body back to the Fuchikan as soon as possible.In this case, the bait function of Jiaomuli City will disappear, and the Dayou family will naturally be able to calmly deal with the Luo family.

At that time, Luo's family fell into a stalemate with Otomo's family.But this is the situation accepted by the Zhengliang Law, and it is also the situation accepted by the Luo Family Law.The reason is that there is not much food in the warehouse of Luo's family.

Years of wars, especially last year's battle with the two coalition forces of Otomo and Ouchi, plus peasants and soldiers (such as logistics soldiers, soldiers temporarily recruited to guard the newly occupied city wall, etc.).The total number of troops mobilized by the Luo family has exceeded 4, and these people consume a lot of food every day.In addition, after the war, it is necessary to resettle new citizens, relocate wealthy families, accept new citizens from neighboring tyrants, build marching avenues, demolish fortresses, reclaim new fields, and consume wages for materials such as workshops in the territory. Distribution and other consumption.A large amount of food will be consumed within a day, so the food in the warehouse of the Luo family's territory is about to run out.

This is why Zheng Liang only led an army of less than 1 people to invade Otomo's house this time.This is a relatively safe method after many discussions between Zheng Liang and several important officials. It can not only prevent the supply of food and grass from running out due to a longer confrontation, but also barely maintain the normal operation of the territory until the arrival of the autumn harvest.

If the current situation continues, even if the Luo family keeps their current territory and stops advancing, the Otomo family will definitely fight back with all their strength.And judging from the location of the field, the newly occupied territory of the Luo family is vulnerable to a large number of attacks at this time. If this continues, the confrontation that was originally avoided will begin.Once the time is too long.Zheng Liang reckoned that he would have to quit Bungo, otherwise the food and grass would run out, and the Luo family's army would collapse without a fight, and even affect the stability of Hizen, Higo, Chikugo, and Chikuzen territories.

"That's the only way to go." After looking at the map in his hand and meditating for an afternoon, Zheng Liang finally took a picture of a certain position on the map and said to himself.This map is a temporary map drawn based on the memories of Zhengliang's descendants and information obtained from various powerful families.

"Come on, please come here, General Rutian Yishi." Zheng Liang then ordered the cloaked crowd outside the big tent.Historically, Irita Yoshimi was a guy who was very knowledgeable about current affairs. He was the first to surrender to the invading Shimadzu family after the Otomo family began to decline in the Battle of Erchuan.Moreover, he also attracted Shihe Jianlong, the governor of the current Minami Shiga family who had played with him since he was a child and had a good friendship.

However, Zheng Liang's next plan is closely related to Minami Shiga's family.If you look at the map that Zhengliang had just placed on Mazha, you can see that Zhengliang has drawn a straight line directly between Nanshan Castle and Kumauri Castle in Oita County.

That's right, Zheng Liang was going to take a risky approach. He set off directly from Nanshan City, then crossed the Jiulianzhong Mountains near Nanshan City, and arrived directly at Xiongmuli City in Oita County.In one fell swoop, the strategic situation at this time was reversed.

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